
Murder at the Dinner Party de C.J. Archer

de C.J. Archer - Género: English
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The staff in high society households are expected to be unobtrusive, but a dead butler in the dining room tends to get noticed. Did he die of natural causes or was he poisoned?

Cleo is hired by the housekeeper at a Mayfair residence after the police rule the sudden death of the butler was the result of natural causes. Not convinced by the verdict, she wants Cleo to prove foul play was involved. Considering he was acting mysteriously around some of the guests, and they were equally mysterious when they saw him, murder is a possibility.

When the investigation leads Cleo to another decades-old murder and the sudden disappearance of the primary suspect, she's even more determined to uncover the truth. But the rich and powerful don't like airing their dirty laundry, and her efforts are thwarted at every turn. Enlisting Harry Armitage to assist her, Cleo matches wits with her suspects in an effort to discover the secrets they're trying desperately to...

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Love this series but how are Cleo and Harry still not together??? It’s been 8 books! I’m not sure I understand Cleo’s problem is at this point.5 s Cm198833

If youre reading this after the 9th book has come out, you can go ahead and skip book 8. I'm actually angry at this book! I'm so sick of the will-they-wont-they drama!!!! Just move the relationship along or end it! I love this series, but we already had the "we just kissed!" story 4 books ago and I'm getting bored. It's especially annoying because I waited 6 months to see how the relationship would progress after the end of the last book only to find ZERO progress has been made and shes set it up so the next book will be more of the same. My biggest pet peeve with any story is fake problems. Quit trying to make problems where none exist. They each other, just let the relationship happen already!

The mystery itself was also lackluster. We spend 3/4 of the book following one line then suddenly abandon it for something that was barely mentioned earlier at all.

The only reason why this book gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because I the series overall, but this book was a big disappointment.4 s Reader10

This is the worst of the lot so far. The mystery itself was fun enough. There were a few fun plot twists. The investigation was messy, par of the course for the series. However, the relationships between the characters, especially the one between Cleo and Harry, usually made up for that for me. That was not the case for this book.

Cleo running away/becoming avoidant post the cliff hanger kiss of the last book is not unexpected. That it is accompanied with little to no yearning or any real thinking on Cleo’s part at all is a massive let down. It makes the chemistry of the last few books and Cleo’s own motivations behind all of her actions in the last few books feel unimportant. If she is no longer going to work with Harry as an investigator, what does her future look ? How is she planning to become financially independent? After all, her avoidance of Harry is based on her fear of marriage and her wish to be independent. At least, that is what can be assumed based on previous books. In this one, she does not seem to give that wish much thought, which is wild considering all her actions in this book seem to be caused by that wish.

Her actions occasionally make sense, but they are accompanied by so little insight into her thought process etc that they feel divorced from any emotional motivation whatsoever. Considering that basically all of her previous actions have been emotionally driven, it makes it hard for her to feel the same character at all. It makes Cleo’s avoidance of Harry feel less character motivated more an authorial excuse to write more books, which is a shame.

Similarly, a large B plot of the story is the hotel manager stepping away from his work. Cleo’s uncle is concerned that the man is looking for another job. Cleo is concerned that something is wrong. It is understandable that she does not want to investigate the man for her uncle. It makes much less sense for her to never voice her concern given her warm relationship with the man in the previous books. He might not have told her anything, but he would ly have appreciated her concern. Her not talking to him at all, outside of mentioning a job at another hotel, feels very out of character. In truth, that entire B-plot feels rather half-assed. The stakes are high considering Cleo’s relationships with everyone involved, but, again, the lack of any emotional thought or action on Cleo’s part neuters the tension or any associated consequences. She expresses her concerns to Harmony and realizes she shouldn’t have. As readers however, we never really feel or hear those concerns. We do not see the consequences of Cleo speaking with Harmony. There is just such a lack of detail in this plot, in the book in general, that it is hard to get invested. It is a shame as there was so much promise for this book. Hopefully, the next one is better.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Megan Gibbons4

I’ll start with saying I have enjoyed this series and was extremely excited for this book.
I am however frustrated that Harry and Cleo have not moved forward in their relationship. Mainly bc I anticipated it would bc of the ending in book 7.
Harry’s demeanor has also changed, from reluctant and protective to not cause additional problems with her family and not moving forward in their relationship; to now making silly comments about it. He passive aggressively states they should be together even making jokes about it. I’m not sure how I feel about this change.
The ending?!? Ugh, the ending lacked everything. In book 7 we were left in pins and needles with that KISS. I loved it. This ending didn’t give you anything.
I will continue to read the series, but this booked was in my opinion, disappointing.
Is you are listening to the audiobook Marian Hussey is, per usual, amazing in her narration. She has become one of my favorites.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Charles Stallard13

Cleo does it again.

I the way that Cleo and Harry blunder their way through their investigations, accusing this person and that with very little evidence. I’m even coming to Floyd and Flossie.
Read on and enjoy this little yarn.1 Bobbi1,028 3

3.5 stars. Although I’m totally enjoying Cleo and Harry,
the murder mystery didn’t really hold my attention it should have. 1 Debbie Lacey262 7

Another fun visit with Cleo, Harry, and everyone at the Mayfair, This time Cleo not only has to identify a murderer, but first she has to prove there was a murder. The suspects and clues abound, and this one took me totally by surprise. It was nice to see Cleo seemingly more comfortable working with Harry, but I missed the round table discussions with the Mayfair staff and Harmony's more active role. Thankfully, they were all present, just not as involved in the investigation. Is it my imagination or might there be a love triangle in the making with the young Scotland Yard Inspector? Oh, I hope not. It is past time for Cleo to get over herself and agree to a relationship with Harry. Of course, now I will anxiously await the next book while fretting about this potential new complication in Cleo and Harry's non-relationship relationship. Clearly, these characters draw me in and capture my imagination and emotions. Whatever your feelings about Cleo and Harry, this was an entertaining read, and I highly recommend it. (Tip: Do read the series in order of publication.)british-mystery cozy-mystery female-investigators ...more Allie35 2

I loved the first book, but as the series progressed I’ve been in turns disgusted by Cleo stalking and forcing herself at her love interest, annoyed as she whined when he actively sent her away or ignored her, disturbed by the way Harry treated her and this all dragged out over 7 books. Now, he’s interested and Cleo is suddenly not interested, behaving badly and inconsiderately towards her family, breaking into places and repeatedly getting caught. And, then Harry claims he’s a PATIENT MAN! Oh, hell no. He’s a bipolar hothead who pops off at the most random and inappropriate moments, is easily irritated and rarely controls his emotional outbursts. Sort the character traits out, please. The mysteries are fun but their situationship is toxic Gale Costa1,034 2

Another excellent book to the Cleopatra box mysteries. I love this series and I love CJ Archer. Once again, she produces something enjoyable and keeps you guessing while you read and listen to the story. Don’t miss out on this great addition to this series.audio Rose12

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