
The Breaking of Mona Hill de Christy Aldridge

de Christy Aldridge - Género: English
libro gratis The Breaking of Mona Hill


Most of her life had been spent against the wall. Pushed against it to be yelled at, abused, backed into corners to keep from escaping. When your entire life was spent against a wall, it wasn’t crazy to begin finding ways to blend into it.
To become one with the wallpaper.
That's what Mona has been doing for the last fifteen years. Blending in. Staying quiet. Remaining invisible. Even if she's slowly fading away each passing day.
Mona has learned that secrets are sometimes the only way to survive.
But when you're carrying a secret that could end up killing you, being invisible becomes survival...M.F

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Christy Aldridge has created a smorgasbord of feel bad vibes with “Mona.” This book wears its PTSD a dark cloak around itself. Dread permeates most of the manuscript throughout the novel a poisonous miasma.

It’s oppressiveness is a thick, ominous, fog. You’re constantly on edge worrying about the main protagonist.The book has numerous themes, but to me the most vital are religion and hopelessness.

Another theme that is fascinatingly explored is the after effects of survivor’s guilt on a person’s psyche. Really excellent, graduate level psychology is on fine display here. I could tell a lot of effort went into this story and it paid off in dividends.

This is a downbeat, bleak, and wholly essential piece of engrossing fiction that is my sleeper hit of 2023.

Highly recommended!12 s Horror Reads360 131

This book is dark, bleak, and emotionally charged and you won't find hope or redemption within the pages. But it WILL (or at least SHOULD) frighten you on an emotional and mental level.

Here you will not find vampires, ghosts, monsters, nor supernatural creatures. But the full unbridled cruelty of humans is displayed in its full spectrum of heartbreaking evil.

Mona Hill is our fifteen year old protagonist and the book begins with her at a place that performs abortions deep in the bible belt. The reason she is there gives us our first glimpse at what kind of life she has and it's anything other than good.

This book will explore issues of family, religion, and hopelessness all while making you feel as if your emotions have developed a case of PTSD.

The characters we read about are deeply flawed and we find ourselves with Mona as the claustrophobic environment of her home town doesn't allow for escape but gives plenty of pain and suffering, grinding her down and forcing her to choose between decisions that are both equally horrifying.

You'll find it difficult to read this in one sitting. There were times that I had to stop and take several breaths. But that's what makes this book so damn effective! I psychological horror that makes me wince, cringe, and squirm. And this book does all of that and more.

I absolutely highly recommend this book. Just keep in mind that it's not a "feel good" type of story and prepare yourself for the emotional wreckage beforehand!10 s Cat Voleur307 13

When receiving an ARC of this book I was asked if I needed a list of content warnings. I was asked if I was sure. Finally, I was told it was okay for me to tap out if I needed to.

So I knew before I ever received it that this was going to be a winner.

Not all readers the kind of fiction that will test them. I will not pretend that The Breaking of Mona Hill is a book for everyone. There is actually no one in my personal life that I would recommend this to. What I can say is that if you are the sort of reader that wants to be pushed, and you're looking for a book you won't ever forget, this is the one.

Having all the warnings that I had about this title, I prepared myself for the idea that it may be disturbing. I was impressed that it did live up to that reputation, and I was pleasantly surprised by the manner in which it approached the variety of twisted subject matters. Although it has a novel-length list of trigger warnings, none of them appear without some greater purpose to the narrative. The experience is shocking, but you can tell that the elements were not included purely for shock value as every line of abuse plays back into the central themes. Every violent act explores the relationships between the characters. All the horror has a meaning.

This book is a brutal and unflinching depiction of abuse, religious extremism in the south, and the utter sense of helplessness to control circumstances into which one is born. There's a pervasive sense of isolation, loss, and suffering. It is also a story about strength, and choices, and what it truly means to be broken or not.
5 s Heather DaughrityAuthor 1 book78

The Breaking of Mona Hill tells the story of a teenage girl caught up in the backwards backwoods beliefs of her fundamentalist family. Young Mona finds herself in a precarious position when things begin to happen which make her question everything she's been raised to believe, in a world where questioning anything - especially if you're a woman - is a dangerous sin. This is a story of religious zealotry, generational curses, and the crazed lengths some people will go to in order to defend their skewed ideology.

I don't want to give too much away about the actual storyline, but I will say this: Christy Aldridge has a unique way of writing which punches the reader right in the gut. Her stories - this one definitely included - will leave you feeling uncomfortable and discomfited. She writes horrific scenes with the most stunningly beautiful brutality. You will finish reading this book with a broken heart and the distinct need to go take a scalding shower. And then you will continue to think about this story for a very long time.20233 s Maxine (Booklover Catlady)1,358 1,327

Trigger Warnings: Rape, Incest, Abuse, Abortion

This is not an easy read. I definitely wanted to list those trigger warnings first up as the book kicks off with them early and is what the book’s mood revolves around. The blurb eludes to the dark themes of the book.

It’s a heavy and dark book with a solemn and sad mood. My heart broke for the main character Mona from the start. The really sad thing is that despite this being fiction, statistically it’s very much reality. That’s what cuts so deep.

The writing was okay. It didn’t wow me but also didn’t put me off or make me want to put the book down. Set against a backdrop of poverty and regional fervour and unwavering belief in “fire and brimstone” Christianity that dominates many regions of the USA. Can you be made dirty against your will but God still loves you? This is the type of question raised by Mona (he does by the way!). Mona struggles to find any safe place in the world.

A story looking at how can a young girl escape a life of violence and abuse and at what price? many victims she’s learnt to try to be invisible because when she is seen the bad things come. This is a story of the most messed up of dysfunctional families. You are rooting for Mona but you will also be swathed in sadness and pain for her. Plenty of characters you’ll immensely dis.

I can’t say this is an “enjoyable” read and if you tackling the deeper and more challenging topics in your books you certainly will find that here. The Author went to places that many may not. I do feel the trigger warnings are important.


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2 s J.E. EricksonAuthor 6 books18

Chilling, bleak, and gut-wrenching. I haven't read a book this unflinching in its view of abuse, trauma, and desperation since Dorothy Allison's "Bastard Out of Carolina".

Set in the American South, Aldridge paints an all-too-familiar portrait of the different methods of power used to control young women. Religious, physical, sexual, social, mental -- the depths she plumbs reveal just how deep and ingrained true evil runs in a society of extremism and close-mindedness.

The senses of helplessness and tension are masterfully constructed. Mona's is a unique yet familiar character -- a 15-year-old girl from a poor and abusive family who just wants to wriggle out from beneath the thumb of her family and society to make a better life for herself, whatever that may look . The forces keeping her from realizing freedom are terrifying and horrible, and their oppressiveness is palpable from the very first page all of the way to an ending that is both triumphant and heartbreaking.

When I finished this, I immediately hugged my wife and dogs. 2 s H. EverendAuthor 15 books108

Wow. I...have never felt so much in a long time when reading a book. And almost none of it was good. There were several times I wanted to each in the book and hold Mona close to me. This story packs several punches and does not relent. You think something good will happen? Nope! You feel a tinge of hope? Gone! To me, there were some powerful, powerful emotions in this story and it really shows just how scary religious fanatics and/or some people on general can act. This is not a light read at all, and I would step with caution if you take the plunge with this novel.owned2 s Chanel HarryAuthor 11 books23

All I have to say is woah!

This book entombed me from the very first page. Mona's story was not only horrifying in this book but it is horrifying because things this happen within our country.

Here we have Mona Hill, a fifteen year old girl who lives in the Bible Belt, specifically Alabama and she lives with a family that are super religious and full of terrifying secrets.
As I dived further into this psychological horror, I realized that Mona's plight was worse that I could have ever imagined and a veil of hopelessness that she had felt in the book, stayed with me until the very end.
This isn't your usual horror novel where things go bump in the night. This horror novel is all too real in our society and it is worse that any fears that we can dream of.
This book is heartbreaking, terrifying, savage and cruel all wrapped up into a black box with religious fanaticism, and abuse as it's bow to wrap up this box.
I recommend this tour de force of psychological horror but read with caution and brace yourself for the tale that is The Breaking of Mona Hill.2 s Ashley Buzzeo1 review1 follower

Christy is one of those rare authors you can depend on to always release a good book. She understands what real horror is-- people. I had the pleasure of receiving an advanced copy in exchange for a review. Firstly, I loved the main character and felt Mona was very relatable. I have been through a similar situation to Mona so I was rooting for her the entire time. This book has heavy themes of religious trauma and fears. Therefore, it reminded me of the case of Anneliese Michel as well as the movie the VVitch. All in all, if you are looking for a good psychological thriller that will put your mind through Hell (in a good way), this is the book for you. It's hard to put down and you can't wait to see what happens to Mona. Lastly, I felt this book was cathartic for Christy to write and it was equally cathartic for me to read.1 Dani75

My heart hurt so much while reading this
I wanted to reach into the pages and give Mona a hug and save her from her heinous family
She is written as a beautiful, tender soul that was dealt the worst hand in life
This book evokes raw, painful emotion from its reader
Christy has quickly become a new favorite author of mine
I have also read These Ghosts Bleed by her and I absolutely loved it
Very much looking forward to more of her work

1 Lauren CarterAuthor 9 books15

What a emotional and desolate story - Christy Aldridge knows how to make you suffer.

Even just from the get go, I knew I would need a good, long cry after this one. This book did not hold back on its punches, I have been so beaten down.

(I'm actually broken Christy, what have you done to me??)

horror1 Daniel LornAuthor 6 books55

The Breaking of Mona Hill is a serious, harrowing and dread-drenched descent into ‘real horror’. It’s a very unpleasant read, but it's genuinely captivating!
I particularly enjoyed the ‘exorcism’ layer, which was perfectly timed, and the ending was brilliant!
An extremely powerful book that pulls no punches and certainly brings something new to the world of horror.
Highly recommended!1 Jason Kirk12 4

This book will be available from 15th March 2023. I was sent an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is without a doubt one of the most powerful and affecting books I have ever read. Jeez, it dug its fingers into my brain, messed with my emotions and for a large part of it I was so engrossed it felt my hands were nailed to it. This is most definitely *not* a story for the faint of heart. There's sexual assault and some extreme violence. However, for me, it's the emotional and psychological brutality that makes this story so heartbreaking.

Mona Hill is 15 years old and lives in a small town in Alabama. She's wise beyond her years and all she wants is to be good and free....but life has other ideas. In her short time on this earth she has been through more than anyone should ever have to. She feels invisible; nobody cares who she is inside and she feels as though she's just there for others to use and abuse. She lives in fear and feels constantly observed, controlled, restricted. And just when she thinks things can't get any worse, they really, really can and she finds herself in a living hell....

So we're presented with an everyday, familiar, domestic setting but what happens within it is the full range of despicable inhumanity. A place that is inhabited by all too human monsters who reveal the true nastiness deep in their souls. Religion is explored in this scenario but not as something warm, protective and offering succour. It is something hypocritical that is used to control, coerce, shame and justify cruelty.

What I found so impressive about this book is how the author so effectively puts us right into the scenarios depicted. This is both as an observer and also as Mona herself. I found it *so* easy to empathise with Mona, to experience her misery, despair and longing for a better life. It's real heartrending stuff and I felt so invested in how things were going to work out for her. I also really, really wished I could dive in and rescue her!

There's also a real sense of dread and anticipation that starts very subtly but then just builds and builds. Very tense stuff indeed. As for a rating, there's absolutely no doubt: 5?????5-star-reads1 Siobhan Falen199 2

A 15-year-old girl, raised in an extremely abusive, overly religious household, finds herself in the hellish situation of needing an abortion. But in her household, no matter the sin, abortion is the worse you can commit and no secret stays safe for long.

Egads, this was a rough read. Heartbreaking, insightful, devastating, and makes you want to grab the nearest child in a protective bear hug in the hopes that perhaps that kindness is enough to save them from walking a dark path.

What lustful thoughts lurk in the confines of a person's mind are no one's fault or control but their own and should never be laid at the feet of the victim of their desire.

Well written with a strong protagonist who never sees how strong she is, this story addresses how no one can break you quite as well as family can. Davidscotthorror 3

Mona is a character that goes through horrid times with family and the whole story as you turn page by page to get resolution—Christy makes the journey deep and dark and captures your attention from the get go! There are triggers so beware but it packs a hell of a punch especially as the story progresses. No spoilers ?? ????????/?????????? but go read it and be warned some scenes are intense. Tee Dunn146 1 follower

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