
Leopard's Hunt de Christine Feehan

de Christine Feehan - Género: English
libro gratis Leopard's Hunt


In this pulse-pounding novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Leopard series, animal instinct unites two elite shifters whose heads are at war with their hearts.

Gorya Amurov might be known as his family's peacekeeper, but the leopard inside him wants nothing more than to claw to the surface and unleash hell. A harsh life has shaped him into a vicious fighter with a calm exterior, but Gorya knows it's only a matter of time until he loses all control. Deep down, he truly believes he'd be better off dead, and that no woman will ever accept him as a mate....
Maya Averina has spent years hunting the criminals who destroyed her life, and she always takes down her prey. She keeps to herself, stays under the radar, and never loses focus. But with her body burning up and her mind distracted by her first heat, an ambush takes her by surprise. Now she's trapped, an unmated female shifter about to be sold off to the highest bidder. Maya is ready to fight her way...

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Rachael Lospostos is leaving her old life behind by traveling to the rain forest (with a new name and a new identity) on a medical relief boat full of medical supplies for regions in need. When the boat she is on stops the passengers get ambushed by bandits with guns and Rachael flees into the rain forest. While hiding out in a tree house she falls asleep and gets woken by a leopard that attacks her by biting her leg. There is also a man there, with the leopards, who ends up tending to her injured leg. His name is Rio Santana and he seems quite at home in the forest. He gets on well with the leopards, walks around naked a lot, and is very mysterious. While recovering from her wounds Rachael finds herself trusting Rio. She feels she knew him before---but that seems impossible. She would surely remember if she ever met a man Rio. She ends up telling him her story of why she's on the run---she's trying to disappear because someone wants her dead. Rachael spent nearly a year preparing for this moment of escape. Now she has a price on her head because there is a huge reward for anyone who knows where she is. Rio then tells her his story---he murdered a man who killed his mother and afterwards Rio was banished from his people. Rachael and Rio also find they have many things in common.

Rachael and Rio were the perfect couple. They both seem to have memories of each other but this is the first time they met. Could it be they were lovers in a past life? When Rachael arrives at the rain forest she feels so comfortable there, alive, and at home. Then there's the story of the "leopard people" Rachael's mother used to tell her when she was young. Was it for real? Are there "leopard people"? Is Rio one of them?

I loved the descriptions of the rain forest. I felt I was there with the soft, gentle rain always pouring down, the sounds of the animals and insects, the colors and smells of the forest, the humidity, etc...

This was an entertaining paranormal romance though it was very slow at times. The pace picked up a bit in the second half of the book. I d the main couple. There were some references that Rachael and Rio could be a reincarnated couple---the flashbacks and memories they have of their life together in which they never experienced in this life... It was never fully explained.

They also were both shape-shifters...leopard people. This is the first book I've read in which the main couple shifted into leopards. Rachael wasn't aware that she was a shape-shifter until she arrived at the forest. Rio knew he was. I d the part when Rachael first "shifted" and how happy she was when she was free to run wild in the forest.

An enjoyable read by Christine Feehan with steamy love scenes, great atmosphere, and some suspense.contemporary jungle-rainforest-safari paranormal-supernatural41 s Sarah Elizabeth4,780 1,351

“Someone was trying to kill her.”

This was an adult paranormal romance featuring leopard shifters.
(This is the second book in the Leopard people series.)

Rio and Rachael were both strong characters in this story. Both had been hunted before, and both knew how to take care of themselves, even when that led to further problems! I felt quite sorry for Rachael, as it seemed her problems weren’t of her own making, and for her to then be injured and unable to take care of herself really bothered her.

“Rachael was comfortable in a world of deceit and treachery. She knew no other way of life.”

The storyline in this followed Rio and Rachael as they met and discovered that they were in fact a mated pair. We also found out the details of Rio’s life, and the reason that Rachael had a price on her head. I found the pace in this quite slow, and the book did feel quite long.

“Something whizzed past her ear so fast it hummed, thudding into the wall, sending splinteres in all directions.”

Quite a lot of this story was focused on the romance, and there were some fairly explicit sex scenes, nothing too kinky though.

“A tidal wave swept through Rachael, carried her up and up until there was no where to go and she was free-falling, imploding, fragmenting. Until there was no part of her that wasn’t consumed by fiery pleasure.”

The ending to this was very much a happily-ever-after, but I do wonder if we will learn more about some of the other characters in this book in the future books in this series.
6.5 out of 10
adult as fantasy ...more34 s Sophia Triad2,240 3,618

Rio Santana & Rachael Lospostos
Settings: Borneo

Rachel has run away from danger. She disappeared from her home in the States with a new identity in order not to be murdered by her drug-lord uncle. Her parents were murdered when Rachel and her brother Elijah were children. Her uncle let them live and her brother has been heavily involved in the drug empire.
What Elijah never told her is that he can shift into a leopard and that possibly she can shift too but this has not happened yet.

Rio is an outcast. He lives far away from his people’s village because he killed the human who killed his mother in her leopard form in order to get her pelt. The law of his people states that no leopard shifter should kill humans for such crimes.

When Rio’s “kittens” injure Rachel, she ends up in his bed at the jungle trying to recover. Rio realizes that there is something strange about Rachel – especially when he starts having memories about her from a different lifetime. Could they have been related somehow? Could they be soulmates?

"Does she remember you?"
"I think she does sometimes. I see it in her eyes. And she admits to being just as confused as I am."

There is the mystery of who wants to kill Rachel and who Rachel really is. There is also deep sexual tension between Rio and Rachel. A big adventure that involves traitors, assassins and family members who have kept well hidden secrets will bond the couple.

"I know what sestrilla means, Rio. You are calling me beloved one.”

However, beyond doubt jungle and its fauna are the protagonists of this book.1paranormal-lovestories leopards shifters31 s Alex is The Romance Fox1,461 1,183

Reread – 1st read in Sep 2013
The 2nd book in this series and what a fabulous world Christine Feehan has created.
From vampires to leopard shifters – from the Carpathian Mountains to the rainforests of Borneo, the wilds of America….and just as captivating. Rio Santana lives a life of solitude with two snow leopard cubs for company in his home hidden away in the rainforest. He discovers Rachael Lospostos in his home. After faking her death, she flees far away from her home to escape assassins who want to kill her and finds refuge in an abandoned jungle tree house. I loved the chemistry between the two. Both feel a past connection between each other and between trying to find who the villains are they give in to their attraction and feelings. Sensual, steamy, intense and emotional.

I adored their interaction …… The author continues giving us a vivid picture of the rainforest, which grabs me and gets me wanting to know more.

This is actually turning into a fabulous series!!!!
authors-a-h christine-feehan lendable ...more21 s Danielle The Book Huntress 2,676 6,408

Although it had a little bit of a slow start, Wild Rain turned out to be another winner for me. I can see how Christine Feehan's writing style doesn't work for everyone. She is very wordy. But I that she really puts a lot of detail into descriptions of the setting and the feelings of the characters. It adds to the atmosphere and the emotional intensity of her stories, which is why she's a favorite of mine.

Ah, the jungle descriptions. Simply gorgeous. I wanted to be there, so bad, except for the humidity and the nasty bugs (which she doesn't describe other than mosquitos). But all the plant life, the birds, the small mammals, the primates, and the big and small cats. It sounded heaven to this animal and nature lover. And it was crucial to bring you into Rio's world: savage, yet beautiful.

At first, I wasn't sure what to make of Rachael. She was very guarded, very closed-off. Soon, I came to realize that this was a very important part of her self-defense. As the story unfolds, you realize just why Rachael has made a lifetime out of isolating and withdrawing herself, not allowing herself to feel deeply and to become involved with anyone or anything.

Rio, in contrast, is described as a man who feels his emotions deeply and honestly. He's not a crybaby or anything that. No, he feels what he feels. He's not about denying things to himself to be tough. He deals with the lousy, and puts it into perspective. He was exiled from his people for an action he willingly committed. He is a loner, with few friends (only the men in his unit), and no one to love him. I loved that he was a tough, strong, deadly man, but he could be emotionally honest and available to his woman.

Surprise, surprise when he comes home to find a girl in his house. This part amused me, reminding me of Goldilocks. But there is a violent interaction that leads to Rachael's leg being badly injured by one of Rio's companion clouded leopards (who are as cute as the Dickens). He ends up nursing her, and falling in love with her in the process. I really d the nursing scenes (probably the medically-trained streak in me).

There is a feeling of deja vu between the couple, as if they loved each other before. This left me a little confused. It wasn't attributed to reincarnation, but it was never explained why they felt that way. Were they merely soulmates who 'foreknew' each other, even to the point in which they knew what it felt to make love to each other, and what pleased each other intimately? I never got clarification on that. But, it was a small thing, and I just went with it.

I was really pleasantly surprised with the reveal about who Rachael truly was, and her complicated relationship with her brother, Elijah. Pretty dark stuff. Fascinating, really. I don't see too many heroines coming from that background. That's a thing I love about Christine Feehan. She is not afraid of the dark subject matter. And, I think she handles it very well. Can I just say that Elijah was a hot one? He definitely has an antihero vibe along the lines of Rehv from the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Very sexy and dangerous. He was a good counterpoint to Rio, who was also a very dangerous man, but very nurturing and gentle with Rachael, despite or because of his alpha-male tendencies. I'd love to see more of Elijah. He's so tortured. He deserves a happy ending.

Oh, the shapeshifting and cat parts! One of my favored aspects of this book. I am a huge aficionado of big cats. They have the beauty, the elegance, and so much grace, coupled with a lethality that makes them utterly fascinating. I think that Ms. Feehan clearly did a lot of research into the rain forest ecology, and into the species of leopards that she used in this book. It felt very real, and it was interesting, but never came off as disruptive natural history lectures. Being the nerd that I am, I had to look up the various species on Wikipedia, to see pictures of them and learn even more facts. But, yes, I truly enjoyed the cat/shapeshifting parts of the story. It was very well done. This book is on my list of favorites in this genre.

Although I read Burning Wild first, and I still that one better, because Jake was so darn intense, and it was such a dark journey coupled with a strong, fascinating, beautiful romance; I really did enjoy this book. I can be honest and say that those who don't certain aspects of Ms. Feehan's writing, will find things to quibble about. She does tend to overuse some words, but not the ones you're probably thinking of right now. And, as I stated earlier on, she is very verbose. I shrug it off. I am used to her writing style, and I go with the flow. I was very entertained with her vivid descriptions of the rain forest, animals, plants, and the beautiful, emotional romance between Rio and Rachael. I think this is an excellent series, and I cannot wait to read more.

Overall rating: 4.5/5.0 stars.

animal-character-steals-the-show exotic-setting-jungle-island-desert favorite-or-autobuy-author ...more19 s Lover of Romance3,214 989

Wild Rain is the second in the Leopard series, and one that once I had finished felt deeply satisfied. I It is my favorite among the series so far, it was a intense but tender love story between two people that find themselves drawn into a suspenseful plot that will send them both fighting for their lives.

Rachel Lospostos, is a young woman where life has been unjustly cruel to her, and those that she has come to care for. Rachael's parents were killed when she was young, and she and her brother were left with their cold-blooded uncle. Her uncle forced her brother to do horrific actions at the threat of her life. Elijah (Rachael's Brother) then kills a friend of hers, in front of her, although Rachael hadn't realized it at the moment, that friend was planning on killing her, for he worked for her uncle. Elijah, however never told her the truth, and after the incident, Rachael stages her death, and created a new identity, hoping to flee from a assassin that hunts her. Thousands of miles from home, away from all that she knows, she heads into a rain forest, with threats out there unknown to her. She assumed Elijah is the one that has sent men after her to kill her. She aches for her brother, knowing all that he had done in the past, was for her. She loves him all the same, knowing what he has turned into. On a journey with a group of people being guided through the forest by Kim Pang, who has great knowledge of the area. They are then ambushed by a group of bandits, Rachael barely escapes with her life in the river. She then finds herself sanctuary. Rio is of the Leopard species, where he can turn from being human to leopard in a moment. He has been shunned from his people from a previous error in his past. He lives alone, apart from two leopards whom he found abandoned and as babies. He cares for them, and even though Leopards are solitary creatures, they continually stay with him. Rio is part of a group of Leopard shifters, who undergo missions where they rescue humans and bring them to safety among the rain forest, since there are many dangers to be found there. As he drifts toward his home, he senses a stranger within its realms, and goes on high alert fully intending to destroy whoever has laid a trap for him. Rachael finds herself being attacked within the old hut that she has found sanctuary, by none other than the mysterious and captivating Rio. After Rio realizes his mistake, and at first he never trust Rachael, but there is something about her that captures his attention. Rachael now badly injured, finds herself in the care of the one who attacked her. His name is Rio, and at first glance he seems dangerous and wild as the forest around them. But as time goes one, and he tends to her gently, she see's a side of him she would have never suspected. Rachael is drawn toward this mysterious creature, whom she seems to share a deep connection with. Rachael comes to the knowledge that Rio is a lot more than just a man, but there is a animal hidden beneath the human exterior. As Rachael past comes to haunt her, they are both faced with a bleak future of being on the run, although they have each other. Rachael is discovering something about herself, something that she has never felt before and is learning to adjust to a new life among the 'Wild Rain'.

I definitely enjoyed reading Rachael and Rio's captivating story, it seems to enthrall me to the point that I could hardly put this book down. The characters were portrayed so well, it was as if I was drawn into the rain forest myself among the trees, humidity, and the wild nature. I was taken on a wild adventure through the rain forest, where passion, instinct and a deep love abides. As Rachael starts to heal from her wounds, their passionate feelings for one another grow until they are both thrown into a climatic sensual ride. Even though there are many that hunt them both, they manage to stay alive and ahead of the hunters. A deep tender lover grows between both Rachael and Rio, that they are unable to resist. I found myself falling in love with Rachael and Rio, but for me both characters have had pasts that were Hell on Earth, and despite all the dangers that surround them, they end up finding a sensual heaven amidst it all. This is definitely one of my favorites from Christine Feehan's writings. Its filled with the perfect mixture of sensual passion, witty conversation, and a thrilling adventure that will knock your socks off!!character-shape-shifter genre-contemporary genre-paranormal-romance11 s Melluvsbooks1,345 Shelved as 'dnf'

DNF @ 25%
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