
Shattered Dreams: A Small Town Romantic Suspense (Hudson Island Book 3) de Christina Sol

de Christina Sol - Género: English
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Christina Sol Publisher: Sol Media LLC, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798989886104

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3 stars!
I enjoyed the book, it was very cute and thrilling.
The romance was fast paced which I usually don’t but because of the mystery aspect it was fine.
Poppy was a very able and strong Character, I loved reading about a Single mom who has older kids!
Cade was also a very interesting Character.
My issue with the book was that I didn’t feel that connected to the story, it was very short and fast.
But I do think I would’ve d it more if I read the other books in the series!!1 Roxanne Jones11 1 followerRead

Three stories in same town, actually read all three, but started with No.3. They were well written and great story lines. Enjoyed all three.1 Melissa77 4

3.5? rounded up

This book was such a fun and quick read!! The type of book I would pick up if I was craving a single mom/overprotective mmc read.

Poppy Walker is a recent divorcee. Her kids are finally off to college and she’s by herself for the first time in forever. In comes Cade de la Rosa, super hot and smooth MMA coach who becomes completely enamored by her.

I love Poppy and Cade’s relationship. At the beginning, Poppy deff made him WORK for her affection which I loved. Given everything she’s been through, it shows how strong of a character she is. And Cade is the definition of acts of service guy. He remembers Poppy’s little quirks and cares about her kids as if they’re his own. I also enjoyed how all the characters in this book were well developed. Sometimes in series with many characters, it’s easy to get lost on who’s who but I didn’t have this issue.

The suspense aspect of this book was interesting too. Albeit a bit predictable, it did add some umf to the story.

Thank you to Grey’s Promotion for the arc in exchange for an honest review!1 Patti Lucas591 12

I loved Shattered Dreams, an incredible romantic thriller by Christina Sol, the third book in her Hudson Island series. Who does not love a first sight romantic thriller with a happily ever after ending? It was an incredible story and I loved reading every moment on every page and it was impossible to put it down. Shattered Dreams was an amazing story and I highly recommend it if you love a romantic thriller. Christina Sol provided her readers with the amazing characters that I loved, who feel close friends! Her characters in Shattered Dreams are so believable and charming, they share great chemistry, lots of laughs, and steamy romance. I love how she developed the story line and the characters. Christina Sol is a wonderful storyteller and is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I love that she wrote Shattered Dreams from the perspective of the main characters. I love getting inside their minds and knowing their thoughts and how they really feel. Shattered Dreams is filled with heartbreaking and heartwarming moments. Shattered Dreams is filled with all those things that I have come to love in a romantic thriller love story, especially the poignant and bittersweet moments that filled this page turner. Shattered Dreams is the story of Poppy Walker, owner of Rainy Day Boutique and single mom to college freshmen Carter and Dylan, and former MMA champion, Cade de la Rosa, co-owner of De La Rosa Gym. Poppy is recently divorced, and her ex-husband Eli is harassing her at Rainy Day Boutique after receiving his copy of the divorce decree when Cade walks in to make a purchase. Cade once again comes to her rescue when Poppy’s car broke down on the way to the University of Washington to return her son’s backpack that he left behind after spending the weekend on Hudson Island. A ceiling collapse at Cade’s Seattle gym that is later determined to be arson changes their plans and they end up spending the night at Cade’s home in Seattle. As Cade and Poppy continue to spend time together things begin to change between them. They each realize that they have feelings for one another, and things heat up between them. I love the chemistry between Poppy and Cade, how the sparks fly when they are near one another and that it was more than chemistry, it was love. Mysterious events happen involving Poppy and Cade, and a fire is set to the Hudon Island De La Rosa gym with Molotov cocktails while Cade, Dylan and Carter are inside. I love everything that Cade does for Poppy to keep her safe. I love how Poppy shares with Cade what happened in her life when she found out she was pregnant at sixteen and her marriage and bitter divorce with Eli and Cade shared with Poppy the highs and lows of his MMA career and his marriage and divorce. I love Cade and Poppy’s love story, and how Poppy shows her vulnerable side to Cade. Then an unexpected plot twist changes things between them, putting Poppy’s life in danger and leading to Cade admitting his true feelings for her. Loved how Gavin Frazier and his team at Hudson Tactical was able to determine who was behind the mysterious events. I love all the changes that both Poppy and Cade are willing to make in their lives because of their love for one another. My favorite part is the bonus epilogue and how it went above and beyond a happily ever after. I love the tattoos that Cade, Carter, and Dylan all get in Poppy’s honor and the promises and plans that Poppy and Cade make with one another. I love the characters in Shattered Dreams, the characters feel family and friends. I enjoyed all the interactions between Poppy, Cade, Four, Quinn, Gavin, Matt and the other team member, it feels real family love and makes me laugh at their teasing. I loved being introduced to Gavin and his team as well as being reunited with Matt Alvarez. Who does not love family and friends that always have each other’s backs? Shattered Dreams is filled with all those things that I love in a romantic thriller, incredible characters, amazing story, poignant and bittersweet moments, and surprise plot twists. Christina Sol did not disappoint in her delivery of those things. I love how she resolved the surprise plot twist; it was truly a heartwarming moment. Looking forward to reading the next book in the Hudson Island series. I received an advanced copy from the author. Rebmay1,933 29

This small town, friends to lovers romance blew me away! Cade is everything you could want in a book hero. Handsome, very fit, kind and acts a gentleman, but is a tiger in the bedroom. He is a former pro MMA champion fighter and now owns of a couple of gyms with his brother. As well as teaching classes, he is now training MMA fighters. He has been content to play the field and avoid serious relationships after his ex divorced him at a time when he needed her support the most. Poppy, a fellow business owner on Hudson Island, has intrigued him for a while now, but she wasn’t free. Now that she is divorced, he is very interested in getting to know her better.

Poppy is a successful businesswoman in her adopted home town. She is also a recently divorced mom of twin boys who are now in university. Pregnant at just sixteen and abandoned by her parents, her ex and everyone else that she thought cared about her, Poppy ended up Portland with her aunt. That is where she met Monty, nicknamed Four, who now owns a bar on Hudson Island. He is Poppy’s best friend and protector. His mom considered Poppy to be part of the family and hated to see her struggle to raise her boys. She left Poppy the boutique and the building it is in, which is fortunate for her now that her spiteful ex has sold their house out from under Poppy. The small apartment she lived in with her boys until she married her ex is vacant so at least Poppy has a place to go.

Poppy is surprised that Cade stepped up protect her when her irate ex showed up in her boutique. Then he shows up to help her boys and Four move her things into the apartment above the boutique. Seeing how he interacts with her boys melts her heart and her resistance to his request for a date. His kindness and gentlemanly manners put her at ease and impress her. As for Cade, he see a different side of her when her boys are around. She is somehow lighter, more vibrant around them and her mom-glaring and stern voice spark him up. Before they can even go out on a date, however, things start to go twisty and sideways. It soon becomes clear that Cade and his brother are a target for someone out for revenge or to prove a point. Poppy’s ex is also up to no good and she is also feeling threatened. Cade’s protective nature comes out in full force and he basically sticks very close to Poppy. Both let down their guards and take a chance on each other. Her boys make things interesting as they also seek to protect their mom…..from him. Their story is steamy, twisty and engrossing with plenty of hilarious moments courtesy of her sons and lots of suspense as Cade, the police and his friends at Hudson Security try to find the person(s) behind the attacks.

I would rate this book at much higher than five stars if I could. If you a swoon worthy hero, a feisty heroine who keeps him on his toes and a story that includes steamy romance along with intriguing suspense, then I highly recommend that you read this book.2 s Eclectic Review1,474 5

I discovered Christina Sol last year when I devoured book 2 in this series so I jumped at the chance to read book 3. It did not disappoint. I love the enemies-to-lovers trope, but Cade's patience and kindness works wonders for this reader as he slowly wiggles his way into Poppy's battered heart.

Poppy Walker is a woman of strength, resilience, and determination. She has fought her way through some of life's toughest challenges and come out with two loving sons, a business that she loves, and friends and family that have her back. Newly divorced from a narcissistic and emotionally abusive ex-husband she is working on her insecurities and trying to regain her sense of self-worth.

Enter the sincere and incredibly sweet Cade de la Rosa. He's a retired MMA champion and local hero who runs a gym training future fighters. His interest in the beautiful Poppy is immediate and with patience and honesty, gives her strength and safety she never felt before.

Poppy and Cade make an adorable couple and are meant to be. Their empathy for others and their common decency is so refreshing without all of the drama and angst that a lot of couples have. I loved how they had each other's backs and settled each other down when panic would start to set in. Poppy's relationship with her college-aged boys is incredible and very loving. And Cade (what a keeper) did a great job of being mindful of that relationship by being real with the boys about his feelings for their mom. 

This book has it's share of twist and turns when someone is trying to destroy Cade's businesses and putting people in danger. I always love a hoard of hot security guys rallying around and protecting the heroine from harm. Yum!

All the characters feel family and friends with their teasing and deep love for each other. Poppy's boys, Carter and Dylan, give a realistic feel to the story with their teenage antics and protective instincts toward their mom. And Cade's friends and brother Dante give so much support and will drop anything to be there for them. 

This sweet small town romance is fun, suspenseful, and steamy. The characters are endearing and the setting is beautiful. I can't wait to read Matt and Scarlett's story.  

Thank you to Ms. Sol for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review. Nickie Sale688 4

3rd book in the Hudson Island series and you get another, easy to read, curl up on the sofa, relax in bed type read. This time it's Cade and Poppy's journey. Both Cade and Poppy are divorced, but it's Poppy's (cheating) ex who turns up from time to time, threatening her, destroying her self confidence and generally being a very nasty piece of work. Poppy's twins have just left home and are now at University, these boys, you just want to squish them, the way they love and care about their mother was just so cute and adorable.

Cade is witness to Poppy's ex threatening her, and then gets roped in to assist (by mutual friend) Poppy move. It's really very clear that right from the start Cade is team Poppy all the way, Poppy is a lot more reserved, shy, holding back on her feelings, thinking she's not good enough for Cade.

I did love the way Cade took his time, wooing Poppy, slowly slowly, doing all he can to boost her confidence. Then those twins, Cade treats them with respect, he knows they want to protect their mum, so he talks to them, lets them knowe how he feels, lets them know that he will protect Poppy.

Then we get the suspense element which I think was under played and so much more could have made of that side of the book. There was no Who done it? to speak of, you were easily led to the culprits. However, weaving both Poppy and her twins into that suspense was nicely done and became the glue that Poppy and Cade needed. Pam1,534 15

This small town romance is sweet, sexy and suspenseful as we make our way through Poppy and Cade's story.

Recently divorced, single mom Poppy who has had her confidence more than beaten by her cheating delusional ex-husband, stands strong and pushes through the steps of life as she runs her thriving business. Thankful for the friends and employees who have stood by her side. But at every turn it seem her ex-husband is determined to knock her down. When Cade happens to see that first hand he is quick to step in and make sure he doesn't get away with it easily.

Cade is a MMA champion who now owns two training facilites with his brother and things are thriving. Focused on business and not really letting any woman in too closely after his divorce. But he finds himself drawn to Poppy and the more time he spends with her the more he is drawn in. The more he wants to be there for her and help flourish her confidence.

This was a refreshing story where two people find a way to support one another, step up to make each others lives easier. Poppy and Cade take turns being the glue that holds the other together in a tough situation. Poppy's boys will melt your heart as they care and protect their mom, while being mature and respectful with this new man in her life.

I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next to come in the series.

*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. *** Misty900 29

This may be my new favorite book. This book has it all, suspense, romance, and the sweetest twin boys. Poppy just went through a divorce, and her ex is a jerk. He spent years beating her down and made fun of her when the town gossip mill started. He deserves everything that comes to him in the end, and I mean EVERYTHING.

After spending years in a bad relationship, she is newly single, and the last thing she needs is a new man. But in walks Cade de la Rosa and he is simply irresistible. Cade is a former MMA fighter, who trains fighters and has his own gym. They have many friends in common but haven’t spent much time together. Cade is completely smitten with Poppy, just hasn’t found an opportunity to ask her on a date.

These two have a lot of obstacles to overcome as the story goes on, but they are there for one another every step of the way. It was easy to fall for Cade, I mean he is amazing with her twin boys and worries about them as if they were his own. These two really understand each other, have great chemistry, and have amazing people surrounding them. It really takes strength on both of their parts to lean on others when the need arises. I really loved the protectiveness in these characters, and I really cannot wait to see what comes next for these characters and their friends. I am really looking forward to the next book, it cannot come soon enough.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review from Christina Sol and Grey’s Promotions. Cristie Sluberski119 1 follower

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