
More Than a Spark de Christie Gordon

de Christie Gordon - Género: English
libro gratis More Than a Spark


Christie Gordon Series: Rock U 06 Year: 2024

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I am a total sucker for best friends to lovers and Christie Gordon delivers a sweet and emotional story that hits all the right notes. As sad as I am to reach the end of the Rock U series, I'm glad that Milo and Ryder finally get together and the Band Wives are now a complete set!

There was a lot of redemption, family and growth in this book and it was wonderful to see!

I'm glad we're staying in the greater Mesa universe for the next spin off - hockey!2 s Kurohagi16

More Than a Spark is the last book in Rock U series, it was a pleasure to read one last time about the members of Knot Me and at last the story of Milo.

Rock U is a low-angst, full of love series. Each book is about one member of the rock band Knot Me. They fall in love fast and hard! These are beautiful love stories.

Milo and Ryder have been best friends since they were kids. Milo is gay, and has known it ever since... Always :) he is not ashame and Ryder is his very straight, very supportive, very best friend!
Life has brought them apart for a time, because of school and job, but Ryder has an opportunity to come back to his family and to Milo... And Milo realizes really quickly that his feelings for his friend are not never diseappered. He has been in love with him, since the beginning of their friendship. Ryder, who has just discovered that he is queer, discovers that he is very much in love with his best friend.

They don't waste time, and quickly accept their feeling. Everything should be perfect but... Ryder has to come out to his family, that's a hard part for him, and especially with his mother. And there is another job, Milo's dream job, that threatens to separate them... again.

Milo and Ryder are perfect for each other.

It's a charming story about friendship to love, with a bi-awakening.


More Than a Spark est le dernier tome de la série Rock U, ce fut un plaisir de lire une dernière fois l'histoire des membres de Knot Me et enfin l'histoire de Milo.

Rock U est une série sans angoisse et pleine d'amour. Chaque livre parle d'un membre du groupe de rock Knot Me. Ils tombent amoureux vite et fort ! Ce sont de belles histoires d'amour.

Milo et Ryder sont les meilleurs amis depuis qu'ils sont enfants. Milo est gay, et le sait depuis... Toujours :) il n'a pas honte et Ryder est son très hétéro, très solidaire, son meilleur ami !
La vie les a un temps séparés, à cause de l'école et du travail, mais Ryder a l'opportunité de revenir auprès de sa famille et de Milo... Et Milo se rend très vite compte que ses sentiments pour son ami n'ont jamais disparu. Il est amoureux de lui depuis le début de leur amitié. Ryder, qui vient de découvrir qu'il est homosexuel, découvre qu'il est très amoureux de son meilleur ami.

Ils ne perdent pas de temps et acceptent très vite leurs sentiments. Tout devrait être parfait mais... Ryder doit faire son coming-out auprès de sa famille, c'est une partie difficile pour lui, et plus particulièrement avec sa mère. Et c'est un autre travail, le travail de rêve de Milo, qui menace de les séparer... encore une fois.

Milo et Ryder sont parfaits l'un pour l'autre.

C'est une charmante histoire d'amitié qui se transforme en amour avec un garçon qui se découvre bisexuel. Anne Harris2,954 21

What a fantastic read!!! this book is about the last member of the group Milo, who is there keyboard part of the group, Knot me. This was the book I was waiting for. I was always intrigued by Milo and this book was just beautiful. You see Milo has been in love with his best friend Ryder since they were in fourth grade. He had many hook ups thinking, maybe that would help him get over Ryder but it never worked. And now his best friend is coming back to the area, he is a firefighter and is transferred to be home near his family and Milo.
Ryder has gone through a few changes since Milo saw him last. You see he had hooked up with one of his gay workmates and is now thinking he’s bisexual. And he was nervous to tell his best friend who is gay should that make a difference?? It also meant he had to come out to his family. He wasn’t worried about his dad or sister, but constantly worried about what his mum would think of him. But as soon as he saw Milo everything changed, the attraction he felt was off the charts. Milo was just different. He was gorgeous and Ryder. May possibly be too late as Milo has been getting close to one of the guys he’s hooked up with.
So what would happen when Ryder told Milo he was bisexual.?? Would Milo tell him he’s been in love with him for years??

This book bowed me over. I absolutely adored the friendship. These two lads knew how to communicate. They knew how to keep that communication open, so no one felt they had to hide their feelings away. The passion between Milo and Ryder wooohooo it is so hot. Please don’t read this on the train home because I’m telling you now your cheeks are gonna be burning red. These two are just perfection for one another, and they are true soulmates and I am gutted that this is the last book in the series. It was great that the other boys in the band and their band wives were all over this book
I’m really excited to the next series.
I received a advance reading copy of this book from the author, and this is me, leaving my honest review . Dinoh (Akari)336 6

This was a sweet way to close a series. Finally Milo gets his HEA while we see how the rest of his bandmates with their band of "wives" continue to settle into their lives, but even closer than ever, always watching each other's backs and supporting each other.

In his story, Milo sees how his best friend returns to live near him, which is something that makes him happy but at the same time fills him with anxiety. He couldn't get over his feelings for Ryker while he was away, how could he now that Ryker was back? And even worse, when it seemed Ryker was looking at him differently, he wanted to devour him? Surely, it was just his own imagination running wild, right?

Ryker returns more confused than ever. A previous hook up with a coworker left him questioning his sexuality, and seeing Milo again was everything clicked inside of him. But the confusion persisted. Or perhaps, it was more fear of the changes it would make in his life and in the people around him, his family and co-workers, if he decided to accept this new part of himself, and transform what was a long and very close friendship into something more.

But the feelings were stronger and soon they find themselves navigating this change in their relationship, exploring this new side of Ryker intimately with many hot scenes (Ryker is quite open to trying everything, and Milo is eager to teach him everything he knows and more!!!) facing obstacles together, both in Ryker's relationship with his mother, for example, and when Milo receives the offer of his dream job and must decide whether to accept it, knowing that it will take him away from everything he loves.

Finally, both of them get everything they want, growing together and strengthening their relationship, and the author puts an end to one era, leaving the way open to another, where some secondary characters that we already met will give life to a new series, and where we will surely meet to many more.

I was giving an avanced copy and voluntarily wrote a review. Jim Freihofer52 2

This is the 6th and final installment in the Rock U series. This time the MC is Milo - the keyboardist in Knot You, the queer cover band in Phoenix. While the other guys in the band have coupled-up, Milo has always stayed single. Finally we find out why - he's had a crush on his best friend since 4th grade, the now-hunky fireman Ryder.

Ryder has been up in Flagstaff for the last while, but he relocates back to the Phoenix area to be closer to his family. Before he departs Flag, Ryder has a hookup with one of the guys on his fire brigade and comes to the realization he's probably bisexual. When he's back home he immediately gets together with Milo and they not only become best friends again, but they realize they might be attracted to each other sexually. Within a month they are boyfriends and Ryder is another "band wife."

Our author gives us a nice twist - Milo wears lace panties for underwear and performs in sparkly crop tops & booty shorts onstage. Ryder is masculine with a gym-built body. So guess who's the top and who loves bottoming? LOL. The heat is very tangible and fun to read. Whatever angst we get is centered on both guys coming out to their families and at work, and it's not to angsty since everyone seems pretty accepting - it's just the guys worrying about it that is the issue.

The Epilogue is really nice - Christie brings all the band guys and their partners back together and closes the loop with everybody taking their relationships to the next level. So we have closure with this group combined with an introduction to Archer - the ASU hockey player Milo was dating before Ryder come back into Milo's life. Seems that Archer will be the first MC in Christie's new hockey series. I'm giving this one 5 stars and hopefully we'll get to see these guys from time-to-time in the future!


Tags: easy to read, friends to lovers, contemporary, heartwarming, engaging and dynamic narrative, steamy, uplifting, dual POV, no cliffhangers.
This book is an engaging, easy-to-read, enjoyable story about Milo, Ryder, and their friends, self-discovery, acceptance, and finding love. It is a smooth and easy journey from friendship to love with no major drama, angst, or challenges for them. While Milo is aware of himself and his feelings for his best friend, Ryder embarks on the rollercoaster of emotions and self-acceptance only after his first MM experience.
Both MCs are easygoing, charming, and loveable. Milo is flashy, artistic, cute, outgoing, a member of a rock band, and an aspiring game designer with a loyal, vibrant, and sunny character. Ryder, on the other hand, is a fireman, grounded, level-headed, self-confident, fiercely in love with Milo, and determined to make their relationship work.
The plot is straightforward yet compelling because of its engaging and dynamic narrative. It reads as a captivating diary, creating a story of self-realization, friendship, and love from intricate pieces of life, emotions, and thoughts. The characters are well-rounded and easy to relate to and understand because of profound and vivid insight into their feelings and thoughts.
"More than a Spark" is the last book in the series, but it can be read standalone. However, reading previous novels can enhance the experience, giving context to the supporting characters' stories.
Though lovers of dark, emotionally overbearing novels full of angst and drama might not fully engage with the story, it is a perfect choice for those who enjoy heartwarming, easy-to-read, and engaging reading with just the right addition of edge and complexity to keep you captivated.
Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this book. This review is an independent and genuine reflection of my thoughts. Anij1,075 10

"Leaving Ryder alone with Silas probably wasn’t a good thing."

I guess if the series has to end, this was the perfect way to do it. Milo and Ryder's story is hands down my favorite of them all. I'll admit, I'm a little surprised. Best friends to lovers is not a favorite trope of mine as they too often are either awkward or unbelievable. I mean, how can you go from platonic friends for years to lovers? It usually just doesn't work for me. But Christine showed us exactly how to do it right.

Milo has always been adorable. I always felt there had to be a reason he was such a superficial tart with men. All his casual hookups - he was hiding a secret futile love!

Ryder was wonderful! His bisexual awakening and transition was one of the most natural I've ever seen. And I loved how both sets of parents commented on how the two had always been closer than most friends growing up. So cute! There already existing love, closeness and trust in each other made it so not an instalove. If anything, everything that happened seemed right, almost destined.

There is another plot besides their love story that I'm not divulging. You'll have to read about it yourself. I will say this, the situation and the resolution all made me cry. You'll see why when you read it. It was beautiful!

I'm sad to see the series end but happy that the spin-off series will provide opportunities to see the band and their wives in the future. I'm also very intrigued as we did get a tiny hint that Leo was hiding something. And Archer was such a nice guy I'm happy he's going to find a love of his own.arc explicit favorite-authors ...more Steve Pardue16

I just finished reading my second book by Christie Gordon, and let me tell you, it left me in such a happy mood. Boy, does she know how to bring the happy ever after!

Although I must confess, I d the first book (actually the fifth in the series) “Protect My Heart” a little better. It had more drama and intrigue with a bodyguard and a few gangsters, creating some great action.

This second book (sixth in the series) “More Than a Spark” was about the love that lasts a lifetime. Milo Richardson and Ryder Scott were made for each other, and it took one of them way too many years to realize it. But when he finally does, nothing could ever destroy that love.

Christie Gordon provides pages and pages of the sweetest, most touching examples of how that love is manifested. I was right there with them through the pain, the heartache, the difficult moments, and all the love that they and their friends had to share. I loved every minute of it.

I have to admit, I’m such a softy. I have to be careful sometimes because I don’t want my husband to catch me tearing up when reading Christie’s books. She’s very good at weaving a tale, and I can’t get enough.

The entire group of guys in the Rock U series are all amazing characters. With this being the sixth in the series, I feel I am missing out on so much of the love, fun, heartbreak, action, and entire world these guys are living in. I can’t wait to read the first four books in the series.

Another 5-star rating for Christie Gordon! AbbieCadabbie605 5

This is the second book in this series that I've read, courtesy of Christie Gordon kindly sending me an ARC. Even though I've only read this book and book 5, I didn't have a difficult time finding my bearings or trying to figure out who was who and what was going on. I really it when books are part of a series but can be read as a standalone if the reader prefers.

The characters are really fun and unique and all have such wonderful personalities. The author does a great job with character development and world building. I also love this kind of trope.--A childhood crush/BFF crush which was previously unrequited mixed in with a little bi-awakening and voila! True, deep, mad love. *chefs kiss*

Milo has been in love with Ryder for basically his whole life. And while he's tried to accept that it's never going to happen because his BFF is straight, and he needs to move on, Ryder has recently discovered that maybe he's not as straight as he always suspected. But just when things are finally starting to click into place and it looks Milo is finally getting everything his sweet, tender little heart has ever dreamed of, a rather significant wrench gets thrown in their plans. How will a new relationship, one with such a passionate connection, survive being separated by thousands of miles for a minimum of a few years? And what about the band and all of Milo's friends and family who he'll have to leave behind? Donna Dee835 8

This is a great way the end the series of the gay men from the band Knot Me and all their band “wives”. Milo, the keyboardist, has been in love with his fireman best friend Ryder since the fourth grade. Ryder had been straight all these years until an unexpected hookup with a firefighter in Flagstaff where he worked. Recently transferring back to his home town to be near family and Milo, he suddenly sees Milo in an entirely different way. Is it possible to pursue more with Milo or will their friendship be a casualty? The only way to find out is to take a chance and hope Milo feels the same.
Low angst, bi-awakening, discovering your best friend is the love of your life and your forever person, all the anxiety of coming out to family as no longer straight, juggling hopes and dream jobs while facing realities, makes for a page-turning love story against the background of a successful cover band and a vibrant, eclectic group of gay men, living the dream.
All of the main characters from the previous books are here, a loving and supportive family of interesting, complex, intriguing men, unique personalities that work together so well as a unit, seeming old friends to the reader as the story unfolds. A complete series set in the music world with the complexities of the lives of those in the band known as Knot Me. A fascinating read from all 6 books. Loved them!
I received an ARC of this book from the author and this is my honest and voluntary review. Tina158 2

What a great way to end this wonderful series! Milo was a bit of a mystery throughout the story. Learning more about his friendship with Ryder, and how it affected Milo's view on relationships, it all makes sense. When Ryder gets a job opportunity that would bring him back home, Milo is excited.. and a bit nervous. With Ryder away, it was easier for Milo to try to get over his crush. Having Ryder nearby may change that. Having a crush on a straight friend is never fun.

What Milo doesn't know is: Ryder might not be that straight after all. After a brief hookup with a male co-worker, Ryder thinks it was a fluke... until he see Milo again. Having seen Milo hundreds of times, Ryder didn't know what made this time different, but everything was and he didn't know how to feel about it. Milo, on the other hand, was in a bit of denial about the changes that were happening. This story is about how Ryder and Milo have to figure things out for themselves, while dealing with life stuff.

I loved this book, for Milo and Ryder, but especially to see what comes next for the Knot Me bandmates and their "band wives". The conclusion was special, and I look forward to seeing more appearances by some of these characters in the new series that Christie Gordan is writing. So excited!

I received an ARC copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Madeleine13

I hadn't read anything by this author before so starting with book 6 in the Rock U series may not have been the smartest move, but I still enjoyed the book.

There was something in the story that made me want to keep reading but I will go back and read the other books in the series. This book will most ly make more sense, there were times where I felt I missed some background information to truly understand what the dynamic was between the other couples. (But as I said, that is on me, I should've read the other books before starting this one). This said, you can enjoy it as a standalone.

In spite of feeling I didn't have all the background information, this was still a sweet story portraying Milo and his best friend Ryder.
Milo has been in love with Ryder forever but Ryder just realized he may not be completely straight just a few weeks before he moves back to Tempe, where his family and Milo lives. Milo has always dreamt of Ryder, wanting him but also knowing Ryder is straight. Once Milo finds out that may not be the case, things start happening quickly. The story is about their love for each other (and some spicy scenes) but there are also some family issues coming to the surface here.

I enjoyed the story and as I previously stated, I will go back and read the previous books.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Jenn ReadsBooks290 16

Milo and Ryder... I have been waiting for Milo to find his happily ever after and he finally did!

Milo has loved his fireman bestie for years. His straight fireman bestie. It was easier to push his feelings aside when Ryder lived nowhere near him. However, Ryder is moving back to town, and he's coming back a little less straight than Milo assumes he is.

Thanks to a coworker, Ryder has recently discovered that he does not only swing toward women. Now that he's on his way home to his family, his hometown, and his bestie, he knows that things are going to be a lot different. Hopefully Milo has feelings for him, because he's got some thoughts about Milo that are less than best friendly...

Christie has given us a best friends-to-lovers story that gives Milo his HEA, gives us all the Rock U guys making numerous appearances, and the entire gang finding their forever HEAs. Loved these two so much.
More Than a Spark: A Rockstar Firefighter Friends to Lovers MM Romance
Christie Gordonarc bi-awakening bi-confirmation ...more Sunshine51


This was book 6 in the Rock U series by Christie Gordon, and was definitely worth waiting for!

Milo and Ryder had such a wonderful dynamic, and it was so heartwarming to read their love story. You will find yourself enthralled with them from the first chapter and cheer for them all the way through.

The characters from the previous books in the series are all along for this adventure as well, and their humor and support are constant as always. The friendship and the laughter and the enjoyment they all have being around one another is so brilliant. Christie really writes wonderful stories.

Milo and Ryder had an affectionate friendship from childhood, and it evolves into a forever love once Ryder returns to Chandler and they start spending time together again. Milo was in love with Ryder forever, and couldn’t believe that his best friend fell in love with him too! There are some interesting twists and turns to the path they follow, but in the end, they get their HEA. Once you start reading this you will not want to put it down!

If you have not read this series, please add it to your list. It will make your heart smile! Thank you Christie for sharing these amazing Knot Me men with us! tobifun.pp83

rating: ?????
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