
A Halloween Tail de Chrissy Munder

de Chrissy Munder - Género: English
libro gratis A Halloween Tail


Chrissy Munder ISBN: 9781685503055

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Just kind of meh for me. I d the premise, but these just wasn't enough to get a connection to the characters. It could have been funny, but there wasn't enough balance to have Lionel come across as likable and snarky instead of just whiny and bitchy.families holiday-reads shorts2 s Shelba2,417 72

This has great potential, but in the end, Lionel’s main goal seemed to be to find someone…. anyone… so that he wasn’t single for the holidays. And when he meets Kyle we get one brief conversation, with no exchange of anything personal… and then another brief exchange a month or so down the road. And we never were told what exactly the purple tailed costume was.2022 mm1 Serena YatesAuthor 97 books770

This was a short, fun read. Plenty of humor to keep me interested.gay1 Emily610 12

I don't really need to rehash the plot of the story as the blurb gives you all you need to know. It's pretty simple ~ gay guy gets trapped into taking his niece trick-or-treating in a big purple costume, with a tail, and ends up literally falling for a hunk in all black. Though it sounds simple enough, Munder does a wonderful job with this little Halloween story. It's quite brief but it's a fun tale and Lionel is a well written character. I was laughing throughout the story and I loved the style of humor that Munder employed. Lionel's costume couldn't be more preposterous and it makes for several hilarious moments, especially when the wind picks up his tail and sends him to the ground, taking his new friend with him. I enjoyed this story quite a bit and can't wait to read more of Munder's short stories.

http://emily83176.livejournal.com/857...ebook gay short-stories blub2,040

A very short read. There's not a lot of character building since it's too short. Readers are just given an snippet of a guys night out with his niece, what the guys sister and brother-in-law think of him, and a scenario of what can happen with the wrong type of costume.mm L-D1,478 65

I thought this was a fun, quick halloween short but overall it wasn't very developed.m-m novella Deeze1,628 288

Nothing really worth mentioning with this one. Short and sweet but not one that worked for me. Kira479 11

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