
Innovation City: A Portal Cultivation Fantasy Saga (Elemental Gatherers Book 8) de Chris Vines

de Chris Vines - Género: English
libro gratis Innovation City: A Portal Cultivation Fantasy Saga (Elemental Gatherers Book 8)


Chris Vines Year: 2024

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more means more

Take what has come before; double it; again; now you’re getting there.

A good bit of crafting, some city building, several fights, and the MC somehow getting hurt…again.

The relationships are a bit weak. And everybody is kind of a goober.

I will continue to follow this series. It is interesting and consistent.1 Paul Coulter17

feels short and too fast

Similar to the last book, this one feels the entire thing is maybe one or two days of stuff. Sure more time passes, with frequent short time skips to explain why the MC and his crew are getting better. But actual development and interesting stuff really feels minimal.

MC and his crew are even more OP and Mary Sur than they have been in previous books, and I’m not sure if I will continue to read this. I greatly enjoy the idea and general plot outline, but feel it would have been executed much better if everything wasn’t so truncated.

The author continues to pile on stressors in the form of betrayals, traitors, and the general idea that the MC has little time. This means the MC must grow quickly to combat all these issues. This is where the story goes downhill, as now the already ridiculously fast power up of the MC in the previous books needs to get even faster or he will lose.

Combine all of this with the poorly done harem aspect. Anytime the MC sees one of his three lovers he absolutely must make a comment about but gorgeous they are. Middle of combat, crisis, or random conversation, and still the thought goes through his head. He also constantly wonders why they love him or how he deserves this, and the whole relationship gets old quickly.

My last gripe is that the MC is a paragon of good, and hands out charity to anyone nearby. A random page who is so young he hasn’t even started to gather yet? Give him powders and offer techniques. A random receptionist? Tell her the end of the world is coming, giver her powder, and suddenly she advances past what she thought was the end of her cultivation journey. His telling of secrets that might cause huge amounts of … chaos… to the public if not handled well, and just expecting people to be fine with this, is so naive it’s ridiculous that the king and his mentors would sit back and watch him. Realistically when people start hearing this ‘hero of the kingdom’ spouting about the advance of Chaos and Death, speaking of these gods by name who are on or above the level of Light and Darkness, do you think they will be calm or maybe they will freak the fuck out? Pieter949 12

Aiden is promoted to a baron and with it comes the responsibility for building and managing a territory with the hope of expanding the Kingdom. Before he can do so though there are people to meet, things to arrange and training to undergo. Meanwhile the enemy is not relaxing either.

While I did enjoy the story, I must say that some aspects are grating me a bit. The slice-of-life aspects focussing on training and alchemy are expected even though I feel it might be reduced a bit to get more focus on the main plot (again mostly regulated to the end of the volume). I do have hope for a bit more progress in that regards in the next volume though considering the ending of this one (not a cliff hanger, but still not a clean end). Aiden is an idealist and that is fine, but at times he does come across rather preachy especially since it happens at inappropriate times. His actions are fine where it not for how positive most people react to it. Disciplining a desk worker and complete stranger over expressing hatred towards a whole race in real life is not ly to get that person to reconsider, at best resulting in a business smile. Similarly, throwing with resources makes sense, but again, is not ly to get a positive reaction from all people.

Regardless, it was an enjoyable read, but I do hope a bit less training and R&D in the next volume.cultivation harem kingdom-building-crafting ...more Bert Babb381 6

Pretty good story, but too much details on alchemy for my taste

The MC is elevated to a baron and is betrothed to 3 women. Assassins and a campaign of fake news plagues him as he attempts to uplift citizens of his country. Of course some entrenched interests see this as a bad thing. The god of death and chaos have their minions and cultists doing all they can to undermine his efforts as well.

I felt that there was too much time spent on cultivation and alchemy theory, which took away from advancing the storyline. In addition, a recap of the characters would be helpful as Im forgetting some of the supporting character's roles. This doesn't include the MC's 3 girlfriends, his bond Sia and his mentor as there is enough background info to refresh our mememories of who they are. Still, this is a very interesting series, I just hope for more storyline and less mysticism. This doesn't mean abandon it, just cut it back to a supporting role in advancing the storyline and maybe some more background on the gods' conflict. Jonathan Campbell25 3

From excellent, to amazing, and somehow beyond!

I have loved this story all the way from book one through the present. It does feel a bit buying myself an amazing present every time a new book in this series is published, so dad joke/pun accomplished! Seriously though if you enjoy stories of cultivators, magic academies, and the then I strongly encourage you to give this series a try at least to the end of the first book! Heck even if you don't absolutely love those types of tales, I still recommend reading this story. I hope you enjoy it as much or more than I do. Steve Naylor1,964 113

Rating 3.0 stars - DNF

This is a weird one. How can it be 3 stars and a DNF? I guess I am rating the whole series. I really d the earlier books, but I haven't gotten tired of the story the last couple of books. It is the same thing over and over again. It is interesting at first, but a story needs more than that to keep my attention. The characters are really boring. It was easy to overlook that earlier because the crafting and magic system was interesting. Once the novelty wore off it became much more obvious the problems with the book. I got 75% through the story and realized it wasn't worth it anymore. It was taking forever for me to get through it, and I just didn't care. could-not-finish4 s John872 12

Always great

This book had more infrastructure building and setting building for Our hero. Though of course there is plenty of battles by the end. Love this book love this series. Just wish they were faster and more of it. But Don't we all. Juggling 3 wives is gonna be fun. As if the MC doesn't have enough problems being in the eye of the entire kingdom for his heroism. Well, and that and he's still in school can't skip classes. Quite an exciting story line with plenty more legs in it. Still wonder how far the author wants to take it. Regardless I'm reading it. Thorsten144 3

This felt more a side novel, an anthology of short stories and vignettes, some of which felt abandoned, undeveloped or rushed ideas: the storylines involving Captain Svik, the sporadic appearance of protesters and assassins, the visit to Sia's mother felt so abbreviated as to be pointless or the mayoral interviews. The entire premise of the book seemed to suggest a city-building tangent and in the end, we got a bit of gardening. The only elements that got an overabundance of detail were crafting and cultivating.

I enjoy this series and am hopeful for a more complete next book.
wait-for-next-book Drew Hurley54 1 follower

incredibly gripping series

Great continuation of the series that leaves you excited for the next chapter. Each book takes place over a short period of time yet shows constant development. This book demonstrates how easy it is for people to feed on hate and lies to the detriment of everyone. Thomas Paradis12


A great continuation of this series. I re-read the first Seven to make sure I didn't miss any of the epic episodes of this series. Don't miss out on a great climax in this book getting ready for more to come. Mr Vines writes with feelings and passion in his stories.

You will enjoy every part. ...
Tom Tom Hogan1 review

Don't make me wait another year!!

any drug, I need more than once a year.
Please write faster. I know to write a good story takes time but l went a war, and won less than a year.
I truly your writing, Please keep writing, just faster.

Tomjhogan@charter.net (Tom Doc Hogan USN/Ret James Barugh10

Another great instalment

There is less action in this instalment, but Aiden's journey is definitely advancing at a good pace. I am looking forward to resolving some of the cliff hangers in the next book and learning more about the different conspiracies in the world the author has built. Austin Atkinson3

totally awesome

As with the rest of the story innovation city does not disappoint. Aiden and his friends are continuing their journey and the ending leaves you wanting to immediately start the next book. Zack Turner833 4


Fantastic book! I loved this book! Such amazing character development. I simply can not wait for the next book to come out! Adam Smith22 1 follower

Great Series!

Love this series and a lot of good character development after the fun trip of the last few books. Can’t wait to see where the next one goes! Peter553 4

Great book

Stellar work once again from Chris Vines! Lots of action and adventure, building and magic. Looking forward to the next one. Bruce41 1 follower

My favourite

Love this series the only problem I have with it is the usual the author can't write the next book fast enough to suit me! Ryan Bascue1 review

Love these books

These books are great. There are some editing errors, but the story is riveting. I can never wait for the next book to come out. Every one is a binge worthy read. XR1,763 100

Cliffhangers suck major gonads!20242 s1 comment John Ford553


A good entry into the book series, I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book released. Jennifer21

Cannot explain why I love this series so much. It's my relaxation read. It's my energetic read. I'm in love with the world and the characters. And now I have to wait AGAIN for the next book
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