
Castle Danger de Chris Norbury

de Chris Norbury - Género: English
libro gratis Castle Danger


Red-hot suspense erupts in an ice-cold location when chance brings two desperate fugitives together in this award-winning thriller. Matt Lanier is running from both the law and the man who framed him for a murder he didn't commit. Allyson Clifford is running from her criminal, sadistic husband, Donnie Vossler, who wants to steal their son and teach him to live "just like Dad." When Allyson saves Matt from freezing to death on the doorstep of her restaurant in remote Castle Danger, MN, their lives are changed forever. Romantic sparks between Matt and Allyson prevent him from betraying her after Vossler shows up and sets his evil plan in motion. As a hitman closes in on Matt, he must decide between self-preservation or saving Allyson and her son. Cut off from all help because of a blizzard, and racing the clock, can Matt save anyone, including himself? Buy Castle Danger—Book #2 in the Matt Lanier series—today and immerse yourself in a taut page-turner that will keep...M.F

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I started reading CASTLE DANGER yesterday and finished it today—I just couldn’t put it down. Written with edge-of-the-seat intensity, the well thought out storyline kept my adrenaline pumping. Further, I was impressed with the author’s undeniable knowledge of music that’s subtly woven throughout the pages. Does he wrap it up and tie it with a bow at the end? Heck no! Now I’ve got to wait—on tenterhooks—for the sequel. Hurry up Norbury!5 s Leigh HollandAuthor 2 books17

Castle Danger by Chris Norbury, 296 pages, Booklocker.com, Inc., April 26th 2016, Genre: Psychological Thriller. Warning: May Contain Spoilers.

Review by Leigh Holland.

    Castle Danger is a suspenseful, engaging read. Taking place in northwest Minnesota in a frightful winter, the setting comes alive, menacing and life-threatening to any who lack the foresight and skills to survive. People who’ve been kicked in the teeth and were able to get back up again would call such a place home with pride. The winter’s not easy, but what in life ever is? It’s when things aren’t easy that one’s character and mettle are tested.
No good deed goes unpunished and this is doubly true for our protagonist, Matt. A quiet man, he’d rather watch, learn, and plan than chit-chat. Possessed of a strong personal code, Matt is on the run because he did the right thing against the wrong people. Try as he might to hide from the world, he happens upon a man who will die without his help. Naturally, Matt chooses to do the right thing. It costs him and nearly kills him. Luckily, he passes out in front of The Halcyon, a restaurant owned by Allyson Clifford. Matt awakens the next day to discover Allyson has nursed him back from death’s door. Since her chef has skipped out on her, she offers Matt the job as her cook. Matt is a man of mystery, refusing to reveal much about himself. He is reluctant to take up her offer, but given the situation with the weather and the fact she really seems to need a cook, he repays her kindness by agreeing to stay on until she can find a full time replacement. Meanwhile, we learn that a hired killer is after Matt and gaining clues where he can find his prey. Just as we think Matt is the fascinating one with all the deep, dark secrets,  it turns out Allyson has a few of her own. Her “husband” has come to town and wants her and his son back...or else.
Most of the characters were believable, interesting, and relatable. None were saints, and their crimes were understandable. Matt and Allyson were likable and the attraction between them realistic. The antagonist tried so hard to convince everyone he was really the good guy but it was obvious he didn’t believe it himself. I felt the antagonist would’ve been more enjoyable if he truly believed he was the wronged hero in his own tale. Nevertheless, the interplay and struggles between various characters kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next and how things would turn out. Well-paced with an interesting plot, Castle Danger kept me on the edge of my seat.
I’d recommend Castle Danger to fans of thrillers and suspense.

This book was recommended by a friend who knows that I appreciate thrillers and mysteries for my reading pleasure. It was an excellent recommendation.
For people who enjoy reading thrillers, this is a book you will find to be a REAL THRILLER! The events leading up the climax build up in such a way that it is hard to stop reading and return to normal activities. It's a real "adrenaline pumper". I had to limit my periods of reading CASTLE DANGER to no later than the afternoon so that I would be able to have a relaxed night's sleep. Chris intertwines the main plot and subplots in such a way that one finds it difficult to put the book down.
For a transplanted Minnesotan who has moved to Arizona, this book brings back memories of many cold winters. The setting for the book is very well written and truly gives an extra meaning to the word “chilling”. Luckily, I never experienced winter conditions as extreme as those that Matt Lanier encountered. The description of the terrible blizzard in the opening section of the book produced a feeling of physical chill as I read it.
The protagonist, Matt Lanier, is very well written and is a positive force and a true hero in a time when putting another person’s good ahead of oneself seems to be rare. One hopes another book will soon be available to explain the past events alluded to in CASTLE DANGER. If so, I look forward to reading it. The hints to events that occurred prior to the events of CASTLE DANGER leave this reader very curious and wanting to learn more about Matt Lanier.

2 s Karen Malin232 1 follower

Matt Lanier has been hiding out in the BWCA through one of the fiercest winters in a long time. He gets involved in a rescue and has to leave the area to keep from the police finding him and charging him with two murders. He lands in Castle Rock at a diner run by a single mom with a son, with whom Matt falls in love instantly. Both Matt and Allyson have deep secrets to hide, even as they grow closer.

I was told that I could read these books in any order, but I wish I had read the first book before reading this one. I have a feeling that what we were told was to fill in the missing information from the previous book, because there was a lot of information dumped all of a sudden, and Matt is more of a "show, don't tell" kind of writer than that. It was good to have the information, but I think I would have d to have all the nuances of the first story as well.

It was fun to read about places where I live and to have Minnesota written about by someone who obviously knows the area. Just a few things bothered me: Allyson not pulling down her shades at dark when she lives with just her young son AND she's hiding from someone? Such an intense sexual/romantic reaction to someone when you're in such precarious straits?
1 Carole Molnar2 1 follower

Castle Danger by Chris Norbury kept my interest from the first page to the last page. Chris Norbury did his homework as he evidently knows the territory....that is the area of Minnesota he is writing about. I had never heard of the town of Castle Danger even though my family vacationed in Minnesota every summer when I was growing up. But I looked it up on the map and there it is on the north shore of Lake Superior. The author feeds us bit by bit more details of the past lives of the main characters keeping the reader intrigued. Plus there is the question as why each of them is being hunted by someone. The novel left me wanting more....another book by Chris Norbury. Will there be a sequel or a prequel? I think this book would make a good movie.1 Valerie BielAuthor 8 books69

The second book in the Matt Lanier series is just as much a page turner as the first. Chris Norbury spins a complex, fast-paced plot with a wonderful cast of characters—both empathetic and dangerous. I love the setting of this book, which is a much of a foe at times as the actual bad guys. And there are plenty of those—even in northern Minnesota. The musical knowledge woven through the story is very enjoyable and fits so well with the main character’s professional background. You won’t be able to put this one down. The ending is satisfying but with enough still in question that you will want to grab book three right away!1 Barb Schmidt68 2

"Castle Danger" was given to me as a gift, and what a gift it was. Read the first chapter, and just try to put it down. I had to keep reminding myself that these are characters in a book. I was so invested in them that I sometimes felt real anxiety. Matt Lanier is not really an ordinary man, but he's no Jack Reacher. I often wished that he was able to get himself out of difficulties in the same almost effortless way Jack does. But no. He struggles. He's a good man, you can tell that. But he struggles. Can you tell I loved the book? Thank you, Denny, for sending it to me!!1 Tracey PhillipsAuthor 1 book33

I was frozen in my seat and couldn't put this gripping thriller down! Fugitive Matt Lanier was a musician who's life is dramatically changed by a power-hungry mogul. Though he escaped, Matt will need to keep hidden until he's proven innocent. Now that he's met Allyson, its harder for him to stay away. I'll be reading the next books in this series to find out what happens!action-thriller crime-fiction mystery ...more2 s John Bales2

I am getting ready for a canoe/hike trip through the boundary waters and found this book in researching the area. I d his style and story about Matt's background. I plan to read his prequel next. 1 Jill966 4

Set on the coast of Lake Superior, Matt finds himself landing on the doorway of a restaurant owned by Allyson Clifford, just minutes before he might have frozen to death. Allyson takes care of him as he warms up. They each are running from secrets that have sent them in hiding. Matt ends up helping Allyson

My copy of the novel says it is his first novel, but this seems to be a series.

Some graphic stories lines

I had to keep reading to see how it ended.........but it MUST continue to finish off Matt's story. not the usual book I would read, but will have to look for more books by this authorfiled library-books series1 Laurie1 review1 follower

I would put this in the same category as a William Kent Krueger book. Excellent read, I felt I actually knew these characters when I was done and wanted more!!! Keep writing Chris! 1 Tonia40

More please…

I’ve read both books…what’s next for Matt Lanier?
I love the Minnesota settings. These are great summer reads and I look forward to more of Matt’s adventures, though I hope he someday can live in peace and play jazz.
1 Susan Brown Severson1 review


I couldn’t put it down. I am looking forward to the sequel, hope it comes out soon . He is another great Minnesota author.1 Whitney Stanke13 1 follower

I really enjoyed this book! I visited the North Shore and Duluth this past summer so I found myself picturing highway 61 and the rest of the landscape while reading. It was a page turner and I look forward to reading a prequel or a sequel. 1 Jennifer Meek114 4

I received this book from librarything in exchange for an honest review:

I enjoyed this book greatly. The descriptions made me feel I was there in the book with the characters. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading mystery books. 1 AmyAuthor 2 books52

The plot is great! I love the way Chris handles the action -- not too fast, but nothing extra to bog me down. I the descriptions of the North Shore in winter, the food and the music references. I'm excited to read Straight River!1 Fay Wallin34 1 follower

This book and Chris' characters came to life from page 1. It was a hard-to-put-down-book and I loved the twists and turns the characters' lives took; fast paced and exciting read!! I enjoyed the descriptions of the area around the settings along Lake Superior, Chris' words made those locations feel very real. I'll be watching for more Matt Lanier adventures, he's a great protagonist!1 Mary99

An action packed page turner. Best if you read a Strait River prior, but can be a stand alone story. Looking forward to Matt’s next adventure. 1 Judy Koniecki1 review

Outstanding writing and entertaining book. Enjoyed the many turns in the story and the happy ending!1 Jane29

Great book. Loved the locale and adventure and character development. I can't wait to read the next book, or more books by Chris.
1 gj indieBRAG1,615 79

We are proud to announce that CASTLE DANGER by Chris Norbury is a B.R.A.G.Medallion Honoree. This tells a reader that this book is well worth their time and money!1 Kylah314 2

Book Club Robin’s pick-
Matt the trouble you seem to stumble into. I really enjoyed the north shore setting during winter. Formed a nice vivid picture. That last 1/4 of the book I was so tense. Can’t wait to see what Matt gets into next.
1 Maren CooperAuthor 3 books98

I get chills thinking about this book—not just because it is so suspenseful, but because the author so skillfully set the winter scape for this North Shore novel. Matt Lanier easily posed as an extreme sports enthusiast rather than the survivalist he was required to be in order to hide-out from those who would do him harm. But, when he needs time to develop a plan to clear his name he finds himself in the middle of a new and possibly more dangerous situation threatening those he has quickly grown fond of and putting himself at extreme risk.

1 Bob Guelker1 review

Chris Norbury’s descriptions of Northern Minnesota’s Bounday Waters Canoe Area and Arrowhead Region in winter had me on the edge of my office chair. A frequent spring, summer and fall visitor to that region in my younger years, I often wondered what it was up there in the winter. Now I know! What a perfect setting for a mystery—sometimes hauntingly beautiful but just as often terminally unforgiving in just one heartbeat.
True to many good mystery novels, Castle Danger’s main characters, Matt and Allyson, have pasts that are dogging them a bloodhounds. Fate has drawn them together and Norbury unravels their sordid histories a layer at a time. As the relationship between Allyson and Matt fortifies, and against his better judgment, he pauses in his flight, while the forces that will destroy them individually quickly pick up ground.
I read the first two-thirds of Castle Danger one, two or three dozen pages at a time—a very nice pace. But my advice to readers beyond that point is, set aside a long enough block of time to finish the book in one sitting because you are not going to be able to put it down! Bob Guelker.
1 John Stanley642 9

I missed Norbury’s first novel, Castle Danger, when it first came out so when I learned that his second book, Straight River, was coming out I ordered them both from my favorite bookseller, Once Upon a Crime in south Minneapolis. However, after reading the back cover synopsis, I was really prepared to not this book at all—maybe not even be able to finish it. The whole story just seemed, well, too much. I also thought about starting with his second book since it was a prequel but then I thought, no, I’ll keep to the order he wrote them in. So, I said, I was really expecting to not care for the book at all but right from the start I was drawn into the storyline. The characters were nicely developed as things went along and, overall, I thought it was pretty well paced. I enjoyed it thoroughly and thought it was a terrific first novel and am very much looking forward to Straight River. -JS1 Julie Klock33

Fun read! Well written, complex plot, hold your breath moments. The winter weather is described incredibly! I am looking forward to more from this author.1 Dave Hanna1 review

A fun read and hard to put down. The author goes to great lengths to set clear scenes of where the action is taking place and character descriptions. 58 chapter breaks in 289 pages make it an easy read, especially when you might have some short time periods that you want to get back to the book. It is an intriguing plot and holds your interest. The ending is riveting and complete, but begs for a sequel or even a prequel that I am hopeful for and look forward to.1 Lauren CraftAuthor 7 books6

I really enjoyed Castle Danger. It kept me in suspense and had lots of twists and turns. The characters were also unique, and the setting was very vivid. I recommend Castle Danger to both ladies and guys, it's the rare type that's enjoyable for both!1 Stephanie7 8 Want to read

While not the most complex read, Castle Danger does touch upon the truth about drugs, addiction, perception and human weakness. Both protagonists are positioned to be able, while also having distasteful traits, histories and behaviours, ultimately won over by love and superior moral character. 1 Kathy Medlin2

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