
Climbing Rocks [ed.: 3] de Cheri Crystal

de Cheri Crystal - Género: English
libro gratis Climbing Rocks [ed.: 3]


Sabrina Alverez had always wanted to see the panoramic view of the Sierra Nevada from Moro Rock in Sequoia National Park. What she hadn’t figured on was casting her glance on her savoir, Park Ranger the Lacey Anderson, instead. Was it luck, fate, or both that Lacey was there to rescue Sabrina?


Get a grip, Sabrina!
The internal scolding did nothing for my courage. Irrational fear kept me from enjoying the breathtaking panorama of the Sierra Nevada. I longed to see the Great Western Divide, but instead, I was looking at a rock when my eyes weren’t cemented shut. Another silent pep talk and at least I was able to realize that this had to be among the most incredible backdrops I had ever seen. I didn’t dare look down at the spectacular view of the San Joaquin Valley floor, so I looked up instead. That’s when the most incredible sight of all appeared as if by divine intervention.
Heading my way was a slender, long-limbed, blonde-haired apparition in a full forest ranger uniform. The woman captivated me with her piercing blue eyes that matched the sky on a crystal clear day. She drew closer, and I lost my bearings.
“May I help you, Miss?”
Her tone was professional, yet concerned. Up close, her skin was as white as the cumulus clouds that surrounded us. I managed a weak reply before I remembered my fear of heights. A warm smile lit up her entire face despite the shadow cast by her ranger’s hat. Looking at her deep dimples quashed what was left of my breath. The last thing I recalled before I passed out was the dead weight of my body as my knees buckled.