
Still the Sun de Charlie N. Holmberg

de Charlie N. Holmberg - Género: English
libro gratis Still the Sun


An ancient machine holds the secrets of a distant world’s past for two intimate strangers in the latest romantic fantasy adventure by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Charlie N. Holmberg.
Pell is an engineer and digger by trade—unearthing and repairing the fascinating artifacts left behind by the mysterious Ancients who once inhabited the sunbaked planet of Tampere. She’ll do anything to help the people of her village survive and to better understand the secrets of what came before.
Heartwood and Moseus are keepers of a forbidding tower near the village of Emgarden. Inside are the remnants of complex machines the likes of which Pell has never seen. Considering her affinity for Ancient tech, the keepers know Pell is their only hope of putting the pieces of these metal puzzles together and getting them running. The tower’s other riddle is Heartwood himself. He is an enigma, distant yet protective, to whom Pell is inexplicably drawn.
Pell’s restoration of this broken behemoth soon brings disturbing visions—and the discovery that her relationship to it could finally reveal the origins of the tower’s strange keepers and the unfathomable reason the truth has been hidden from her...M.F

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I almost don't even care about the summeries anymore.
Charlie N. Holmberg releases a new book - I read it. Indulge it. No questions asked.

Is it my kind of genre? Does the synopsis catch me? - it hardly matters. Charlie N. Holmberg is always a win (for me) and with everything of hers, that I have read, I have never been disappointed - She always captures me thoroughly and she is a master at making me FEEL.

Characters, world-building, emotions, sacrifices - Always amazing!

I am looking very much forward to September :-) 29 s4 comments Rhonda316 14

Wow. Just wow. I could not put this book down. Every word played out a movie in my head, and I Devoured it. Holmberg always comes up with the most magical worlds, and this one is something I never could have fathomed.

I loved Pell and her little village. I loved the way her mind worked and all the little Easter eggs that were strung throughout the story. More than anything, I loved how this story unfolded, unfurling its secrets bit by bit until I was sucked in and unable to let go.

Heartwood had me intrigued from the very beginning. I loved how Casnia was portrayed and I love even more the reason behind it. Each of the characters were wonderful and I wish there was more. I would love to see a little more, a glimpse into the future to see how it all turned out after the end—partially because I think there is more story to tell, but mostly because I’m not ready to let it go.

Sigh. I’ll be thinking about this one for a long time to come.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.8 s Sydney ?638 12


I just found this and I am now dying to get my hands on it. I really enjoyed The Hanging City and have been itching hoping praying to get my hands on another one of Charlie N. Holmberg's books.5 s3 comments James McRay308 18

Let me start out with my standard disclaimer that I am a huge Charlie Holmberg fan. Having disclosed that, let me now say that this book was a huge disappointment.

I'll summarize in a way that’s not too spoilery. Actually, never mind, there really isn’t much to spoil. The first two-thirds of the book is Pell rebuilding the mysterious machine while trying to figure out the mystery of the mysterious machine; plus a romance is sort of hinted at. The final third is the big reveal of the mystery of the mysterious machine with a bit of actiony stuff toward the end, and the hinted at romance romanceses a little.

That’s pretty much the book in a nutshell.

I owe it to Charlie, or well, I owe it to my love of Charlie’s writing to reread this at some point and hope I enjoy it more the second time, because the first time through was a slog from beginning to end.amazon-first-read author-other fantasy-romance3 s2 comments Megan » Hello Book Bird219 27

"A mere tinkerer in a village of farmers will do."

Pell is an engineer and digger by trade—unearthing and repairing the fascinating artifacts left behind by the mysterious Ancients who once inhabited the sunbaked planet of Tampere. She’ll do anything to help the people of her village survive and to better understand the secrets of what came before.

Heartwood and Moseus are keepers of a forbidding tower near the village of Emgarden. Inside are the remnants of complex machines the s of which Pell has never seen. Considering her affinity for Ancient tech, the keepers know Pell is their only hope of putting the pieces of these metal puzzles together and getting them running. But Pell’s restoration of this broken behemoth soon brings disturbing visions—what is her relationship to it and why has the truth has been hidden from her?

Something is missing.

4.5 stars. The thing that I love about Holmberg is that all of her books are unique. I'll say it again and again, pick up every single new book she puts out, and recommend her to others. Even if I don't re-read a large majority of her books, they will always be worth reading even a single time.

Most of the novel is spent describing the puzzle of the tower machines--musing over what they're for and ways to fix them. Holmberg explains the parts and repairs in a way that is (or at least sounds) technical but simple enough (and with enough context clues) to not lose a reader me that doesn't know jack about fixing things.

While I was continually frustrated the first half of the novel with her flashbacks covering reality (I'm one of those people that needs spoilers I need breath so this is definitely a me thing to be frustrated at learning at the pace of the character), once it hit the 42% mark I finally felt we were rolling. The pieces started coming together, you started venturing your own guesses, and when you had alllllllmost everything but that ONE MISSING PIECE...ah, the excruciatingly satisfying FINISH.

This novel really makes me feel Charlie's growth as an author and I can't wait to see what else comes next.

Recommended for the tinker lovers and the "what's happening" lovers especially.

Thank you to Netgalley and Holmberg's street crew for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.arc fantasy young-adult2 s Cathy | A Case Full of Books873 34

Charlie does it again! (I feel all my of her books start that way
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