
London Falling de Chanel Cleeton

de Chanel Cleeton - Género: English
libro gratis London Falling


Chanel Cleeton Series: International School 02 Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises ULC, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9780369748614

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5 Words: Surprising, love, friendship, family, heartbreak.

I have to start by saying that this was amazing. It was a perfect end to the two International School books. In honour of this awesomeness I'm going to try something a little different with my review.

Check it out in its original format at Tea Party Princess and enter the giveaway too!

Dear Chanel Cleeton,

My name is Cora and I loved your first International School book, I See London. It was one of the books that helped to reinstate my faith in the New Adult genre. So when I was picked to take part in the blog tour for the follow up novel, London Falling, I was ecstatic. Thrilled. Excited. And I couldn't wait to get back into that crazy, passionate world where Maggie and Samir danced around their attractions. I was prepared for a bit of whirlwind, a lot of love and a bit of heartbreak.
But I was absolutely not prepared for the journey that was London Falling.

Maggie and Samir up the ante in this book. Their passion just EXPLODES from the page. I found myself getting all caught up in it and what was happening. I was giggling and frowning and I wanted to cry and to shout at the two of them. Fleur and Maggie had the best kind of friendship. I love those gals.

It was surprising and heart breaking and it made me doubt myself. In the first half I wanted one thing, but when it got near the end and it seemed that was going to happen? Make it stop! Change it! So thank you very much for that ending. I needed that ending. It was the right ending.

I sat and thought for ages about how I could describe this book once I finished it. And all I could come up with was amazing. Because it was. It left me speechless, my thoughts incoherent. It was, in a word, AMAZING.

Lots of reading love.

Cora @ Tea Party Princess

PS. I need more about Fleur. I love Fleur. GIVE ME MORE FLEUR! She totally needs her own book. And with that mind-blowing ending I can't even remember what happened regarding the picture and the "send me money or else" and I think I'll have to read. Or you'll have to give Fleur her own book.

I received a copy of this for free via NetGalley for review purposes.10 s mich654 227

Blah. IÂ’m so over this couple.

I thought this sequel kinda sucked. It completely lacked the charm that was present in the first book, I wasn't into the drama, the angst was REALLY lame, and the non-communication that went on between Samir and Maggie all the way to the end was stupid. If Fleur hadnÂ’t stepped in, these two would never have gotten their act together. Dumbasses donÂ’t deserve their happy ending if you ask me.

contemporary disappointing lame-ass-couple ...more10 s Autumn Review1,023 524

This is what I was looking for in the first book! I wanted to see more with Maggie and Samir and Cleeton certainly delivered in London Falling. Despite the issues I had with the first book, it's the kind of story that stays on your mind. The kind that you can't wait to see what will happen with the couple. And things left off at a good spot in the first book, but their relationship status was still a bit uncertain. I loved seeing where their relationship went in this one!

I d Maggie a bit more in this book. She didn't seem to be as naive and she was definitely more confident. She really fit into her new London lifestyle and it truly became her home. As for her relationship with Samir, she went with the flow. Of course, she was falling for him pretty hard and they were good together and good for each other, but she took her time and tried not to have too many expectations.

Samir was fantastic in this book. I really fell for him. He's in his last year at university and the expectations from his family are pretty tough, but he's looking to have some fun. And he wants to have that fun with Maggie. Sure, he knew he had some strong feelings towards her, but he fell for her as hard as she fell for him. Here's where the conflict comes in. For starters, he's graduating and going back to Lebanon. Once home, he's expected to get married. He knows his family won't accept Maggie, so as their relationship gets stronger, Samir has to decide just how important Maggie is to his future. He had some big decisions to make and I was really happy with how things turned out.

I felt I became more attached to the secondary characters in this book too. Fleur has turned out to be a really good friend to Maggie. She has her own wounds to heal and seeing that more vulnerable side to her, really helped me her more. Her book is next and I can't wait to read it! I loved the tension between Fleur and Max in this book, so I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. I had a tough time putting it down. Samir and Maggie's love story won me over and I'm still thinking about it! They make me smile. I hope to get a glimpse at what they're up to in Fleur's book! I kinda miss them. I'm so glad that I stuck with this series!

Favorite quote:
~She made me tongue-tied, twisted me into knots. I didn't feel I had game with her. I felt raw, exposed. She was five feet, four inches of scary and I couldn't get enough of her.-Loc 1667arc review5 s monica ?506 80

4.5 'London' Stars


Tittle: London Falling
Series: International School #2
Author: Chanel Cleeton
Release Date: July 7th 2014
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Cliffhanger: Not really sure... (´???`)
Writing Style: First Person, Dual POV
HEA: Yes


Finally it's here. The sequel of I See London!
I read I See London on Feb 2014. I've been waiting for months! And finally I met Samir and Maggie again. I'm glad it's worth waiting for

After their first sex, Maggie was wondering if that night was a 'special' night for Samir just it was for her. But then she realized that Samir actually already has a girlfriend that has been set up by his parents.
Maggie knows from the first time that she has fell for Samir but She can't tell him because she realized that they both coming from very 'different' world.
Samir aware that Maggie is different from all the girls he's usually messing around with. But he can't disobey his father because one day if his father dead he's the only one who should replace him.
So how would they face this problem? Would they finally say the L-word to each other and fight for their happiness?

Different with the first book, this book is written in dual POV which I it because I can see the story from two sides.
In this book we'll find so many roller coaster of emotions! I smiled, felt so touched and cried in the heart-breaking scene.
And we can also find many hot sex scenes here
I don't really Arabic guys actually but I can't lie that Samir is so dangerous and HOT as hell!
And in this book I really love Fleur! I didn't really her at first though LOL

Beside Japan I really love England. And London is obviously one of many cities I'd love to visit before I die! And this book just making me wants to go there even more!!

I love the cover of this book too! Look at that guy over there. He is so cute

I think the story is went too widespread. I mean, too many problems that not only from the main characters that came up. So it ends up with unsolved problems. So what happen with Fleur and her nude pic? Why did it come up if it just end up vaguely and unsolved that? I don't know if there will be the next book though. That's why I said that above that I still not sure if this book has cliffhanger or not LOL

other than that I really enjoyed reading this book dual-pov new-adult read-in-2014 ...more2 s Allura81 8

4.5 stars

*I was provided an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

So I find the best stories are the ones I can immediately immerse myself in despite the fact that I read the the previous book months prior. I really d I See London (read my review here) but I loved London Falling.

London Falling picks up with Maggie back in the states and Samir back in Lebanon with his girlfriend. Other than a couple of text messages, Maggie hasnÂ’t heard from Samir. MaggieÂ’s spent the summer lamenting about her non-relationship with Samir to her best friend Jo. Little does Maggie know, she isnÂ’t the only one affected.

London Falling is told from both Maggie and SamirÂ’s POV which I really enjoyed. In the first book we only got to see Samir through MaggieÂ’s eyes and he came off a bit a pompous jerk at times. This time around we get to see that he really is a bit pompous, but very loveable, and also extremely vulnerable. Growing up in Lebanon within a powerful political family is not without its pressures. The pressure to succeed, to make the family proud, to marry the right personÂ… Samir must choose between who he wants to be and what his parents, specifically his father, expect of him.

As Maggie and Samir attempt to navigate their ever-evolving feelings for each other, they aren’t without company. Fleur, Mya, Michael, and a few other alum make for a thrilling year at the International School. I must say Fleur is still my favorite. With her often conflicting personality, “The Ice Queen” really has a heart of gold and will do just about anything to make sure her friends are happy. I love that she grows exponentially as a character throughout the series and let’s be honest, I’d be okay with a Fleur spin-off.

One of my only issues with book one was Maggie. She came off as a bit immature and hypocritical (as most of us are at 19) . DonÂ’t get me wrong, I still found her endearing but I was hoping for some sort of character growth after the ending of book one. Although she started off a bit shaky, making a few poor decisions, she did slowly begin to transform into a much more rational adult. It was nice to see her evolve and begin to challenge some of her previous insecurities.

Going back to Samir, I was worried he would be very two–dimensional but I was glad to see he was given a voice and that we got to see his doubts and what he was thinking and feeling. It made the relationship and chemistry between them become something more than physical attraction. I loved the tension and burn between Maggie and Samir.

I have to admit, I was pretty dazzled, much Maggie,with the lives many of the students at the International School lead. It amazed me that Samir could just jump on a private jet and zip back home to Lebanon. Not to mention the exclusive clubs and endless supply of the best of everything. I enjoyed living vicariously through them, ;)

With London as a backdrop and enough drama (friends, school, family, and otherwise) London Falling was a fantastic follow-up to I See London. It was everything I could want and more!2 s Jess (the cozy reader)654 47

Big thanks to Harlequin and Jessica for an ARC copy for review.

I am a Chanel Cleeton fan for-life! I can remember when I first read I See London and thinking to myself, man this novel is utterly fantastic and it couldn't be any better. Well Chanel definitely pulled the rug out from under me because I loved this book even more. It is still just as passionate and exciting, but the love story between Samir and Maggie is what remains my favorite. Not to mention their amazing sexual chemistry, trust me they have it.

"Our breath mingled, lips hovering just an inch away from heaven. His body pressed against mine, his legs brushing against me-every inch of him was hard.
It was enough to make me forget that this was a bad idea. It was enough to tempt me to want more, to give myself over to the pleasure I only found in his arms. It was enough to have me moving forward, putting my mouth on his". ~ Maggie

Can you imagine being in love with someone only to know they can never be truly yours. Or how about not really getting a life of your own, but having a duty to your family and country. Those two face these obstacles and go through a lot together emotionally, but I believe it's what makes them stronger in the end, and I loved the ending for this couple. After I finished reading I thought about a quote from one of my favorite movies, The Notebook that rings true to Samir and Maggie.

"There is a difference in what we long for, what we settle for, and who were meant for." ~ The Notebook

My review also posted at: Jess Time To Readarc blog-tour2 s Madison (madinotmaddiereads Coleman85 4

The second installment in the International School series, Maggie finds herself facing down her steamy encounter from last yearÂ’s first year at one of LondonÂ’s prestigious universities. SheÂ’s from a small town in the U.S. and heÂ’s a Lebanese heir set to return and train to take his fatherÂ’s place putting the socioeconomic odds clearly against them. Despite efforts to maintain an innocent friendship, the heart wants what it wants with these two and they must decide how much theyÂ’re willing to sacrifice at the cost of their relationship.

I really enjoyed the romance of this book along with the sub-stories of the supporting cast however, the pacing of events seemed jet speed fast and the ability for readers to see Maggie and Samir grow in their communication with each other suffered because of this. I also d the themes of cultural differences and family dynamics but also wish this had been examined more as it felt only briefly brushed upon without any substantial depth. Additionally, with the book being set in London, I was expecting more development on the location and how Maggie made the city her home but again, only briefly touched upon so really this story could have taken place anywhere since there was nothing truly anchoring it to London.

IÂ’m intrigued by FleurÂ’s story so IÂ’d to pick it up eventually if IÂ’m in need of something light and easy between reads. If you Lauren AsherÂ’s Dreamland Billionaires meets international Gossip Girl, this is a series IÂ’d definitely recommended!1 Amy899 18

Samir and Maggie's' love story heats up London and leaves them falling for each other. The International School brought this unly couple together but their families' expectations threaten to tear them apart. Realizing their time is limited, they make the most of the school year but as graduation approaches, will that mark the end of their relationship?

I spent a year working in London and revisiting the city paired with the protagonists' shenanigans made it a fun read. The title can be read as part of the series or as a stand-alone novel. That being said, Samir and Maggie's backstory has readers rooting for them despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the early edition of #LondonFalling in exchange for an honest review. Having read both books, I appreciate Maggie's metaphorical journey.. Leaving home and everything she's known to reinvent herself in London was difficult but now it's her adopted country. Maggie can freely be herself and that attracts Samir. Will the two be able to fight society's expectations and carve out a future together?netgalley-readers nuts-for-new-netgalley-reads-amy-s1 Les Chroniques Aléatoires1,615 17

Whereas I See London had been a true discovery, one of the best books than I have read this year, I was a little excited to read the conclusion with London Falling. Finally I am not disappointed at all, on the contrary! The story, the narration, the characters, all evolved and we reset everything to zero with new intrigues and new waitings. This book is much more mature than the precedent, more concentrated on the couple that form Samir and Maggie and more tearing.

Maggie returns in International School after having spent 4 months in the USA, questionning herself on her relation with Samir. She has been very quickly disillusioned and be entitled in a big roller coaster of emotions. She appears at the same time stronger and more fragile!! Her feelings for Samir make her suffer, she does not know how to react and ends up choosing the easy solution: run awat and reject the others. She is also a little hateful in this book, more human to some extent, with her trend to run away, not to succeed in making choices and especially by the fact that she was a rather bad friend for Fleur and Mya. She remains an attaching character.

Samir appears to us under a very new aspect. Seing everything from his point of view, we see him more dubious of his acts, his choices being dictate to him by his family. His image of womanizer is a face of rebellion, his way to enjoy his freedom. But we understands by the same occasion that Maggie count a lot for him, she is the only girl whom ha've never d in this way, she counts more than everything for him. He is also an excellent friend, but it is especially his attachment for his family, his nation that make him that interesting and attractive. We can only understand why Maggie is crazy about him.

The supporting characters are not very present in this continuation and it's really too bad. Because just Maggie and Samir appear to have changed, more mature, Fleur is calmer, serene, more adult, always of good council. Mya which we saw only a little, is the voice of reason during a good moment, the only one person that Maggie talk about everything. Omar is almost invisible what is a lost, since he is the Samir's best friend. Max and George are the only male presences of the story, they are used to show Fleur's changes and at the same time the bad choice of Maggie, her absence as a friend.

Where in I See London we followed the first year of Maggie in an unknown world, London's discovery and her game of the cat and the mouse with Samir, London Falling is with 10,000 miles of that. Finished the descriptions of London, hello South Carolina, Lebanon and Spain. Finished to them “I , me too", now it is time to pass high speed and to grown up. Maggie is not anymore the little lost virgin who does not know what to do of her feelings and who does not know what she wants. The erotic scenes show perfectly that she is more wild, more determined and that Samir have to be worried for the future.

Of course the reading still pleasant, if it is not more interesting thanks to the point of view of Samir. Even if certain moments annoyed me a little, especially the character of Maggie relating to certain choices, I spent an excellent moment. Until the end we wonders if they will be happy together. Because although they are together, they are a time bomb, dedicated to separate with broken hearts. The series holds us in breath until the end, the promises are kept and we asks again some more!! I would have d to have a little bonus on Fleur, Mya and Max, but let's cross fingers, we never knows.20141 Gabbie (Rampant Readers)303 63

For more of this review and others it, check out my blog, Rampant Readers.


London Falling picks up the fall after Maggie’s freshman year with Maggie anxiously awaiting Samir’s arrival after their intimate night the day before summer break. Maggie is shocked to hear that Samir hadn’t broken up with his girlfriend even after their night. But Samir’s family has expectations for him to follow and a path that he’s been set on his whole life—and that doesn’t include Maggie. They can’t deny their feelings for each other but they are worlds apart.

I enjoyed London Falling more than I See London. IÂ’m not exactly sure what it was about this novel but I felt it had more drama which kept me more entertained. The struggle between Samir and Maggie definitely had more stake than it did in the previous novel because they finally acknowledged their feelings in this one. I was very invested in their story.

Leading Lady

Maggie was a character that you couldnÂ’t help but love. She was insecure about SamirÂ’s feelings for her which is typical in real girls. She didnÂ’t want him to give up everything just to be with her which made me admire her character more. She was also caring to her friends, intelligent, and overall adorable and fun.

Leading Male

Samir was a bit of a pushover in my opinion. He was built up over the series to be this man who doesnÂ’t care what anyone else thought yet he let his family control him so completely. But I did enjoy his character more in this novel than the last because we saw more about him than on the surface stuff. It was nice to see the man behind the cocky exterior.


The romance in this novel was definitely hotter and more present than in the previous one. I d seeing Samir and Maggie together because they brought out the best in each other. She made him better overall and he pushed her to be who she wanted to become. I d the emotional connection that they shared and how it grew stronger with every chapter. It was one of the more well-written romances that IÂ’ve read.

Other Characters

Fleur was another big part of this novel. She is MaggieÂ’s best friend and SamirÂ’s cousin and dealing with her ex-boyfriend and being blackmailed. This was a subplot that I really enjoyed following and the fact that there was no resolution in the plot for Fleur has me hoping that maybe that means a spin-off focusing on her character. IÂ’m really really hoping so!

World Building

the previous novel, most of this one was set in London. However, we also see other places MaggieÂ’s hometown and Lebanon. All the places that Cleeton incorporates in her novel are obviously well-researched and they are very realistic. It gives a worldly feel to the novel and sets the perfect backdrop to the charactersÂ’ story.


London Falling was a great wrap-up to Samir and MaggieÂ’s story. A well-written novel about breaking free for the ones you love, this novel will captivate you from page one.read-earcs-and-review-copies1 Kim2,436 416

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads .

I was a huge fan of Chanel Cleeton's I See London when I first read it a few months ago. I loved the diversity and I have a thing for boarding school or traveling abroad books. But what I loved most of all was watching the shift in dynamic of the relationship between Maggie and Samir. I was hopelessly addicted to these characters and their story and my heart about broke at the end. Things were left so up in the air that I was desperate to get my hands on the sequel so I could find out what happens next.

And y'all, I was not disappointed in the least. London Falling was fantastic. If I'm honest, I enjoyed it even more than I See London. I don't want to say too much for the fear of spoilers, but what I will say is this – if you loved Maggie and Samir as I did, you want this book now. It's a beautiful continuation of their story and has all the emotion and heart that I loved about I See London. Was it all happy good times? No, of course not. It was realistic. There were painful moments, just you would expect from characters who were dealing with the things they were. There were a lot of outside factors, particularly family, causing stress for our leading couple, but despite all the emotions it put me through, it was never TOO much. It wasn't overwhelmingly angsty or painful. Sure, I cried. But come on, did you expect me not to?

Both Maggie and Samir really come into their own in London Falling, continuing the development started in I See London. They're living in the present, enjoying every minute they have together, but they're also looking towards the future and trying to figure out how they fit in each other's lives past Samir's graduation. There's a lot of reflection and tough decisions have to be made. I was completely enthralled with their story and the journey they were taking. With each day that ticked by, bringing them closer to Samir's graduation, my heart broke a little more because of the uncertainty of where it would leave them.

London Falling is everything I love about new adult contemporary books. The characters were fantastic and complex. Even the secondary characters wiggled their way into my heart. There was humor and sexy times, and a TON of feels. I was so invested in these characters, I couldn't put the book down, yet I didn't want to finish because that meant I had to give them up. I still keep thinking about this book and Maggie and Samir weeks after finishing. Their story was brought to a solid close, but I still hold out hope that we'll get more of these fantastic characters in the future, even if it's just a glance into both of their lives as secondary characters in another pair's story.

Chanel has something special here. If you're not reading this, you should be.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.arc loved netgalley ...more1 Tina612 24

Where do you even begin to describe and write about a book that you loved? This book was fantastic. It was heartfelt, emotional, sweet, sexy, and everything I have come to expect from ChanelÂ’s writing.
Samir and Maggie are such a fun couple. Their chemistry is palpable. They are naturally drawn to each other in a way that is impossible to ignore. Maggie is such a sweet girl who wants to be loved and Samir is such a strong man who wants to be with her in any way possible. My heart broke for SamirÂ’s planned future and the ways he was tied to honoring his family. He attempted to toe the line as best he could to have everything he wanted, but when what he wanted was Maggie, he had to make difficult decisions. It made my heart flutter when he stood up and took charge of his life in a small way, causing drama within his family, by choosing to be with Maggie for whatever time they had together. It was an emotional roller coaster seeing how they wanted to be with each other so much and once they finally could be, it was the air they would breathe in was fresher and colors were brighter. It made me constantly smile and sigh. It was so full of sweet moments to cherish and sexy moments to keep them warm at night. It is a story of a well-rounded friendship that became so much more. Watching them try to deny everything was saddening, but the joy of them coming together to be as they should be, in love, was the icing on the ever growing cake!
Just in I SEE LONDON, we are whisked away to different parts of the world. We explore London some more, jet off to Spain and see what SamirÂ’s life is in Lebanon. Each place creates a new atmosphere that fosterss a new energy for the characters to enjoy and live in. I loved seeing more of the relationship with Maggie and her roommates, Fleur and Mya. Watching their group become a tighter and stronger group through the drama and heartache, was realistic and tangible. Maggie and FleurÂ’s relationship made me smile. Everyone needs a friend that, who loves you and tells you the things you may not want to hear, but you so desperately need to.
My only complaint about this book was that it ended. I wanted to see Samir and Maggie for years to come. I wanted to know where life took them. This book was everything I hoped for and more. It gives you hope, despite times of heartache, and shows you what life and love can look when you follow your heart, despite the worldÂ’s constant attempts to thwart what is meant to be. If you have not read this series, then you need to add this to your TBR pile. Samir and MaggieÂ’s story is one you will not want to miss!1 Lucy241 161

London Falling is the sequel to I See London, and book two of the International School series. This series features romance, international travel, diversity, friendship and family drama, and has a college setting. Chanel Cleeton is a fresh new voice in New Adult and her books are addictive summer reads. London Falling works okay as a standalone, though IÂ’d recommend starting with the first book, I See London, to get the whole backstory. The romance has a bigger payoff that way.

American student Maggie is studying at the International School in London. She falls in with a wealthy gang of fellow students, including school playboy Samir. Maggie and Samir have chemistry but obstacles stand in their way of romance. Plus, heÂ’s planning to graduate soon and follow in his fatherÂ’s footsteps in politics in Lebanon. Maggie comes from more humble origins, while Samir has the world at his fingertips, even though he doesnÂ’t necessarily want to play the role he was born into. These two have just have one year together before they go their separate ways- will they be able to say goodbye after graduation?

London Falling is Samir’s as well as Maggie’s story –both have family baggage, and this book benefits with dual pov. It’s interesting to get Samir’s side of the story in this installment, since the first book was all about Maggie’s impressions of him. Maggie is scared of getting hurt by Samir, and knows that the odds are against them. But it’s a surprise to learn that Samir is just as insecure about their relationship and fears losing her.

Are you traveling to any exotic locales this summer? Me, not so much. So itÂ’s fun to travel vicariously through this book, especially since Maggie and her friends really know how to live it up. Just in I See London, expect some fun side trips.

I enjoyed this book even more than I See London. I d the focus on Samir and Maggie, and their struggles together and apart. Things were not always easy but the drama never felt manufactured. The romance is the focus of the book, but there were other stories at play as well that kept the book balanced.

The ending satisfies, but I wouldnÂ’t mind seeing these characters again. I know Chanel Cleeton has another new series (Flirting with Scandal in 2015) lined up after this book, but I hope she doesnÂ’t leave us hanging with MaggieÂ’s friend Fleur. IÂ’d love to see her get her own book!new-adult romance1 Bianca199 24

Oh boy, I feel a book hangover coming on... London Falling is a brilliant sequel. Chanel ramped up the angst and romance to the point where she had my heart beating madly, a permanent lump formed in my throat and those dreaded tears made an appearance.

London Falling picks up after the summer break, where everyone returns to the international school, having changed during the time away. Thinking they'd pick up where they left off, Maggie is instantly shocked with news from Samir, forcing her to try and tamper down her emotions. As time goes on, their feelings become impossible to ignore, yet there are so many obstacle in their way, they only have a limited future ahead of them.

I don't want to give too much away, spoil the premise of the story. The blurb didn't give me a good idea of what was to come, but I was pleasantly surprised. I loved being back at the International School, I'd missed them all, even Fleur!

Oh Samir! I feel more in love with him in this instalment. In I See London, I'll admit, the cocky, rich kid, playboy persona had me hooked, which is strange because that isn't really my thing. We always knew there was more to him underneath all that bravado, but we didn't get to see it. The Samir in London Falling? WOW, I loved every facet of him. He much deeper and opens up to allow us to get to know him MUCH better. I d, no, I LOVED what I saw.

Maggie also shines in this story. Gone is the shy, lost little girl we met, she is replaced with someone who knows what she wants, where she belongs and how she deserves to be treated. Maggie is definitely stronger, and although she's in uncharted territory, she handles all the obstacles in her path with grace.

I mentioned earlier, this story amped up the angst, steam and romance. I was hooked early on, and didn't dare put the book down, I was desperate to find out how things would turn out. My heart was beating furiously, there was a permanent lump in my throat and yes, I did cry (it takes a LOT for me to cry by the way). I was so invested in their journey, I felt all the emotions along with them.

Such a brilliant conclusion to the series, it was everything I was looking for, and perhaps a little more. I will say, I wanted an epilogue, REALLY bad. Just that little extra glimpse into the future... Don't fret, there's a happy ending! 1 Francesca213 26

I'm officially done reading books in the romance genre that span more than one book. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now considering I've never d the sequel as much as the first book. Hell, half the time it's a struggle to even finish it.

Not one author has proved to me that the second (or in some cases the third) book has been worth my time, nor adds anything to the story. Because the truth of the matter is, there isn't a need - other than torturing readers and possibly trying to make more money (although I feel the latter is rarely the case). I'm sure there are many readers that love being tortured, but I am not one of them.

London Falling has the same pitfalls of every romance sequel. So much drama that it feels your eyes are going to fall out of your head from constantly rolling them. So much anger toward the heroine because you can't believe how stupid she is. So much rage toward the hero because you can't believe how much of an idiot he is. And the constant back and forth around whether or not they should be together is watching the Germany vs. Brazil World Cup Game and rooting for Brazil. One word: Painful.

But really what put the nail in the coffin on this one was Maggie. For all her reservations and supposedly feeling bad about cheating, it clearly wasn't enough since she went right ahead and fucked Samir anyway. Does this girl have no self respect, no guilt, no morals? Is she really that horny that she can just ignore the fact that Samir wants to have his cake and eat it too? And I don't care if Samir is only dating his girlfriend because it's 'arranged.' Talk about bullshit. It's so important to follow through with the arranged marriage yet he doesn't even have enough respect to not cheat on his girlfriend. What is the point? You either need to commit to it all the way or not at all. Ridiculous.

The only bright spot of this story (and there really is only one) is the hint of something between Max and Fleur. As much as I disd London Falling, I would be willing to read more about Max and Fleur. I will, however, not be reading it if there's more than one book. Never again.angsty annoying-heroine book-2-of-2 ...more1 Olga34 56

4 Butterflies! You can find my whole review here: http://shattering-words.blogspot.com/...

“London was a drug - an incredible high you never wanted to come off of. It made you feel you could do anything, be anyone. You could reinvent yourself in a city this.”

I already have read *and loved* I See London, the first book in this great series, and because I was lazy, I still haven't posted my review... and while I was sure that this ride couldn't get more crazy and deliciously  epic... Ms. Cleeton proved me exactly how wrong could I be making that statement.

London Falling picks up the fall after Maggie’s freshman year with Maggie anxiously awaiting Samir’s arrival after their intimate night the day before summer break, so as you imagine, Maggie is shocked to hear that Samir hadn’t broken up with his girlfriend even after their night and their wedding plans is still on! 

 As you can see and imagine I was angry and confused, because after everythint that has happened between those two, after a night that, after all the love and their strong feeling they have one for another... how could Samir go and leave me... ahem.... Maggie, that! Tell me way should I forgive that... stupid hotness of a male perfection and give him another chance? Why should Maggie do it?!
1 Heather461 26

Oh it felt so good to be back in Maggie and SamirÂ’s world. Chanel, I adore you and I donÂ’t know why I didnÂ’t put you on my favorite author list before, but you are there now.

In London Falling, Maggie has returned to London after break, after her night with Samir at the end of the last school year. She is waiting to see him, to see how things are between the two of them. Are they going to pick up where they left off? Or are things going to be awkward now that they have slept together? We know though that SamirÂ’s father has his life planned out for him and it doesnÂ’t include an American girl.

I loved loved loved London Falling. I donÂ’t I felt I had so much invested in this couple, I am blaming Chanel Cleeton for making me fall in love with them, with all of them. Fleur and Maya are back and there is side story with Fleur that I am hoping will spin off into its own book because I want more from this group. I didnÂ’t want to leave them behind as I swiped over to the last page. This is one of those books that I wanted to devour as quickly as possible because I wanted to know where one of my favorite couples would end up and then after I read it so quickly (a few hours) I was mad at myself because I should have slowed down and savored it. Two hundred and eighty two pages went by too fast. This is one of the few series that I would to reread, I just enjoyed these two books so much.

London Falling is an amazing follow up to I See London. It had everything I hoped for: sexiness, friendship, humor, drama, London, and more Samir and Maggie. Chanel, I donÂ’t suppose we could talk you into another book about them? I know their story ended in this one, but I could totally go for more. I adored it!

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy of London Falling that I received to facilitate this review. When I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I had to know where this couple was going.

1 Naomi1,381 58

4.5 Stars

I love it when I can pick up a sequel – a few months after I finished the first book – and I can fall straight back into the world I read the first book yesterday. I d the plot and the characters so much that they were still fresh in my mind. Chanel Cleeton also has an easy writing style that I so it was exciting to go back to London and see Samir and Maggie face new challenges.

London Falling is slightly different from the first book as we follow both Maggie and Samir's perspectives. Maggie is struggling with her feelings about Samir and how he has an arranged marriage planned. Her friends are great support and try and take her mind off things by going on trips and taking her out, but her feelings are quite intense. Maggie also has some parental issues and finds it hard to share her feelings with the people she loves.

Samir is not sure whether he wants to follow through with the arranged marriage, and is contemplating if he can pursue his relationship with Maggie. She challenges him at every turn and sees right to his soul. His family life is quite complicated as he is expected to step up in his fatherÂ’s footsteps and return to Lebanon. Samir is such a sweet person behind the spoilt boy that he portrays himself to be. Some of the things he does were sweet and I just love the passion he has.

When they do get together, you can see how much they have in common and how they complement each other. Samir's family and politics are always a big problem between them. Toward the end of the book I wanted to shake them both, but in the end I was happy how things were between them. I can see a hint of another book on the horizonÂ… Fleur! I am going to enjoy that one!

Complimentary copy provided by the Publisher, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
1 Hilda241 4

Having had the chance to read both I See London and London Falling, I can say that I truly enjoyed London Falling that much more...and I really d I See London!! Perhaps it was because I really wanted to read more about Samir and Maggie but I felt they were so much more interesting a pair than Hugh and Maggie in the first book. The focus of this book is more on Maggie and Samir's relationship which was nice. The secondary characters, though are key in a few parts of the story, really take a back seat in this book.

Maggie and Samir couldn't be more different from each other which made it that much more interesting to read about them. A lot of the book highlighted the massive difference between the two--everything from their cultural differences to their walks in life. There was a huge emphasis placed on how rich Samir is and how poor Maggie is. Surprisingly, it wasn't ever much of an issue between the two of them. Refreshing since money is usually a big divider when it comes to social circles. Another interesting emphasis was placed on Samir's culture and how different his life is from that of your "average American life". His family legacy and its dependency on him to take over as head of the family and business when he finishes school is something that isn't something easily understood but interesting to learn about.

The timing of the novel--Maggie's second year back at the International School--works out well for a chance of a continuation. Will the couple continue on to be so insanely in love with each other or will their relationship settle down and fizzle a bit? I'm also interested in seeing if Chanel Cleeton goes on to write more (perhaps a story for Fleur?)!contemporary ebook new-adult ...more1 Becky3,159 129

This book may have been the only thing that kept me sane on a twelve-hour long car trip that was supposed to be only eight....

London Falling is a sequel to I See London, which I didn't have time to read first (because, hello, it's Camp NaNoWriMo time) but that was okay, because really the major things from book one that you need to know are all mentioned in this one so I never felt lost. (I own the first book, and chances are excellent that I'll pick it up at some point--knowing how these two will end up will definitely make me happier while reading. I'm really an I-need-my-happy-ending-now kind of gal. Having to wait for sequels does not make me a happy camper.)

I really enjoyed Maggie and Samir's story. They both tried so hard to do the right thing and to find the right path for themselves, and at times it really looked as if a HEA wasn't ever going to happen--heartbreaking! In the meantime, their chemistry was off the charts...I'm amazed Maggie got *any* studying done. ;)

Chanel did a nice job of getting them to a satisfying conclusion, with plenty of realistic drsma along the way. It was nice to see Samir's POV here, even though his segments did tend to be on the short side. We definitely saw a lot more of Maggie's life than his, and spent more time on her relationships with other people. Not a complaint--just an obsevation. Both POVs were enjoyable.

This book leaves me with just one question--where's Fleur's story? It's coming, yes? :)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
arc contemporary netgalley ...more1 Kathy406 57

London Falling is the second book of the International School series. I d I See London but I LOVED London Falling!!

For me I loved this book more because I made a better connection with the characters. This is because it is written in 2 point of views (POV), Maggie's and Samir's. In the first book Samir was the sexy playboy. Now that we read his POV for me he's sexier and also so romantic! Samir is torn between following his obligations to his family and his need for independence. He is also struggling to follow his heart (which belongs to Maggie). There were so many swoon worthy scenes with Samir that I can't pick which is my favorite. But the author successfully made my heart beat faster & wish I could have Samir all to myself!

I also d the scenes with Maggie. Here we learn more about her relationship with her father, which is really heartbreaking! No wonder she is afraid to take a chance on love. If it werenÂ’t for Samir, Maya and Fleur she would be lost and alone. They have become her family. Maggie does have moments of self-pity but it's understandable and she shrugs it off and moves on. ThatÂ’s what I love about her. Yes, she has insecurities but itÂ’s not a constant whining! She makes choices that are best for her and for the people she cares about.

I really enjoyed this book. Author Chanel Cleeton created characters I love and a story that kept me wanting more! The series is set in London which adds some fun and excitement to the story. I can't wait to read more from this author!2014 2014-adult 20201 Lisa2,288 72

London Falling by Chanel Cleeton is the second book in her International School series. It picks up the story after the summer we left her and Samir. We were left wondering what their summer would entail and what kind of relationship they were going to have after their one amazing night together... Well this book answers all those questions and more!

Samir is political royalty and as such his aprents made a match for him for political reasons. When he was with Maggie on the last day of school he still technically had a girlfriend in Lebanon. Layla is the "arranged" girlfriend. Little does Maggie realize until after she returns to school in London, that Samir never ended it with Layla and was with her all summer. Maggie's worst fears take over and wonder just how with her Samir was?

Samir is stuck, if he ends it with Layla then his parents will cut him off, he's sure of it. They certainly wouldn't approve of an American as a girlfriend!

Read this superb follow up to I See London to see how two people who really love each other can overcome nationality, familial obligations, and their own fears to emerge the other side better, stronger, and more in love than ever.arcs1 Meg - A Bookish Affair2,469 204

3.5 stars. "London Falling" is the second book in Cleeton's International School series. This New Adult book is hot and a lot of fun. Even though this book is the second in the series, you can definitely read it as a standalone. I actually did not realize that this book was part of a series when I got it off of Netgalley and did not miss a beat.

Maggie and Samir are not sure that the romance that they started in the previous school year can thrive. Maggie went back to the States. Samir went back to his girlfriend in Lebanon. When they come back for a new school year in London, they cannot help but to pick up where they left off. Only this time, both of them want more.

This was a fun, light romance that would make perfect reading material for a nice summer day when you are looking for a book to simply relax with. I really d the relationship between Maggie and Samir. They both come from two very different worlds with very different cultures and they realize that isn't going to make things very easy for their relationship but they persevere and find a relationship that works well for them.

I really d the setting (having London in the title really drew me to this title - total anglophile here!!!). Samir has a lot of money and is able to move around London society with no problem. Maggie doesn't come from much and Samir opens her world to a lot more opportunities.

This was definitely a fun read! I would love to go back and read "I See London," to read about how Samir and Maggie's relationship first started out.fiction new-adult romance1 Kristen235 22

Book #2 in the International School Series, London Falling, picks up right where book #1 ended. Thank god for that! I have been dying to see how Maggie and Samir's steamy night would play out once they all returned back to school! Though this is the second book in the series I believe it could be read without reading first if you must, but I highly recommend checking out book #1 I See London first! It's full of sexual tension and so much angst I could not put it down.

"We were living on borrowed time-of course we had been all along."

Be still my heart. Samir's character made a complete one-eighty in this second installment. He went from this mysterious Lebanese bad boy to an attentive, loving, caring romantic! Maggie and Samir have AH-mazing chemistry and is shines through the pages! They have some obstacales to overcome in their relationship, mainly his obligations to his family duties back in Lebanon and of course his parents. There is a bit of heartache and I admit I teared up at one point. Don't fret, these two get that happily ever after and I couldn't be more pleased with their story.
1 Falling In Fall Book Blog379 67

I rated London Falling with four and one half leaves! I loved this book. I just finished reading I See London by Chanel Cleeton and was able to go right into London Falling which is the second book in the International School series. Maggie is back for her second year at the International School in London, England. She is originally from South Carolina but when she gets rejected from her dream school, Harvard, she packs up and moves to London. Maggie has a group of good friends that she made her first year that she is excited to return and see. One of these friends being Samir. Samir is the bad boy who can't settle down. Of course, this would be the boy that Maggie can't get out of her head. Maggie and Samir become VERY close at the end of I See London so I was so excited to start London Falling to see where they picked up. I was definitely not disappointed. :) I love how Cleeton develops each character in her story and she doesn't leave any story lines unfinished! If you love traveling and stories set abroad, check out this one ASAP!

A gifted copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review by Lo.
1 Ashley - Book Labyrinth1,251 317

Samir + Maggie = OTP. Seriously. I've been dying for this book since I read the first one, and in spite of that fact London Falling completely lived up to my expectations. After the first book you kind of expect a swoony but completely angsty and painful read, and thatÂ’s exactly what you get here. In a masochistic way I d that it wasn't easy for these two. Even when it was painful (and oh gosh it was PAINFUL), it was real. I mean, there are completely serious and realistic reasons why Samir and Maggie shouldnÂ’t be able to make it work long term, so it made sense that things wouldnÂ’t be easy.

Beyond the romance, which is obviously the focus of the book, I d the character journeys that Samir and Maggie go through. It took longer than I'd for them to stop being so dense, but again, I appreciated it at the same time, because it felt true to character. To put it simply, I loved this book. London Falling is a steamy, sweet, and emotional New Adult romance that I recommend to all fans of the category.ebook-to-buy for-review from-publisher ...more1 Jeraca2,530 27

I received this free eARC in exchange for my honest review.

The thing I loved the most about this book was we got Samir's point of view! It was nice to see what the quiet, mysterious Samir was thinking.

I did find myself very annoyed through a lot of this book. Yes, we know Samir and Maggie are attracted to each other. But they found A LOT of reasons to not be together. They were legit reasons, but it was CONSTANTLY mentioned throughout the book and for the first part all they did was talk about it and not try to fix it.

That doesn't mean I didn't this book, because I did. I just think it would have been better if there wasn't as much talking and more doing.

Glad I read this series. Loved the detailed description of all the places Maggie went to. I've been to London before but it felt going there again when reading Maggie's initial reaction to everything. arc new-adult-novels read-but-unowned1 Stacy Sties322 36

This book was everything I wanted the first book to be and more. While I enjoyed the first book, it was clearly a set up for the second and left me rather flat when it ended and even before because the chemistry between Maggie and Samir was clearly there but not developed enough for me to really love either character. London Falling does everything I See London did not for me. The characters are wonderful and you clearly see how good of a guy Samir is behind his rich, cocky exterior. Both are battling doing what is right while clearly falling in love. The emotion was there and I loved every page of it. netgalley1 DahliaAuthor 19 books2,625 Read

God, I love this duology. I had such a hard time putting this one down; Samir and Maggie's chemistry pretty much made me melt into the subway floor. As a side note, I really love the way different cultures and nationalities are woven into both books; I've always been interested in international relations and briefly considered majoring in it, so this is particularly fun for me. Looking forward to whatever Cleeton has coming out next!2014-releases new-adult1 Loida140 7

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