
I See London de Chanel Cleeton

de Chanel Cleeton - Género: English
libro gratis I See London


Chanel Cleeton Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises ULC, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9780369748607

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Title: I See London
Series:I See London #1
Author: Chanel Cleeton
Release Date: February 3rd , 2014
Rating: 3.5 stars
Cliffhanger: Hard to say
HEA: Not yet.

I See London is one of those reads that are very hard to classify or grade, and especially write a review about. There were things I very much enjoyed, d or was pleased with and few that made me bat shit crazy. I was jumping from ‘I d it’ to ‘I’m not sure what to think’ to ‘I want to kill the main character right this minute’, yet I continued reading. I’m not regretting it nor do I seem to be disappointed with the outcome, although it was a very jumpy ride for me.

Maggie starts her new life in International School in London, where she can finally spread her wings a little and grow up in ‘privileged environment’, filled with rich students from all over the world.

Maggie is your usual Southern girl that needs to go a little crazyÂ…
She meets two unusual men and quickly is swept away by possibilities of steamy romance, though she doesnÂ’t know if sheÂ’s ready for it.

Samir is fellow student. HeÂ’s the popular, sexy, making you weak in knees type Arab.

Hugh is older, mature and very, very hot.

Let me cut right to the chase of the matter. Fans of innocent, funny and sweet reads that don’t mind a naïve, young heroines will eat this story up. I, as I’m not usually a go to girl for that kind of main characters had a very hard time to get into it.

On the positive side I was smitten with Samir - he was one of the brightest aspect of this book and frankly made it a lot of better. Seriously what hot blooded woman wouldnÂ’t consider sexy, tall and dark haired man a very big plus? WhatÂ’s more making him Lebanese not only was refreshing but exotic and I was hooked.

As for Hugh he was not that bad either. He was fantastic character and I d reading about him, but in my opinion eight years difference between him and Maggie was more of a millennia. Maggie acted she was thirteen instead of freshman in college and I couldnÂ’t comprehend why was he bothering with this child.

Hopeless romantics will fell in love with this story for sure. Fast paced, dynamic and adorable, I See London is a book I would gift to a friend of mine that loves the drama, the IÂ’m the innocent virgin jazz and doesnÂ’t mind a casual love triangle.

In my book, I See London was a three and something stars read, but IÂ’m almost absolutely positive that the charm of greatly pictured London, allure of studying abroad and living the high life will appeal to many of you.


*ARC provided by publisher in exchange for honest review *

25 s Cora Tea Party Princess1,323 856

5 Words: Fun, playful, growing-up, new-adult, sexy.


So sorry. I had to get that out of my system.

Book by book, my faith in New Adult is being restored. This is the second NA in a row which has impressed me and kept me reading. And..? No eye rolling.

This book did have me feeling a little rage-y at points, but it worked so so well by the end of the book. When you get to the bit when you think "Really, Maggie?" just keep reading on. Because it's written for a reason. And when you get to the end, everything will fall into place and you'll be feeling all warm and fuzzy and totally understand everything.

What this story does best is the main character, Maggie. She is one of the best written NA characters I've ever read. She changes and it's not always for the better. She loses sight of who she is and what she wants, but in the end everything works out wonderfully, but not without a lot of hard work and heartbreak. And it's right that it does. Maggie's journey is completely relatable and exactly what the New Adult genre should be about.

I think I See London actually worked really well all on its own. As much as I'd love to see where Maggie and Samir go next, I was content with how it ended. There's no pressure on me to read on, no pressing cliff-hanger. But I will read on, because that was a great read. And I want to know more about Maggie's dad. And Fleur. I loved Fleur.20 s mich654 227

2.5 stars.
This was a bit reminiscent of Anna and the French Kiss (American girl goes to school in another country, her eyes are opened to new experiences, etc.), except not as fun and a tiny bit more NA (just a little though -- even though Maggie is in college, it still felt a little high-schooly.)

The writing was decent -- I think the only thing that ever turned me off about it (but also made me kind of laugh), was the excessive heat that flared everywhere. The heat flared in his eyes. It flared in her body. It flared between them across the room. The Heat. It FLARES. I GET IT. Find another mode of description, please. *eye roll*

The story involved a love triangle that didnÂ’t make much sense to me. There was really great chemistry between Maggie and one of the guys, and a whole lotta nothing going on with the other guy. Also, said other guy gets zero, and I do mean ZERO, character development. So there really was no point to it, other than as a device to create some tension between Maggie and the first guy. Pffft, lazy love triangles. *shakes head* Do it right or donÂ’t bother.

That said, I really did MaggieÂ’s relationship with the one dude. I that a real friendship develops between them, and itÂ’s not just flaring heat all the time. I was kept guessing throughout a lot of the book as to how things would end up with these two. I also d some of the other supporting characters, one of MaggieÂ’s roommates in particular.

I enjoyed the London setting as it has, for personal reasons, recently become one of my most favorite places EVER. The author did a pretty good job of showing us how this dynamic, lovely, awe-inspiring city was seen through MaggieÂ’s eyes.

As to the ending. . . ummm, how should I put this? Ok, here: I thought it fucking sucked.

(spoiler for the ending -- donÂ’t click on it if you havenÂ’t read the book)
I was really anxious to see if Maggie and Samir would ever actually do it, but when it finally happens, I couldn’t enjoy it. She has sex with him KNOWING that he recently got himself a girlfriend. Nah. Not into that. As much as Maggie annoyed me here and there throughout the book, I had still been rooting for her, but THAT brought it to a screeching halt. Way to prove you’re not a good girl anymore though! Good job, Maggie! *high five!* And Samir with his “I don’t cheat” speech earlier, HA! What-The-Fuck-EVER. I had actually believed him when he said that, and thought it lent credence to the idea that there was much more to his character than what appeared on the surface. Why include this last-minute mystery girlfriend in the story anyway? Drama for book two, I guess? For me, all it did was make me think badly of these characters who I had kinda d up until then. Blah.

Debating now if I will read the next book.
contemporary cute-sweet first-in-series ...more9 s CeCe3,525 109

This is not for me. The heroine was not likable. You may love it. Read sample, writing was choppy.
The heroine was obsessed with underwear.
Not worth $1.99. My opinion. Reading is subjective.amazon-sampler-did-not-grab-me could-not-connect did-not-finish ...more5 s Alice160 35

This was such a cute and refreshing read ,about a girl named Maggie she is a small town country type of gal never had a boyfriend before not even a first kiss . Maggie s life is about to change though now that she got accepted to the famous international school in london. There she meets Samir a total hottie ,big brown eyes dark hair six feet something very yummy sexy half french ,half Lebanese boy from school . This is were the fun begins , so you definitely could tell from the moment you start reading that Maggie and Samir have a strong connection but there is a bit of a problem , since Samir is a total player and what girl would that .....uh none! But thats not all to make things even more interesting she meets Hugh, wow now Were Samir is a very hot boy this is a very very hot man ,thats after our young and innocent Maggie ..choices choices choices .

I also love the friends that maggie makes they are adorable all though Fleur took a bit of warming up to Maggie but she was a true and loyal friend after they adjusted to each other . I really enjoyed this book it was very sweet with a bit of steamy . And i could keep rambling about it but i dont wanna give away to much so i will just leave you with some highlights of the book

Some Samir for you...

" why wont you admit you want me"

" ive been wanting to touch you since the first day we met "

" because i want you in my bed .naked in my arms .because i cant i cant stop wanting you"

4 Hot Internationally sexy stars!

Thx chanel;)arc5 s Valerie896 439

3 stars - More upper YA than NA but a good romance with some culture throw into the mix.

First Impressions...I read the summary for this book before I saw the cover and I was interested. The idea of going to school in London away from home and everything she knew captured my attention. Then that half French, half Lebanese guy sealed the deal.

The Story... Here I have mixed feelings. I really, really d the fact that there was no insta-love going on. The characters were definitely given time to develop feeling. The story lasts for the first year of college but I wish this much story had lasted for the first semester.

The Characters... I really enjoyed the all the characters. We get to know more than the two main ones. Some of the those characters were so rich. I really enjoyed them. I hope that we will see more of them in the sequels. I really Samir. He's a player but he's up front about it. I do think he's met his match but hasn't admitted it yet. He clearly has feeling for Maggie and I don't think he realizes just how deep they are yet. He's really a sweetheart and takes care of his friends. When things get real, he's always there. Maggie kinda frustrated me. She portrays herself one way but she doesn't act that way. She's nineteen and never been kissed. But in London, she hits the club scene and "falls" for a much older guy. Which brings me to Hugh. I guess this is a love triangle but does if the other guy doesn't have a chance then is it a real love triangle. Really, Maggie thinks Hugh has a chance but her own resistance speaks volumes. And we don't really get to know Hugh much. He's Maggie's make-out partner and that's all we really know. He is VERY patient for a guy. He claims to be a player but waits patiently for months while Maggie tries to figure out the sex thing. Not sure I bought that.

The Writing... I d the writing for the most part. It flowed well and I never had to go back and figure things out after the fact. I would only change the length.

Could I Put It Down...Yeah, I could and I did. I read it over three nights. I could have read it straight through if I had had the time but I needed some breaks. I think that was my frustration with Maggie coming through.

In The End...I enjoyed this book. I the wide range of cultures that were combined into one place and story. The setting was nice. There was a visit to Paris that I enjoyed as well. Then there was a game of strip rummy that was interesting but ended too soon. It's billed as New Adult for 17 and up but I see it more as an upper YA book. Definitely for high school students. There's not a lot of language or explicit scenes in it. The sex is there but not center stage. If you enjoy the upper YA romance books, then this one is a good one to try. 2014-reads new-adult romance4 s Jess (the cozy reader)654 47

Big thanks to Chanel and Jessica for an ARC copy for review.

Holy smokes, this book was very addicting. I loved everything about this book, from the beautiful cities of London, Paris and Italy that Maggie gets to see, to the swoon worthy guys that have captured her attention, jealousy, secrets, and of course the sizzling romantic chemistry. I found myself even thinking about the novel while I was work, wanting to sneak a few chapters in here and there.

The main character Maggie was very likable. She is down to earth, friendly, outgoing and has a loving relationship with her grandmother. I loved her inner confidence within herself, she may have had moments of insecurities any other girl, but she knows exactly who she is. Mya, Michael, and Fleur were great friends for Maggie, though it took me a while to warm up to Fleur because of her bitchiness in the beginning.

Now we have two of Maggie's potential love interests, Hugh and Samir. Let's start with Hugh who is British, in his late 20's, a successful bar owner, charming, and absolutely gorgeous. He is very intrigued with Maggie. Then we have Samir who is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. With his French/Lebanese heritage giving him a sexy, exotic look, he is charismatic, a ladies man, but underneath is understanding and passionate. There were several of these moments..

I am so excited that there is going to be a sequel because the ending left me wanting more. Who does Maggie belong with? You'll have to read to find out.

"We'd held hands enough now throughout the past year that this felt familiar-comfortable, even. And yet exciting at the same time.

I felt alive. And I felt safe." ~ Maggie

Review also posted at: http://jesstimetoread.blogspot.comarc blog-tour4 s Jess3,166 5

I was really hoping I'd this more since I fell so in love with Next Year in Havana. But mostly I just found it a little vapid--totally get wanting to reinvent yourself in college, making bad relationship choices, etc, but the characters were all in real pain and the revelry seemed it was about avoiding that more than actually enjoying it. I'd read the second one if I thought my library would get it, but I suspect the won't, so I will have to live with Maggie and Samir's relationship untold.2018-all 2018-new own-ebook ...more3 s Chris-Wait-For-It-Awesome355 36

First of all let me state this:
I don't want to rate my books low. In fact I hate it. But being a member in this fine community has saved me from a lot of bad book choices so I hope to reciprocate.
I'm not a fan of Samir. And darn it all to hell, I wanted to. I mean come on, a hot, dark Lebanese rich boy? Samir though was indifferent, obnoxious and sometimes downright hateful. His actions were impulsive at best or sneaky at worst (and who s a sneaky hero?). Does he Maggie? Who the hell knows. Is he spoiled? Hell yes. Not many fine qualities.
Maggie. Oh Maggie. The poor girl tried. She tried but one quote kept poping up in my head.
"Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore" She was just so immature and bedazzled by Fleur, Samir and company that she just lost the few brain cells she had to begin with. I can relate to an immature heroine but come on. No self respecting student with a scholarship leaves her homework to travel to France. Or Rome.
The father drama? Well it was irrelevant to the plot. It almost felt the author thougt: "Hey, I can't have a NA book without some family drama". And she whipped up... well let's not spoil it.
Will I read the sequel? To tell you the truth... No. I have read books that annoyed me to no end and I still managed to read the sequel but right now, I just don't see it.3 s Kaye3,628 51

Maggie Carpenter is from a small town in the south and was raised by her grandparents. Her mother left when she was a child and her father was usually away in the military with occasional phone calls or visits. The book begins as she flies to London to begin college at International School. She is on scholarship and now she is attending school and rooming with kids who have had a very privileged upbringing. On day one she meets Samir Khouri who is French and Lebanese. He is too cocky and sure of himself but he proves to be someone she can turn to when she needs help. She also meets Hugh, a British club owner. He is in his late twenties and thinks she is an older graduate student.

I know Chanel Cleeton from her books about the Cuban Perez Family. This book was first published in 2013 and I received a digital copy from Harlequin Trade Publishing, Canary Street Press via NetGalley. It is the first in a three book series. Maggie is frustrating as a lead. She gets caught up in the clubbing and nights out scene. Her lying about her age to Hugh is also a red flag for me. And it took half the book for me to begin to warm up to Samir and understand her attraction to him. Figuring out her feelings about the two men is the focus of the story. My daughter did a semester abroad in London and these were not the kind of adventures I would have wanted for her. I did feel empathy for the lack of parental interest and how it impacts her. While I donÂ’t think IÂ’m the intended demographic for this book it is well written and covers MaggieÂ’s first year in college. (3.5 Stars)books-in-a-series-romance british college ...more2 s Autumn Review1,023 524

3.5 stars
First impression:
I'm pretty obsessed with anything British, so I was on board for trying this one out.

The story:
In high school, Maggie was so focused on her studies that she didn't leave much room for a social life. Now, she has the chance of a lifetime. She's off to London for college and she wants to make the most of her time there. There are new friendships formed, reluctantly, and lots of boys to ogle. One particular boy, Samir, seems to constantly creep into her thoughts, but she doesn't think he's right for her. She wants someone solid, steady. She learns a lot about herself in her first year of college. Now, the question is...where does she go from here and will Samir be a part of that picture?

The characters:
I kinda d Maggie. She was a bit naive, but I understood that. I couldn't relate to her in that way, but I had some friends her, so it was easy to connect with her. I felt her experiences in her first year of college were pretty realistic. Maybe not all the flash, but the basics meeting new friends, adjusting to life away from home, boy drama...all pretty real stuff.

I was surprised that I Samir as much as I did. When he's first introduced, he seems such an ass. But, I d how gentle he was with Maggie. Sure, he made bad choices, but I think he's really good for Maggie. I think she grounds him a bit too.

What didn't work for me:
The first thing is that I just didn't get the relationship with Hugh. It just never really fit with me.

This is an NA novel, but to me it read more a Mature YA. I've read some Mature YA that had more steam. I think Cleeton could have pumped up the romance. Samir and Maggie had great chemistry.

I d it. It certainly kept me entertained, but I could put it down. I will say that I've thought about the book since I've read it, so it must have made a decent impact. I'm definitely interested in seeing where Maggie's story goes from here, so I'll ly pick up the next book, London Falling.

~It scared me that it was always this with him, always a spectacular loss of control. It scared me that he pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me crave more than I should.-Loc 1510

~"You should expect more from some guy than having to fight for his attention. Don't sell yourself short. You deserve more. You deserve everything.''-Loc 4986
arc review2 s Fatma A.157 44

Okay I'm disappointed *sigh*
One star to the writing style and the other one is for the events and the European places/countries.
The romance is horrible, I didn't get the main character actions in one chapter she's innocent and she doesn't know any single thing and in the second chapter she want to be free and to date Samir oh no wait she want to date Hugh, get a life please you aren't a baby to act that!!
Minus the romance and the love triangle thing it's going to be an okay book!
I'm not going to waste more time sorry I'm not sorry!
Stay away please!! 2 s Marina177 97

No setting here. It could be Rio or Bora Bora...the author did not depicted the city properly. The love triangle is - one word - pathetic. The Main character is an airhead with no true motivation for her actions in the plot. This book was NO for me.2 s Sofi131 7

“It doesn’t matter. You could be in a car accident and then what? Would you want people to see you in those?” (Cotton, black, perfect for fat days.) I wasn’t sure if the underwear rule applied to plane crashes. But if it did? I was about to die in the world’s ugliest pair of black cotton underwear.”

Usually my star ratings can never really convey the right feelings because I'm really selfish at giving them out. Unless I give a one-star rating, it just simply means I dis it. But two stars can mean a lot of things for me, especially when it comes to this book. I d it for the fun but it was not enough for me to give it three stars. Y'know?

But first let's have a quick run through of what I See London is all about.

So, the main character Maggie Carpenter is from South Carolina and she has been living this perfectly oriented life in high school. She had good grades, she never had boyfriends and she always played safe. When she got rejected from her dream college, Harvard, Maggie was inclined to apply to an international college in the UK. Once she arrives, she is met with schoolmates of diverse ethnicity and culture. And surprise, the first guy she meets, happens to be hot, and also happens to be Samir.

Fast forward and Maggie is bunkmates with the school's resident Ice Queen, Fleur, who also happens to be close buddies with Samir. They all hang out and party together and carry out this fabulous lifestyle of travelling to Paris and Venice over school breaks and driving in crazy expensive cars. Through one of those partying nights, Maggie meets Hugh, who's almost a decade older, so she decides to lie about herself in order for him to fall for her. But instead, later she spends more time with Samir and she finds herself torn between two very very (did I mention very) hot guys. The hot and nice older British guy that owns a club but she lied to or the hot half Lebanese and half French guy who also happens to be a prick and a pain in the ass?

I choose neither to be honest.

And here is why this book didn't make it for me:

1) Absolutely boring characters. No, I don't hate Maggie or Samir or Hugh, but they were ridiculously boring. And even more boring as a love triangle. First, there was nothing special about Maggie. She was just... MAGGIE. I couldn't click with her and I couldn't feel anything for her. Maggie was just there. And I expect that the author plans to build up the arc about her dad, but dude just dropping the marriage bomb with no explanations was kinda tactless and stupid from my point of view.

Samir, oh Samir. I went to google for pictures of "hot Lebanese guys" and damn you look so fine in my mind. Unfortunately he was too much of an asshole to deal with. I personally to stay away from guys that have "problematic" plastered all over their face. Especially when the guy tries to educate you about what he thinks is best for you.

“He was so casual about things; he always treated me as though we were just having fun. How dare he push me on this?”

What made up for his character before he went down on my shit list, was that he recognised that he was a player. And he knew what he was. I can always take a guy who fesses up to their problematic ass, not someone who tries to act that he is not.

“Don’t try to make me into someone I’m not. I’m not some wounded hero you need to save. I’m a guy. It’s pretty simple. I sex. I women. And if I’m having sex with a woman exclusively, then she damned well better be doing the same with me.”

Samir may not be perfect, but hell he's boring as well. I wish there were more background information about his politician family and what not because I really don't care about him other than he's a spoiled rich kid who isn't having his way.

Don't even get me started on Hugh. More Hugh, whooooeeeww?? I honestly don't understand when authors claim to write love triangles in their stories when 1/3 of the triangle is missing. I suppose I find it surprising that Hugh never made a huge fuss about the whole lying scheme but urgh he is so so so pointless. I don't care about him at all.

I desperately wanted Maggie to have a close knit group of girlfriends, which I guess she kinda did. Fleur was my Ice Princess and I'm glad the author didn't drag out the whole she's-blonde-she's-a-bitch thing because I really d her. I would've d Mya as much too but Hugh she was there and then she wasn't. I honestly feel the lack of backstory on all the characters made it so hard for me to care about any of them.

2) I love London. It's one of my favourite cities in the world that I have actually been to. It's bustling with life, colours and rich in history. It's picturesque. But the author fails to create that illusion. I feel someone could've swapped the backdrop with another city and the story would have settled the same. For a book that titles itself as "I See London", I didn't see much of London at all. Other than name droppings of train stations and places, there wasn't much of London at all in the book.

Overall: A fun book to read in a day's span but I wasn't feeling it at all.
2-stars adult college ...more1 Anita (Anitareads)290

4.5 starsnew-adult study-abroad1 Jennifer Thomas15

3.5 ??super quick read- not much of a story line other than the love triangle but excited to see where this story goes 20241 Annaiss245

La reseña fue originalmente publicada en SMW Book BlogI See London de Chanel Cleeton me parece difícil de reseñar porque hubo momentos en cuales la historia me gustaba, en los que me pareció adictiva, otros en los que la protagonista principal, Maggie, me desesperaba con su inseguridad y me hizo pensar más de un “Really, bitch, really”; sin embargo eso no impidió que dejara de leer I See London y que, al final, me pareciera una lectura pasable.
Maggie Carpenter, de diecinueve años y de Carolina del Sur, obtiene una beca a la universidad International School en Londres, Inglaterra; una universidad privilegiada donde los hijos de los líderes más importantes del mundo asisten. Y es ahí donde Maggie entra a una vida totalmente diferente. Ahora, Maggie se encuentra viviendo la vida que nunca tuvo, y siempre quiso, en Carolina del Sur; una vida llena de lujos, asistiendo a los mejores clubs del momento, usando vestidos de diseñadores famosos, y viajando por la cuidad de Londres en un Ferrari. Pero en su nueva vida, Maggie también se encuentra dividida entre dos chicos completamente diferentes como la noche y el día.
Hugh Mitchell; dueño de uno de los clubs del momento y quien tiene casi diez años más que Maggie. Él es maduro, serio, y, de acuerdo con Maggie, con un acento que es una combinación entre el Príncipe William y Hugh Grant. Pero luego está Samir Khouri; mitad Francés y mitad Líbano y su compañero de escuela. Samir es el chico popular, el chico sexy que con sólo una sonrisa hace que nuestras rodillas se sientan de gelatina y quien siempre obtiene lo que quiere. Dos chicos que invocan sentimientos encontrados en Maggie.

"Dime que no piensas en mí, en mis besos, mis manos, mi cuerpo, cuando estás con él."
Honestamente, Hugh me pareció un hombre genial y un personaje del cual me gustó leer, pero la “relación” entre Maggie y él me pareció…forzada. Sentí que cuando Maggie estaba con él su personaje daba una giro de 180 grados y no era “ella.” Realmente no me molesta leer historias entre personajes cuya diferencia de edad es mayor, pero entre Maggie y Hugh la diferencia de edad jugó una parte importante y parecía que había entre ellos más de diez años de diferencia. Maggie, a comparación de Hugh, actuaba como una chica de edad aún menor de sus diecinueve años cuando Hugh radiaba madurez y responsabilidad. Realmente no sentí su conexión. Además, me molestó un poco el hecho de que Maggie le mintió a Hugh sobre su edad.
Ahora, en el lado opuesto, yo terminé completamente fascinada con Samir. Todo de él, desde su pelo oscuro, piel bronceada, y su combinación entre Líbano y Francés, lo hicieron un personaje refrescante y pues sí, quedé más que aturdida por su personaje. Además, las interacciones entre Samir y Maggie se sintieron naturales. La química, ciencia y biología—y todas las materias, que surge entre ellos cada vez que están juntos es para echarse aire con las manos. En serio, ¡las chispas saltan!

"No puedes mírarme así y creer que no voy a besarte."
Otra cosa que disfruté de I See London fue ver crecer las amistades que se desarrollan;  especialmente entre Fleur y Maggie. Al comienzo del libro, se menciona que Fleur es la Ice Queen y la bitch de la universidad que nadie soporta. Incluso al comienzo las interacciones entre ellas dos fueron un poco menos que agradables pero fue agradable ver cómo su amistad evolucionó. Realmente, en verdad, me gustó demasiado el personaje de Fleur. Me encantó.
Aunque, realmente, no creo que logré conectar al 100% con el personaje de Maggie—y también del "triangulo amoroso"—, I See London me pareció una lectura adictiva. Y aunque el libro termina en un cierto tipo de cliffhanger, quedé contenta sobre cómo terminó y no siento la necesidad de leer el segundo libro, pero lo voy a leer porque, honestamente, me gana la curiosidad por saber qué sigue para estos en la hermosa ciudad de Londres.

Para más reseñas visita SMW Book Blogcollege new-adult read-2014 ...more1 Jess M.557 395

Read this review on my blog! --> I See London by Chanel Cleeton

You guys! This book was so gooooood!! I was completely hooked from the start!

I See London takes us on a wild ride through LondonÂ’s night clubs, holidays across Europe, and Samir. Oh, Samir. And yes, it even gives us a look at what itÂ’s to attend university in London. Man, how I wish IÂ’d gone to university in London. It sounds awesome! I loved the diversity of the characters. You have all kinds of nationalities and it all just worked. Really cool. :)

I loved the friendships Maggie forms while there. They weren't all easy, but definitely worth it in the end. I didnÂ’t want to read about bitchy roommates being bitchy just because and IÂ’m so happy it didnÂ’t turn out that way. MaggieÂ’s group of friends knew how to have fun, and they d to party a lot, but they also knew when to get serious about school and they let Maggie back off of partying without giving her a guilt trip. Real friends!

But the best partÂ… Oh, yes, IÂ’m going there! The best part was Samir and the make-out sessions to end all make-out sessions! Sometimes I forget how much fun making out that was. When it doesn't have to go further, but the wanting to is so intense. Chanel Cleeton writes great make-out scenes, you guys.

Maggie and Samir were very similar personality wise. The difference was that Maggie was trying to repress that side of her. She wanted to be the good girl and Samir could see right through her, which of course scared her to pieces. I felt for MaggieÂ’s parental situation. Her mom left when she was little and her dad is in the military, which means she hardly ever saw him. It sounded her grandparents were good to her but of course itÂ’s not the same. I hope we get a resolution to that in the next book because it did feel it was left hanging.

the synopsis mentions, Maggie meets Hugh and tries not to think about Samir much. Hugh is older than her and a lot more experienced in life. HeÂ’s a wealthy club owner who s to date around. HeÂ’s a really nice guy and really patient with Maggie because he knows sheÂ’s a virgin. I was glad to see he was a good guy about that because most guys wouldn't have stuck around in that situation. But Samir was who she needed to end up with!! Yeah, sure, heÂ’s a player and heÂ’s hiding something huge regarding his future, but heÂ’s irresistible!

I definitely canÂ’t wait to see how it all plays out in London Falling , the sequel to I See London. Great job, Ms. Chanel Cleeton!! I donÂ’t much enjoy New Adult books but this one was just the right amount of fun, and college, and not too much angst. I definitely recommend you guys check it out. :)nook read-20141 Katie887 1,020

So this is definitely one of those instances where you should not judge a book by it's cover. I hate this cover but I absolutely adore what's between the pages. I See London is a fabulous new adult novel that exceeded all my expectations.

To be honest, I didn't really have many expectations when I started I See London. I was just looking for a quick, fun read and I thought this one might be good. It was. I'm quickly becoming a fan of the new adult genre and it's all because of books I See London. The characters, the setting, the story, and the writing were all wonderful.

The characters in I See London greatly surprised me. Maggie started off very closed off and almost a little too perfect. She was very much a goodie two shoes. That quickly changed with the help of her new friends. Mya, Fleur, Samir, and everyone she met helped her come out of her shell and really grow as a person. By the end of the book she was definitely someone I could see myself being friends with. She wasn't the only character that surprised me though. Every character in the book was a lot deeper than they originally appeared (except maybe Hugh.) Fleur was not such a cold hearted bitch, Mya wasn't so perfect, Samir had a heart under his playboy exterior, etc. Chanel Cleeton did a great job developing each and every character.

The romance was obviously a huge part of the story and it did not disappoint. Samir and Maggie have undeniable chemistry from the start but that's not all they have. They quickly develop a very real friendship. They have a lot more in common than they originally think and even though they bicker an old married couple, they really do make great friends. The banter between the two of them was adorable. Hugh was also a good match for Maggie but I honestly didn't see anything that spectacular about him. Their relationship seemed only skin deep.

There were a few flaws with I See London though. I think the biggest flaw had to be how unrealistic and overdramatic it was. I really couldn't believe some of the things that happened to Maggie and her friends. It seemed some things were blown way out of proportion. I won't bring up specific examples because I don't want to spoil anything but there were a few very obvious instances where this happened.

Overall, I See London was a very fun read. I look forward to continuing Maggie and Samir's story in London Falling.1 Kayla Michelle24 11

I received this book for an honest review.

First I would to say that one aspect I really enjoyed about this book, is that Chanel included people from different races, cultures and backgrounds. I have not read many books that are very diverse I See London is.

Maggie Carpenter moves to London to attend the International School, all the way from South Carolina. Maggie has always been a good girl, following the rules, and always spending her high school friday nights at home studying instead of socializing. Maggie has two other roommates Noora and Fleur. Some students around school call Fleur the ice queen because of her reputation, but she actually turns out to be really nice and best friends with Maggie, along with Mya.

Samir is Fleur's cousin, and he is always seen with his arms draped over a different girl or "flavor of the week". Samir and Maggie have multiple steamy make out sessions, but it always ends there. There is so much sexual tension between the two of them, every time they're in a room together.

Maggie tries dating this older guy Hugh, who happens to be much older than she is, which she lies and says she's four years older than her actual age. After Maggie and Hugh attend one of his friends wedding, {two nights before she leaves London for the summer} and seeing a ghost from Hugh's past, they both decide to break off whatever their relationship was (more Hugh than Maggie).

On Maggie's way back to the dorm, which she's walking to in a formal gown, she gets a frantic call from Fleur and assures she on her way back and will be there shortly. When Maggie gets back, she finds Fleur passed out with vomit everywhere. Her last two nights in London were both eventful, and spending the last night with Samir was the icing on the cake, that of which I was looking forward to for the whole book.

I also loved the fact that Maggie referred to the School as her home.

I See London is on the borderline of YA and NA, because it was about young adults finding themselves and stepping out of their comfort zones, learning to not judge someone by the rumors you hear, and everything (and everyone) are not who they seem to be.

I cannot wait to read the following books in this series.1 Emma 2,506 390

Urgh I am so torn with this book; one the one hand it's a compelling story while on the other hand it was slow to unfold.

Maggie's life plan has been thrown off course when she doesn't get into Harvard, taking drastic measures she gets a scholarship to a prestigious international school in London. You would expect her to become the poor scholarship student among the privileged yet Chanel Cleeton manages to steer clear of the stereotype. The world building she does is exquisite and realistic, avoiding the stereotypes while making the characters realistic with their own set of problems. The disadvantage of privilege is not knowing who your real friends are.

Maggie gains confidence as the story progresses, developing her own style with the help of the friends she makes. Getting past the emotional barriers of the school ice queen provides a deep emotional connection no-one could have predicted. It was wonderful seeing the friendships develop alongside all the glitz and glam that comes alongside wealth.

While the romance is an integral part of the plot it was this aspect that frustrated me. It is obvious from the beginning which boy Maggie should be with. However, you can understand her reservations with the cultural as well as economical differences. I felt as if a lot of the story focused on her see-sawing between the two male interests in the story without much progression. I really d Samir for all his player ways. There are glimpses of his true nature that endear him to the reader. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that family pressure and status are going to bring nothing but heart-ache.

I think my frustration is with the build up to the romance without the full conclusion, maybe the second book will help with that aspect although I don't have the feeling that it is going to be hearts and flowers.1 Kathy406 57

I know you should not judge a book by its cover, but for some odd reason I thought I might not I See London. The couple’s pose on the cover looked awkward but the synopsis did catch my attention. And I am so glad I took a chance on this book – I really d this!

Maggie is a young American that decides to attend the International University in London. Right away this brought back my memories of my trip to London when I was 14-years-old. It was my first time outside of the US and being alone on a trip with my sister and cousins. It was really exciting visiting a new country so I formed a bond with Maggie. I relived my trip through her eyes and it was fun reading her impressions of living in a new country. I have also always wondered what it would be to go to school abroad, so I lived out my fantasy through this book.

But I See London turned out to be more than just a love story. This was about a young girl discovering who she is. Maggie had worked so hard in high school so she can go to her dream college Harvard. But when she didnÂ’t get accepted she settled for the International University. This became the best choice for her. Being away from home she doesnÂ’t have to live up to other peopleÂ’s expectations. Maggie has a chance to discover who she is and who she wants to become. Plus while she is in London she meets 2 hot guys, Hugh and Samir, who add romance and some steamy scenes to this story.

I See London is an impressive debut for author Chanel Cleeton. The writing was good but the story was slow at times. But I loved these characters. I canÂ’t wait to read the next book!! This book is being sold as a New Adult genre but there is a sex scene that I feel is too descriptive for young readers, so I suggest this book to readers 18 years and older.
2014 2014-new-adult 20201 Eileen75 4

I've recently read "I See London" by Chanel Cleeton and I must say-I am eager to read her next book!!!! These are the main characters: Maggie ("heroine") and Samir and Hugh ("heroes"). One thing I absolutely loved about this book was character development-especially for Maggie. As readers, we see her through it all-her ups and her downs (sorry to be cliche. :)) There were many times in this book where I screamed to the heavens "WHYYYY???" and other times where I applauded Maggie/"understood" her. The latter DEFINITELY made up for those "WHYY?" moments. Also-the boys. *sigh* I wish I was in Maggie's place. My favorite is Samir-him and his exotic Lebanese, tall, dark and handsome and SEXY self. *fans self* I definitely need a Samir in my life (that's all I'm gonna say ;)). I absolutely loved Samir and Hugh (mostly Samir) and felt that they were very well developed! And finally-the setting-the beautiful scenery of London, Paris and Italy are the backdrop for much of this novel and I was instantly charmed and smitten! I don't know why but whenever a book takes place anywhere BUT the US-I immediately am entranced by the novel and this novel is no different!!! So, while I loved these aspects of the novel-there were some things that I did not and I won't share them on here and let them color your opinion because this novel is ABSOLUTELY amazing. It's breathtaking. It's exhilarating. Its romantic. It's sweet-all the ingredients have been laid out for you in this book and it's time for you to mix them all together and read this book and react to it yourself!!
~4 Stars~1 Kristen235 22

I See London by Chanel Cleeton is a fun read about a young woman named Maggie that moves from the United States to London for College at the International School of London. She is young, naive and at times unsure of herself. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Upon arrival she has a run in with a fellow student Samir. He is nothing the boys back home. Samir is a rich, sexy half Lebanese, half French playboy. These two have an instant chemistry that burns from the pages. However it seems Samir isn't the relationship type. Moving on she meets Hugh who is a bit older, established and a bar owner. He seems to be really into her but is he who she truly desires?

This book held my interest the entire time which seems to be a rare occurrence for me these days! I read it in one sitting and I can't wait to see what happens next with Maggie! I loved all of the side characters, especially one of her roommates, Fleur. That chick definitely needs her own book! She has some serious issues going on. I had hoped for a bit more "sexy" in the story but it truly was a nice break from my usual. At times I did feel the story was a bit choppy. What I mean by that is some scenes ended rather abruptly or I felt there should have been more to them. Other than that I loved it! Maggie's story is left unfinished but the book ends in a good place with no over the top cliffhanger. 3.5 Stars <3 <3

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1 Anni502 1 follower

Sorry but this was crap!

The story was incredibly flat and the characters lacked any depth. (e.g. So Fleur is a bitchy Ice Queen in the beginning? Well if she is it wasn't shown.) The character's background stories were dropped left and right. everyone coming from some kind of messed up home - but it wasn't really explored in depth. So the story and the characters all felt really superficial. It could have been a good story, really. The basic plot wasn't bad but it just turned out really flat. The writing was bad - it often felt the author just wrote down everything that came to mind. it's filled with nearly every existing clischee plot point. And I've said this in other I don't mind stereotyical stories. I really don't as long as they are still well written, thought through & don't include stereotypes just for the sake of it.

I was deeply disappointed by "I see London" and therefore I cannot recommend it to you!1 Samantha (WLABB)3,755 272

Maggie uproots her whole life when she is rejected by Harvard. She enrolls in a college, overseas, in an attempt to forget all the disappointments in her life. At the International School in London, she discovers a whole new side of herself. She is growing, changing and taking chances. Sometimes, Maggie makes bad choices. Sometimes Maggie makes decisions that will infuriate you, but this is all part of the process. Along the way, she makes some great friends and shares some amazing experiences with them. It was a fun read. I d having a front row seat for lifestyles of the rich and famous, and enjoyed getting to know Samir, Maggie, Michael, Mya and Fleur. But the ending!!! Be aware, it's a cliffhanger. na romance1 Lea143

I was given this ARC for an honest review...

What can I say? I was hooked from the first chapter! In fact, I read this book within a few days! I LOVE the tension between the main characters, and of course her struggle between 2 men. Samir is waaaay hot! Not my typical attraction but the way this writer describes his strengths, his sex appeal, his passion.... U can't help but fall for this bad boy!! And Hugh... Well he's every ladies dream come true! A hot British man?!? Come on!!! Soooo glad I was given the chance to read this story, and I cant wait for the next book!! The cliffhanger left me wanting more..... But NOW!! ??1 Cassie498 10

I think I was hoping for this book to be Anna and the French Kiss (which I enjoyed - only I didn't love it most of the world). However, this came nowhere close. For me, the writing was sub-par and the characters were shallow and unable. (To be honest, I skimmed much of the last half of this book. If it had been a print book rather than an ebook, I would've just flipped to the last few pages, something I haven't done since I was in middle school.) Take this with a grain of salt -- I'm sure there are many readers that will enjoy this story. 1 Johanna Sawyer3,463 39

Thanks netgalley for a free read in exchange for a review.
This book has the biggest man whore of the year....this book was just the right amount of incredible. Will definitely read book two! Well written and interesting. I devoured it and loved it. Overall entertainment is four stars. Lovely cover and title but the synopsis won me over. This is my first read by this author and a very cute romance.1 Candice Flores24

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