
Crowned and Corrupted de Celeste King

de Celeste King - Género: English
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Celeste King Series: Children of the Dark Elves 01 Publisher: Protheka Publishing, Year: 2024

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Prepare to be swept away by the poignant tale of Bremi and Lorcan, reminiscent of the timeless romance of Romeo and Juliet. Set against a backdrop of familial strife and intermingling worlds, they embark on a journey fraught with obstacles as they strive for their happily ever after.

For those familiar with the Dark Elves series, this story serves as a captivating continuation, exploring the legacy of their unions with humans through the lens of Bremi and Lorcan, their offspring. While not as steeped in darkness as some of its predecessors, this installment offers a refreshing take on the complexities of love and sacrifice.

At its core, this book is an ode to the indomitable spirit of Bremi as she confronts the overwhelming influence of her parentage. Despite the daunting challenges she faces, she bravely stands her ground, determined to forge her own path, even if it means defying her father's wishes.

The blossoming romance between Bremi and Lorcan is a tender portrayal of forbidden love, underscored by the belief that love can triumph over any adversity. As they navigate the treacherous waters of familial expectations and societal norms, their bond grows stronger, proving that love knows no bounds.

In summary, this book is a captivating blend of romance and familial drama, weaving together themes of love, sacrifice, and self-discovery. With its engaging storyline and compelling characters, it's sure to leave readers spellbound until the very end.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.arc-books-reviewed Nancy Warr62 1 follower

Although this book was better than the last book I read by Ms. King it still fell short of being a five star read for me. *Possible Spoilers* Our dark elf male lead was so arrogant I was disliking him by the second chapter, and our female lead seemed to have been confused because she goes from no one can tell me what to do to doing everything her father wanted. It made no sense as to why her father would not have placed our elven male on his bachelor list since he came from a respectable house and he knew him since he was a child so why exclude him?? And then after finding out about his relationship with your daughter you tell him you're glad it is him she chose. All the dark elves being noble and wealthy is a scenario that is getting very old along with the you're the only one for me and no one can compare to you scenario, the idea that *servants* have to attend to their every whim is offensive, why the hell can't authors write about elves who do not wear a crown or live in mansions?? Repetitive I lost track of how many times I read how beautiful our female lead was and how much our elven male loves her.. I was surprised our female didn't announce she was pregnant at the end... Which is how these stories usually end. Karen Nastasio2,433 16

This was a great book and I loved all the characters involved and I get that our parents want the best for us but sometimes they need to let us make our own decisions even if they don’t agree. Bremi is the daughter of the Archduke Karl and Amelia and they believe it’s time for their daughter to settle down but Bremi has plans of her own because she already knows how she wants to marry she wants Lorcan her best friend but her father doesn’t think he is good enough for her with his playboy ways and starts setting up dates for her but she is not happy doing it but does it to make her father happy but in secret she has been seeing Lorcan. Lorcan has grown up with Bremi and has always loved her bbut they went there separate ways and he has being seeing plenty of ladies but his heart always belong to Bremi, so they have been seeing each other in secret and falling more in love with each other but these dates that she goes on for her father are getting to Lorcan and his jealousy is off the charts and now its time for her to choose who she wants to be with and stop sneaking around. Who does she choose in the end Lorcan who she loves or someone that will make her father happy.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. kymagirl3,514 50

Bremi (h), the dark-elf hybrid daughter of Archduke Kral and Amelie ("Mated To The Dark Elf"), struggles against her father's plan for her to choose a husband from amongst the dark-elf suitors he's chosen for her. Lorcan (H), the dark-elf hybrid son of Duke Raleigh and Fiona ("Dark Elf's Property"), has known Bremi since childhood and comes to her rescue from one of the suitors at the King's party. Bremi and Lorcan have long had feelings for one another but with the push from her father, they begin to explore their feeling for one another in secret meetings and trysts, worrying what will happen if Kral finds out. Lorcan becomes more incensed about the situation as his connection with Bremi deepens and he struggles with feelings of jealousy that others are allowed to openly court her, when he isn’t even on the list of suitors, ly in part due to his past love 'em and leave 'em lifestyle. As things heat up between Lorcan and Bremi, he realizes he's going to have to give Bremi an ultimatum to force her to tell Kral and Amelie about their relationship. Sweet, secret friends to lovers romance with a side of angst and heat.arcs elves worlds-of-protheka Nina Diab3,218 37

"You’re an intelligent man, my love, but that list of yours is by far your stupidest idea!... She doesn't want anything to do with your list. Our daughter wishes to make this important choice completely by herself!”

I enjoyed this book. It was fun to read about a couple from the next generation and have our female lead be half human, half dark elf. A secret relationship between Bremi and Lorcan because her father is trying to find her a suitable match. But she only wants Lorcan. I did feel for Lorcan a bit- "I’ve known the old man my whole life and practically grew up with his daughter, and yet he did not consider me?"

It was fun seeing Amalie and Kral again. Usually these types of arranged marriage stories feature hard, selfish, or uncaring parents, but we know this couple already, so I didn't have that kind of tension. A fun read. 4 stars. S840 10

This story has a bit of a Romeo and Juliet feel as Bremi and Lorcan find themselves with a lot of baggage to get through to get to their HEA. Bremi’s parents want her to have a match befitting her station and Lorcan’s seeming one and done attitude when it comes to the opposite sex has now cast him in the role of an unsuitable suitor.

Secret trysts have them drawing closer while the outside world is doing its best to keep them apart. Lorcan now finds himself in a position as the jealous one that has to watch on the sidelines as the woman he loves is pursued by others.

You experience them going from childhood friendship into realizing that they have deeper feelings for each other into full blown steamy interludes.

I received an ARC and I am leaving an honest review. Cristy381 11

This was such an amazing read. The demanding influence of a parent is overwhelming, but Bremi rises to the challenge. Going against her father isn't something she envisioned, but she needs to face this head-on.

When Bremi runs into an old friend, her whole world turns upside down. Despite salacious rumors about him, she knows that even when they were children, he stood by her side. And always will.

Such a sweet romantic love story. The light goes on for these two wonderful characters, and as they say, the rest is history.
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