
Awake at Dawn de C.C. Hunter

de C.C. Hunter - Género: English
libro gratis Awake at Dawn


Step into the world of Shadow Falls, a camp that helps teens tap into their special…talents. Once you visit, you'll never forget it?and you'll never, ever be the same.
From the moment Kylie Galen arrived at Shadow Falls Camp, she's had one burning question: What am I? Surrounded by vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, fairies and witches, Kylie longs to figure out her own supernatural identity…and what her burgeoning powers mean. And now she'll need them more than ever, because she's being haunted by a new spirit who insists that someone Kylie knows?and loves?will die before the end of the summer. If only she only knew who she was supposed to save. And how…
But giving Kylie the most trouble is her aching heart. Gorgeous werewolf Lucas left camp with another girl, but he's still visiting Kylie in her dreams. And Derek, a sexy half Fae who's always been there for her when she needed him, is pushing to get more serious?and growing impatient, especially when Lucas returns. Kylie knows she needs to decide between the boys, and it's tearing her up inside.
Yet romance will have to wait, because something from the dark side of the supernatural world is hiding in Shadow Falls. It's about to threaten everything she holds dear…and bring her closer to her destiny.
Awake at Dawn is the second installment in C.C. Hunter's young adult fantasy series.

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C.C. Hunter wrote an amazing sequel to Born at Midnight. Everything I loved about Born at Midnight was present in Awake at Dawn. Awake at Dawn is absolutely unputdownable. I read this book in record time. I got up an hour early in the morning to read, I read on the bus on my way to class, I even ignored my friends at break time in order to immerse myself in Kylie's story.

Awake at dawn is a delightful read with a plot full of twists and turns, genuine emotions that reach your heart and make you helpless against loving the characters. Every character in this series is just so alive, their personalities are so strong, it feels you're reading about your own friends and enemies. No character is unnecessary, each and every one of them plays a major role in Kylie's life (positive and negative).

Kylie's friends, Miranda and Della, with their clashing personalities, their kindness and devotion to Kylie provide the book with many delightful moments, and gut wrenching ones too. And Holiday along with Burnett is such a positive role model for all the kids at camp. The relationship between the two camp leaders (business and personal) adds to the richness of the book. Kylie's relationship with Holiday was especially heart warming. Holiday filled the role of a supportive big sister perfectly.

Kylie herself is a wonderful main character, with kindness that she offers even to those who in my opinion don't deserve it. All her emotions and reactions are so genuine and realistic I found myself crying when she did, laughing when she did. She's a wonderful example of a teen trying to find herself and to define her role in this world. She’s long from figuring all that out, but despite all the hurdles that are thrown in her way she stays true to herself, even in the most difficult situations.

Now, what to say about the boys...Oh, the boys. I have to admit I was leaning heavily toward Derek in this book and rooted for him. For once I wanted the kind and loving character, who is always there for the girl, to in the end win her over. And just as I was set on wanting Derek and Kylie together, C.C. Hunter added Lucas and his charmingly honest personality to the mix, leaving me yet again undecided about the love issue.

Without a doubt, Awake at Dawn is worth buying, reading and displaying it on your bookshelf. The third book (and hopefully not the final book), Taken at Dusk is one of my most anticipated books in the year of 2012.46 s Marie504 392

Brilliant sequel.





I thought we'd finally find out what Kylie truly is in this installment... So it kinda dragged a bit and got a tad frustrating but next time maybe eh?

favorites ghosts magic ...more26 s beautyliterate336 1,361

May 10 2016
Can't stop won't stop I seriously love this series!!

July 16 2016
Awesome sequel!!! These books I don't even know what about them but I just go through them so fast!! They are funny and even at some points I was crying just in love!!! Only complaint is that for certain parts it's very predictable paranormal-books young-adult20 s Beatriz Lins292 101

Born at Midnight was a great start to this series. I d the writing, and even though Kylie was boring sometimes, it was still enjoyable. I didn't certain things about it, the shallow romance, and the mistery about what Kylie was.
I hoped that, in Awake at Dawn, those things would develop, and we'd get to know a lot more about Shadow Falls. I can say, for sure, that this didn't happen.
Well, to start with, Kylie doesn't know what she is. She spends the first half of the book searching for answers, and when she doesn't get them, she starts to look for her grandparents. And big surprise, this research leads us nowhere. I get it that the autor wants a suspense, but it's boring. I can't stand another internal crisis, with Kylie wondering what she is, and being completely broken by it. Seriously, get a grip. Strong female characters are one of the things that attract me in a book,and someone who just complains about the lack of answers and does little about it isn't appealing.
The romance is also disappointing. Kylie s Derek, but can't give her heart to him because she still thinks about Lucas (the shape-shifter who left the camp for unknown reasons). And, of course, when Lucas comes back, her whole frame shakes and her pulse speeds up at the sight of him, while at the same time, she tries to fall in love with Derek. Love triangles are great, as long as they are well-written. And this one wasn't. It was a mess of feelings and impulses, and I still don't understand Kylie's preferences.
Lucas, apparently, is supposed to be charming, and a badboy. I got the impression he's a jerk covered with sweet words. He leaves the girl, knowing that she may have feelings for another man, comes back later and expects to find her waiting for him. And when she hesitates, he tries to win her by making her remember how their love is amazing.
Oh, and did I mention that while he was gone, Kylie dreamed about them making out? And that the dreams aren't just a fragment of her imagination, but a psychic ability?
Not to mention that every 20 pages or so, Kylie talked to Holiday about every single thing that happened with her. Yes, she wanted to have a friend and yes, it's great to have heart-to-heart conversations, but with the camp leader? I know I wouldn't open up and spill all my problems in front of the principal of my school, no matter how many times she tells me I'm her friend.
Another disappointment was Miranda and Della. Yes, Della being a vampire and Miranda being a witch really makes their friendship that much harder, but the constant fight between the two of them was really childish. There wasn't even an argument, just constant insults. My point is, wanna make a troubled friendship? Fine. But make it believable.
One of the things I d about Awake at Dawn, though, was Kylie's relationship with her mother. The way they cared about each other was great, and there was a specific part of the book that I really enjoyed. However, while their love was great, the change of personality in her mother was obvious. It could have been more subtle.
I really hate to write negative . I do. But my mind was going to explode in frustration when I finished this book. I know others may have loved it, but it was ... not so good for me. I'm still going to read Taked at Dusk, though. I'm hoping it'll get better.
14 s Jen ?Star-Crossed Book Blog?597 356

Well, I won't be continuing this series. The issues I had with the first book, became even more glaring in Awake at Dawn. My main two issues were -

? The pace seemed to drag even more.
"....I mean, if I understand this right, someone is going to die. Actually die and it’s not going to be an easy death, either.” All the problems in Kylie’s life started bouncing around her head ping-pong balls. Tears filled her eyes. It still hurt to think about her grandmother’s funeral—she couldn’t lose someone else. “Failure isn’t an option.”
I continually felt as though I kept getting pulled out of the story. It didn't seem to hold my interest, and when I would put the book down, I didn't have the urge to pick it back up. On top of that, I wasn't the biggest fan for how the storyline proceeded. It wasn't a path that held by interest, which made me feel so sad.

? I'm not happy with the love triangle.
He leaned closer. “I’m patient, Kylie. I’ve waited eleven years for you. I can wait until you’re ready.”
Again, it's being dragged out. Just the pace. So by the end of the book, there was definitely a clear winner. Or I guess it would be better to say that Kylie had more of a connection to one of the guys than the other. Which made me ecstatic, yet Kylie put it all on pause. It was not moving forward, even by that last page, and it left me feeling irritated. I'm not a fan of love triangles being stretched out, and this one definitely was.

I usually don't stop in the middle of a series, I can be a little neurotic and need to know how it all ends. Even if I'm not a huge fan. But I went and sneaked a peak at the next few books, to make for sure that I was making the correct decision. And what I saw definitely solidified my reason to stop this series now. All my issues kept appearing in the next few books. So I'm done and walking away. While I'm sure there are plenty of people who will love or have loved this series, unfortunately I just can't be one of them.

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creatures-vampire creatures-werewolves creatures-witches ...more14 s Kristen Peppercorn 558 95

Almost 400 pages and the only thing that pretty much happened was her breastestes mysteriously grew a cup size.

young-adult14 s Amber J971 69

Not a bad sequel. I originally had a hard time getting into the book, but I was coming off a high from a great book, and nothing sounded great at the time. After trying again, I could get into and enjoy the story. 2023-reading-challenge 4-stars-of-202311 s Amber I.335 69

I would to just say I NEED MORE LUCAS! Okay so you might guess I am a total hot werewolf fan. While I loved every minute he was in this book, I would more, lots and lots more!!

Awake at Dawn is a fantastic sequel. All of our favorites are back and just as loveable as before. Its just a fun new series with an amazing set of characters, one hot werewolf (okay the fairy is too, lol) and lots of mystery. Kylie is still trying to figure out what supernatural she really is. Now she is gaining all these new talents and turning into one bad ass supernatural (whatever that might be) but nothing is clear, is she a werewolf, vampire, shape-shifter or something completely different?

I must say Awake at Dawn is addicting. Somewhere close to the middle, I knew I had to finish that day or I would not be able to sleep. I needed my answers and I just knew if I waited a little longer I would get some Lucas action. C.C Hunter really brings these characters to life and you feel you know them. You have her two best friends: a take no crap vampire Della, and a little not to sure of herself witch Miranda, both are always there and you feel such a connection. Then there is her two boys, sensitive and loveable fairy Derek, then hot and mysterious Lucas who will have you totally teaming them up. Not to mention Holiday, Perry her mom and the ghosts who play important rolls.

Lets just say if you a fun supernatural read with an awesome set of characters and a story that keeps you guessing, well you are going to love Awake at Dawn!11 s Sibel Gandy998 69

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