
The Curse of the Goddess de C.C. González

de C.C. González - Género: English
libro gratis The Curse of the Goddess


C.C. González Series: The Queen and the Heiress 01 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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**Received a ARC in exchange for a honest review**

Let me start by saying that this book was even intimidating to load onto my kindle. Topping out a 599 pages, this is a big jump for someone who normally reads things just under 300 pages. I am very happy to announce that the book held my attention all the way through.

While I instantly was not in love with our main characters, I had my own little slow burn situation going on. By the end, I have become the biggest Valda fan known to man. The way the author has written her to show both her angry and soft side, sometimes within moments of each other really won me over. The character development for Maris was more of a love at first site for me. I find her to be incredibly caring and empathetic. the way that she steps in to take care of Valda with out any push back or scrambling to figure it out was amazing to read.

This is a slow burn in some ways and not in others, but I am here for it. The spice, which is VERY well written, came on much sooner then the emotions from either one of them. But the realization of these emotions was the best part of the book for me.

I can not wait to have a book trophy of this one on my shelves.7-uno-card a-year-of-queer-lit-tbr-8-26-23 arc ...more1 Paloma45 2

A promising begging. The story had me completely hooked up until the last word.
The pacing is easy to keep, and even though the story moves on rather quickly, I also speed ran it, so, I can't really tell.
The characters were easy to , and easy to hate. I hope that the upcoming book brings even more developments to get to know all of these characters even more.
The steamy scenes were an absolute treat, and the author must be commended for that. Thank you C.C. for giving the sapphics such a dreamy couple.
The world building was very interesting to uncover, I hope that we can see even more of it, and the vastly different cultures that were based on the greek pantheon.1 Lianne Dubbs35 3

4.5 stars rounded up.

The Curse of the Goddess is about Valda Aither and Maris Era, two women who find themselves working together. Valda Aither is the heir to the Sky Kingdom, and she looks forward to meeting her soulmate on her 25th birthday. However, she loses her sight at her party, meaning that she won't get to lock eyes and make a soulmate connection. Maris Era is a young Sealian woman living in the Sky Kingdom. She somehow finds herself taking a job in the royal castle, and she ends up being Valda's caretaker once Valda goes blind.

The worldbuilding in this novel was fantastic! I loved how the world was based in part on Greek mythology. I also loved learning about the different groups of people and their powers. For instance, some Sealians have water powers, and some Skylians have wind powers. The chemistry between Valda and Maris was really high, and I loved how they helped make each other better people. In addition to the worldbuilding and chemistry, there were plenty of court politics and mysteries to keep readers intrigued. While I thought that some of the plot twists were obvious, the payoffs from the reveals more than made up for this!

Fans of sapphic fiction and romantasies will not want to miss out on this indie debut and the first in a series!

Disclaimer: I received a free eARC, and I am voluntarily leaving a review.fantasy greekmyth lgbtq Frommailenesbookshelf 147 3

"I always want you. If I could have you all the time, I would."
"You can have me. You can have all of my any way and any time you want."

"Your hands are a gift from the gods."
"I know. I've seen how you come because of them."

Thank you SO much for this ARC!
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