
Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space: Poems de Catherine Barnett

de Catherine Barnett - Género: English
libro gratis Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space: Poems


The loneliness that collects in mirrors and faces―at bedside vigils and in city streets―quickens Catherine Barnett’s metaphysical poems, which are like speculative prescriptions for this common human experience. Here loneliness is filled with belonging, which is in turn filled with loneliness, each state suffused and emptied by the other. Barnett’s fourth collection is part manifesto, part how-to manual, part apologia: a guide to the homeopathic dangers and healing powers of an emotion so charged with eros, humor, and elusive beauty it becomes a companion both desired and eschewed, necessary and illuminating.

Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space is never far from grief or a comedy of bewilderment, inadequacy, hope. Entering Barnett’s world is a little like entering an electrically charged cloud, and the prospect of either falling or getting caught in a storm brings vertiginous and unpredictable pleasures. Bristling with uncanny intelligence, the poems are sometimes quiet elegies, sometimes meditations on art, love, and the failures of love that so often define love. Barnett might be called a realist―her style is radiantly exact―yet somehow she is a guide both into and out of the existential void. She has written a tender, dazzling collection of estrangement and intimacy.


“The stunning latest from Barnett ( Human Hours ) blends the witty and the philosophical to offer a study in 'restricted fragile materials,' or the bewildering condition of being alive. Urbane, perceptive, and starkly humane, these are poems of quiet alarm, at once companionable and singular.” Publishers Weekly **(starred review)

** “There is a devastating down-to-earth marriage of wit and elegy in Barnett’s transcendent fourth collection, which opens in childhood. . . .” ―Rebecca Morgan Frank, Literary Hub

“Through poems of startling clarity and delicate humor, Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space grapples with the ontological absurdity of our large-scale and everyday failures, finding space to elegize and celebrate both what we can and cannot control.” ―James Ciano, Los Angeles Review of Books

About the Author

Catherine Barnett is the author of four poetry collections, including Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space, Human Hours , winner of the Believer Book Award, and The Game of Boxes , winner of the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets. She lives in New York City.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Greywolf Press sent me a copy of this terrific volume of poetry by Catherine Barnett. I loved her poetry immediately from the first poem. 2 s Jenna Murray48

The love I have for Catherine Barnett and this book is indescribable! 2 s Cheryl1,106 117

Studies in Loneliness, iii

I take issue with all the studies saying beware loneliness, avoid loneliness, it will speed your death. I say it will speed your death only if you believe it’s a toxin. Imagine loneliness is a drug curing you of loneliness!

When I teach, I seem to let all twelve hearts beat inside my own. No wonder it’s both an opiate and a weight. Does a heart adjust to other hearts in the room, the way our periods synchronize, the way I hold my head mirroring yours? Whoever you are.
1 Brice Montgomery277 11

Thanks to NetGalley and Graywolf Press For the ARC!

Catherine Barnett’s Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space is as sprawling, excessive, and essential as one might expect from the book’s title, but it serves a purpose—illuminating the abundance of ways we try to fill the vacuum of loneliness.

This is a collection preoccupied with impermanence, slipping in and out of relationship and isolation in equal measure. The titular bodies move entropically, shaded by fatigue, which causes these poems to read someone expelling every end-of-day thought in a single, heavy sigh. There are countless moments where the speaker seems to be throwing ideas at the wall, hoping at least one of them will offer the friction necessary for connection. Barnett’s ability to take this approach without it undermining the book is impressive. These poems draw the reader in just enough to make them aware of their own distance, and the effect is mesmerizing and dream.

The title itself seems an irony—these poems sit largely outside of space, often drifting towards metaphor in lieu of physicality. In an interesting move, the sequence comprising ten “Studies in Loneliness” poems feels the most transparent and the most grounded. It seems to suggest that the certainty of loneliness is its ability to offer moments of lucidity.

Truly a remarkable collection.1 Daoud Mousselmal66

"Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space" by Catherine Barnett is a mesmerizing exploration of the complexities of loneliness and human connection. Barnett's metaphysical poems delve into the depths of solitude, transforming it into a realm where belonging and isolation intertwine in a dance of paradoxical emotions.

With each poem, Barnett offers readers a glimpse into the enigmatic landscape of the human experience, where grief and humor coexist, and longing becomes a companion both embraced and shunned. Through her radiant language and keen observations, Barnett crafts a collection that is part manifesto, part guidebook, navigating the perilous terrain of emotion with grace and insight.

As readers journey through Barnett's poetic world, they are enveloped in a whirlwind of sensations, where the mundane becomes sublime and the ordinary takes on extraordinary significance. "Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space" is a testament to Barnett's skill as a poet, offering tender reflections on love, loss, and the existential quandaries that define the human condition.

(And thank you for the opportunity to discover this tender and dazzling collection.)giveaway goodreads-giveaway1 Courtney LeBlancAuthor 6 books83

A collection of poems about loss, grief, family, and continuing to survive.

from Envoy: "The moth, vibrating there // in the circle of light, seemed to be choosing / transcendence over other basic needs. // Imperial moths have no mouthparts, / they don't eat, they make no sound."

from Night Watch: "Around him we were // a collective / for which there existed no name. // Vortex? / Hive? Enigma? // Astrophysicists were asking / for suggestions. // Terror. A terror of black holes, / someone proposed/ // Yes, that was true. / Silence. A silence of black holes, // someone proposed. / That was too accurate."poetry Sofi71 6

Catherine Barnett's "Solutions for the Problem of Bodies in Space" is a stunning collection that transcends the boundaries of poetry. Barnett's masterful use of language and imagery captures the profound complexities of existence with an elegance that is both thought-provoking and deeply moving. Each poem is a journey, exploring the intimate and the cosmic with remarkable sensitivity and insight. Her ability to weave intricate emotions into her verses leaves a lasting impact, making this collection a luminous exploration of human experience. This book is a testament to Barnett's extraordinary talent and a must-read for poetry lovers everywhere. Chris578 13 Read

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