
Resistere al Biker de Cassie Alexandra

de Cassie Alexandra - Género: Italian
libro gratis Resistere al Biker


La studentessa ventunenne universitaria, Adriana Nikolas, non sa cosa fare con Raptor, il motociclista sexy che sembra ossessionato dal voler far sesso con lei. Figo o meno, fin dal primo incontro capisce che è pericoloso, sia dentro che fuori dal letto.
Quello che vuole Raptor, Raptor lo avrà. Al momento vuole Adriana e farà tutto il necessario per rivendicarla come sua donna. Ma lei continua a resistergli, cosa a cui il Capitano di Viaggio dei Gold Vipers non è abituato. Arrogante, presuntuoso e testardo, Raptor accetta la sfida e si ritroverà ad avere più di quello che si aspettava.
Nel frattempo, Schianto, il presidente dei Gold Vipers, cerca giustizia per lo stupro della figlia della sua Signora. 
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Questa storia contiene un linguaggio volgare, situazioni di tipo sessuale e violenza. Non è adatatta ai lettori che abbiano meno di 18 anni. Per favore, non compratelo se qualcosa vi offende. È un'opera di fantasia e non si pone come vera rappresentazione dei club di motociclismo. È stata scritta per puro intrattenimento.
Cassie Alexandra è lo pseudonimo dell'autrice di bestseller, K.L. Middelton. 

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Total bullish**, I am so frustrated with authors who can't/won't finish a freaking story ..Are they that poor that they need to make multiple books out of one story to sell to survive? Don't we the readers spend our hard earned money and time on these books? Do we not count??? Finish a bloody book please!!! The story is just ok, I enjoyed the characters ok, I didn't really feel a connection to our leading lady. I felt she was way to immature and a push over. The story seemed a good concept but just didn't work for me even if it hadn't been a cliffhanger, that just sealed its fate as well as further reading any books by this author. WTF people, how would you to read only half a story hum??? Wouldn't would you?! so quit writing them and expecting we the readers to follow you with this bullish**!! Sorry about the tangent, just sick of cliffhangers. I guess I should have read the closer, but picked this up awhile back and was in my library, so just started reading..big mistake!25 s Erth3,869

If you MC stories, then you MUST read "RESISTING THE BIKER!" It is witty, moving, sometimes scary, and in every way a well written and compelling MC novel. AND - I have a new FAVORITE AUTHOR TEAM to add to my list! While I love to read books about motorcycle clubs, I've noticed the pattern of the bad-boy-who-grows-a-heart-when-he-finally-falls-in-love-and-then-he-leaves-the-club-or-the-club-goes-legit. Despite the predictable pattern, I still love MC tales! Doesn't matter if the MC is a one-percenter or makes its money running something less than legal, I love the tales. Knowing that, imagine my excitement when I was offered a free-tease MC tale from a writer who up to that point was not on my radar! Then, to top off my happiness, this new author (Who is actually part of a writing team) offers what I feel is an amazing piece as her free-tease!?! I am in Heaven! Then I find out this is one of a series of MC tales by this writing team and that the series was published in 2015? I am OUT - going to go read the other 7 books this weekend! (Well, maybe make a good start on it! LOL) The prose is easy to read, the characters genuine and well-developed, and the plot compelling to keep the lamp burning long after lights should have been out. 17 s Hot Reading Mom1,139 1 follower

Starting reading this story last night and finished this morning. The start was bit a bang with about Jessica who all but disappears from the story after that? The story is about Adriana is a young woman who has had a sheltered life and has fallen into a "relationship" with Raptor, a biker. Adriana is so young and dumb its killed me. Lots of dark MC drama which was interesting. Wanted to hear more about Jessica and perhaps Judge???? What happened to them?

And just when the story was about to come together it ended on a cliffhanger; That was totally a surprise... no warning... no nothing. Then the end said the next book would be available in May 2015. Which we know are not always correct. My curiosity is killing me on this one.

I mean will they get together or won't they? What happened to Jessica? Who really killed Adriana's friend? Who is pregnant? Could we kill Brandy? Definitely let's kill Misty? Is she still a breathing club whore? Will Adriana grown up? What about Monica and her baby? Will Tank be okay? By the time May 2015 arrives will I have moved on to another MC??? Time will tell people. all-romance freebies14 s Alba M. 1,701 139

Lo siento pero ya me chirriaba algo y llegados al 49% dije basta.
Voy a recalcar esto porque me enfada muchísimo: NO HAY COSA QUE MÁS ME FASTIDIE QUE EL PLAGIO. Está mujer ha plagiado prácticamente todos los nombres de los Reapers MC de Joanna Wylde os pongo todos los nombres: TANK, BUCK, CHOPPER, HORSE... ¿en serio? La originalidad la dejamos en casa no? Paso, no me gusta esto en serio. Si quieres escribir algo hazlo por tus propios méritos NO COPIES!12 s Liliuokalani100 3

********* Spoiler Alert**************

Actually really enjoyed this story till I reached the end,thats where I completely lost interest in maybe reading book 2. Hate cliff hangers and the other woman baby mama drama. Too much left up in the air with the bestie's murder , then ex girlfriend drama... Not for me. Actually was into the book till the last few pages,highly disappointed but if cliffhangers and baby mama drama is your thing read this book.11 s DawneAuthor 3 books10

He grinned. "I am woman. Hear me roar, huh?"
"Damn right," I said, smiling back. I raised my hand and clawed the air. "Roar."

He unzipped the top and began rummaging through it. "Jeez, how much stuff can one girl carry around in here?" he asked, waving a tampon. "Got your friend, huh? This is probably a good deterrent. Try waving it in the air if you run into trouble. Nobody will mess with your shit. Believe me."

Alright that part made me laugh.

4/5 stars. 4-star books-i-own contemporary ...more8 s Coco.V50k 4 Want to read

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