
La ragazza che poteva cambiare il Destino de Cassidy Ostergren

de Cassidy Ostergren - Género: Italian
libro gratis La ragazza che poteva cambiare il Destino


Lacey è un'adolescente ordinaria. Va a scuola, cerca di mantenere la sua D in chimica, e passa i Venerdì sera a sbavare sul profilo Facebook del ragazzo che le piace. E' una ragazza come tutte le altre, tranne per il fatto che riesca a controllare il futuro.
Dopo l'introduzione di Lacey nel Sistema Fate Changing, la sua vita viene stravolta. Un gruppo di fanatici che si oppone al Sistema, non si fermerà difronte a nulla per eliminare i Fate Changers.
Inoltre, Lacey si ritroverà a cercare di ignorare, fallendo, i sentimenti per l'enigmatico Christian Angel, un ragazzo conosciuto nel Sistema. 
Un avvincente romanzo young adult fantasy, La ragazza che poteva cambiare il Destino è una storia di amicizia, amore e di forza nel riuscire a trovare se stessi.

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What was delightful about this book was how such monumental gifts as the playing with Fate were cleverly intertwined with the banality of real life.
At first you expect some huge magical event of epic proportions. Instead the subtle fate changes to everyday things that Lacey applies only go to show that it's the little things in life that make the biggest difference.
Don't get me wrong, there is still a large overshadowing evil regime to overcome and the ending doesn't disappoint in this regard. I loved how the story built up the tension, feeding us with little snippets of excitement until the final twist.
A happy ending? Well, that would be a spoiler but there's certainly room for more of this story!
Just be aware that this is not a quick read and you need to pay attention so you don't miss the enticing little clues.
Looking forward to the next one but a very well deserved five stars!!2 s Angelina KernerAuthor 22 books146

Book Title: The Girl Who Could Change Fate fate

Book Authors: Cassidy Ostergren

Source: Kindle Unlimited

Rating: 5 Dragon Paws 5 paws

One of the reasons of why I decided to read the book was the cover. Isn’t pretty? I do admit the synopsis fools you. I really thought it would be more dramatic, though it did have that flare.

Lacey is a fifteen year old girl with a power of changing fate and she’s not the only one. There are others with similar gifts and what’s more is that there’s an organization which is against the ones with those powers. There’s a big hint that there will be a book 2… mainly due to another organization popping in.

It is a book for teenagers, especially modern ones because there were words which I had to look up or ask my friends to define them. I can’t talk a teenager anymore and this book proved it… yikes!

Overall, it’s a great fantasy story which can be read in one sitting. Recommended to all.2 s Stella AldenAuthor 63 books519

Wow, oh, wow, oh Wow!
Did you ever read a book so well written, you forgot you were reading?

a really awesome movie, this book will suck you into a new reality and not let you go. This novel can easily be for the young or the young at heart. The plot is outstanding, the world created is totally believable, and the characters real beyond words. What else can you ask for? This book is Harry Potter, except with a female heroine!2 s Cecelia Marie1 review

I saw my friend advertising this new release via facebook and because I’ve wanted to read something in the YA genre other than all the dystopian novels, I thought, why not. He d it and the premise sounded intriguing.
The story starts off by introducing the audience to the main character, Lacey, and her life. She comes across as your typical girl, other YA protagonists, who has a normal life and problems. The blurb says how she will struggle using her power, and the allusion to Macbeth gave me the idea that she’d be more of an anti-hero. So in the first chapter little hints are given off about her power of being able to change the future, before she explains it in full later which is something I enjoyed a lot. In other YA novels the main character suddenly finds out they are unique or uber powerful, but in here she already has her power. The plot begins when her older friend, Jaiden, another who has the ability to change fate, introduces her to the main Regime, where she finds out about other powers of fate and many people in it. Shit goes down after that, and the rest of the plot deals with her trying to stay alive and figure out who the person/organization trying to kill her is.
There are other subplots, mainly revolving around characterization of friends and love interests. Her crush is Christian Angel (yes, the name…), and he has the power to shift memories/alter thoughts. He is a good-natured, if reckless, character, easy to read and . I actually d the school subplot, even though they weren’t that important. They were funny and made Lacey seem more relatable as she struggles through school.
I d the cast of characters for the most part. They were all different in personality and characterization, and each seemed to grow by the end of the novel. Lacey is very conflicted because of her background, going through denial about her relationships with her parents, Christian, and Jaiden. But by the end of the novel you can tell she’s realized she’s worthier than she thinks she is, and her views have definitely changed. Plus, she is a veeeery funny narrator, that’s one of the best things about this book! The second main character, Jaiden, is different in that he’s still a young man who cares very much for Lacey, even when she looks at him as part crush. He is the strong, quiet type, barely losing control, showing dry humor and being the subtly powerful presence in the background. He was my favorite by far. Lacey’s best friend, Trinity, is the ditzy but loyal character who offers moments of vulnerability throughout the book, especially since she’s there for Lacey even though she doesn’t have a power over fate. She provided a lot of comic relief. The final main character is Christian. He is easily able and has a strong heart, not being the usual douche love interest of YA. The only bad thing is…he has a girlfriend.
So, in conclusion, there is a terrific balance of action, characterization, and suspense, and the romance wasn’t too heavy, instead it actually tied into the plot. I wish Lacey would have used more of her power (she can CHANGE the future) but I guess it’s supposed to parallel the descent that Macbeth takes, slow at first. This is the first in a series, which is awesome, because I can’t wait to learn more about the darker organization, especially the people who appeared in Chapter seven. I will positively be there for Book 2, because I think this is a strong step in the young adult genre.
1 Haley Watson7

Just read this book over the past few days while I was working. I enjoyed it immensely! I guess it is a new book in the young adult genre. I was hooked right away and couldn't put my kindle down. The writing is very well-written and flows naturally. I loved the characters! They are easy to relate to. The main character, Lacey, especially is relatable, and I d how she grew throughout the book. Her best friend is hands-down the funniest personality! She says the strangest things!
I thought writing about the topic of fate was cool too. It was different, and the dark nature of it is supposed to mirror the dark nature of the human heart. It was a good concept to introduce a plot that focuses on a normal girl.
Definitely can't wait for the next book!2 s Jennifer Clausen-greene264 3

The Girl who Couldn't Change Fate is an amazing book for teens that centers around friendship, trust, love, and bullies. I really got sucked into the mystery of this book and all the different elements of romance, suspense and supernatural magic that this book offers. I started reading in the morning and was done by nightfall. Fast past book that really kept you engrossed in the plot line. I really enjoy a strong heroine that is pushed beyond what they feel they can endure, yet surprises themselves at their own inner strength and gumption. Adored this book and easy to recommend to the YA readers out there.
1 Brittney Kirk3

Loved it!!! Couldn't put it down!! The characters were rich, complex, and relatable, with great dimension. Loved the concept of Fate too!11 Dani8

Got it during the promotion. Great plot, loved the characters. Recommend for any YA lover.2 s Crystal9

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