
Ciutat de vidre de Cassandra Clare

de Cassandra Clare - Género: Fantástico
libro gratis Ciutat de vidre


Per tal de salvar la vida de la seva mare, la Clary ha de viatjar a la Ciutat de Vidre, la llar ancestral dels caçadors d’ombres. En Jace no vol que hi vagi i els caçadors d’ombres han tancat a la presó en Simon perquè no es refien d’un vampir que viu sota el sol.

Mentrestant, la Clary es fa amiga d’en Sebastian, un misteriós caçador d’ombres que s’alia amb ella. En Valentine està disposat a eliminar tots els caçadors d’ombres: l’única opció que tenen, doncs, és aliar-se amb els seus enemics mortals; però podran els homes llop, els vampirs i altres criatures del submón deixar de banda les seves diferències amb els caçadors d’ombres?

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So, I'm just going to save you from having to read this book:

Everyone, except Clary: WOHOO, we're going to Alicante!!!!
Clary: *moping* ohnoes, they left me behind! But with my super special unicorn powers I can get there myself, although it was said that that's impossible!
Aldertree: YOU GOING TO JAIL!!
Simon: Crap, but I guess someone will get me out of jail soon...
*300 pages later*
Sebastian/Jonathan: Hello, I'm a new character introduced only to make sense of this mess. Want to make out?
Clary: SURE!
*2 seconds later*
Ew, lets stop, I want to make out with the guy I still think of as my brother.
Jace: Hey Clary I think I'm a demon so it's okay for us to be together!
Clary: YAY!

ME: ...What?

Isabelle: OHNOEZ, demon attack! Also, Max is dead.
Alec: Whatever. Who cares.
Jocelyn: Hi honey, I'm back!
Clary: Whatever. Who cares, I've just invented the MOST PERFECTEST RUNE EVER. With it, you can combine the powers of Shadowhunters and Downworlders. YOU GET THEIR POWERS AND THEY GET NOTHING!!!!
Everyone: YAY!!!
*Exposition time! We learn that Sebastian/Jonathan is actually Valentins son and Jace is the son of that Stephen guy. He's been cut out of the womb of his dying mother and Valentin then raised him because HE COULDN'T STAND HIS OWN SON. Also, Clary and Jace got the blood of the same angel in them, which sort of still makes them related, but WHO CARES?!?!? They WUV each other!*
Sebastian/Jonathan: I KEEL YOU!!!
Jace: I KEEL YOU!!!
Valentine: I KEEL YOU FIRST!!!
Angelguy: Valentin, with my awesome powers of gold and sparkle, I hereby sentence you to death through spitting a lightning bold. Also, Clary, make a wish.
Clary: I realize I can wish for world peace or safety for my friends or rainbow ponies, but I want to get the guy I'm hot for back from the dead.

ME: ...God.

Simon: GREAT, now I've got two hot chicks going after me! One is a werewolf and the other one unbelievably beautiful! What does this remind us off???

ME: Oh please, no.

Maia: WTF, I thought I'd get a lead role in this shit! Where's my lawyer????


Inspired by Madelines abridged Shakespeare .

P.P.S.: Believe it or not, but that's what Simon does on the first page. ISN'T HE COOL?

P.P.S.: Here's my review for COFA and here's the one for COLS.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewall-my-hate stoopid-with-a-capital-q876 s1 comment Khurram1,892 6,665

This was the best of the 3 books I have read so far. Action packed from the beginning to the end. The pages just seem to fly by. Despite the book being just a hair under 500 pages, I kept looking at he page numbers, and 10 to 20 pages had gone by at a time.

After Clary's display of power the Clave is interested to talk to her, Jace after his experience with the Inquisitor does not trust the Claves motives, and is determined to stop her from visiting the City of Glass. This book, Valentine, launches the offensive that has been threatened in the last couple of books. All hell litilery breaks loose. This book is full of revelations, returns, and deaths. The only problem I had with this book was that the big reveal was pretty obvious about page 200, but she still tried to keep it a mystery.

It is a great book and a seemingly a definitive ending to the moral instruments, so I am curious as to what the next book will be about. Maybe the start of a second trilogy. However, if you read the first two books, you must read this one. Everything that was missing from the second book is in this one.881 s3 comments The Burning Rose (Jess)165 523

5/5 stars.
Best book so far in the series.
Although I didnÂ’t find time to read (I hate you, university), I did it pretty quickly. I couldn't put the book out of my hands (even tho I had to), it was excellent. I had bits of suspense, curiosity, even nerves.

Finally the characters I love have received the attention they deserve. But come on, why was Cassandra Clare waiting for the third book? Izzy, Alec and Simon were amazing. Although there wasnÂ’t much of Magnus, I enjoyed the parts he participated in. I really enjoyed Luke, as always. IÂ’m very proud of him, heÂ’s a born leader, truly. I even enjoyed Valentine (even though inside me, I always enjoyed him lol). But in this book especially. HeÂ’s not a great villain, there are better than him in other books IÂ’ve read, but heÂ’s indeed a laudable villain, mainly because of his charisma and his persuasive abilities.

I want to point out IzzyÂ’s loyalty, how amazing she is! I love her so much. And also want to point out the way Simon grew up. He has been through so much, and it makes you mature, right, but not always in the good way. And Simon coped with it incredibly and God Almighty I LOVE HIM so much.
P.S - How sweet he is on the cover, right?books-i-own fantasy young-adult391 s Cara290 717

I had begun reading this laying down and drinking the words in steadily but before I knew it I was sitting on the edge of the sofa and forcing to keep up my eyes focused enough not to move too far ahead. I promised myself I wasn't going to write a spoiler review though I really wanted to. Without giving spoilers I can't stress how much a certain line did this or what took me by surprise but y'all are just going to have to read it to feel and see what I felt.

EVERYTHING is finally explained. Thank goodness! It was fun to guess along the way to see if you were right. Sometimes I was off and not entirely sure but part of the excitement is having the dawning realization of "Oh yeah!!! I can see that now!" Definitely is the best of the series and not only because of the plot and resolution, but because of the development of the characters. As far as I could see Clary grows the least but she does. She always was a little more "emotionally" in tune than the others were. The character that makes HUGE strides is Jace. He started to grow on me in the second book but I absolutely get him now. There is this one line that he says (it's cheesy but who cares) that made me totally melt. *WARNING* if you don't moments bordering on the cheesy side you may want to read something depressing instead. All the characters we have grown attached to have grown up to be a better version of themselves. One of the most impressive ones I'd say (other than Jace) is Isabelle, which is displayed well in the conversation she has with Clary in the kitchen.

This book is charged with all the elements we are used to but make them ten fold because this is the end. Emotions, battles, loss, betrayal, surprises, and even the jokes carry that much more meaning to them. Out of all the books this one would have to be the most serious. I know that there was always the element of sudden danger, but this one is more so and we don't get to see as many sarcastic comments (which is understandable) but there are still there to ease the tension.

I want to gush and gush over everything but I had to say Valentine seemed to fit into the series finally. I always felt he wasn't a villain material but he is, and I can't say why because again a spoiler. Best way to wrap up the series and say goodbye to the Shadowhunter world.

Later note: Find out there is a fourth one! City of Fallen Angelsfantasy paranormal series262 s jessica2,575 43.4k

reasons i have continued this series:
- gotta do it before i can read 'the infernal devices,' which i have been told is life affirming.
- gotta do it before i can meet will herondale.
- gotta do it because im a perfectionist who hates quitting things.
NOT reasons i have continued this series:
- because i am head over heels in love with it.
i sighed so hard after finishing this book that, i swear, it was heard across the world. why am i not loving this everyone else?! there has to be something wrong with me. thats the only thing i can think of.

although, i will say, this is definitely the best book out of the first three. i FINALLY got some answers and the closure i needed. but i still feel clares writing is missing something. it just feels much longer than it should be. i mean, theres so much going on, so the story shouldnt feel so drawn out and boring, right?

oh, well. doesnt matter. i can finally move on. will herondale, here i come!!

? 3.5 stars251 s Danielle.258 244

***LAST AND FINAL EDIT (JANUARY 19, 2014): I'm no longer replying to the people commenting on this review. People still don't seem to understand my warning stating "if you loved this series, don't read this." If you're going ignore THAT then I'm simply going to ignore your comment. It will not be read by me.***

Also, you may want to read through the comments before commenting. Chances are, what you're about to write may have already been stated.

EDIT #3 (September 3, 2013): So this is the actor (sorry I don't know his name) who plays Jace in the City of Bones film. He's telling people to see this putrid film and this is what he says

Notice how he says "take whatever you're dating" and not whoever you're dating. He approves of beastiality Cassandra Clare approves of incest. Damn the casting is perfect for her shit books.

EDIT #2 (July 15, 2013): These die-hard fans can't read and heed my warning that they're commenting on my damn opinion with such nonsense. Once again, to the people who loved this series so much: STAY. OFF. MY. REVIEW. BECAUSE. YOUR. FEELINGS. WILL. MOST. LIKELY. GET. HURT.

EDIT! So, apparently I have a lot of errors in this rant -- a lot. I'm just too darn lazy to fix them, though. Sooo.... yeah.

This review is going to contain swear words, spoilers, rants, and complaints. If you can't handle my bluntness and curse words, don't even read it. Well, to be honest, this isn't a real review, this is a huge rant -- the longest I've ever written in my entire life, and the last.

I really want to do this to myself after reading up to page 314:

I know how this is going to end so I'm giving this 1 star (though I wish a '0 star' was an option). I don't know how to start and I don't know if this is going to make any sense but I'm going to write and God help me if any one of these fans [or other fellow reviewers] tries to tell me I'm being a cruel; heartless person.

Yes, I know this is just a book. I know , but this woman is getting paid for copying and that is so fucked up to J.K. Rowling.

Fans: Oh bloody hell, not another hater saying she copied Harry Potter. As if. If anything, Clare was inspired.

Nope, fuck that. There's a difference between being inspired and being unoriginal. I'm going to tell you the difference later on in this review.

*Sighs.* I don't know, I don't know why I keep coming back to this series if I know I'm going to be disappointed and angry. Oh, wait, I know why. I wanted to give this series a chance, I didn't want to be those ignorant haters talking about the books that they left unfinished: the haters of the twilight saga. 'Sparkly vampires' is their reason of hating twilight because other people said it. There's so many holes in that book that's easy to point out and rant about if you read the saga. Only watching the first film of twilight will leave you blind and clueless.

I'm rambling off here, but that's my reason of coming back to this crap, I wanted to know what I was going against; I didn't want to be left being ignorant. Anyway, back to my review.

The characters:

Clary: My God. There is something wrong with Clary. This girl. I can't even with this fictional character right now. I keep saying she's fictional so it can calm me down, but I think it's making things worse. Not a page goes by where I don't wish I can punch Clary in the face. The name Clary annoys me, her being in the book annoys me. Why can't she go away already? She's so stupid. She's constantly thinking about her brother Jace. Constantly.... constantly. Situations happen and there she goes, 'oh my god jace. i just want to hug him and comfort him and make sure he knows i'm there.' 'i wonder what jace will think of me when i tell him?' 'no one knows jace's secret. i desperately want to tell simon, but it's not my secret to tell.' 'is jace with that one girl? did he kiss her?' 'jesus why can't i be with jace already. can i please be happy?' 'why was jace so mad at me?'

Y'all not annoyed of reading that already? 'cos I'm annoyed writing it, but I swear that's all she ever talks and thinks about. , come on. Oh and don't even get me started with the death of Max -- Isabelle and Alec's little brother. They were all in extreme pain at seeing max lying there and here comes stupid fucking clary, 'looking at jace brings daggers to my heart. i so desprately wanted to run to him and hug him, but the look simon gave told me it wasn't a good idea, so i thought about when he hugged the first time.'

are. you. kidding. the. crap. out of. me. right. now? Everyone else is just as much hurt as Jace is and you're worrying about him? I just erfklgbjsbkljaol;km

Jace: What happened to you, man? In the first book you used to be a total bad ass and now since you found out Valentine was your dad and you realised you can't have Clary because you guys are related, you've gotten so sensitive and stupid. Let me get this straight: You were being a total asshole to Clary when you guys never knew you were related -- despite the fact that you 'love' her, but oh no, Valentine says, 'HEY KIDS, I'M YOUR FATHER!' You're , 'Clary, I want you and, gotdamnit I'm going to have you. Kiss me.'


Alec: I don't really have snide comments for him. There's only this one problem that annoyed me: When demons entered Idris or where ever the heck they were, he sees Magnus fighting off about 5 demons and Alec saves the day. Magnus is all , 'Did you ... did you just save me, Alec?' And Alec was , 'Why didn't you answer/return any of my phone calls?' , are you kidding me? Demons just entered a place that was supposed to have block them out and you're worried about not getting a phone call back from a warlock? Alec... babe.... do you not value your life?

Isabelle: Slut. Stupid.

Simon: Whatever.

Now I get to the part where I talk about her unoriginality.

This whole book is a stupid, crappy version of Deathly Hallows.

Half Blood Prince vs City of Glass

Half Blood Prince: Okay so I took this bit from harrypotter.wikia.com credit to them
Dumbledore and Harry travel to a cave in which Voldemort had tortured two children in his youth. They proceed through the cave, coming to an island in the middle of a lake. On the island, they find a basin of emerald green potion, with the locket at the bottom. On Dumbledore's orders, Harry reluctantly force-feeds him the potion, which badly weakens him and causes extreme thirst.
Mkay. So not only does it weakens him, but it driven Dumbledore to madness -- bringing up his worst memories.

City of Glass: Clary draws this rune which creates a portal leading to Idris (or Alicante?), she ends up in Lake Lyn; by then, Lupin -- oh, er, I mean Luke pulls her out and starts pumping her chest so she can cough up all the water. Luke tells her (and I quote), '...to drink the water is very dangerous. It causes hallucinations, fever -- it can drive a person to madness.'

Think about that for a second.

Deathly Hallows vs City of Glass

Ohh I'm going to have fun writing this.

Deathly Hallows: Hogwarts has this spell/charm that has been cast by the professors and by the headmaster so no death eater -- or Voldemort -- can enter. Voldemort searches for a particular Hallow - the Elder Wand. Long story short: after finding this, Voldemort breaks this charm and death eaters enter and the battle of Hogwarts begins. Voldemort calls them back and says, 'You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your debt with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me.' This was quoted from the film, but in the book Voldemort also gives them until midnight (or was it an hour, correct me if I'm wrong please).

The Deathly Hallows consists of three objects: The Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility.

City of Glass: The Clave puts these wards up over Alicante so no demon can enter, but here comes Valentine and, Voldemort searching for the DH, he searches for the Mortal Instruments. Valentines fines the sword and he broke through the ward, causing all the demons to break through and start fighting and attacking people. Long story short: Voldemort, Valentine calls the demons back and besides going up to the place ( what Voldemort didn't do), he goes in the projector form and says, 'If you will not listen to reason, you will have to listen to force. I have already showed you I can take down the wards around your city. I see that youÂ’ve put them back up, but thatÂ’s of no consequence; I can easily do it again. You will either accede to my requirements or face every demon the Mortal Sword can summon. I will tell them not to spare a single one of you, not a man, woman, or child. Its your choice.' (page 311)

He continues one page 313, 'I will give you until tomorrow at midnight to consider my terms, at that time I will bring my army, in all its force, to Brocelind Plain. If I have not yet received a message of surrender from the Clave, I will march with my army to Alicante, and this time we will leave nothing living.'

The Mortal Instruments consists of three objects: The Sword, the Mortal Cup, and the Mirror.

With that being said:

All right. Let me just add something here: I thought this book would change my mind about the MI, I really did because it started off kind of good (that was because Jace and Clary weren't together). It's whenever they're together it brings out my worst qualities... and whenever I read about Clary.

My rant is done.... for now.



Pages 314 - 380

I have come to the conclusion... that I give up on the series. I really hate this, I do. I hate being constantly angry and I'm not one to get angry -- it takes a lot. I'm... I'm just done. Idgaf about how this series supposedly gets better because it doesn't. it doesn't -- it's only getting worse. It's also making me lose my religion. I'm not kidding: I find myself swearing a lot, saying God's name in vain and wanting to break Clary's face in for being an idiot an just being there in the book.

Okay before I start my rant I'd to give props to the impostor/spy named Sebastian for taking the words right out of my mouth when he said, "Because I finally can. You’ve no idea what it’s been , being around the lot of you these past few days, having to pretend I could stand you. That the sight of you didn’t make me sick. You,' he said to Jace, 'every second you’re not panting after your own sister, you’re whining on and on about how your daddy didn’t love you. Well, who could blame him? And you, you stupid bitch' —he turned to Clary— 'giving that priceless book away to a half-breed warlock; have you got a single brain cell in that tiny head of yours?'"

The moment I read that I was - literally - ,

I have this feeling that that spy 'Sebastian' is really Valentine's son and not Jace. I mean it's obvious that Jace and Clary really aren't related, but the reason I'm saying it's still incest because: 1) Most of us thought they were actually related and 2) Clare had this nerve to even write about it. I can imagine her now saying, 'I really want to write a book that's Harry Potter. But let's add that the two main characters are irrevocably in love with each other, but they find out they're brother and sister, and though they still can't get over fact they want to be something more than brother and sister, they'll sneak a few kisses when no one's looking. Oh! Oh! Oh! and let's add Jace and Clary saying even though they know it's wrong, they can't help it! That'll leave my fans thirsty for more incest romance! And then I'm going to write how, it turns out, they're really not related.'

Clare you nasty devil you.

Anyway, some of you can't get over the fact that Max died. I know I can't - he was only nine years old. Smh. It sucks to read. But here's what pisses me off: Isabelle. This... ewiogkljsrklgjserl. ok. She's in mourning which is understandable considering that's her little brother, so she's constantly blaming herself for not listening to him, not being there, etc. Simon comes, tries to make her not blame herself for 'Sebastian' killing her brother and Isabelle throws Simon on the bed and tries to have sex with him. She's all , 'Oh I'm feeling better already.'

Isabelle... your brother died less than a day ago... and you.... whatever. I've never d her anyway.

Clary is really... I've had about enough of her already. How can readers look up to Clary, how can anyone stand Jace/Clary's relationship? Clary chooses him over her own mother, and him over everyone else's life. No really. Jace leaves to find Sebastian and Clary runs off to tell Isabelle, Isabelle says she knew he was going to do something that and Clary's just , 'do you even want to find him? do even care that he's gone off on what's practically a suicide mission?' Isabelle is trying to tell her Jace can handle himself and there are things more serious than Jace going after Valentine; that innocent lives are at stake. Clary's just , 'All I see is that Jace is your brother just Max was and you cared what happened to him.'

First of all Max and Jace's situation are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Jace knew what he was getting himself into, Max did not. Jace will be of age - meaning he's old enough to handle himself and make his own decisions just you did - while Max was 9 years old and had no idea that Sebastian would turn around and kill him. Isabelle basically says this, too, but Clary doesn't listen and doesn't care. Ugh. Why hadn't Isabelle punched her?

Let me hurry and finish this book so I can be completely done with this rant because I know I'm getting annoying.

*4 hours later*

I KNEW Sebastian was Johnathan and not Jace.

someone needs to give me an award.



Stopped on page 413

I'm done. I can't finished this book. I'm trying not to smash my keyboard with my fists. I am so effing shocked and just can't even fathom why people think this is the best series. There's obviously something wrong with this book.

I don't how to say this: So after Clary found out Jace wasn't her brother she get's all happy , 'yay we can finally be together in public!' but wait simon says, 'so you kissed your real brother - sebastian?' and clary's , 'oh god, simon please stop saying that. i already want to pass out and throw up as it is. i can't believe i kissed my brother! i feel disgusted.'

screw this series.

let me guess, this is how the story ends:

clary stops valentine
jace comes back -- they make out passionately
isabelle confesses her love for simon; boom they go out now
alec and magnus finally gets together
the end.

am i right? i'm right am i?angels-or-fallen-angels annoying-character-s demons ...more223 s3 comments Caz (littlebookowl)303 39.8k

At this point I'm most ly not going to continue with the Mortal Instruments series. Sometime in the future I might, but for now I'm leaving it here.owned219 s Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus)280 344

This is my favourite book in this series so far! I already want to delve straight back into the shadowhunter world and feel lost saying goodbye to it for a period.

City of Glass returns to the lives of Clary, Jace, their friends and family. Clary has to get to Idris so she can save her mothers life, but Jace does not want her to come. As Valentine ramps up his demon plans can Shadowhunters work with Downworlders to save everyone?

There were parts of this book where I had tears in my eyes, Cassandra knows just how to break my heart! I also found myself shaking, desperate to know what would happen next. Often I would skip ahead a sentence or two because my eyes were just so desperate to find out what would happen! This definitely felt a step up from the first two books for me. Although there are still characteristics in Jace and Clary that I struggle with. But their immaturity just seems to reflect their age. I loved the growth of Simon in this one as he gets used to being a vampire.

I also loved some of the messages in this one such as: being yourself, love can make us stronger and working with people who are different to us can make us more powerful and united in ways we couldnÂ’t imagine. I still have a deep love for Magnus Bane and was really excited to see him cropping up again. We were also introduced to some new characters, I am looking forward to seeing what happens with them in the future. Cassandra has created a wonderful fantasy world through her books that I just get completely lost in. I cannot wait to read more!

I recommend this series to fans of young adult fantasy.favorites189 s Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 148

City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3), Cassandra Clare

City of Glass is the third book in the urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. In 2009, Walker Books published the third book of the series worldwide.

Clary is at Luke's house with Simon packing for her trip to Idris, in which both of them have conversations based on Clary's goal to save her mother and the struggle she will face when she reaches Idris. Jace persuades Simon to lie and say that Clary decided not to go to Idris, in order to protect her from the Clave, who he feels will try to turn her into a weapon. When Clary visits the Institute, Magnus tells her that the Lightwoods had to travel through the portal, due to an attack by Forsaken.

During the battle, Simon is injured and Jace takes him to Idris to save his life. With her power to create runes, Clary is able to create a portal and she travels with Luke through the portal. As Simon wakes up to realize that he was pulled through the portal and now is in Alicante, he realizes the truth behind Jace's motivation to not make Clary come to Idris. Later at the Lightwood house, he meets Sebastian Verlac and Aline Penhallow. Over time, Alec comes back from the Clave meeting to tell Simon that he will be sent back to New York by Aldertree, the new Inquisitor. When Simon arrives to leave for home, it is revealed as a trap to bring people back to the Clave's trust and he is imprisoned and is questioned on his new ability to walk in daylight as a vampire. After the questioning, he befriends a fellow mate named Samuel Blackburn. ...

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1.) City of Bones ???
2.) City of Ashes ??

Friends, I did it! I read the whole trilogy! Over a decade late, but arenÂ’t you proud? And more importantly, I can finally move on to TID with Clockwork Angel! And I am so hyped, because I know this is the start of the series that you all really love! And I hope I do, too! And I got really excited seeing some names that IÂ’ve vaguely seen you all scream about!

“Each tomb looked a little house; some even had metal or wire gates, and the names of Shadowhunter families were carved over the doors. CARTWRIGHT. MERRYWEATHER. HIGHTOWER. BLACKWELL. MIDWINTER. She stopped at one: HERONDALE.”
City of Glass has the cast whisked away (some easily, some not so easily) to the City of Glass, AKA: Idris, which is the ShadowhunterÂ’s home country! Valentine may or may not have started to build a demon army, and the gang hopes that they can get the council to listen to them. Oh, and Clary is desperate to save her mom, and is willing to do anything to wake her up. Because while her mother sleeps, she is also locking away many secrets.

“My mom got the spell that put her in this state from a warlock—Ragnor Fell. Madeleine says we need to track him down if we want to know how to reverse the spell.”
Okay, so going into this series, I knew very few spoilers. And I was very surprised when the Jace and Clary “dilemma” came up, just because I had never heard anyone mention in. Therefore, I also thought it would be a quick fix. Okay, so the “reveal” is at the very end of City of Bones, but the mentality and thought lasts until 80% into this third book! I couldn’t believe it! And even though I knew (and hoped and prayed) that you all wouldn’t lead me astray and that the “twist” wouldn’t be true, it still took a lot of enjoyment out of this book for me, because for the most part, Jace and Clary thought it was real. Also, Jace and Clary both do and say a lot of problematic shit, that has nothing to do with the way they feel about each other. Jace especially.

“Jace knew he was being cruel, and he barely cared. Hurting people he loved was almost as good as hurting himself when he was in this kind of mood.”
Okay, so IÂ’ve broken down the characters in the other two IÂ’ve done for this series, so I figured IÂ’d just keep doing it. (Especially because these are probably boring because everyone but me read them ten-years-ago!) And always, I have a lot of feelings.

? Clary - Clary is just a bland main character. I donÂ’t love her as much as others. I donÂ’t hate her as much as others. I honestly just feel neutral towards her, but I still say that she is rather forgettable. Which is sad, since I suppose she is the star. But I think the shining light of all three books has been the side characters.

? Jace - Jace legit is the worst part of this book, too. Which, he is the second leading character, so, also probably a bad sign. But he’s just miserable to read about because he doesn’t care about “the situation” where Clary at least tries to not be… gross about it. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, he legit screams at Clary in this book and says some pretty abusive and hurtful things. , I just honestly don’t Jace. I’m sorry. But it’s the truth. Probably my least favorite character, including the villains.

? Simon - Okay, so Simon completely won me over and captured my heart and soul during this book. I honestly loved everything about it. And I think thatÂ’s mostly becauseÂ…

? Isabelle - Â…I am about to go down on the ship of Isabelle and Simon. , you all, I love their chemistry and their entire dynamic. And Isabelle is my favorite character of any of these books so far, so I just am going to put her happiness first always and forever. Thanks.

? Magnus - Magnus is also my favorite. And I donÂ’t want to give Cassandra Clare too much credit (I seriously canÂ’t get over the incest, IÂ’m sorry), but I think she did a really amazing job with creating Magnus Bane. All my friends are obsessed with him, IÂ’m obsessed with him, and I think heÂ’s such a bright shining light in 2000Â’s literature.

? Alec - I feel I Alec more and more each book. Probably because of Magnus, but still! And the end of this book? Not that anyone should ever feel any pressure to come out, but the end of this book just made me really happy.

? Max - , IÂ’m still shook.

? Luke - I was living for Luke in this entire book. , I instantly loved his character, and I just grow to him more and more each book. Also, he deserves all the love and happiness in the world.

? Jocelyn - I actually do ClaryÂ’s mom. I wish she would have been awake and present for more of this trilogy. And I do think it was a little deus ex machina how she shows up, bearing all the information that we needed so long ago. But I still enjoyed her and her character.

? Amatis - LukeÂ’s sister is honestly my new favorite, too! , maybe IÂ’m too old to be reading these for the first time, and IÂ’m just connecting with all the (way older than me) adults, because I canÂ’t connect with these teenagers? But regardless, Amatis has been through so much, but I love her already. Amazing new addition to the cast!

? Maia - Maia wasnÂ’t in this book that much, but I still really what I did see of her. And IÂ’m saying this while knowing she is going to be a point of a triangle that IÂ’m not ready to think about.


? Person in the cell next to Simon - , I actually loved this twist and was so here for it. Until, someone ruined it. But still, I was living for it. Big fan.

? Seelie Queen - , Clary is going to regret that power move of an epilogue.

? Aline - UmÂ… is this new character Asian and queer? Because, I think she is, and I think IÂ’m head over heels in love with her already.

? Sebastian - A little obvious, but still a fun twist and character I honestly really enjoyed following.

? Valentine - , I enjoyed Valentine a lot in this one. I think he was way less “mustache twirling” villain in this book. And I loved the portrayal on how people can be awful humans, but they are still capable of doing good things. We all have good and bad inside us, and Valentine is a good example of what happens when you do more bad than good. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting soft, but I d him as the villain of this book.

“People aren’t born good or bad. Maybe they’re born with tendencies either way, but it’s the way you live your life that matters.”
Trigger and content warnings for murder, death, incestuous thoughts and resulting actions, torture, medical experimentations, captivity, abandonment, talk of thoughts of suicide, suicide, and war themes.

Overall, I am happy I read this trilogy, instead of just skipping it. IÂ’m not sure if it was completely needed, but I hope that it will feel worth it. I also think this series holds up better than a lot of others that were published during the same time, Naruto references and all. IÂ’ll be honest, this really is more of 2.5 star read for me, and I should probably bump it down to two stars, but I just enjoyed it so much more than City of Ashes that IÂ’m going to bump it up to three. Also, Izzy and Simon deserve that star on their own, letÂ’s be real. Okay, friends, I canÂ’t wait to finally dive into Clockwork Angel!

Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Youtube | Twitch angels demons fae ...more164 s Tharindu Dissanayake298 728

"It's my cologne. Eau de Recent Injury."

It wasn't until I picked up City of Bones I had really experienced how damaging the hype could be for one's reading experience. Sure, there had been disappointments before, but not this. Given how well received Cassandra Clare is, I had saved her for last (with the exception of Sanderson, which I'm hoping to jump in to next) but didn't expect something shockingly bland this...

In my preview review, one of the GR friends said that this series is 'such a cliché' and I think that comment sums it up perfectly: unless this is one of your first fantasy series, the story is going to look as it lacks any originality. Take away the repetitive descriptions of the same characters' facial features, body language etc., and you have a quite short story. Speaking of characters, with the exception of Magnus Bane perhaps, were underwhelming, and it was only the fast pace and sheer entertainment that kept me going till the end.

As I'm now done with the first three books of MI, seeing there's not much improvement in second or third books, I'm doing a single review for all three at once. I know I'm probably in the minority here, but when it comes to fantasy, I when romance is only a small part of the overall experience. Though the author had sorted things out by the end of book three, I wasn't much entertained by the way she handled any of Clary's relationships. To me, introducing 'obvious' love triangles is a way to lengthen a book unnecessarily, unless of course the author is a master in using it to better the fantasy elements themselves (which is clearly not the case here).

Though somewhat corny, the humor was somewhat acceptable, but the storytelling was not as great as I had imagined it would be based on the high rating. For me, it lacked that harmony which is essential in keeping the world building, plot, and characters in sync. At times, the narrative's viewpoint was all over the place, breaking the emotional flow.

On the plus side though, the author did manage to see me sailing through all three books of this first half of MI, and then steering towards Infernal Devices to see what's all the fuss is about there. So she's doing something right.

"Power doesn't have to be unlimited to be deadly." 170 s Candace1,179 4,601

The further I get into this series, the more I enjoy it! I'm enthralled with the stories of these young characters in this paranormal world. With every book, the plot thickens and another layer of the mystery unfolds.

This third book had many tests, turns and revelations. Some, I expected and some were completely surprising to me. All of them pulled me deeper into this story and left me craving more.

Action was also plentiful in this book. An epic battle ensues that will keep you wondering what will happen next. The dynamics are constantly changing as new characters and relationships are revealed.

I am hesitant to say much about this book, because I don't want to spoil the secrets that come to light. There is a lot going on in this book. If you're a fan of paranormal/fantasy, this is a great book.

Of course, this book leaves just as many questions unanswered as you had going into it. Some mysteries are solved, while others surface. One truth revealed seems only to lead to another question. This was no big surprise, since this book is in the middle of the series with plenty more to follow.

Overall, I thought it was a great continuation of this series. I enjoyed every minute of this rapidly changing story. I'm so glad that I listened to all of my Goodreads friends that told me the series got better as the story progressed. They were so right! I can't wait to see where the next book will take me.listened-to-audio-version paranormal159 s Rose385

After all that's been going on with Cassie Clare lately I can't have this on my page anymore. Sorry peeps!not-really-books top-ya152 s megs_bookrack1,803 12.1k

City of Glass, the 3rd-book in Cassie Clare's beloved Mortal Instruments series, brought all the addictive teen drama I was looking for.

Please note, this is the third installment in the series, therefore some mild spoilers may be found within this review. I do not plan to hide them.

You have been warned!

Clary still needs to save her Mother, who is currently in a magically-induced coma. She thinks the answer lies somewhere within the City of Glass, Alicante, the capital of Idris and the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters.

Unfortunately, it's against the law to travel there without permission and Clary definitely doesn't have that. Regardless, she's not letting frightening magical laws come between her and her Mom's potential cure.

The rest of the crew travel to Idris as well, including Simon, although he isn't received as well as the others.

The bulk of the action in this novel, therefore, takes place in the land of the Shadowhunters. I personally loved the change of scenery.

I feel I learned so much more about their world, their history, the different powers and relationships amongst the various beings that inhabit it.

This is what I had been waiting for. Things are finally beginning to come together and as a whole, make a lot more sense.

The relationship dynamics between all of our main characters continued to be built out as well. I enjoyed watching the evolution of friendships, as well as romantic relationships.

There were some huge reveals; one in particular that entirely changed how I viewed a certain character. I really enjoyed that, although some of the build-up to that reveal still makes me a little uncomfortable.

At the end of the day, that entire storyline certainly brought the angst that kept me turning pages. Luckily for the story, it wasn't just that though.

There is a lot of compelling content in here. Valentine is an incredibly well-imagined villain. The stakes are high and the action flows along at a nice, steady pace.

I'm so stoked to carry on with my journey through the Shadowhunter Chronicles. If this book is any indication, it's just going to continue to get better and better.

Up next, Clockwork Angel!!!

148 s Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession1,210 3,497

5 If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right Stars

* Major Spoilers ahead*

“I told you he’d freak out,” she said. “Didn’t I?” “Ah, the ‘I told you so,’” Jace said. “Always a classy move.”-Izzy and Jace

OMG this book was so awesome. So many things happened in this book. It was an explosion of events. Jace and Clary my God they suffer so much. I felt so bad for their struggles. Loving each other, thinking they're brother and sister and their love is wrong. But the part where they sleep laying next to each other holding hands all night. Swoon!

“I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then.”-Jace

Although I will say it was kind gross how they made out while still thinking they were siblings. Gave me Joe Dirt flashbacks.

I'm glad we readers finally got to see who Clary's real brother was. Sebastian was as evil as his father. The things he did in this book made me sick. The way he came onto Clary and kissed her knowing he was really her brother sick! Trying to kill Jace and beating Izzy with a whip. Killing sweet little Max. I mean who kills a child a pos that's who!

Poor Clary couldn't catch a break. Walking around thinking you're in love with your brother then finding out that your real brother did kiss you eww. I was so glad that when Jocelyn woke up and I was glad that Clary gave it to her good for all the lies she told Clary. It was nice to hear Jocelyn explain things and set the record straight. I also loved that her and Luke finally get to be together too. My heart was so happy when Alec stepped up and claimed Magnus by kissing him in front of everyone including his parents. That kiss was so hot!

“I’m not going to do that.” “Of course you’re not,” said Jace, “because you live to torture me, don’t you?” “Not everything, Jace, is about you,” Clary said furiously. “Possibly,” Jace said, “but you have to admit that the majority of things are.”-Clary and Jace

Twice this book had me flipping out over Jace. That last time knowing Valentine killed him right in front of Clary. OMG flipped out! Thank God the angel brought him back. And haha Paranormal Hitler aka Vatlentine got his! Simon was cute in this book. All his vampire yumminess getting him two girls that want him. I love how Simon has really grown since the first book. The end OMG the end was so sweet. Love this book can't wait to start the next one!

“Anyway, it’s yummy. Jace?” She offered him the glass. “I am a man,” he told her, “and men do not consume pink beverages. Get thee gone, woman, and bring me something brown.” “Brown?” Isabelle made a face. “Brown is a manly color,”-Izzy and Jace
paranormal-romance read-in-2016 young-new-adult143 s MischaS_785 1,426

best-men-ever books-i-own borrowed-from-library ...more135 s Chelsea Humphrey1,487 81.8k

I really enjoyed the wrap up of this "phase" of The Mortal Instruments. I had heard varied opinions on the ending, how some people felt the pay off didn't hold a candle to the amount of detailing and set up required to get there, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, probably because I was expecting a long, drawn out battle but instead we get a satisfying dressing down of Valentine. I mean seriously, when Raziel is telling him off a spoiled brat who needs to be put in his place made my heart soar.

Picking these books up a decade after they were originally published means I wasn't able to avoid all spoilers completely, but I gotta say I was still shocked by a few of the twists and amazed that I didn't see them coming. It's also nice to see how The Infernal Devices will tie in, because for the first two books I kept wondering "who are these random families and why should I care about them?" Also, Magnus + Alec = <3 My absolute favs for sure.

These books aren't for everyone, and I respect that, but I also see why they have such a large fan base. Cassie Clare can manage to fit multiple types of writing into a single storyline without it feeling jumbled or confusing. We have serious moments, romantic moments, but we also have moments where these teens are able to be teens. It's so important for authors to remind us that these characters in YA fiction aren't in fact middle aged men and women. Just the simple, ordinary moments, the banter about their regular clothes and how to get girls or guys to them is essential. On to the nest one soon! suspenseful-clues-and-thrilling-rev133 s Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,587 10.8k

This is a re-read from a long time ago with this beautiful new edition of the book!

It has been so long since I read this book I forgot a lot of things that happened. I only remembered bits and pieces. The sad parts and really happy parts. . . .

Clary did get on my nerves a wee bit, I wonder if she did the first time I read it. But, I still her for who she is and her love of her family and stuff.

OMG, and the revelations at the end! I can't even. Okay, so I read the first three books in this series then I stopped. Then this year, maybe last year too, anyway, I read The Clockwork Angels trilogy. I know you shouldn't read out of order but still. I'm going to finish this series ? soon! But, some of the revelations in this book pertain to The Clockwork Angels trilogy. Don't get me wrong, I haven't read the last three book so I don't know if it will go into more detail BUT someone found out their birth right so to speak and it has to do with Herondale!!! You feeling me? Those that have read all of these will know what I mean. I hope they mention more at the end of this series.

Overall, I obviously loved it as much as the first time around. I mean you CAN still love a book and want to drop kick someone off a roof.

I love all of the characters regardless of their stupidity at times. ?

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List123 s Hamad1,133 1,506

This review and other non-spoilery can be found @The Book Prescription

Actual Rating: 3.75 stars

“People aren’t born good or bad. Maybe they’re born with tendencies either way, but it’s the way you live your life that matters.”

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