
Cougar Claw de Cary J. Griffith

de Cary J. Griffith - Género: English
libro gratis Cougar Claw


In this outdoors mystery, special agent Sam Rivers investigates the unexplained—and very unlikely—cougar attack that killed a wealthy business owner.

The sighting of a cougar in the Minnesota River Valley, outside the Twin Cities, is incredibly rare. A deadly cougar attack on a human in this area is about as likely as getting struck by lightning—twice. Yet when wealthy business owner Jack McGregor is found dead, the physical evidence seems incontrovertible.

Sheriff Rusty Benson brings in Sam Rivers, a US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) special agent and a wildlife biologist, to examine the scene and sign off on his conclusions. But Sam's experiences have given him a penchant for understanding predators, and he has more questions than answers.

Details begin to surface that challenge law enforcement's open-and-shut case. To find justice, Sam must take matters into his own hands. He enlists the help of reporter Diane Talbott...

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This is one of those thrillers that opens with a full view of the crime—in this case, two men ambushing a Savage, Minnesota CEO and attacking him with real cougar claws and teeth. There was recently a sighting of one of the big cats in the area, so it’s easy for investigators to believe the businessman became a meal.

The local sheriff who’s running for re-election has no objection to chalking the death up to wildlife rather than crime stats….but then Sam Rivers shows up to complicate his life. Sam, special agent for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, doesn’t care for bureaucracy or the sheriff, and persists in finding out what’s behind this event that looks suspicious to his expert eye. Just what looks off to Sam will teach readers about things the structure of all cats’ paws, which parts of a person a cougar would eat, what one of the creature’s teeth embedded in a person’s spine should look , and other juicy tidbits.

In the human world that Sam deals with somewhat reluctantly, things are more complicated, as his investigation is a tangled web of an about-to-be-very-rich widow, her nosy neighbor, a journalist who’s also Sam’s love interest, and always that blustery sheriff. Sam Rivers is akin to Emily Littlejohn’s character Gemma Monroe—a likable, steadfast investigator whose work takes readers into the outdoors and the crimes it hides. He’s a character worth getting to know.—Henrietta Verma, First Clue

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This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Doug449 3

A most worthy entry into the Sam Rivers mystery series, Cougar Claw has the USFW agent using his skills and knowledge of wild animal behavior to uncover a dastardly plot in a small town just outside of Minneapolis - pinning a murder rap on a wild cougar. Sam's likable personality, intelligence, perseverance, and dedication to justice are complemented by his allies - a young wolf/dog hybrid named Gray and his on-and-off again girlfriend Diane. Colorful characters the outspoken and politically motivated sheriff and a none-too-bright tennis pro add interest. Highly recommended, especially for those who love mysteries with Minnesota settings and the natural world. Can't wait for the next Sam Rivers story!1 Sandra381

I was lucky enough to win this book from here.
It is an amazing book.
My first peek into Sam Rivers' life.
He and his work are fascinating to read about, with just enough things about him to make him real, but not enough to detract from the story.
What a terrible thing to do, framing a young cougar for murder, and then shooting him.
But in the end, Sam Rivers proved the big cat's innocence, (and found the real killers).
I will be buying the first book in this series, and any others that come along.
I recommend this book for anyone who has lived, does live or plans to live, near or in the "wilderness". In whatever state, they may be in. Derek Moore289 6

This is a very well written mystery about a cougar attack that killed a wealthy business owner in the Minnesota River Valley. Sam Rivers a US Fish and Wildlife agent is brought in to investigate. Reporter Diane Talbot and Sam's wolf dog are also on the case. We learn about the predatory habits of cougars. This is a fascinating and suspenseful book with many twists and turns. The readers will find this book to be an easy read that may keep some up all night guessing the outcome. This is definitely a page turner and a must read for armchair mystery lovers. Thank you for the opportunity of receiving this book. I have already passed it on.

Kerry295 1 follower

I received an advanced reader's copy of "Cougar Claw", a standalone follow-up to "Wolf Kill", as a result of a Goodreads giveaway. From the first chapter I was hooked and now I want to read "Wolf Kill" too! Of course the fact that the mystery takes place in my home state of Minnesota didn't hurt anything. Sam Rivers is biologist and special agent to the US Fish and Wildlife. The murder of Jack McGregor happens in the first chapter and it is blamed on a cougar attack. Sam and his team work to discover and prove what really happened and there are numerous suspects.giveaways Joseph B. Hoyos22 3

“Cougar Claw” is an excellent outdoor mystery—a superb sequel in a series that has great potential.

Please see my full review at Gumshoe: http://www.gumshoereview.com/php/Revi...

and at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cougar-Claw-Ri...

Maren CooperAuthor 3 books99

Wonderful to see wildlife biologist Sam Rivers in action again, this time deep into the suburbs of Minneapolis, but still in the wild. Griffith has found a sweet spot in blending the natural world with the unnatural actions of human beings in their ability for greed and evil doing. And, beyond Sam’s growing bond with Gray, the wolf-dog hybrid introduced in Wolf Kill, there is romance in the air. All signals point to a third book in the series on my pre-order list soon!


When I visit the northern part of MN I always try to buy from regional writers at a favorite book store. The first one in this series was not available so I bought the 2nd and final one. It did not seem you had to read the first one to get into the story at all. I did feel the mystery drug on a little and was not as interesting as I hoped it would be. I am hoping the next book will be a little better. Michelle161 11

Great mystery. Was it a cougar? This book kept me guessing! I thought I had it figured out only to be surprised at the end.
The author has a great writing style and kept my interest at a high level throughout the entire book. I loved learning about cougars too! Was it indeed a cougar that killed? Or was it not???!!! Dive into this book to find out!! giveaway-win John Hurst103 2

Clever plot, easy read. I was familiar with Twin Cities area, but learned a good deal about the large, wild area around Savage. I would guess there are many deer in that area, but not many cougars! I'll ly read other books by this author. Kathy Piehl121

This was so disappointing after his first book, Wolf Kill. I was really looking forward to reading about Sam Rivers again, but this was tedious and confusing. Not only that, there isn't a resolution at the end. Last one I'll read in this series. Marla MadisonAuthor 13 books112

well-designed plot, interesting characters. Loved the dog! Beth-Ann Cosenza Bourgeois88 1 follower

When I finally got into the book it's a great mystery. I love how there are aspects of wildlife in the book. It took me awhile to get into the book. Ashley Jo8

Thoroughly entertained. I d Griffith's writing style too. It's looks long but I read it faster than expected. If you mystery and nature, this is right up your alley. Kathy Gray459 8

another author writing about minnesota and places that are familiar. i also that he writes about wildlife2023-books-read Mary391 1 follower

Such an ingenuous plot. I'm really enjoying the Sam Rivers books.
Trudy Ackerblade778 12

Cougar Claw was a very good crime story. The bonuses were learning about cougars and reading a story set in Savage, MN. Nick124 1 follower

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