
Not Without Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation de Cartier, Caroline

de Cartier, Caroline - Género: English
libro gratis Not Without Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation


Cartier, Caroline Year: 2024

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Prepare yourself for a wild ride. Please do not start to read this story at night!! Or you have little chance of any rest at all!

Elizabeth becomes the Bennet’s sacrificial lamb when Collins decides he will wed her!

The cruelty of the entire family except for Lydia is unprecedented!!

Even “sweet” Jane turns out to be a witch in an angels mask! Don’t even get me started on Mr Bennet! A more cruel father never lived!

Brutalized by Collins when she refuses him. She is confined to her room very upset, bruised and ill.
She is a prisoner till her wedding!

Her parents let a cruel overworked maid attend her but she drags Lizzy from her bed by her hair! Until Lydia sees her abusing her sister and gives her a worthy comeuppance!

After Collins stomps on Lizzy’s foot at the Netherfield ball ( to prevent her dancing with Darcy) a plan is formed for her escape!

Unfortunately I must tell you it goes terribly wrong:(

If you can make it through this part, try to push on! There will be angst, joy and sorrow for many of our favorite characters.

But a very well written story that robbed my slumber last night. Keep your eye on this author!5 s Ree1,156 66

This review is for the audiobook. I enjoyed this debut novel, which I have not read, but listened to. I will post a full review soon.2024 abuse anne-de-b-significant-role ...more5 s Madenna U1,950 1 follower

The author blurb is a great summary. I was struck by the intensity and method of Mr Bennet’s force of Elizabeth to marry Collins. It was pretty dark.2024-austenesque-challenge genre-history-romance genre-jaff ...more5 s Teresita949 9

High angst

I sometimes could not believe everything that happened at the beginning of this story. I really wanted to pummel some of the characters. On the other hand, I loved Darcy and the way things were resolved.3 s Lady Jl450

a must read.

The cover caught my and the description made this a must read. I put aside the other book and didn’t stop until I finished it. Then went back and read it again.
I’m sure you will read other so my pointing out the premise of the book is not needed. Just don’t miss reading this book you won’t be disappointed. 3 s James S1,318

3.5 stars rounded up.

Violence against Lizzy by her husband Mr. Collins. Yuk!

Luckily the rest of the story was better but it turns out the Bennets don’t support her at all. Long subplot at the end that was silly and a waste of time

Violence to a wife is really hard to read. I’m not sure how rampant in the Regency time it was but more so than now…I hope.

Darcy, as usual, shows a tremendous lack of empathy and few times. Luckily there is Greek chorus of characters to shout him down.

A final note from her father says he isn’t sorry. You will make me proud.

I couldn’t figure out why those were his last words to her2 s Anne775 8 Shelved as 'probably-never'

I won’t be reading this because of the awful abuse but also the author is all over facebook insulting older readers and recommending a terrible looking Pride and Prejudice for Gen Z which she says is an improvement over the original!abuse depressing do-not-recommend2 s Lauren164 3

I always find variations with Mr. Collins as a villain to be interesting. Austen portrays him as a buffoon, but he has a rather sinister amount of power over the women of the Bennet family, so I think this is a trope that is often explored and for which there is a lot of room for variation. This version had some well-done elements, but in general, it was kind of all over the place. For instance, the whole subplot with Lady Amelia at the end came out of left field, made little sense, and seemed totally unnecessary to the story. I was also frustrated that Elizabeth seems to understand Wickham's underlying perfidy for the first part of the book, then abruptly changes course.

There were some subtle changes to Austen's prose that bothered me and seemed unnecessary. For example, Austen says, of Elizabeth's reaction to seeing Pemberley, "She had never seen a place for which nature had done more, or where natural beauty had been so little counteracted by an awkward taste." The author here changes this to "I cannot think of any place for which nature has done more, or where G-d's natural beauty has been so little restrained by awkward tastes." Is this some sort of Christian fiction virtue signaling? If you are going to quote Austen, just do so-she is the GOAT. 1 Krista315 11

A new take on P&P but not an always comfortable one. Some violent scenes in the start of this book were hard to read and some serious personality changes took this into dark territory. Overall I enjoyed getting to read expansions on other characters and reading the “what if” but sometimes absolutely flummoxed with scenes Elizabeth being taken in by Wickham yet was wise to his true nature earlier in the book. 1 Fastidious Kingdoms138

*shakes head*

Lydia had a vital role in this book, transcending her usual senselessness. She and Elizabeth started forming a close relationship, and I couldn’t wait to see how it blossomed.

Sadly, I will never know because the author abandoned the strongest part of her work for meaningless, and sometimes senseless, conflicts. There were a few threads, such as Mr Bingley and Anne, that showed promise, but they were no match for the lumbering story they found themselves in.

Mr Bennet and Mr Collins’ senseless cruelty unleashed family calamities, followed by A Long Time of Waiting. Wickham’s antics were illogical, since he had shown his true colors the year before. Elizabeth’s ignorance of his character is not believable. The townspeople suddenly turning against Elizabeth after their steadfast support wise doesn’t ring true. Caroline appears in a few scenes for. no. reason.

The town nympho was the kicker.

This would be a solid two-star review, but because of Lydia alone I will give 2.5 stars, rounded up to three.
1 Faustine832 10 Read

DNF because it was too wordy and the storyline too filled with action and the characters too different from the original book. jaff not-finished1 Jamie BeeAuthor 2 books101

Give This Stupendously Horrid JAFF a Hard Pass

I was a voracious reader when I was a child, but adulting got in the way of my pleasure reading for too long. I will always have a soft spot for Jane Austen fanfiction—even if it is an anathema to other Janeites—because reading it is what brought me back to pleasure reading as an adult. I'm glad this was not a book I ran across back then, or I would have put off pleasure reading for perhaps a decade! Yes, it is THAT poorly written and even nonsensical in parts. I do not get a sense that the author is actually familiar with Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice—and that should be a prerequisite for writing JAFF! The writer might have a passing knowledge of the 2005 movie adaptation, but that seems to be the extent of her Austen knowledge. The characterization is abominable. Pretty much everyone is two dimensional and extreme. The Bennetts are certainly not as portrayed in the original—nor good Jane Austen fanfiction. Goodness, how the writer has eviscerated sweet Jane! I kept reading, just aghast at the liberties the author took and how she portrayed these beloved (or reviled) characters. If you love Jane Austen fanfiction as I do, do yourself a favor and do not read this book. The Jane Austen fanfiction universe is peopled by many skilled authors who are absolutely amazing and write breath-taking variations, showing respect to the original while giving their own spin to the plot and the beloved characters. Many JAFF books are delightful invitations to spend a few hours in a re-imagined Jane Austen world. Unfortunately, this is not one of them. I would give it zero stars if I could.

I received a digital copy of this book, but that did not affect my review.2024 jane-austen-ff5 s1 comment Sam H.971 41

After the horrors of the beginning, which had my heart in my throat and I couldn't put it down till we got past all of it, the books settles down some. It was watching Pride and Prejudice through a psychedelic lense. Lydia was pretty much the best thing that came out of the house of horrors.

Darcy is nearly ineffectual in letting Elizabeth know he has feelings for her. Of course, Elizabeth has much to heal from emotionally. Thank goodness the author does not go in to details of 'that' night. Still, she is far from being available to anything new and happy occuring in her life.

I felt the writing was a bit choppy and kept the story from flowing smoothly. I also had a big problem with the Wickham bit that took place in the second half. Elizabeth is not an idiot, no matter what she went through. Neither is Lydia, which we are now all aware of. I felt it was forced and made no sense for either Elizabeth or Lydia to have completely forgotten their thoughts and feelings on him from the year before.

Obviously it was a necessary process for the author to conclude the book, still it was disappointing.
Despite that, this is entertaining - just have your smelling salts ready for the first third!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.2024 arc jaff-20244 s Crystal Baker-Breault3 1 follower

Starts off promising and then fizzles

This book is worth the read. Not many other JAFF. This one had me crying and angry almost from the start. You’ll hate all the Bennett’s save Lydia and Elizabeth in this one!
The book then starts to fizzle and takes on a more narrative tone throughout, instead of character insights and focuses more on the secondary characters and their development then ODC. The angst and thrill dies off and it’s a long road without many details to develop ODC relationship. Wickham is thrown in as almost and after thought.
All that said, it’s worth a read. Camille Fiore238 1 follower

A Roller Coaster Ride

From about the sixth page until the very end, A wild ride of highs, lows, twists, and turns!

Just when you are happy Elizabeth has escaped her brutish betrothed, you are plunged into despair over her capture and the 'lessons' taught by her father.

Just when you are fearful of how her marriage will go, and for how long she must endure the bully, she's widowed!

Things will calm down now, right? Not remotely! Between Wickham, Miss Bingley, Mrs Bennet, and Jane... Jane? Yes, Jane! There are enough enemies throwing curve balls to keep you riveted.

A wild roller coaster ride, indeed! Rosanne M.179

This is not for the faint of heart

Elizabeth is stripped of her innocence and trust. She attempts to flee but winds up married to Collins. I cried, was angry, and at times confused. My confusion was the reason for a 4 star rating.
I kept thinking she would prevail and happy ever after would appear. I stayed up all night and it finally happened but it was a long journey, mixed with the slow process of healing. I d that things were not rushed, because healing is for many a slow process.
I recommend adults read this story- Elizabeth is true to cannon while SADDLY Jane is not. Julieann Martinez Sandoval19

Clearly gripping edge of your seat page turner.

I loved that Lydia was presented as a sensible young lady, Wickham was dealt with promptly, Charlotte was elevated toa higher sphere than that of a Parson's wife. Mr Bennet & Jane were truly awful and as for the rest of Elizabeth's family there will be surprises. I loved it and couldn't put it down until I finished it. I will be looking forward to more from Caroline Cartier who knows she might just become one of my favorite authors if she can continue with such surprising story plots. Katherine Applegate30

a different varation hard to put down but heavy on the angst.

I couldn’t put it down, part of me wanted to put it down. But I needed to know! It started out feeling light a fairy story and then… it got a bit dark, darker then darkest, then you see a little light. You what the transformation of some our favorite character and what makes a person strong. There is a lot of angst and some very dramatic side characters. I would say it’s closer to 5 stars just because you need to know what happens next! Paul Heatley35

A radical reworking of Lizzie Bennett's story

Caroline Cartier gives us an intriguing premised for this Austen remix: Elizabeth is forced to marry Mr. Collins and is then widowed almost immediately. So how can the awkward Mr. Darcy hope to win the heart of a woman who doesn't need his money and has been traumatized by her brief experience of marriage? There seems to be an abundance of Jane Austen Fan Fiction these days, but this delightful pastiche helps to sort the wheat from the JAFF! Patti Cook21 1 follower

great story - evil Jane

This one was really a surprise to me. Love the many twists in it. I personally have always loved an evil Jane storyline.
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