
Take It to the Grave 6 de Carter, Zoe

de Carter, Zoe - Género: English
libro gratis Take It to the Grave 6


When the wind blows the cradle will rock.

When Sarah Taylor-Cox wakes up to find her beloved baby not in his cot, her whole body starts to shake. Someone has been sending her threatening notes, and now her precious boy is in danger. Who has taken him, what do they want and how far will they go to destroy Sarah's life?

Time has run out. She must confront the past once and for all. The only question is, will she and her baby survive, or are the consequences of the dark secrets around her too deadly to contain?

"A growing sense of menace creeps through every page, leading to a nail biting final part!" — USA Today bestselling author Sue Fortin

"A clever, creepy family drama, the tension builds and builds to the explosive end. Secrets, lies and scandals...you'll never guess the truth!" — New York Times bestselling author J.T. Ellison

"Zoe Carter keeps the twist...

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When I spotted this book on Net Galley, I thought it was just a free teaser of the book, perhaps the first few chapters. I had no idea it's actually being released in six parts. This is the first, and it's a very quick and easy read. It took me about a half hour to an hour to get through it. It definitely seems it might be the start to an interesting story. However, I'm the type of person that begins watching a currently airing television show and then simply forgets about it and forgets to continue even though I was enjoying it. I'm not sure if reading a book that's split up into different parts will be for me, but I'm interested in checking out the next to see where this is going. I had to chuckle at a line in what I believe was the very first page of this one, when "one of" the maids interrupts Sarah's reverie. For many of us, including this Sarah, having a maid would be a reverie!

Sarah is a financially privileged new mother living with her husband in a lovely home in the East Hamptons. Her child is adorable, her husband is movie star handsome, and at first glance she seems to have few worries. We soon learn that's not quite true. I immediately took a dis to her husband. He's controlling and judgemental, deciding what Sarah wears and chiding her about her decisions as a mother and her baby weight. Baby Elliot is three and a half months old! I don't care how handsome you are, hubs. You seem a bit of a jerk. His mother is also a hard pill to swallow, nagging Sarah as well.

In a completely different area of the world, Sarah's sister Maisey is living a completely different life. As a nurse working in impoverished places in the world to set up clinics and provide healthcare, she has no set home. She moves around often from one place to the next, with no one to tie her down... and no one that even knows her real name. The sisters haven't spoken in years, but Sarah is pressured to contact her by her mother in law, who wishes to meet her family and no doubt, appraise them. The sisters used to be extremely close, but it's unclear what has driven a wedge between them... at least in part one.

Not long after contacting her sister, Sarah receives a mysterious and threatening email that could change her entire life. But what's her secret?

I'm giving this one a 3.5 for intrigue. I'm very curious how the story will continue.

I received an ARC of this book from Net Galley and Harlequin, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased. 23 s Linda Strong3,880 1,675

Sarah has a great life ... she married money and he could be a male model ... she has a terrific house in the Hamptons ... and the love of her life is her infant son, Elliot.

Her mother-in-law is a harridan .. looks are everything. She is constantly on Sarah to lose her baby fat ... only speak to certain people .. and above all, she must breast-feed. She is definitely a shrew. And she has her doubts that Sarah fits with her family.

Her husband is a sex fiend. When he wants some loving, he doesn't particularly care about his wife's feelings ... and he wants it when and where he wants it. And there are times, he doesn't care who his partner is.

Sarah's sister, Maisey, is working in another country. Of course, she's not using her real name ... hopefully the reader will get that nugget of information along the way. Pressured by her mother-in-law, Sarah sends am email to her sister, who she hasn't seen in years, and invites her to her son's christening. Much to Sarah's surprise, she accepts.

But this is the least of her problems when she herself receives a note .... I know your secret and I'm going to tell.

Who's the anonymous writer and who knows her secret ... the one she has never shared with anyone?

This is a very short read .... approximately 65 pages .... and only Part 1 of 6 installments. The story is told in different chapters from these very different women.

As in all installment stories ... the reader can expect a cliff hanger with each one. The first installment seems to be well-written. Characters are still kind of fuzzy, but there is some suspense.

I don't mind waiting for a book ... but waiting for 6 individual installments does not appeal to me.

Many thanks to the author / Harlequin (US & Canada) / Netgalley for the advanced digital copy. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
netgalley-2017 read-in-201712 s Dianne6,786 582

Two estranged sisters, connected by a dark secret each deal with their lives thousands of miles apart.

Sarah lives what appears to be the perfect life, if plastic people and "friends" just waiting vultures for one misstep, is considered perfect. A beautiful home in the Hamptons, wealth, a new baby and an over-bearing Monster-in-law make Sarah's life hell. Add to that a controlling and narcissist husband whose sexual appetite seems to revolve around humiliation, Sarah's life is far from perfect.

Thousands of miles away, her sister lives under an assumed name as a Nurse Without Borders, willing to give her body, but not her heart to her lovers. Their paths are soon to cross after a ten year estrangement, but not until a mysterious and threatening message is sent to Maisey and it chills her to the bone.

Zoe Carter has got the gift of suspense down pat. She also know how to make one's skin crawl as evidenced by reading about Sarah's husband. .....And....fade to black...to be continued. Not enough meat to sink one's teeth into a thriller that could leave readers drooling over the tease of part one.

While this proves to be a completely read-worthy thriller, and deserving of up to 5 stars, the fact that it is offered in a serialized only format interrupts the flow of a tale that could be extremely riveting. Just as I was completely invested, BAM...the cliffhanger...and the wait.

I received an ARC edition from Harlequin Special Releases in exchange for my honest review.

Serial: Take It to the Grave - Part 1
Publisher: Harlequin Special Releases (June 1, 2017)
Publication Date: June 15, 2017
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Print Length: 64 pages
Available from: Amazon
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com
1-in-series abuse arc-read ...more7 s Christina T303 79

I thought this would be a short, thrilling piece of work, and an introduction to a new to me author, Zoë Carter. Well, two outta 3 ain't bad.

The Good: It was short. Yep, that's about it folks. I'd to say the writing style appealed to me but it didn't. I'd to say the intrigue of the storyline captured me but it didn't. I'd to say the characters spoke to me but....well, actually they did. They said we are all horrible creatures drawn to be completely unlikable to our readers. Not necessarily a good thing when it comes to someone as character driven as myself. However, the plot wasn't without some interest on my part. I thought the opening prologue was interesting, even though nothing in the next 50 pages mentioned it again. I thought the ending was interesting as well, except it came a little to late for me to care what happens next in the story.

The Bad: The book was narrated by both Sarah and Maisey, alternatively. I don't normally mind this but when you're looking at the grand scheme of the book I had in hand, it didn't really work. I had 1/6th of this story. The constant back and forth perspectives made it impossible to really get "into" the story and to feel the tension it was supposed to create. In addition, the characters didn't have the time to grow and feel three dimensional to the reader because we were limited in page space. If the goal was always to release this book as a serial, having the first part as Sarah's voice and the second part, Maisey's, alternating that way, might have worked more in it's favor. Now here is one of my biggest contentions about this book....perhaps, through no fault of the author herself, the first part was offered for free on Amazon, at first. Now it costs $1.99. Each part costs $1.99, with the exception of part 2 right now is on sale for $.99. So, if you managed to get the first part for free and the second part for a buck to get the complete story you, dear reader, will shell out almost $9.00 for a book by an author who now has 2 books under her belt. I'm not trying to undermined all the work Ms. Carter put into her craft but when I can spend only a couple more dollars to get a brand new release by an author who is tried and true with dozens of NT Times #1 best sellers, why would I? I wouldn't.

In a Nutshell: I'm sorry Ms. Carter but I refuse to read any more of this book. Perhaps if it were to be offered as one complete book at a decent price I might reconsider. However, I do see your other book on Amazon is reasonably priced and is a full novel. I will check it out because I don't feel as if I've given you and your writing a reasonable chance.1-in-the-series 2-stars 2017-book-challenge ...more5 s Holly B (Short Break)879 2,378

This was really short and I finished it in about an hour. It is just the part one of six installments. It kept my interest and I enjoyed the author's writing. I was just getting to know the characters and the first mystery/clue ended the story. I would definitely to read the next on to see what happens and to see if it holds my interest.

Its about two sisters would totally opposite lives and situations. Sarah lives in the Hamptons and Maisy is in Thailand. They have been estranged, but are being reunited for the christening of Sarah's son, Elliot.

It's described as a "dark" thriller, but so far nothing dark. It ends when Sarah receives and email claiming they know her secret and are going to tell......

This was a read now arc from Harlequin Special Releases to be published June 1,2017

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewread-in-20175 s CARLA991 41


It was very suspenseful, but I didn’t really get an idea of what the story was about. Just that there was something in their past that they didn’t want anyone to know. And they haven’t spoken in years. It was very “I know what you did last summer”

The dual POV was interesting because they are not a and with Sarah’s lifestyle I was glad. Her husband’s behavior was a lot to take and I don’t think I could have kept reading it if Maisey wasn’t in the story.

I kinda dug Maisey as a character and would have to see more from her perspective but alas, it was not in the book. Other than that, Maisey seems to be a serial dater while Sarah is in a an abusive relationship but seems to it.

I don’t think I’m gonna read the rest as I don’t have the patience to read five more parts to find out what it was they did. I just don’t care enough about the characters to put in the effort.

I received this book in exchange for an honest/unbiased review.netgalley-books4 s Michelle 346 24

"I struggle to keep my temper under control, but my shoulders stiffen at her criticism of my sister. Where does she get off? Maisey is a million times better than anyone in Eleanor's sad, shallow family. "Maisey's a nurse who spends her days helping people in developing nations countries, Eleanor. She has less time to check her phone than the rest of us."......

Sarah and Warwick have a beautiful baby boy, Elliot. A luxurious life with maid service, and a home in the Hamptons. Sarah is dealing with the feelings of having just given birth, the extra weight, being a good mom.

Sarah has kept her past to herself. Warwick's family wants nothing more than to get to know Sarah's family. Elliot's upcoming christening should provide that opportunity for them.

This is a six part series. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story. The first story sets you up for events to come.

Maisey, Sarah's sister, is coming. She hasn't seen her sister in ten years. What will it do to Sarah's new life? Then there is a cryptic note...

Stay tuned for part 2. I can see a lot of interesting, and directional opportunities that the author can take this in. This mystery, thriller has the groundwork to be an entertaining series.

Thank you Zoe Carter, Netgalley, and Harlequin.

4 s Terry ~ Huntress of Erudition616 104

A book by installments sounds an interesting idea - 19th century authors used that technique and was very popular.
However, the author introduces all these unlikable characters without really explaining them, the switching of time & place is done rather clumsily and I don't care enough about what the horrifying email means, to keep reading.

3 s Kris (My Novelesque Life)4,666 199

(I received an ARC from the NETGALLEY)
(Review Not on Blog)

I had a hard time starting this novella as the main character was not realistic at all and the way she described her family was a bit bizarre. I get that people think that their husband is attractive but to describe him a hero on a romance cover was just cheesy. That first impression was a shadow that loomed over me as I read the rest of part one. I am going to pass on the next 5 novellas. The writing style was just not to my liking, so maybe skip my review on this one. 6 s Krystal1,162 32

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one to be honest folks. The author definitely has the potential to make this a very good story, however in this first installment things don't really make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps that is because from start to finish, it took me probably an hour overall to read? Nothing seems to be fleshed out very well, neither the settings nor the characters, but hey - its only part one right? So I looked into the rest of the series, and noticed they are going for $1.99 a piece, and that once the free trial of this one is up, it's price will be the same. $1.99 for an hours worth of reading? Especially when the opening book really as intriguing as the note is, doesn't really inspire me to continue on? I definitely expected more, even if it is only part one.

As it stands, I may give this author one last chance to redeem herself and this story before I scrap it altogether, although at this point it is looking a bit doubtful. I don't understand the novelty of dividing a book up into six parts, keeping them all short ( you would see in a magazine almost) instead of just putting them altogether into a cohesive novel. But that's just me. Other readers may enjoy the shortness of the "parts", and the excitement that they seem to all be releasing within days of each other.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.3 s Stacey Kennedy231 22

I saw this title on NetGalley and was intrigued by the summary, not realizing this would be a short part of a six part series. I am just reviewing part 1.

This is a story about the false masks people wear in public and the secrets that can tear a family, and a person's soul, apart.

"I know your secret. I'm going to tell.".... This is how part one of this series ends .
We meet Sarah and Maisey, two sisters who haven't spoken in ten years, leading very different lives that are about to be reunited over a shared secret past.

Sarah appears to have it all- married into a wealthy family, a handsome husband who appears to adore her, and a three month old baby boy. On the outside her life seems perfect. But we quickly see how Sarah is struggling- judged by everyone around her at every turn. Why haven't lost the baby weight? almost everyone in her life asks her constantly. Her world is one where outward impressions are held above all else, and her overly critical mother in law reminds her of this frequently. Eleanor, the mother in law, is also offended by the fact that they have never met Sarah's family and insists that they all come out to the Hamptons for the baby's christening. Sarah acquiesces and sends her sister (who travels as a nurse internationally) an email to invite her, assuming she wouldn't get it. At home Sarah struggles- her perfect husband is dominating and controlling, as is his mother. Sarah is uncomfortable in her post baby skin and is judged by all her shallow, uppity 'friends'. She appears stuck in a life she does not fit in- but how did she get here?

Maisey is a traveling nurse- helping underprivileged and indigent people in third world countries- under a false persona. She does admirable work but is always on the run. She has no home base. She reflects fondly on her sister and their connection as siblings but there is something very dark about their shared past the reader doesn't know. After running out on her latest intimate relationship she receives an email from Sarah, inviting her to come visit, and decides it is time to face her sister. Part one ends with her decision to come back to the states.

I was caught up in the drama of this book from the start. I felt for Sarah, who is unhappy at a time of her life that should be wonderful- young love, new baby. Her husband and inlaws are awful in my opinion and I can't wait to find out why she allowed herself to be in the position she is caught in. And what the terrible secret that has sent her into a panic is.... I'm intrigued to read part ll!2017-read-in horror-thriller1 Susan Staudinger665 7

3.25-3.5 STARS

From the outside looking in, Sarah Taylor-Cox appears to have it all. She lives a privileged lifestyle that includes a handsome husband, a beautiful baby boy, and a gorgeous house in the Hamptons. Truly, she is the envy of many. But looks can be deceiving. For in fact, Sarah’s life is a far cry from being perfect. Her husband, Warwick, is narcissistic, manipulative and controlling. Her mother-in-law is the same, if not worse.

When it comes to her own family, Sarah is guarded, keeping them at a distance and shrouded in mystery—especially when it comes to her sister Maisey—a nurse who travels to impoverished countries offering aid where needed. Once close, these sisters have been estranged for many years. But with her son’s christening looming on the horizon, a forced reunion might soon be forthcoming.

Even in a crowd, Sarah exudes loneliness. Add to the mix, the cattiness that surrounds Sarah, hiding behind the guise of well-meaning acquaintances and friends—people who only help to reinforce her low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. You can’t help but feel sorry for the woman who appears to have everything, and yet in reality, has very little at all.

But it’s the secret that Sarah holds close that is the most compelling component to this story. A secret that Sarah fears will soon be revealed. And it’s this very secret that will have me coming back for more!

“Take it to the Grave” is a dark, psychological thriller that is served up into 6 separate installments. Personally, I have no issue with serial novels, as long as I’m not left dangling for too long in between releases. This is definitely not the case here, as it seems that all installments will release on the very same day. So, why then, is this story broken down into 6 parts to begin with? One can only conclude that this is nothing but a calculated ruse to hook readers in hopes of garnering more money for a novel that might not otherwise command such an exorbitant price. But, who knows… “Take it to the Grave” in its entirety, could very well, be worth every penny. Only time will tell. I, however, am intrigued just enough to want to give this story a fair chance.1 Angel Hatfield4,605 16

Sarah seems to have the perfect life. A beautiful home in the Hamptons, a handsome hot husband and an infant son named Elliot. But Sarah’s mother in law Eleanor is constantly on Sarah to lose her baby weight and is a snob.Sarah.s husband Warwick loves himself more than anything and is very controlling. Sarah has a sister whose name is Maisey and she lives out of the country under another name, Maisey is a nurse who goes to poorly developed countries to help however she can. Sarah hasn’t seen Maisey in about ten years. Then Eleanor nags Sarah to invite Maisey to Elliot’s christening. Sarah sends off an email and surprisingly Maisey accepts the invitation. Sarah has a secret she has not shared with anyone then she suddenly gets a note saying “ I know your secret and I'm going to tell”. Sarah’s whole world may come down on top of her.
I d the beginning of this series and hope I get to read the rest of this series. I don’t usually cliff hangers but I knew where to expect in this case so that was a little different. This was a quick easy read. It definitely had me wondering why were the sisters no longer close and why Maisey worked out of the country under a different name. It seems she was running from something. Also what was Sarah hiding? Also why didn’t Sarah stick up for herself? So many questions. Hopefully the answers will be found in the next five parts I am eagerly waiting to find out. One last question why did Maisey suddenly decide to come back even if it was for her nephew’s christening ? Until the next part I recommend.
1 J. Roslyn92 1 follower

Zoe Carter tantalizes us with the first part of her six part thriller series. Sarah is living every woman's alleged fantasy life with a gorgeous, wealthy husband, a healthy, beautiful baby boy, and a house in East Hampton, Long Island. Except it's not. The growing stench of backstabbing neighbors, marital infidelity, a demanding, cruel mother-in-law, and eating disorders permeate Sarah's life. Pushed by her mother-in-law to invite her family to her son's christening, Sarah reluctantly contacts her estranged sister, Maisey, thereby adding buried dark family secrets to her already troubled life.

Carter knows how to write and how to keep her readers glued to the page. Indeed, Part 1 of "Take it to the Grave" is such an exhilarating, roller coaster of a ride, it's hard to imagine a reader not grabbing the next installment in the series. (In return for an honest review, I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.)1 Leanetta Scott153 4

This was a great novella. It started out strong with Sarah being washed onshore looking for missing child he is four months old. Then it goes on to what happened before all of this took place. She had an ideal life, a wonderful and handsome husband and son she loved to bits. She didn't get on with her MIL very well but life was great. Her sister is a nurse who spends most of time overseas in developing countries. On the run from something is my guess, but who knows. At any rate things start to go south for Sarah after she receives an email from someone she doesn't recognize. I thought this was nice. I so want to know who and where this email came from and what is up with husband. She seems well put together and loves her family even though they've had a rough start. I really can't wait to dive into this series full throttle. It's a short read but will keep you engaged throughout.1 Kathy1,389 3

This was part one of a six part story. I got it for free, but see it is now $1.99 and so not worth it. It starts with Sarah, who is married to a wealthy man and lives in the Hamptons. Her entire family (married) seem to be very stuck up people. They are always mentioning her weight, after having a 4 month old baby. Her husband is no better than they are, and there is something strange about him. The rest of the 64 pages is about her sister Maisey. Maisey is a nurse, but she doesn't want anyone to know anything about her, and goes by the name of Lucy. What is the secret of their family? I don't know, and really don't care to find out.1 Jen86

I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest opinion. I did really enjoy this book - light, easy reading. Fun, fast read of Part 1 of the series! It definitely hooked me right away and now I want to read the next part ASAP to find out what is happening with the characters. Not sure why it is broken into 6 parts, but if they keep me engaged, I will continue to read them all!1 Karyn Masters21 1 follower

I didn’t realize this is the first part of a six part thriller series until I started reading it. I have not read the other parts. So this review is only on part one. So far the storyline is full of drama, backstabbing, infidelity, etc. The story is set in the East Hamptons. Apparently, there are family secrets, which arise when Sarah invites her sister to her son’s christening. Soon after, she receives a threatening email that could shake the foundations of her perfect little world.1 Cheryl312 2

The Prologue got me; I love Sarah, but her husband is shady. Something happened to Sarah and sister Maisey a long time ago. What happened to make Maisey leave the country and Sarah to receive a mysterious email, "I know your secret. I'm going to tell" I'm hooked!! Where's part 2?

First Line: The clouds gather thick and furious, shutting out the sun.

Last Line: I'm going to tell.netgalley1 Helen Callahan166 2

Take It To The Grave 1 left me needing to read the rest of this suspenseful thriller. There are 6 parts to this series. I only wish they were out !!! The storyline revolves Sarah Taylor-Cox and her sister Maisey. The prequel to this book is a mixture heart pounding and heartbreaking. As well as haunting and disturbing. As this part of the story leaves each sister, one is running from her past, the other frightened her past might just have caught up to her. An ending leaving the reader with the need to know more !!!
1 Becc NelsonAuthor 2 books2 Read

A short story that leaves you wanting more!1 Vickie Raynor1,029 12

An amazing start to this mystery thriller. It's a cliffhanger. The characters are spot on and easy to get immersed into. The unknowns are leaving me breathless and anxious to find out what is behind the story! First time reading this author and so far she is great! Book provided by NetGalley.1 Susanna Parker339 1 follower

A newborn baby, a rich and handsome husband, a privileged life... Sarah Taylor-Cox has it all. But as you learn more about her mother-in-law, her husband, her friends, and the poisonous community she's surrounded by, you begin to wonder if Sarah's life is all that great after all.

Maisey, Sarah's younger sister, is on the other side of the world doing humanitarian work with Nurses Without Borders. Maisey is seemingly Sarah's complete opposite: a free spirit who refuses to be tied down by love and marriage, going so far as to leave a project in the middle of the night after her "fling" tells her he loves her. So now Maisey is headed back to the States just when Sarah could use a friendly face.

Take it to the Grave is being released serially. Part 1 was quite good - upsetting, tense, with character building and the start of a rising conflict. I am definitely interested in learning what comes next!

My ARC was furnished by NetGalley, all opinions are my own.2017 net-galley1 Melanie Cesa911 33

What an exciting start to this serial thriller! This is just the start and there’s a lot being set up. I can’t wait to see where it’s going to lead. I’m ready for part 2!
1 Barb108 7

Great start in Part 1 and now I'm getting ready to start Part II. Ms. Carter develops her characters well and the suspense of wondering just what the 'secret' is that lies between the sisters keeps one reading. I did find it hard to feel sorry for Sarah, who doesn't seem capable of standing up for herself in her in-law family environment, nor with her flirty husband. However, not knowing just what is behind her family mystery, it will remain to be seen why she is so submissive!

Thanks to the author; her publisher, Harlequin Special Releases, and Netgalley.com for the opportunity to read and review this new series. 1 Sue Wallace 6,428 77

Take it to the grave by ZOE Carter.
As Sarah Taylor-Cox stares at the anonymous letter, her body starts to shake with dread. She has everything to lose – a gorgeous husband, a beautiful baby, and a picture-perfect house in the Hamptons. And now, the lies she’s built her life on are starting to crumble, one by deadly one…
“I know your secret. I’m going to tell.”
Gripping read. Could not put it down. Can't wait for next part. 5*. Netgalley and harlequin (Canada and Australia).1 Read with Me (Jolie)1,232 39

Serial novels are the bane of my existence. On one hand, I love them because they are short and if written right can definitely make you want to read the next book. But if written wrong, they can turn you off of serial novels. Unfortunately, Take It to the Grave is the latter.

I couldn’t get into Sarah’s story. She came across as a neurotic mess that is haunted by something in her past. There is only the barest of clues given, a memory of her and her sister with their father playing in a meadow. Again, I know this is a serial so I know that the clues to the mystery would be dragged out but I really expected more background given. The relationship with her in-laws was toxic and her husband came across as a jerk. I mean, she had to hide the fact that she wasn’t breastfeeding from her mother in law (who was the mother in law from hell) and had to deal with her **friends** making unacceptable comments about her weight.

Maisey, however, was the complete opposite, in ways. She was damaged goods Sarah but in different ways. She has difficulty maintaining any close relationships and kept people at arm’s length. Towards the end of her story, it is told why she is the way she is but it doesn’t explain the weird flashbacks about the baby or the fact that Maisey has the compulsive need to lie to people to keep appearances up.

I will say that the author did do a great job setting up the scenario for the rest of the books but I do wish that some of the extra scenes really didn’t need to be in the book. the sex scene in the Porta potty. I really could have not used to visual of Sarah getting off in one of those. I think I actually gagged while reading it.

The end was very compelling and if I d the book, I would have loved to read the next one. But unfortunately, I will have to pass on it.

How many stars will I give Take It to the Grave: 2

Why: I couldn’t connect with Sarah or Maisey. I also thought that some of the clues that showed up in the book about what happened to Sarah and Maisey didn’t give enough information. Also, the sex scene in the Porta potty really, really grossed me out and was the final straw in me not liking the book.

Will I reread: No

Will I recommend to family and friends: No

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and language

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**1 Amy173 12

Excited for what is to come in this series. I really enjoyed the characters and got sucked in. Can't wait to see where part 2 goes!

*Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to review* read-netgalley1 books are love3,134 23

Closer to four but not quite. so 3.8
Received in exchange for a honest review

This is a good creepy but creepy none the less. The story of a perfect family isn’t what it seems. There are dark things amuck in this family. from Sarah’s husband’s mom, to her husband and the deal with her family and sister.

Outward Sarah and her husband seem the perfect couple but are they? That is the question. His actions are creepy crawly and have the hairs on end. He is demanding and condescending at times as well. When around others he is a charmer alright. Could sell ice to eskimos charmer. His mom is really condescending and just not a nice person.

Sarah is trying to keep up the facade but is scared. Scared of her past, of losing her son and of the shadows that follow her. He life is flimsily kept together and it seems that it is all about to fall apart. Her sister Maisey seems fun and flighty but you can tell there is damage from the past as well there. She runs when things with others gets too close. And now I think their worlds are going to collide and cause chaos.

A creepy story with lots of foreshadowing of danger to come and one that keeps your hair on end and toes curled but you don’t want to stop. 1 Kt Paxton273 2

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