
Broken Hope de Carrie Rubin

de Carrie Rubin - Género: English
libro gratis Broken Hope


A grieving doctor fights back against the world's growing inhumanity...

"Rubin's revenge thriller is fast-paced and full of plenty of unexpected twists and turns...a true page-turner"—Kirkus Reviews

To her Boston patients, Dr. Hope Sullivan is a conscientious doctor with a caring bedside manner. To her victims, she is a fierce protector of those who have been wronged. After losing everyone close to her, these revenge "tune-ups" are the only thing that make her feel...well...feel anything at all.

Until one day, a mysterious email threatens to expose her. I know what ur doing, it says.

At first, Hope ignores the electronic stalking, but when the threats become increasingly personal, she knows she must act. It isn't until the stalker gives Hope a taste of her own medicine that she uncovers a far greater danger, both to herself and to the patients she cares for.


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4.5 ?? so good!
Available on NetGalley! Go get it!

Whoa!!! This was so good!!! I requested this based on the description. A vengeful doctor out to seek justice sounded right up my alley!

Hope Sullivan is a highly respected doctor. Some tragic events happened in her past that shattered her world. One that sent her on path to seek out justice for the wrongs that have been inflicted on others.

Someone has been sending her messages. Letting her know they know her dirty little secret. Suddenly, she is at risk to being exposed. Hope becomes nervous as her secret stalker keeps moving in on her every move. Who knows her evil deeds? Can she get to them before she is caught?

This story is about revenge, resentment, justice, forgiveness and the rights and wrongs that tie those things together. There was a very moving part in the story that led me to reach out to the author, I enjoyed it that much! Suspenseful and thrilling!

I’d to thank Indigo Dot Press, NetGalley and especially Carrie Ruben for the opportunity!
Publication date May 21, 2024
4.5 ??????????31 s13 comments Susan's Reviews1,146 629

Dr. Hope Sullivan has lost everyone that mattered to her. She feels utterly ALONE.

Only her work as a medical doctor - and her "avenging angel" side hustle! - get her up each morning to face another day.

Hope has all the material comforts and advantages anyone could want, but her heart is frozen with grief. Unwilling to risk more heartbreak by starting over and seeking a second chance at love, Hope channels her bottled up emotions of loss, and her rage at the forces that robbed her of her idyllic personal life, into using her Krav Maga skills to wreak retribution on the partners or tormentors of her long suffering patients. Even the nasty barista at the local coffee shop gets a visit from Dr. Hope's avenging alter ego!

I'm rating this page-turner a 3.8 out of 5. Dr. Sullivan's character needs a bit more fleshing out, and since this is series, I suspect we will see that happen in the next action-packed thrilling installment! My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.9 s Breanne McFall149 1 follower

THRILLED to be one of the first to write a review of this book because I absolutely loved it! I love reading medical thrillers/novels written by physicians (as a nurse, they’re generally much more realistic), and this one was no exception.

Hope is a physician who does some “tune-up” work on the side… which involves exacting some vigilante justice. But when the person in need up a “tune-up” is a fellow doctor and Hope herself is framed for something she didn’t do, things take a wild turn.

This book has you feeling all the things for all the characters, and the pacing was excellent. The twists were very well done, and I didn’t see any of them coming! Multiple audible gasps and a satisfying ending later, and I think this one merits a full five stars.

Thank you Book Sirens for this ARC! I am leaving this honest review voluntarily. 6 s1 comment Elizabeth VanHorn43 1 follower

So thankful to booksirens & Carrie Rubin for the opportunity to read this ARC! It had my attention from the first page, full of suspense, a great thriller, while also feeling out how we want the revenge or justice when we experience sorrow or pain in life. It also brings in the battle with what is morally what is right & wrong? I loved the twists and turns throughout, kept me guessing & loved the ending! A must read! Publication date 5/21/24!!2 s Arlene46 2

I loved the ending!!! I have to start at the end because as I read this enthralling story and was pulled into Hope’s world I wasn’t so sure what to expect, but I was hoping and was very pleased and left satisfied when I got there. Although, as always with Rubin’s characters, I want more of them!

Rubin has such an easy way of drawing you into her world of medical thrillers, creating unique and flawed characters you can’t help root for and who make you go through all the feels - empathy, sympathy, anger, relief and happiness. She makes you slow down as you near the last few chapters because although you want to know … you don’t want the story to end. Kudos to Rubin for Broken Hope! 2 s Trista ~ journaling_bookworm32 3

It was good, I had no hesitation in continuing to read start to finish, always interested to see what would happen next.

From early on certain things were revealed that I had assumed to be something I wouldn’t found out until the end. This meant I had lost opportunity for any suspense to build, to try and piece together the mystery of it all and to be shocked when I’m completely wrong. Revealing all of these throughout took a lot of the expectations of a medical thriller away.

It wasn’t a bad book, I loved how it ended for the main character, it just wasn’t for me.

I received this book as an advanced reader copy for free and have provided my review absolutely voluntarily.1 Bette Reith157 4

Broken Hope is about a Hope, a doctor that has lost all hope. A tragic accident took the lives of her parents, her fiancé died of cancer, then she lost her last ray of sunshine when she miscarried. How is it possible to move on from such debilitating events? Hard to say how any of us would react to these upsetting moments, but other cruelty in the world has set her off in a different direction – one of a vigilante. Not as a killer who gets revenge, but someone who sees a wrong and helps the perpetrator understand how to be kinder by giving them a “tune-up”. Then one day, she gets an email that changes her world once again. Someone knows, but who? And what do they plan on doing with the information?
A sometimes graphic description of her methods is sometimes too much for the reader, and a bit too much “downer” talk, but overall, I d the book. The characters are well thought out and are interesting to try and figure out. I didn’t see one major twist in the story, so kudos to the author for that. If you vigilante type heroes, this book is for you. Thanks to BookSiren for the ARC of this book.
1 Darlene25 1 follower

I loved this book! The storyline drew me in right from the beginning and the characters were believable and well structured. I really enjoy the fact that author Carrie Rubin's medical background comes through in her writings and is very apparent in this book.

How many of us have wanted to teach a wrong-doer a good lesson but of course, we just can't, or don't. But now we can live vicariously through the actions of the book's main character, Dr. Hope Sullivan - who expertly deals with the bad guys - hopefully setting them straight from then on. All is good until someone stumbles across Hope's extracurricular activities - and at that point, things become a little unhinged.

Despite the dark subject matter, there's empathy all 'round, lots of twists and turns, a beautiful setting in Boston, and even a feline to cuddle in this enjoyable story.1 Stephanie34 3

Broken Hope is not any other book I have read. The main character, Hope, is indeed broken and it seems there is little chance she will heal. There are many mysteries to solve and the plot twists you through possibilities and intrigues. I couldn't put it down until I knew who did what and what their consequences would be. Great read!1 Brieann Johnsen1 review1 follower

Great thriller! It took me by surprise with the direction it went which I feel is hard to do these days. Once I started it was hard to put it down! 1 BG of RC36

I love vigilante stories. I'm always down to read about a jaded person who, disgusted by the failure of social institutions to punish wrongdoers, takes the law into their own hands to seek retribution. You see this theme a lot in westerns and police stories, but one with a medical theme? Now, that's something new!

Dr. Hope Sullivan is just one such jaded person, and her method of exacting justice is to follow and kidnap the lowlifes she finds in the world, take them to a remote and secluded shed, and subject them to the same pains they have an inflicted on others.

But one day, she gets a threatening message. Someone is stalking her, seeking revenge of their own against her for some perceived wrong. And this person has stumbled on to Hope's extra-judicial activities. Something which the medical board would not look kindly upon, and while Hope has suffered from suicidal thoughts ever since the recent deaths of her parents and fiancé, her reputation as a doctor is the one thing in the world that still keeps her going.

With this threat hanging over her, Hope is now both a stalker and a stalkee... and things only escalate from there. The stakes and suspense build at the intense pace one expects from one of Rubin's novels, with twist after twist culminating in a shocking conclusion.

This book is rather dark, in case you couldn't tell from the cover. It makes Fatal Rounds, Rubin's most recent medical thriller, look an after-school special. But it is similar in the sense that the protagonists, while sympathetic, are also very well aware of what happens when you gaze long into the abyss.

Broken Hope goes to some dark places, but that darkness is also what makes it such a gripping story. Highly recommended for fans of psychological thrillers.

[Note: this review is based on an ARC of this book.]
2 s Katie76 16

Advanced Reader EBook Review
Release Date: May 21, 2024
Thank you Booksirens for the advanced reader copy of this e-book in exchange for an honest review.

Dr. Hope Sullivan is not entirely the woman her patients think she is. Yes, she is a great diagnostician and has a wonderful bedside manner, but her life has fallen apart. She has lost everyone she cares about and to find meaning in life, she has a little side hobby. She makes people who deserve it suffer consequences for their crimes, which she calls tune-ups, and tries to make the world a better & safer place one person at a time. But then she gets an email, someone is watching her and knows what she is up to. When the stalker catches up with her and gives her a taste of what one of her tune-ups is , she discovers an even darker secret. Hope knows she must act, but what is the best way to approach this new tune-up?

Wow, that was really dark. Although not usually my thing, I am surprised by how much I was captivated by the story. I found myself rooting for both the doctor and her stalker, which was only slightly disturbing seeing as neither was your typical “good person”. I was not sure that this book was for me at first because I was not a big fan of the torture scenes, but as we learned more about Hope and her background and how she became this person, the more interested I became. And just when I thought I had things figured out the twists just kept coming. I was convinced I knew how all this would be resolved, but of course, I didn’t guess that right either. Overall, I really enjoyed the story, despite the dark themes and because of all the twists and turns. W Gallant9 1 follower

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner here.

A caring, competent, compassionate general care doctor has a darker side. And yet, I had her back the whole time. This is a book about righting wrongs, about past loss, and about too many of today's society in general. Author Carrie Rubin explores the taboo that many of us sometimes think about. Can we get away with something illegal with no repercussions. Not this time, but the story progresses smoothly from one event to the next in a coherent and plausible timeline.

There's not much in the way of character depth, especially the villain, but there's enough. There were only two times I paused to think, 'Is that correct?" I don't know if there really is a chemical that kills that wouldn't be found in an autopsy. And I thought that any time a call is placed to 911, the police are required to respond. That it's not possible to talk one's way out of them coming to investigate. Minor points, I know, but those are the things that catch my eye.

Despite those possible errors of logic, I really d this story. In my mind, there were two, equally plausible outcomes. The author chose the more acceptable one, and it worked well. The second option would certainly be darker, but in today's age, I guess it wouldn't have been very welcome.

I look forward to following and reading more of Ms. Rubin's books, especially the medical thrillers.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Stacey T102 2

A book filled with grief, loss, medical misdeeds, and how one tries to fix the wrongs inflicted by others. Hope is a doctor with little to live for except her patients. Her parents, fiancée and baby were taken from her and in order to feel anything but sadness, she is helping others although in an unconventional way. When she is kidnapped by a man seeking his own revenge, two doctor’s misdeeds will be unearthed, both having a devastating impact on Hope and have her questioning if it’s time to forgive or forget her oath to “do no harm.”
I enjoyed this book by a new author to me. The characters were great, and I d how their lives interconnected and not always in the best way. It was introducing a Dexter- character (although not a serial killer, yet) to the field of medicine where ethics is crucial. The struggle to believe the good in people and doing the right thing felt real and authentic. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens to Hope in the future and whom might be in need of some “special” medicine. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Pheadra804 43

I read an advance copy of this book in return for a voluntary review. From the first page, the story held my attention, and I wasn't surprised to learn that the author is a physician because there is a lot of medical terminology and conditions that give the story more credibility. The story lost half a star for being a bit far-fetched, but not so much as to render the tale implausible or ludicrous. In fact, if a sequel were to surface, I'd add it to my TBR pile.
The basis of this book is a vigilante doctor, Hope, who specializes in hematology. She has suffered repeatedly. First, she loses her parents in a car accident. The person who caused the accident never owned up and wasn't caught. Then her fiancé dies. She suffers a miscarriage. Her list of hardships is endless. Other than daily affirmations via an app and caring diligently for her patients, she lives for 'tune- ups'. These relate to her extracurricular activities where she chooses to teach bad people a lesson. Her problems start when she is incorrectly blamed for the death of a patient and recorded delivering a tune-up. 4 and a half stars.booksirens-2024 Jenny Kline45 3

Wow. This book was fantastic! It started off with a bang and continued with a fast but even pace. I was gripped throughout and I couldn't put it down. It was full of twists and turns up through the very last page.

This is a psychological murder drama, with complex (and crazy) characters, in a medical setting. The narrator has had some pretty harsh challenges in her life, and she deals with it by taking some...unconventional steps to right the world's wrongs. The writing is tight and strong, and every person who shows up ends up playing a role in the story.

There are many parallel characters who have challenging lives, and they each respond in different ways. The plot gives readers a sampling of how people can gain redemption, and it explores the question of what is moral when it comes to revenge.

I really couldn't imagine how she would end this, but the ending felt just right. I loved this and can't wait to read more by this author.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an advanced copy for review.12 s Eva Edge613 21

Broken Hope by Carrie Rubin will keep you on your toes and at the end of your seat nearly all the way through! This is such a suspenseful thriller about revenge and justice that will catch your attention from the first page! This book was so good!!! And I loved the ending!!! It was so perfect! In some way, I would love it if there would be a second book as there is good potential!

Broken Hope is about Doctor Hope, a doctor who has lost all her hope. Doctor Hope Sullivan is there to help and heal and teach to be better. Some people need a more tough approach and Hope is happy to deliver it! But things get heated when an unexpected e-mail arrives... someone knows...

If you think this is where this book heading you are wrong as an unexpected layer of events takes over the storyline. From now on you can't put this book down because you must know!

So thankful to Booksirens and Carrie Rubin for the opportunity to read this book in advance!2024-ebook 5-stars Beverly1,680 13

This is a compelling, gripping, and intense story. I am #teamhope! I think many good people do what society calls "bad things". I believe some people are trying to balance out all the wrongs and evil actions by countering them with vigilante acts to correct wrongs, which helps victims of abuse/violence when the court system can't or won't help them. I'm not arguing ethics or right and wrong on vigilante acts, because there are varying opinions. In this one, I think one Dr. was doing evil. while another tried to balance the scales and give the evil doers payback and a taste of their own medicine. Either way you decide , or who's side you're on, this was a stunning and stimulating read to the last word. I highly recommend this book. I voluntarily read a free copy of this book provided by book sirens and am giving an honest opinion Lori Peterson984 21

Received as a review copy from Booksirens, this is an honest review. Broken Hope was one of those amazing, addictive reads that you won't be able to stop reading once you've begun. Dr. Hope Sullivan is a dedicated doctor in giving her patients the best care they deserve to have; and after experiencing several personal heartbreaks; she becomes a woman in a mission to "teach" those individuals of doing cruelty they might deserve a second chance. When Hope fears someone has discovered he darker side, Hope Sullivan finds herself traveling down strange, harrowing road as she struggles to hold onto her secret as other haunting revelations threaten to consume Hope's sanity a she fight the thin line between justice and cold heated revenge.

Highly recommended. Geoffrey CooperAuthor 29 books125

I've been a fan of Carrie Rubin's previous books, but Broken Hope is my favorite of them all! The heroine, Hope, has been through a lot of tragedy, but almost despite herself she's an enormously sympathetic character from the beginning. She's harnessed her pain to try to right some of the world's wrongs by giving "tune-ups" to some well-deserving nasty folk, but always with care not to do them serious harm. Then the tables turn in the first of several twists, and the huntress becomes the hunted. Until the next turnaround...

Rubin has produced a fascinating tale of a modern-day vigilante whose drive for justice leads to her redemption. A terrific read that I couldn't put down until it reached its satisfying conclusion.3 s Paige Ray285 9

Broken Hope is an enthralling medical thriller about a young doctor who has a darker side to her behind closed doors. Hope’s character was immediately -able from the get-go. She has faced tragedy after tragedy. She wants to do right by those who are wronged. Her pain is what ultimately drives her.

This was an easy 5 star read for me! The pacing of this story was great. The writing was very well done. Overall, everything just flowed together seamlessly. Several twists and the ending was *chefs kiss* Highly recommend this one!

Thank you to BookSirens for this ARC! Broken Hope will be released on May 21, 2024. Heidi665 4

I enjoyed this book. At first, it was a little boring and I didn't the character much but then she developed more and I started to understand her more and I d her more. In a tragic turn of events, she learned that life is precious and can be changed quickly. Because of this, she decided to be a justice collector and she is good at it. One day she realizes she has a stalker and she has limited time to figure out who it is and what to do with it. Give this book a chance as it does get better over time in my opinion. I received an advance review copy for review but in no way was asked to leave a review. Annemarie 696 13

Tragedy has left Hope broken and angry. She channels some of this anger into vigilante justice against wife beaters and those who commit acts of animal cruelty. Then the unthinkable happens and Hope makes a discovery that shocks her to her core.

This is the first book I have read by Carrie Rubin, but I doubt it will be the last. Very well written and researched with an edge-of-seat delivery and some wicked twists.

I received a free Advance Reader Copy of Broken Hope through BookSirens and have chosen to leave a review.medical-thriller suspense-thriller vigilante-justice Jenny Coyne389 18

I love a good vigilante novel! This medical themed psychological thriller held my attention from the very beginning. It explores the moral and ethical questions of - Do the ends justify the means? How far is too far? At what cost to one's self will they go to pursue justice?

There weren't any huge twists that I've come to expect from this genre, but the book was fast paced and kept me reading cover to cover in one sitting. I can't wait to read more from this author!

Thank you Indigo Dot Press for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own. Lisa Diaz135 2

This is my first time reading a book by this author and will not be the last. This had me from the first page to the last and wanting more because I could totally see this as a series. We have a doctor who can’t stand seeing animals, women, and children harmed or mistreated so she teaches the person doing the harming a lesson but never kills. Suddenly she’s getting random spam emails from someone saying they know her and what she’s doing. So she then has to figure out who it is and why, though that’s really when the story picks up and takes a turn. Kyla Kireen92 1 follower

Ok I am a big fan of medical dramas and this did not disappoint. It gave me Mindf*ck series vibes and I loved it! Def kept me engaged and I didn't want to put it down. If you're looking for a crazy ride def pick up this book!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Sam Cooke35 3

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