
El traidor del siglo de Carre, John Le

de Carre, John Le - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El traidor del siglo


Carre, John Le Year: 2009

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Here it is a genuine novel that told, and not a story told by Le Carré, which makes all the difference! On his release from prison, John Le Carré met the hero and drew his authentic level from it! A book not to be missed!biography e-4 thriller-crime-mystery42 s Sofia Arcângelo190 6

When I first read this book (many years ago) I really d it, but now when I re-read it it wasn't quite the same. John le Carré is an incredible writer but this one book, although so short, was really hard to read and I struggled to finish it. The first time reading it I found it really interesting, now it felt somewhat tedious. Maybe I was more receptive to this book when I was younger.4 s Michael Macdonald372 12

Grants is an exceptional literary magazine, producing high quality work whilst accepting risk. This edition had stood the test of time, focussing on the contradictions of a stable democratic but conformist Switzerland. Le Carre's short story about a Swiss spy is a classic and Nadine Gourdnier subverts a classically liberal tale in another highlight. Running through the takes is a sense of loss of stability with the fall of the Berlin Wall as it is easier to mourn what is lost rather than concentrate on the opportunities that change brings. Intellectually robust and challenging.mittleuropa1 Anni495 1 follower

mit Blick auf aktuelle Debatten um nsa, Verfassungsschutz, etc. macht dieses Buch noch einmal eindrucksvoll sichtbar, wie undurchsichtig, schwammig und willkürlich Geheimdienste arbeiten. heute vermutlich noch mehr als damals.1 Facundo Valverde44 1 follower

Le Carré se pregunta si el general suizo acusado de ser el traidor del siglo fue el traidor del siglo. La respuesta es no pero en el medio cuenta los planes de militarización suiza si es invadida. Nunca le encuentra la vuelta al personaje que oscila entre ser un traicionado y un tipo que pregunta todo el tiempo cómo estuve.biografia Joseph looking for a manger9

Libro unico nel suo genere, un pezzo di storia europea, si legge in un pomeriggio.

Alla fine della lettura, però, ci si sente in qualche modo fregato. Non so se il fatto è che tutto quello che le Carré tocca diventa un classico le Carré, oppure le Carré ha scelto quella storia lì, che non avrebbe sfigurato in un qualsiasi suo libro.

Nonostante tutto, una lettura consigliata! Óscar (Osgonso)48 2

Entre un artículo de investigación y una biografía de un tipo de lo más peculiar, esta obra corta nos pone ante el caso real de un curioso personaje entre el patriotismo más reaccionario y la traición más condenable. Javier Rubio50 1 follower

Le Carré escribe esta historia en un tono periodístico que maneja como nadie. Al ser una historia real cuenta hasta donde puede contar, pero el material es tan bueno que me hubiera encantado que hubiera hecho una novela con él como base. ¡Vaya personaje Jeanmarie y vaya con la civilizada Suiza! Javier Rodríguez Navarro6

Un libro que se lee rápido y está basado en un hecho real. Le Carré le da un toque novelesco, pero no es más que una entrevista. Thorin Raa114 2

Es una entrevista donde se menciona la desmilitarización de Suiza y que riesgos podría tenerThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review giubilet18

oh no il colonnello svizzero anticomunista si era innamorato dell'ufficiale dei servizi segreti sovietici ... f in chatcold-war espionage non-fiction Karin217 29

This felt a failed attempt at studying people's character and social injustice the way Dostoevsky does. Even the comparison sounds wrong. Dostoevsky is in a different category.
Maybe he wasn't even trying to emulate him, but I could read John Le Carré as a French man (even if he's actually English), tired of being one, and trying to sound interesting the Russian (Dostoevsky). So, a book about himself, really. Or perhaps he's just projecting.novella read-2016 short-stories Jorge CamachoAuthor 7 books11

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