
Rock-a-Bye Bones de Carolyn Haines

de Carolyn Haines - Género: English
libro gratis Rock-a-Bye Bones


Sarah Booth Delaney and her friends are still recovering from the attack on Scott Hampton's blues club in Zinnia, Missippia, and Sarah Booth herself is still overcoming her grief at ending things with her fiancé. One bitterly cold night at her family's ancestral home in Zinnia, Sarah Booth hears what sounds like a kitten as she passes the front door. She opens the door to find a newborn baby in a basket on her front porch - with bloody footsteps leading up to the door and back down the driveway. As soon as she steps outside, a loud engine guns and a dark colored vehicle takes off. It's too far away for Sarah Booth to get a good look, and besides, the baby is now her first priority.

After rushing the baby to the hospital and calling the police, Sarah Booth and Tinkie Richmond, her partner at the Delaney Detective Agency, know they need to do everything they can to find the baby's mother...even if they are starting to fall in love with the baby themselves. But as she tracks...

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3.5 stars

In this 16th book in the 'Sarah Booth Delaney' series, the actress/amateur sleuth finds a baby, and a pool of blood, on the front porch of her home - Dahlia House in Zinnia, Mississippi. The book can be read as a standalone, but familiarity with the characters is a plus.


Sarah Booth Delaney and her partner, Tinkie Richmond, run a private detective agency, and when a baby shows up on Sarah Booth's front porch, she's determined to find the baby's mother.

Meanwhile Tinkie, who's unable to have children, convinces the sheriff to let her care for the baby until the mother is located. Tinkie 'temporarily' names the infant Libby and proceeds to buy the tyke a room full of baby gear and fashionable baby clothes. Uh-oh!! Sarah Booth fears Tinkie and her husband Oscar are getting too attached to little Libby.

Since baby Libby has red hair and polydactyly (an extra toe) Sarah Booth soon discovers that the mother is Pleasant Smith, a pregnant high school senior who disappeared a month ago. The authorities, thinking Pleasant ran away, did little to find her. Sarah Booth, however, thinks foul play was involved - especially since the blood near the baby has been traced to Rudy Uxall, a neighborhood boy who's been discovered dead in his car.

Sarah Booth fears Pleasant might also be dead so she arranges a seance with Madame Tomeeka.

The psychic 'channels' Pleasant, who desperately begs: "My baby, my baby. Help me. He's going to kill me." Sarah Booth is galvanized to save the endangered mother.....though Tinkie seems less than thrilled. (Uh-oh again!)

Sarah Booth learns that Pleasant, a gifted musician/song writer, was a candidate for a recording contract and a college scholarship. Further investigation reveals a number of possible suspects for Pleasant's disappearance, including: a clique of snobby high school girls;

a music teacher;

and several mercenary thugs.

While Sarah Booth tries to locate and rescue Pleasant, other things are going on in her life.

Jitty, the resident ghost of Dahlia House, periodically shows up to nag Sarah Booth about having an heir. Jitty - who cunningly morphs into various historic/celebrity characters - natters on about 'dried up eggs', which irks Sarah Booth.

A psychopath named Gertrude Strom - who skipped bail - is trying to kill Sarah Booth for delusional reasons.

I got a kick out of the bounty hunters hired to locate Gertrude - Clete Purcell and his friend Dave. (If you're a fan of James Lee Burke books, you know these guys.)

Three attractive men - Coleman the sheriff; Harold the banker; and Scott the club owner - are vying for Sarah Booth's love....and a couple of them REALLY curl her toes! (Nice problem. LOL)

Various endearing pets hang out with Sarah Booth, and save her from a snake attack.

The story has plenty of drama, as well as humor and warmth - as all Sarah Booth's friends come together to organize a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at Dahlia House. In one funny scene Sarah Booth dons a garish Thanksgiving sweater....and fashionista Tinkie rushes over to cover baby Libby's eyes. Ha ha ha.

I enjoy this book and recommend it to readers who enjoy cozy mysteries - especially fans of the Sarah Booth Delaney series.

I don't usually mention bookcovers, but I really this one. Very colorful and pretty.

You can follow my at http://bybarbsaffer.blogspot.com/2016-challenge34 s Darcy13.1k 507

I really d the mystery part of this one, where the baby came from and what happened to the mother. I was glad that Sarah Booth and crew were on the case and did right by Pleasant. What didn't work for me with this one was how crazy Tinkie got, she was beyond out of control. But that was nothing compared to Sarah Booth and her men. I don't get why they all are enamored by her and can be friends with all the other guys and not try to take them out of contention. Jitty's Delaney heir talk is getting old too. While it started out as a good thing, now it's over done.2016 mystery7 s Betty2,006 58

I am delighted when I find a Sarah Booth Delaney book I haven't read. Sarah is planning to host her friends with a Thanksgiving dinner. The doorbell rings and her dog Sweetie Pie starts to bark at the same time. She finds a bloody mess on her doorstep. A man bleeding severely holding a newborn baby who he leaves on the step and drive away in his truck before Sarah can stop him. Assure by her physician the baby is normal and not hurt in any. Sarah Booth and Tinkie began to look for the Mother. Oscar and Tinkie take custody until its parents or relatives are located. Of course, a Sarah Booth story would not be complete with appearances by Jetty. She feels Sarah needs a baby so the line can be continued. I recommend this series highly.

Disclosure: I received a free copy from St Martin's Press through NetGalley for an honest review. I would to thank them for this opportunity to read and review the book. The opinions are my own.arc cozy dogs ...more4 s Ellen991 156

Rock-A-Bye Bones by Carolyn Haines.

Sarah Boothe Delaney is attempting to make pumpkin pie for her upcoming Thanksgiving dinner...in actuality she is trying to clean up the mess of pumpkin all over her kitchen from her failed attempt at making pumpkin pie. Gloomy isn't welcomed at Dahlia House or anywhere near Sarah Boothe Delaney
not with Jitty the resident ghost around. Jitty shows up when needed and whenever she darn well wants to and right now Jitty wants to. On this occasion Jitty arrives, unannounced of course, in Sarah Boothes kitchen complete in a Whoopi Goldberg Nun's outfit.

Then the doorbell rings and rings and rings. Sarah Boothe gets up to answer it and finds the last thing on earth she would have ever expected.

This has been a favorite series with me from the start. In this story Tinkie plays a major part that have finally been too much for even Tinkie to handle.
Gertrude Strom reenters the picture unfortunately along with some very unsavory characters. Gertrude still has it in for Sarah Boothe and will stop at nothing to get her hands on our gal. That very present danger of being done in by Gertrude is back with a vengeance.

Happily it looks Sarah Boothe may finally be taking "commitment" seriously with a special law officer. The one man after another routine has worn thin and wasn't saying very much for Sarah Boothe's character. This man may finally be the one to make a commitment with.

Highly enjoyed and recommended.haines mystery-sarah-booth-delaney3 s Doward Wilson752 13

Meet Sarah Booth Delaney and Tinkie Bellcase Richmond! They operate a detective agency out of Sarah Booth's plantation. Dahlia House is in Zinna, part of Sunflower County, Mississippi. When her doorbell kicks her awake at three a.m., she finds a newborn infant on the doorstep, blood all over the front porch and a vehicle speeding off into the dark. Tinkie takes the baby home to care for and Sheriff Coleman Peters and Sarah Booth work to find the mother. When a man's body is discovered and it turns out that he left the baby on the doorstep, Sarah Booth figures out that the mother was kidnapped before the birth and will most ly be killed soon. This series keeps you turning the pages and never ends where you thought it would go. The characters become your friends and family. You can see the countryside in your mind. The murder plots twists and turns you in all directions. The past and present collide with mean and nasty suspects from all over two counties. You can read this as a stand alone but it will pull you into going back and reading the entire series. Sarah Booth is always in the middle when the past, present and future collide at Dahlia House.3 s Donna Townsend118 3

Sarah Booth hasn’t had time to begin to process her shattered engagement when she finds an infant on her doorstep and bloody footprints leading away. With Tinkie stepping in to care for the child (not the best idea in this case), Sarah Booth and Sheriff Coleman begin a desperate search for the baby’s mother.
This is a clever, fast-paced mystery featuring many of our favorite characters: Madame Tomeeka the pyschic, Cece (formerly Cecil) the ever-fashionable newspaper reporter, Harold, Scott and Coleman, Sarah Booth’s past loves, and of course, Sarah’s personal haint, Jitty. Who could ask for better friends to help solve the mystery, and to protect and love Sarah Booth? The evolution of these relationships is a key to the success of this series. This is Sarah’s family.
I chuckled at the Go Set a Watchman reference; made me feel an insider! This is handsdown my all-time favorite mystery series. Pick this book up and you will be hooked on terrific writing and characters and heart. The connections are real, the action is intense, and you will definitely want more!

3 s Patty1,553 1 follower

Rock-a-Bye Bones by Carolyn Haines is the 16th book in the Sarah Booth Delaney series, and I loved it!! I love the whole series, and can't wait for more. Not only is this book really funny at times, it also can be emotional because I feel I know Sarah Booth and the other main characters in the book. As always Rock-a-Bye-Bones is a great mystery with romance thrown in, 3 men want Sarah Booth. There are twists and turns around every corner. Just when I thought I figured out the who done it, I was wrong. I found this book to be a quick read, with a well developed plot and characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you love cozy mysteries with a little bit of everything, I strongly recommend this book.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.3 s Karyn Niedert374 27 Read

I've enjoyed The Sarah Booth Delaney series from Carolyn Haines since she wrote "Them Bones" back in the late '90's. Unfortunately, I am at the point where Jitty and I could be roommates, hoping that Sarah Booth settles down or at least narrows down her options. I get that she's smart, beautiful, and charming, but I'm over the whole "every man in the Mississippi Delta wants her" story line.

I didn't finish this book, and that's unfortunate because the story about Sarah Booth's parents death is becoming quite intriguing. Alas, my attention is ripped to shreds by the fact that there are romantic overtures at every corner. I put my book down at the séance where one guy was nudging her feet under the table and poor Harold was winking at her with bold intentions. And THEN- the sheriff plans to throw his hat back in the woo Sarah Booth ring? Nah, I'm done.2016-challenge dnf netgalley3 s ? Cindy ? 400

I didn't really Coleman to begin with. I found him weak, but in this book, he was flat out misogynictic toward Sarah Booth. These books have a lot of that. Women just blindly accepting their roles and when they don't they are looked upon as cute or adorable, or to be indulged until it's time to stop playing around and get back in line. It grates on me and I'm not sure why I'm still reading.2 s Debbie1,751 101

Sarah Booth Delaney is back and just as funny as ever. This time while Jitty has been after her forever to have kids, someone has left a baby on her front porch. Jitty shows up a lot in this one. There's a baby on the line and she needs to keep the Delaney name going!

Graf is out of the picture and men are coming out of woodwork to be Sarah Booth's new beau. And of course, there is action and suspense as Sarah Booth tries to find out the baby's mother and solve a few other mysteries as well. I always look forward to the new Sarah Booth Delaney books and am excited to find a new one to request!

Huge thanks to St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for the opportunity of a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review. Carolyn Haines books are ALWAYS entertaining!
ebooks net-galley-books2 s Joan866

Sarah Booth is awakened one night by the doorbell ringing. She opens the door to find a baby on her doorstep and a lot of blood. She sees a man fleeing in a truck.

It doesn't take Sarah B long to discover the identity of the baby's mother, a very young, extremely talented musician

Tinkie takes home the beautiful, red-headed polydactyl newborn and immediately falls in love and goes crazy shopping for the infant. Everyone warns her that the baby will have to go back to her mother when she is found, but Tinkie and husband Oscar are both enjoying parenthood way too much. They have been shopping crazy, taken the baby to a doctor to see about removing her extra toe, and have even started looking into schools. Even worse, she is neglecting her pup, Chablis, who is inconsolable, and even her job as detective!

Gertrude Strom is back in town and is determined to hurt Sarah B and everyone she loves. How does she always seem to know where they are and what they are up to? They realize she must have the support of someone very wealthy. In the end, she Sarah B and Tinkie up by faking a car accident so they will stop.1 Cherry LondonAuthor 1 book83

I Sarah Booth brash style of investigating, and the way she approaches the facts, the storyline is good minus the segments with the ghost, the characters are okay except for Jitty the ghost she talks too much and is annoying. Sarah is attracted to the three guys vying for her favors, she has backed herself in a corner and she needs to make a choice soon cause it looks it might turn into a three-way split right now. It was nice how the missing pregnant girl was found alive, but these criminals confuse me a bit, am wondering why did they hold on to her for so long, after losing their so-called money making opportunity that was dropped into their willing hands, what were their real plans for her. Now Sarah is in a spot, she had to race against the clock to find and save her partner and friend Tinkie, who had gone rogue on her, she needed to do this before the police got involved, what a mess.
1 Ann5,410 68

I d this story but I agree with Darcy's review that Tinkie is a little over the top and weird in this book. This is book 16 in the Sarah Booth Delaney series and I love the fact that Sarah has her ghost spirit taking care of her. Just the hint of magic/ghost makes this cozy series a little extra special. The Detective agency is doing well and Sarah and Tinkie are caring for a newborn baby that was left on the doorstep just before Thanksgiving. There is also new love interest for her. You can read this book as a stand alone but I think readers of the series will get more from the story. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. 1 Amy1,098

Sarah Booth is hosting her friends for Thanksgiving and is attempting to make pumpkin pies, from scratch no less. This right away had me laughing.
When the doorbell rings in the middle of the night Sarah Booth opens her door to find a baby in a bassinet.
Another Carolyn Haines book that kept me up reading instead of going to bed at a decent time as I followed Sarah Booth and Tinkie on another suspenseful, roller coaster adventure. Always good to be back with old friends in Zinnia.2 s Donna HuberAuthor 1 book305

I haven't read any books in this series and while it can be read as a stand alone I think I was missing something by not knowing the characters better. The plot was interesting and I might check out other books in the series. Read my full review at Girl Who Reads.audiobooks cozy-mystery1 Lucy153 3

3 o'clock in the morning of a chilly November night in the Mississippi Delta, the doorbell repeatedly rings until Sarah Booth Delaney finally opens the front door. There on the porch of her family plantation, Dahlia House, she finds a huge pool of blood and a bassinet containing a newborn baby girl.

Thus begins the 16th novel, Rock-a-bye Bones, in the popular Sarah Booth Delaney Mystery series, set in Sunflower County, Mississippi. Sarah Booth Delaney and her best friend Tinkie Bellcase Richmond, are the heroines & owners of the Delaney Detective Agency, based in the town of Zinnia. Sarah Booth has deep roots in Zinnia and her family (deceased) & friends are the most important things in her life. She recently split with her fiancé, Graf, a movie star, after he was crippled by the insane murderer, Gertrude Strom. Sheriff Coleman Peters, a man Sarah Booth has unresolved feelings for, warns her that Gertrude has jumped bail & been sighted headed their way. Additionally, it is November & Sarah Booth, a notoriously bad cook, is hosting Thanksgiving for all her friends: Cece & Jaytee, Oscar & Tinkie, Millie, haint Jitty, and her 3 suitors: Coleman, Harold, and Scott & his band. All play a part in the novel as well.

Sheriff Coleman Peters is swayed by Sarah Booth & Tinkie's argument that the baby girl should not be placed in the system with Child Protective Services. He agrees to allow Tinkie & her husband, Oscar, to care for the baby for only 48 hours. The mother must be found before the 48 hour deadline, too. Clues to her identity are scarcer than hens' teeth--the baby is polydactal & has an extra toe. Sarah Booth begins the investigation while Tinkie takes mothering duty; something she desperately craves as she cannot bear children herself. Sarah Booth does most of the heavy lifting in this book; for a change she is the one who must keep her partner from the edge.

Carolyn Haines has outdone herself with Rock-a-bye Bones, and recaptured the charm, depth, and emotional impact of her earlier works. There is no need for readers to activate their suspension of disbelief for this novel--no crazy plots, no out of character ridiculously risky behavior--but plenty of love, friendship and realistic emotions. Well written, great 3 dimensional characters that readers have come to know & covet. I found it to be a real page turner.

I Highly recommend Rock-a-bye Bones and know readers of the series will be pleased with this installment, new readers will want to read the entire series! A very welcome addition to the series.

Thank you very much to the author, publisher, and netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion & review.favorites mysteries series1 Stephanie141 5

This is an excellent return to Sarah Booth Delaney and her Zinnia friends. The story opens with a humorous tale of Sarah Booth attempting to prepare a homemade pumpkin pie, and mangling the pumpkin in her efforts. But later that evening, a baby is left on her doorstep, and Sarah Booth and partner/best friend Tinkie set out to find the baby’s mother. This is a lovely celebration of friendships, and the Zinnia gang is back again: Coleman, Harold, Scott, Cece, and the ghost of Dahlia House, Jitty. Sarah Booth also loves her pets, and the series would be much less without Sweetie Pie, the hound, Pluto, her black cat, and Tinkie’s dog, Chablis.
The road to the baby’s mother takes many twists and turns. There are numerous red herrings to keep the reader guessing up to the end of the book. Jitty, the ghost, is part protector, part moral compass, and definitely a frustrated thespian whose multiple costume changes delighted this reader. I won’t go into detail, as the story synopsis already will provide the appropriate detail without giving too much away.
I really enjoyed the book, and had great difficulty putting it down. That is a test of a good story; I call it JOMC, or Just One More Chapter, the phrase you mutter to yourself when you know you should put the book down and go to sleep (or do laundry, etc.) but you just want to read a bit more. I have not read every book in the Sarah Booth Delaney series, although I have read several, and I can say that this book would stand alone for those who are not familiar with the series. Carolyn Haines writes in a very comfortable style, and does not bring in too many characters to overwhelm you at the beginning of the story. Each character, and past events, are skillfully introduced so first to the series readers would be up to date in no time. If you have not read any of Carolyn Haines work, it is very similar to Jim and Joyce Lavene’s Sweet Pepper series in the approach to friends, house ghosts, and pets. I would heartily recommend it. I received a copy of the book in exchange for feedback.
cozy1 Chelsey Wolford685 102

Sarah Booth Delaney and her funny friends are some of my favorite characters to rejoin every year when a new book is released. I very much enjoyed this story because it leads us to believe that Sarah Booth may be making some big life changes soon and because we are finding out more and more information about the murder of her parents. Their story is a subplot to the larger mystery at hand, but it is so intriguing and has me dying to know exactly what happened. In the latest installment, Sarah Booth is trying to find the mother of the infant that has just been left on her doorstop. Well, of course, you can imagine that all types of chaos follows this – and you are right! We have reappearances from all of the gang: Jitty, Tinkie, Sheriff Coleman, and more! It is always so hard for me to put these books down – they are laugh out loud hilarious and Sarah Booth has become almost a friend to me.

There was so much going on in this story for me not to love it: kidnapping, a mystery, jealously, physical and mental abuse, temporary insanity, love, and so much more. What I love most about these books is that even if you have not read another one, you are guaranteed to find it entertaining and jump right in with the characters. They are by no means standalone books, but they can be enjoyed without having read the others. I know I said that these books are funny, but they are often equally emotional. There is always a strong amount of love and friendship, and this book doesn’t disappoint in that area. I am so connected to these characters and whenever this series does end, I will hate to see them all go!

***A free copy of this book was provided to me by the publishers at Minotaur Books in exchange for my honest review***
1 Diane218

This is the newest book in the Sarah Booth Delaney Detective Mystery Series. Sarah Booth is awaken in the middle of the night by Jitty pretending to be the mother in "Rosemary's Baby". The doorbell to Dahlia House is being rung. Sarah Booth opens the door to find a newborn infant on the doorstep and a pool of blood trailing away. Sarah Booth calls Coleman, Tinkie and Doc Sawyer asking them to come and help. The only clue is that the baby is polydactyl. Tinkie (and later Oscar) falls in love with the infant right away. Everyone names her Libby. Coleman allows Tinkie and Oscar to temporarily take care of her while Sarah Booth tracks down the clues as to whose baby this is and who was hurt so severely. It takes her from Zinnia to Nashville and back. Gertrude Storm is found to be back in the area trying to seek revenge on Sarah Booth and her friends / animals. As Sarah Booth grows closer to solving the mystery, Tinkie decides she does not want to give Libby up to the mother. Will Gertrude succeed in hurting Sarah Booth? What will Tinkie do to keep Libby? Will they find the mother in time? Great read. cozy-mystery1 Verity W3,289 28

***Copy from NetGalley in return for an honest review****

OK, so I knew that this was one of a series when I requested it - but didn't realise that it was the 16th novel about these characters, and that may explain why I felt I was floundering in a sea of crazy.

For a new reader, there wasn't enough set up about the back story and the characters (though I appreciate that for long time readers this wouldn't be a problem) and I didn't understand why anyone was doing what they were doing, or the background to the household ghost. There's an ongoing plot in this that seemed just crazy to me and the heroine was verging on to stupid to live at several points. Her best friend seems crazy - and with no context around her history, her behaviour seemed completely inexplicable.

I didn't care enough about the plot in this one to go back in the series and check out the back story. But whilst this didn't work for me, fans of the series may love it. Who knows.netgalley1 Westminster Library751 50

Sarah has honed her detective skills to a fine art in this delightful Southern town. This story “rocks” from a baby left on her porch and the return of a deadly enemy splaying bullets--only with her many friends’ help does she save the day. The author is impressive with her ability to bring these characters to life so we can easily identify with their wants and needs. Pet lovers, who feel their animals have hidden abilities, will be on the edge of their seat for most of the book. This book is part of a series but it can be read as a standalone.

Find Rock-A-Bye Bones at the Westminster Public Library.mystery1 Linda1,396

Fun story marred by some TSTL actions on the part of two characters and an inconclusive ending. I understand leaving some ambiguity about what happened to Gertrude, to be continued in a later book, but there was little follow-up as to what would happen to the three high school girls and the mother who originally arranged Pleasant's kidnapping. The story felt incomplete. I'm also not a fan of stringing along three men after Sarah Booth while she supposedly is recovering from her breakup with Graf.

Despite these, I enjoyed the story and will watch for the next one and hope that Haines won't continue these annoying trends too much in that book.1 Linden1,649 1 follower

Sarah Booth Delaney, private detective in Zinnia, Mississippi, is awakened by someone leaving a newborn on her doorstep. Her friend Tinkie agrees to care for the baby while Sarah investigates what happened to the mother; the investigation leads to a local high school (complete with mean girls), stolen music, Nashville, and a local trailer park. Haynes is a great storyteller; her combination of humor and interesting characters spiced with a bit of the paranormal (Jitty, the irrepressible “haint” of Dahlia House) adds up to a compelling and enjoyable mystery novel.1 Lisa~Ilovemypug~ Currier1,884 69

This was a great book. Sarah Booth is a colorful character that always leaves me laughing.
This book was funny and heart felt. The mystery was good and I was kept guessing until the end.
Any book that takes place over a holiday is usually very good and this story was well told.
I the interaction with Jitty and her love for Sarah Booth is genuine.

I will be recommending this book and the entire series to my book group.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my fair and honest review.netgalley1 Amy1,098

Sarah Booth is hosting Thanksgiving and in the kitchen attempting to make pumpkin pies from scratch.
Sarah Booth finally goes to bed only to be awakened at 3:00 in the morning by the doorbell ringing repeatedly. When she opens the door Sarah Booth sees a bassinet with a newborn baby and a huge pool of blood.
That starts Sarah Booth finding clues to whose baby and why her front porch.
A great book with all of the characters that have become friends are back. Humor and an emotional roller coaster ride for Tinkie and Oscar and 3 men laying out their true feelings for Sarah Booth.1 Susie James736 24

Carolyn Haines's current instalment in her "guilty pleasures" Delta series featuring Sarah Booth Delaney gets an A-plus, though I'm with Jitty for sure on the idea that Sarah Booth needs to provide an heir or two. Get with it, girl. Enough with the sexual tension and angst!1 Laura667 7

I love this series but aspects of it get annoying. In this book, Tinkie got annoying really quickly. Also, there was a lot of suspended disbelief to think she and Sarah would actually be in the situations they got in. I d the ending that had a little hook for the next book.mysteries read-in-20171 Jennifer460

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. You can find yours here: https://www.amazon.com/Rock-Bye-Bones...

Rock-a-Bye Bones is the 16th book in the Sarah Booth Delaney mystery series by Carolyn Haines. It is a cozy mystery set in the Mississippi Delta town of Zinnia. Despite it being the 16th book, there isn't too much of a story arc that you are lost if you missed any of the books in between or read this as a stand alone book.

Sarah Booth is looking forward to hosting a Thanksgiving feast for her friends and family when she finds a newborn baby on her front porch. The baby's mother is nowhere to be found, and Sarah Booth and her partner Tinkie Richmond set out to find her.

As they investigate, they discover that the baby's mother is in danger. She is being chased by a dangerous man who is determined to silence her. Sarah Booth and Tinkie must race against time to save the baby and her mother.

Rock-a-Bye Bones is a well-written and suspenseful mystery. Haines does a great job of creating complex characters and a believable plot. The book is also full of humor and Southern charm. Not to mention the haunt that tends to reside with Sarah Booth.

One of the things I enjoyed most about the book is the relationship between Sarah Booth and Tinkie. They are best friends and business partners, and they have a great rapport. They are also both very capable and intelligent women.

I also enjoyed the setting of the book. The Mississippi Delta is a unique and fascinating place, and Haines does a great job of bringing it to life.

Overall, Rock-a-Bye Bones is a great cozy mystery. It is well-written, suspenseful, and full of humor. I highly recommend it to fans of the genre.

Here are some specific things I d about the book:

The characters are well-developed and believable.
The plot is suspenseful and keeps the reader guessing.
The book is full of humor and Southern charm.
The setting of the book is unique and fascinating.

Unfortunately, I felt the end was rushed and could have had a better ending. It was good, but I felt that the ending could have been better developed. I would re-read this book and recommend it, despite the ending. Chazzi1,032 12 Read

Sarah Booth Delaney has moved back to her family home in Dahlia, Mississippi. She has established Delaney Detective Agency and is planning a big Thanksgiving dinner for her friends. A way for her to give back for all their support.

Complications are announced by the incessant ringing of her doorbell wakes her up in the wee hours of the morning. She finds a newborn baby in a basket on her front porch. What is scary is the pool of blood under the basket.

Who left the baby? Who is the mother? Whose blood was left on the porch? Why was the baby left on Sarah Booth’s porch?

Sarah Booth’s business partner, Tinkie, and Tinkie’s husband Oscar Richmond volunteer to take care of the baby while a hunt is done to find the mother. But things get a little sticky when Tinkie and Oscar fall in love with the baby. The Richmonds are so taken that the thought of giving the baby back to its mother is a thought they try to ignore.

While searching for the mother, Sarah Booth feels the girls may be in a dangerous situation. It is also discovered the baby isn’t the only thing taken from the young mother.

Another bit is the presence of Jitty, the resident ghost of Dahlia House. Jitty can be a motivator, a comfort and a pain-in-the-neck, but it is all in the name of love. Her big focus is getting Sarah Booth married and producing an heir before Sarah Booth is too old. Since there are at least two men interested in Sarah Booth, Jitty frequently nudges Sarah Booth to choose one. What makes Sarah Booth hesitant is the broken engagement she went through a short while back.

This is a fun cozy with action, danger, humour and a touch of romance…Southern style.
cozy mystery Amy598 26

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