
The Sunshine Club de Carolyn Brown

de Carolyn Brown - Género: English
libro gratis The Sunshine Club


Carolyn Brown Publisher: Montlake, Year: 2021 ISBN: 9781542032537,1542032539

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EXCERPT: 'We haven't devoted much time to the matchmaking since we all retired, so we might be a little rusty,' Ina Mae reminded her. 'With all this new technological stuff on the internet, our old-fashioned ways might be water under the bridge. But maybe it's riding a bicycle. How many thirty to thirty-five year old bachelors are left in Newton County?'

'Not many that we'd have in our family,' Gussie answered, 'but did you notice that Luke held Sissy's hand a little longer than necessary this morning? I think I saw a few sparks.'

'No, no, no!' Ina Mae shook her head. 'He's a preacher. You know how Blanche felt about being a preacher's daughter. If Sissy and Luke had kids-' she shuddered.

'What's wrong with that?' Gussie asked. 'Things are different even for preacher's kids in today's world. Just think of it as our greatest challenge, and besides, times have changed. Preachers aren't as strict as they used to be when we were kids. I saw Luke playing basketball in the church fellowship hall last weekend when we were cleaning the church. He was in there with a bunch of teenagers, and he wasn't wearing a shirt.' She fanned herself with her hand. 'And honey, he would make any woman swoon.'

Ina Mae shook her head again. 'I don't care if seeing him without a shirt would make Sissy's underbritches crawl down around her ankles. Think of someone else.'

ABOUT 'THE SUNSHINE CLUB': Gussie, Ina Mae, and Blanche have been best friends for more than sixty years. From their humble beginnings of founding the Sunshine Club when they were girls to becoming the matchmaking queens of Newton, Texas, these three were inseparable. When Blanche passes away, Gussie and Ina Mae feel the best way to honor their dearly departed is with a shot of whiskey, some good music, and making a match for Blanche’s niece, Sissy.

Never mind that Sissy’s in town for only six weeks. Is there a better reason for her to stay? And is there a better prospect than handsome, charming, blue-eyed local preacher Luke Beauchamp? No and no. The attraction is already there. Now it’s up to Gussie and Ina Mae to make sure the sparks really get to crackling by Christmas.

The Sunshine Club is back in business. Don’t underestimate two feisty women who have their hearts set on a happy ending.

MY THOUGHTS: I just loved the characters in The Sunshine Club. Ina Mae and Gussie have the warmest hearts with just a little wickedness mixed in, and oh boy! Do they ever to meddle! Of course, they class it as 'helping', and right now they are 'helping' Blanche's niece Sissy, come to terms with the loss of her beloved aunt, the last of her family. And if it takes a bit of meddling to get Sissy to stick around a bit longer than she planned (read: permanently) then who are they to blanche (sorry, pun intended) at the job.

The Sunshine Club is an easy to read heartwarming story of friendship and the power of love. The characters are full of fun and sass, and I loved the stories of what the three Sunshine Club members got up to through the years. I loved the way Ina Mae and Gussie support Sissy in her grief, and she does the same for them. I also love how Sissy manages to turn the table on the two women in the matchmaking stakes!

There's a few tears in this read, but a whole lot more smiles and giggles. Overall, the moral of this story is that people don't have to be blood relations to be family. Family is in the heart.

P.s. make sure you read the author's note on where she got the idea for this story. It's a nice little footnote.


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THE AUTHOR: Hi! I'm twenty five years old and movie star gorgeous. The camera added thirty plus years and a few wrinkles. Can't trust those cameras or mirrors either. Along with bathroom scales they are notorious liars! Honestly, I am the mother of three fantastic grown children who've made me laugh and given me more story ideas than I could ever write. My husband, Charles, is my strongest supporter and my best friend. He's even willing to eat fast food and help with the laundry while I finish one more chapter! Life is good and I am blessed!

Reading has been a passion since I was five years old and figured out those were words on book pages. As soon as my chubby little fingers found they could put words on a Big Chief tablet with a fat pencil, I was on my way. Writing joined reading in my list of passions. I will read anything from the back of the Cheerio's box to Faulkner and love every bit of it. In addition to reading I enjoy cooking, my family and the ocean. I love the Florida beaches. Listening to the ocean waves puts my writing brain into high gear.

I love writing romance because it's about emotions and relationships. Human nature hasn't changed a bit since Eve coveted the fruit in the Garden of Eden. Settings change. Plots change. Names change. Times change. But love is love and men and women have been falling in and out of it forever. Romance is about emotions: love, hate, anger, laughter... all of it. If I can make you laugh until your sides ache or grab a tissue then I've touched your emotions and accomplished what every writer sets out to do.

I got serious about writing when my third child was born and had her days and nights mixed up. I had to stay up all night anyway and it was very quiet so I invested in a spiral back notebook and sharpened a few pencils. The story that emerged has never sold but it's brought in enough rejection slips to put the Redwood Forest on the endangered list.

Folks ask me where I get my ideas. Three kids, fifteen grandchildren, two great grandchildren. Note: I was a very young grandmother! Life is a zoo around here when they all come home. In one Sunday afternoon there's enough ideas to keep me writing for years and years. Seriously, ideas pop up at the craziest times. When one sinks its roots into my mind, I have no choice but to write the story. And while I'm writing the characters peek over my shoulder and make sure I'm telling it right and not exaggerating too much. Pesky little devils, they are!

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Montlake via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of The Sunshine Club by Carolyn Brown for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com

This review and others are also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...2021 2021-netgalley-challenge 4-star ...more89 s Carrie3,376 1,612

The Sunshine Club by Carolyn Brown is another novel with a women’s fiction foundation with a bit of contemporary romance thrown into the mix. The story is one that is told by changing the point of view between the characters as it goes on.

Gussie, Ina Mae, and Blanche met as children and have been in each other’s lives ever since. The three formed their own little group known as the Sunshine Club when they were young and lived by their rules of the club for the past sixty years and have become matchmakers to those around them in that time.

The time has now come for Gussie and Ina Mae to say goodbye to Blanche though as she suffered a heart attack and passed. Sissy has taken leave from her job when she got the news that her only living relative, Aunt Bee, had passed and come to Newton, Texas to also say goodbye. Gussie and Ina Mae aren’t too sure they want to also say goodbye to Sissy yet again and go about a plan to introduce her to the local preacher Luke Beauchamp to give her a reason to stay.

The Sunshine Club by Carolyn Brown was a lovely combination of friends, family and heartwarming times along with a little romance woven in. I loved that the older ladies were involved and enjoyed all their matchmaking antics while also enjoying getting to know Sissy and Luke and seeing them together. With that great small town vibe I’m drawn to and great characters it was definitely a story I became totally engaged and didn’t want to end.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more please visit https://carriesbook.com/netgalley41 s Tina Loves To Read2,759 1 follower

This is a Women's Fiction/Romance. I have to say I really loved the group of Old Women in this book, and their lives sounds they made the most of life. One things I really love in books is when they have older characters in the book. My favorite character and the one who made this book everything that it was is a bird. This book started off so slow, and I really did not think I would it. I have to say once it got really going I really loved this book. I took off one star because of the beginning of this book. I had to make myself push through the beginning before I got really into this book. This book had good times, sad times, and parts that was so funny. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Montlake) or author (Carolyn Brown) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.arc-copy books-by-my-favorite-authors kindle-books ...more42 s Wendy W.518 161

The Sunshine Club by Carolyn Brown is a heartwarming look at small-town life, the power of friendships, and moving forward. This is a comforting book, that is an easy read and will bring a smile to your face.

Sissy returns to Newton, Texas after her only living relative, Aunt Blanche has passed away suddenly from a heart attack. With the help of Blanche’s best friends Gussie and Ina Mae, Sissy has to sort through her aunt’s home and all her possessions. She learns that her aunt, Gussie, and Ina Mae formed a club when they were in school, named the Sunshine Club, and they kept the club going all these years later. Gussie and Ina Mae invite Sissy into their club as they work together to sort through their grief.

Ina Mae and Gussie want Sissy to stay in Newton, instead of going back to Louisiana and her therapist practice. So, they decide to do some matchmaking and they have the new paster, Luke Beauchamp in their sights as the best candidate for their best friend’s niece, Sissy. But, with only a few weeks left before Sissy has to return to her job, can the meddlesome women make a love match?

The Sunshine Club is a comforting story and is exactly what I expect from a Carolyn Brown book. The two older friends are fun and full of sass. Sissy is mourning her aunt, but she also finds herself enjoying her life back in Newton a lot more than she thought she would. The small town side characters are fun, and help the story move along.

If you’re already a fan of Carolyn Brown’s books, reading the Sunshine Club will feel throwing on that old comfy sweater. You know exactly what to expect and Carolyn Brown delivers with her signature small town gossip and sweet romance. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.18 s Susan1,297 213

THE SUNSHINE CLUB is a slow burn contemporary story that I was pulled in to from the very first page. To be honest, look at this cover that screamed at me to read it! How could you not see it and want to be in that field of wild flowers? I knew I would read it anyway, because I love Carolyn Brown, but the cover really pulled me in. I loved everything about this beautiful story and I’m excited to recommend it to my reading friends. Carolyn Brown always has a way of grabbing her readers and she never lets us go. There’s much to love about THE SUNSHINE CLUB. The small-town setting where everybody knows your name, the highly developed characters, including my favorites, a pair of feisty, sassy old friends who have Sissy’s back, life-altering tragedies, and redemption.

THE SUNSHINE CLUB really takes a turn that will have you unable to put this beautiful story down. Neither Sissy or Pastor Luke are looking for a relationship, but they can’t seem to ignore their growing feelings. So here we have these two crossing paths and each time, there is a pull to see more of each other. This causes all sorts of rumors, jealously, and gossip. Dealing with rumors and jealousy is not the only thing Sissy is gonna have to face. Sissy is already dealing with tons of grief with her Aunt Blanche’s passing. She doesn’t think it would be right to be happy about a new love interest. Still, she can’t help being attracted to Luke. It was cute watching these two dance around their feelings for each other.

THE SUNSHINE CLUB is filled with twists and turns and had me a woman on a mission to finish! I had to know where Carolyn Brown was taking us and what would happen to Gussie and Ina Mae. I really loved how the whole community came to Sissy’s aid and only wanted her to feel loved and realize that she was home. There is so much heart in Carolyn’s writing that I’m always left with a huge smile on my face and my heart very happy. I could totally see THE SUNSHINE CLUB becoming a Hallmark movie and I would run to see it. All of the characters are very interesting and believable, so much so that I felt as if I’ve known them for a long time. I would love to hang out with Ina Mae and Gussie. I’m sure they could teach me a thing or two and I know they would keep my laughing all day long! I love how Carolyn does that to me each and every time.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given.carolyn-brown netgalley16 s Laura DrakeAuthor 27 books270

I'm jealous of the characters in this book. Can you imagine, best friends from elementary school through old age? Sigh. Such a perfect combination of women's fiction and romance, Carolyn Brown's characters leap off the page--full of heart, humor and life. Can't wait to read her next!8 s SophiaAuthor 5 books364

After burying her last living relation and most dear Aunt Bee, Sissy faces a lonely holiday season and dreary future. But that was before she discovered the boisterous Sunshine Club had her back and were ready to teach her something about found family and love. I was tickled to dive into a new small town women’s fic from Carolyn Brown narrated by Brittany Pressley.

Sissy, known to everyone outside small town Newton, Texas as Martina an excellent family counselor, is at a crossroads in her life. She just gave her Aunt Bee a fabulous sendoff and inherited her house, her outlandish raggy rooster, foul-mouthed cockatiel, and her sassy senior friends, Gussie and Ida Mae, but the loss of her aunt was her last mooring to family. Or so she thought.
The remaining members of the Sunshine Club, Gussie and Ida Mae and their long, rich history with Blanche will show Sissy a thing or two about life and living that her counseling degree and life on the road with her eclectic rock n’ roll parents never taught her.
This is Sissy’s story in one respect, but in truth, it’s the story of her Aunt Blanche’s legacy. Everyone surrounding Blanche much pick up the pieces once she’s gone and I loved seeing them go through the sadness of loss to finding a reset on life. Sissy’s reset involved learning about found family and opening herself up to love with the last type of person she thought would be her match, a small town preacher, Luke Beauchamp.
Luke was taken with Sissy from the beginning, but a developing romance isn’t easy for him because an interfering church member never d him for the pastoral vacancy after his uncle retired and now she really doesn’t him dating Sissy and is forcing him to make a choice causing Sissy to backpedal not wanting to be the reason he loses his church ministry.
But, Luke and Sissy have the support of a group of seniors including his uncle, his uncle’s best friend both widowers and Sissy’s aunt’s besties who will ‘ride or die’ to help the young pair find and keep happiness and get a little of their own along the way.

Brittany Pressley is not a stranger to narrating Carolyn Brown books and I love how well she matches up with the feel of these down home country charmers and the multi-generational casts of characters. She brings a bit of extra sass and sparkle to the story.

All in all, this holiday season read hit the homey spot and left a satisfying feeling when all was said and done. Those who light and fun women’s fic should not hesitate to put in their earbuds and click play on this one.

My full review will post at Books of My Heart Nov 22nd.audio-books holiday-romances western-fiction-romance ...more8 s2 comments Carolyn2,193

This author's stories are always filled with such sweet Southern charm.brown-carolyn7 s Kathleen616 28

Three women who have lived in and been friends for more than sixty years formed the Sunshine Club when they were just little girls. The friendship they had was so strong that nothing could tear them apart, except the death of one of them and this is where the story starts, with the death of Blanche Ducaine and her friends will give her the funeral that she wants, if somewhat out of the ordinary for the very small town in Texas where the 3 have always lived. But Gussie and Ina Mae will give her the sendoff the s the town has never seen and her niece Sissy goes along with these plans. But at the end of the day with some good whisky and music they knew they had to honour Blanche and keep up with the reason that the Sunshine Club existed and that was to find good matches for the young people of the town. And they were going to find Sissy a husband so she would stay in town and always be with them. They had a prime match in the young and handsome preacher, Luck Beauchamps. And they knew that there were sparks between the two and with a little work, they would have these two married before long.

As with all the stories that Carolyn Brown writes, you want to jump in the pages of the book and join in all the fun that takes place in her books. I loved the friend ship of these three women, because it reminds me so much of my 3 BFF’s and when one of us passed away it was a limb had been taken from each of us. That is what it was for Gussie and Ina Mae. And Sissy and Luke were so perfect together. And she gives characters Elviria, who is the town gossip and always must be the center of attention and then two men who were both widowers Palul and Jimmy, who help the two women in their pursuit of putting the two young people on the road to marriage. You will want to sit in on one to the meetings with Gussie and Ina Mae and thrown back a shot and listen to some good music.

Carolyn always gives us friendship, love and heartache and a HEA in each of her books, but at the end of the book you are feeling you want more because these characters have become part of you. That is the success of a good writer of women's fiction. And Carolyn Brown is always at her best.

It was a privilege to get an advance copy of the book to read and review.6 s Carla6,557 147

The Sunshine Club introduces us to Gussie and Ina Mae, two of the three members of The Sunshine Club. The ladies, plus Blanche, have been friends since they were young, and when Blanche dies unexpectedly, they are devastated. Blanche's niece, Sissy, come to town for the funeral and to sell the house she has been left. Gussie and Ina Mae don't want her to leave so they hatch a plan. They are meddlers and are know to make matches, so they set their sites on Sissy and the new handsome preacher, Luke Beauchamps. The problem is that there are a few of the members, who are self-righteous and bigoted and will do whatever they can to keep Sissy away from Luke. Will Sissy find where she belongs? Will Luke lost his job if he dates, Sissy?

This was a heartwarming story with a lot of humor, friendship, sense of community with a Christian base. I really d Sissy, Gussie, Ina Mae, and Luke. They were a great group who cared about others, their community, and the church while dealing with their grief. They supported one another and I loved the matchmaking that went on by Ina Mae and Gussie as well as what Luke and Sissy were doing for the ladies. There was a lot of humorous banter, and those older ladies were full of sass. There are a couple of ornery birds, a rooster and a cockatiel that are hilarious. With the self-righteous trying to do whatever it takes to keep Luke and Sissy apart, and Luke not willing to kowtow to them. There were a lot of emotions in this story, but overall, it was an uplifting read that I enjoyed. Once again, I did a read/listen and the audiobook was narrated by Brittany Pressley. She is one of my favourite narrators and I enjoyed all the voices, accents and expressions in this one. I recommend this book in either format to all, y'all. audio christian family ...more5 s Anindita ?227 113

The characters in The Sunshine Club were very charming.

The Sunshine Club is a charming novel about friendship and the strength of love that is simple to read. The characters are witty and sassy, and I enjoyed reading about the antics that the three Sunshine Club members engaged in over the years.

Such a wonderful combo of romance and women's fiction. a touching portrait of small-town living.chick-lit contemporary contemporary-romance ...more4 s Lisa1,145 132

#netgalley #theSunshineClub--Gussie, Ina Mae, and Blanche were best friends almost their entire lives.
They started the Sunshine Club back when there were boys only clubs. The girls weren't allowed, so the Sunshine Club was girls only.

Sissy comes to Texas for her Aunt Blanche's burial and she is accepted by Ina Mae and Gussie as their own family, since Blanche was family to them.

This story was full of emotion, sadness, grief, joy, and laughter and love as well.

I just love the family feeling that Carolyn Brown puts into her books.

Since Gussie and Ina Mae are lost without Blanche, they decide to matchmake, with Sissy and preacher Luke.

I loved how the older women took Sissy under their wings and I literally cried laughing at the pet bird's antics.

Once I closed the book it felt saying goodbye to dear friends.

I would recommend this book to anyone who s to feel different emotions, who s reading about families, and friendships, changes and even loving relationships being formed.

My thanks to the publisher, author and Netgalley for the ebook in exchange for an honest review.2021 carolyn-brown netgalley4 s Margie1,716 24

Carolyn Brown's heartwarming storyline will give you lots of warm and fuzzy good feelings and her homey humor will tickle your funny bone.

The Sunshine Club consists of three women, Gussie Sadler, Ina Mae Garber and Blanche Ducaine. When they were ten-years-old they formed the club because the local boys formed a club and put up a sign saying, "No Girls Allowed." It's sixty years later and Gussie and Ida Mae are devastated at the loss of Blanche, as is Blanche's niece Sissy Ducaine. Sissy's Aunt Bea was the anchor in Sissy's life as Sissy grew up traveling the road in a small RV with her rock musician parents, even being homeschooled. Sissy did head off to college and became a family and marriage therapist. Following her Aunt Bea's very unconventional, for Newton, Texas, jazz funeral complete with first line, second line, lace parasols and waving hankies, Sissy, Gussie and Ina Mae met up at the Sunshine Club. This was the first time anyone other than the three founders of the Sunshine Club ever entered the clubhouse. The three needed each other to console and heal. Gussie and Ina Mae decided their contribution to Sissy's healing was a little matchmaking with the local preacher Luke Beauchamp. Gussie and Ina Mae never dreamed how successful their matchmaking would end up being. But at what cost?

The Sunshine Club is another great addition to author Carolyn Brown's Women's Fiction repertoire. This book has it all from very likable characters, to a charming storyline, to an exceptional conflict and resolution to, best of all, heartwarming humor. I love matchmaker stories, especially the ones where senior ladies won't even consider giving up on their matchmaking Gussie and Ina persevere here. This fits that to a "T" and in addition there's a twist. Sissy turns the tables on Gussie and Ina Mae with a little matchmaking of her own. I greatly admire Carolyn Brown's talent and ability to tell a story that draws the reader in and makes the reader feel a part of the story. It's sitting and chatting with old friends about all the good times we had and the mischief we got into. This is especially true for me as I am the same age as the Sunshine Club ladies and the references to their earlier years hit home for me.

I love this author's voice and how she incorporates the voices in the characters' heads that guide them. Carolyn Brown tells the best stories with wonderful Happily Ever Afters!

I received an ARC and this is my honest review.3 s Janilyn Kocher4,165 92

Reading a Carolyn Brown book is eating a piece of delicious pie. It begins with anticipation when you see it, savor while demolishing it, and are greatly satisfied after consumption. Brown creates such cute, quirky characters, especially elderly ones. There’s usually a vile viper, in this case Elvira, and humorous animals to round out the cast. It was a perfect way to spend a dreary afternoon, reading the Sunshine Club. Thanks to Montlake and NetGalley for the advance copy.3 s Tena242 8

The Sunshine Club by Carolyn Brown is a contradictory story. I know. That is a strange way to describe a book. But let me explain. The Sunshine Club. is really about death. It starts with a funeral. And death is discussed throughout the entire book. It is filled with heartbreak and tears. But it is contradictory because the Sunshine Club is really a sweet, happy story about love and family.. And there actually is a Sunshine Club. We meet Sissy who is grieving the loss of her precious Aunt Bee. Left to mourn Aunt Bee are also Aunt Bee's two best friends Ina Mae and Gussie. The book makes me sad that I did not have an aunt Bee and a Gussie and Ina Mar growing up. See what I mean by contradictory? After the passing of Aunt Beethey are all left to try to continue and keep her memory alive. While struggling to do this they learn to come together and form a new family and a new future without Aunt Bee. I definitely encourage everyone to read this book and to take the lessons that Carolyn Brown imparts throughout each page. Never take a day for granted, never take a loved one for granted and be grateful for family whether it's by blood or by love.
I voluntarily received a copy of this book from NetGalley.3 s Nana714 12

This story was just so warm and inviting, making me feel meeting up with old friends. Gussie, Ina Mae, and Blanche have been best friends for over sixty years. When Blanche dies, her niece, Sissy comes to take care of her aunts affairs. After the funeral, life slowly moves forward, for all of them.
Blanche had a bird that can talk in the same voice as Blanche, so even though, he drinks vodka, and swears, they can't give him away. Gussie and Ina Mae decide to play matchmaker for Sissy and Luke, the preacher. Sissy decides to play matchmaker for Gussie and Ina Mae with two older men who have lost their wives. The adventures they have, But as the adventures happen so does the local gossip, and decisions will have to be made. Sometimes, people can put people in their place without, hurt feelings, by finding other ways to occupy their time.
This is an inspiring story, that everyone makes their own life, and they find a way to get along. The emotions they went through, some with tears from thinking about the memories, to the laughter of the bird sounding just Blanche, to the connection with Blanche didn't go away, when she died, because when they needed her, they could hear her replies in their head, and it was comforting. netgalley3 s Cricket48 4

The sunshine club by Carolyn Brown is a novel about four stalwart but independent Women who face life head-on and meet extraordinary events with unconventional but necessary ways to solve. At first, I thought the book was not going to be as exciting as other books I have read by Carolyn Brown. However, Was I completely wrong. The Sunshine Club is the most thought-provoking book I have read by Carolyn Brown. It makes us look at a time in our lives that many of us would prefer to ignore, the final arrangements. This book treats death in the way that it should be looked at. It is a transitional spirit state but one that we have to plan for. While not wanting to spoil the book, as I said it is very thought provoking. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be bewildered at times. This is one of the best books that Carolyn Brown has ever written.Each book I read of hers, I end up saying it is the best one. Mrs. Carolyn Brown, please keep writing and thank you for the entertainment but also for the different ways to look at life.

I was provided an ARC copy of the book for a review.books-reviewed3 s Serenechaosnyc1,658 8

Overall, I enjoyed this book, which reminded me of a clean Hallmark movie. Sissy returns to a small town to say goodbye to her beloved aunt. Her aunt’s best friends and members of the Sunshine Club, Ina Mae and Gussie, share this story with her. This story was in part about them getting over her aunt Bee’s death and in part, about Sissy finding herself, including in the arms of Luke, the pastor. This was a slow paced story with humorous parts (the birds were a hoot) and some swoons. Lots of religious undertones (pastor, after all) Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for an early read.3 s Owl._.544 16

Heartbreak, love, laughter, friends, family…. this book has it all. This one started a little slow for me, and it wasn’t my favorite, but it still delivered everything I’ve come to expect from a Carolyn Brown book.

Thank you #netgalley and #montlake for the eARC.3 s Darcy13.2k 512

While there was a romance in this one, to be it was the secondary story line. The main part of this was about friendship and family. I loved the 3 "old" ladies and how they had such a long friendship, loved how the two that were left filled in Sissy all the nuggets of fun the trio had been through, a great omage to their friend/aunt. As much as Sissy needed Gussie and Ina Mae, they needed her too. All 3 of them were leaning on the others at different times, advice flying crazy!

I really loved how Sissy found a home in the aftermath of her aunt's death, something it seems she has needed for a long time. Finding Luke at the same time was a bonus. The two of them were so cute together from their first blush of attraction to deciding that things were so much more.

The ending to this one was great! Loved seeing everyone so happy!2022 audio-book chick-lit ...more2 s Margaret Dombrowski181 5

4 1/2 Stars! Loved this visit to Newton and Sissy and Luke's story, but most importantly the lifelong friendship of Blanche, Ina Mae and Gussie. What I didn't , or whom...was Elvira. Yeesh.2 s Meredith323 3

What a great escape from reality. I loved this book. The sassy and fun older ladies in this book warmed my heart, made me laugh out loud, and reminded me of my grandma. A sweet love story you won’t be able to put down.2 s Terri248 3

I always enjoy reading a Carolyn Brown book. They are sweet romances. This one doesn’t disappoint. When Sissy’s Aunt Bee (Blanche) passes away unexpectedly, Sissy has to deal with the loss. Lucky for her, Aunt Bee had wonderful friends in Gussie and Ina Mae. They called themselves the Sunshine Girls. Sissy also starts a friendship/romance with Luke the local preacher from her Aunt’s church. This book deals with loss, family (even if they aren’t blood) and romance. Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the E-ARC. This is my own opinion.2 s Elaine 787 55

The Sunshine Club.
By Carolyn Brown.

Every time I read a book by this author, I fall deeper in
Love... her Books Are the Sweetest.. totally well written.
A fabulous famous author she is. Even when you have no family left. You won't be without them long.. her Books Are visiting old family members you just haven't seen in a while.

A story about
Three best friends since childhood. Good times.
And always there for each other till the very end.

just one of the Sunshine club Members. 60 years has gone by. But Leaving behind everyone she loves wasn't part of her plan..


Blanche's sweet Neice has come back to Newton Texas
To tend, to aunt Blanches
Belongs. Then move back to her life after six weeks of vacation.
Sissy wasn't Expecting to find so many people that wanted to be in her life..
Losing the last family member.
Is the hardest thing .

The birds in this book I have to say are some of my very favorite parts. Shot a whiskey here some of the music. Just an overall fantastic book. Each book just gets better and better I absolutely adore miss Brown's books. And I will recommend them to anyone because they're that good.1 Carla Mannes21

I tried to (not even love this book) because I have enjoyed other books written by Carolyn Brown. The story never took hold- in fact the characters and story line was inconceivable - two older women trying to befriend a dead friends niece, into their club house- The Sunshine Club..

I decided to stop reading and move on- glad I did... 2 s Patty Detore5

To much a Hallmark movie for mr. I felt the writing was immature. 2 s Elizabeth851 18

Carolyn Brown has written another heartwarming story about found family and friendship. I immediately wished I was a part of the Sunshine Club with their friendship and the way in which they protect and support each other. Throughout the story there is small town shenanigans but also the showcase of how small town communities are always there for each other. There is humor and strong willed characters! With a vivid setting and a way with words, I felt as I was walking alongside Sissy as she navigates her aunt's hometown and life. Will Sissy find a home after all these years? You will have to read this book to find out! Thank you NetGalley and Montlake Books for an advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!1 Margaret Yelton1,918 36

The Sunshine Club by Carolyn Brown is such an sweet, yet heartbreaking storyline. When one of the three friends that formed their own private club years ago passes away, the emotions from the other characters and her niece can be both heartbreaking and happy at any given moment in the book. Turning to matchmaking for Sissy and the Preacher, is a way for them to try to keep a piece of their friend in town always. Of course more than one person can play that game, as Sissy attempts to play matchmaker for the elderly ladies also. I certainly would recommend this book to others. I received an ARC of the book from the author and publisher, without a commitment to have to leave a review. The opinion I express here are my own.1 Diane Saul1,758 23

Sissy’s aunt Blanche has passed away. Sissy is home for her funeral. She has inherited Blanches house and she is trying to decide what to do. Blanche and her friends had a private club for years, just the 3 of them, and they were known for their matchmaking. The 2 remaining members have decided they need to find someone for Sissy so she will stay. This was a fun book. The remaining Sunshine club members, Gussie and Alina Mae are delightful characters. There is quite a bit of humor in the book, Chester and Danny Boy, Blanches birds are hilarious. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.1 Susan4,564 108

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