
The Return of Kris Kringle de Caroline Mickelson

de Caroline Mickelson - Género: English
libro gratis The Return of Kris Kringle


After years away from the North Pole, Kris Kringle happily accepts her Uncle Santa’s offer to move back to Christmas Central as head chef. With her young daughter in tow, Kris returns home with two objectives in mind. Goal number one, bring her love of healthy eating and nutritious fare to the North Pole dining service. Goal number two, recover from heartbreak and forget Kyle Masterson, the man who broke her heart. But when Santa hires Kyle as a new co-chef for the holiday season, Kris suddenly realizes that replacing the elves’ beloved sugar cookies with carrots is going to be a piece of cake compared to working alongside her ex-fiancé.

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Sweet Christmas story with a touch of humor. The characters were likable and funny. I enjoyed the activities in Christmas Central and the dynamics in Santa's household. Consistent with a Christmas atmosphere, the pair of estranged lovers had their HEA. august-20172 s Nancy1,610 48

This was a very quick read. Kris Kringle is a young mother of an adopted daughter, who leaves her partner and boy friend, to return to her home at the North Pole. He follows her there, and they work in the kitchen together. Kris tries to get everyone to eat a healthy diet. This is a clean romance. 2 s KatAuthor 11 books527

This one was lots of fun. Kris Kringle must learn to cooperate in the kitchen when her plans to turn the North Pole into a vegetarian haven full of healthy food run afoul of elves who want to eat nothing but sugar, and an ex and competing baker who wants to indulge them in sugary snacks. Lots of yummy food!

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.
christmas2 s John328

A cute, short story.2 s Elizabeth Meadows1,893 261

Fun little Christmas themed novella. I really enjoyed it. audio-books-2020 christmas-books2 s Syeda Sumayya Tariq310 68

This is a fun and delightful holiday read. Christmas is around the corner and the North Pole is bustling with activities. Kris has accepted uncle Santa’s offer to work as a head chef at the North Pole, but the health fanatic that she is, she thinks replacing sugar cookies with carrots might be a good idea for elves. All is good, except the co-chef is her ex, and that sure is trouble.

I said, it’s such a fun and light-hearted sweet story! I have been dipping in and out of so many different genres recently, and this was really refreshing. Mentions of all sorts of different desserts and other sweet delicacies made my mouth water, but there is enough about healthy eating too! The characters are so fun and cute, and the narration does justice to their sweet personalities, it’s crisp, and all the characters are easily distinguishable. Although this is part of a series, it works perfectly well as a standalone too, and the best part is this whole series, and more is available for free as audiobooks on the author’s YouTube channel (link in comments). This makes for a perfect holiday read, with likable characters, and HEA.
1 Lucía HerreroAuthor 20 books60

Esta novela prometía desde el primer momento. Kris es una inconsciente que trata de transformar de forma radical las costumbres culinarias del Polo Norte, y confieso que por mucho que yo adore las ensaladas, di su causa por perdida desde la primera página. ¿Quién va a preferir desayunar avena, por muy sana que sea, antes que galletitas glaseadas y chocolate caliente? ¡Es Navidad, por favor! Por su parte Kyle es tan encantador, tan dulce, y tan hábil cocinando (especialmente postres, que son mi debilidad) que me ganó desde el primer bollito.
Se me ha hecho un poco corta, pero me ha gustado tanto como cualquiera de las demás.1 Meg518 11

El regreso de Kris Kringle es una historia corta relacionada con otros trabajos de Caroline Mickelson, aunque se puede leer de manera independiente. Se ambienta en el Polo Norte y el mismísimo Santa Claus aparece como secundario, ya que es el tío de la joven protagonista.
Además de una trama romántica y una guerra protagonizada por dos chefs cuya visión sobre cuál es la dieta ideal para los duendes resulta diametralmente opuesta, poco más se puede encontrar en esta historia. Si bien su lectura durante una calurosa tarde de verano es refrescante, por ejemplo, al imaginar a los personajes en un lugar tan nevado y frío, en determinados momentos también puede terminar siendo empalagosa en exceso (algo típico de las tramas navideñas).
1 Nina Silva198 12

Overall: 3.5/5

This is a super sweet Christmas story and was my first for the season. It's a novella and is guaranteed to make you smile. Although Kris tries to pass off roasted vegetables as the epitome of holiday eating, there are still lots of decadent deserts mentioned to make your mouth water. My main issue with this story involves the romantic conflict. It's explained well and is a reasonable conflict. The resolution, however, is lacking.
Although there was a significant hole in the resolution of the story, it was still very enjoyable. I think it would make a great audio story to play during a family car trip.

Disclaimer: I received this audiobook at no-cost from Audiobookworm Promotions. This gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.

Narration: The narration was well-done for this audiobook. The character distinction was clear, for the most part, which made it easy to understand which characters were speaking. The narrator displayed commendable tonal range. Male and female characters were easily differentiated. Younger characters did sound similar to the elves; and I wished Kyle's voice was a bit more masculine. He sometimes sounded one of the elves.

Production: Sound quality was good. The audio was clear and sound levels were consistent. Pauses between chapters was sufficient.

Overall Experience: Overall this story translated to audio quite well. I don’t think anything was lost in the translation. I enjoyed listening.
2 s Marsha Keeper Bookshelf4,290 85

Originally reviewed at Keeper Bookshelf

Probably attempting to introduce healthy eating at Christmas Central just mere days before Christmas Eve was Kris’ misfortune. The elves have always existed on sugar cookies, hot cocoa and tons of sweets, especially during crunch time. But she knew the benefits of eating healthy and when Santa had welcomed her back to the North Pole as Head Chef she couldn’t wait to implement her plans to add fruit and veggies… and ditching the sugar.

Unknown to Kris, Santa has hired a co-Head Chef to work alongside of her… her ex. The man who broke her heart by not telling her the complete truth. Technically he never lied, he just didn’t tell her some very important things during their relationship as friends, lovers and business partners. Kyle’s idea of a menu includes all the sugar that Kris is planning to get rid of. To say that they’ll butt heads on this is an understatement.

The Return of Kris Kringle is a fast paced, fun romance. Two very stubborn people, a wrong that wasn’t really a terrible thing and the love of Christmas that saves them all.

Looking for a quick entertaining Christmas story this season? Any of the novellas in the A Christmas Central Romantic Comedy series is a perfect fit.christmas-romance contemporary-romance keeper-bookshelf1 Michelle Ferrari-Johnson1,558 41

A fun story. Love how Kris Kringle returns to the North Pole and tries to introduce fruits and veggies to the sugar addicted elves. Seeing as she is also running away from her true love, she is fit to be tied when she learns he is employed by Santa.

Definitely a delight to read and perfect for the holiday season ~1 Michelle 468 125

Very cute...full review to comeread-in-2015 xmas-books1 Mary Lou Hoffman1,943 31

THE RETURN OF KRIS KRINGLE is the third book in the Christmas Central series.

What a great short story to put you in the holiday happy mood, no matter what time of year it is. Which is why I listen to or read holiday stories throughout the year – IMHO, we all need to keep that happy frame of mind twelve months of the year.

I am such a hopeless romantic that I was rooting for Kyle to win Kris back before I even heard the first word of this story, just from the blurb.

Poor girl is fighting two losing battles: refusing her heart’s desire (Kyle) and the elves’ sweet-tooth. She might as well face it – rabbits eat carrots, cats chase mice, and elves want sugar. Even her daughter, though loyal, can see what is plain as day.

I highly recommend this story and this series. In fact, I think I’ll go listen to it again now. See you later!

Narration: The narrator is perfect. I loved listening to her voice.

Note: while I was given this book as a gifted audiobook copy, my opinions are my own and are given freely.

Series: Christmas Central #3
Narrator: Carly Robins
Length: 2 hours 2 minutes
Category /Genre: Romance, Holiday
Recommended for: 14+ due to sexual tension
Listenability: OK or NSFW
Received from: Caroline Mickelson (as an Audible gifted copy)
2nd-chance audiobook humorous ...more Ken Finlay2,136 8

Kris Kringle is heading home to the North Pole with her adopted daughter, Noelle.
Her restaurant failed and by the time she paid off her debts she was almost completely broke.
Her one regret is that she won't be seeing her fiancée (even though the engagement only lasted 20 minutes) again.
Boy, is she in for a surprise because, Santa's got a visitor, none other than Noelle's former beau, Kyle Masterson.
Then again, considering that she intends to turn Christmas Central vegetarian, there's a good chance she'll be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail pretty quickly.
Given the nature of the series you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out where it will end up.
It doesn't get more Christmassy than “The Return of Kris Kringle” but I felt that it was written by the numbers and didn't ring true.
2.5 Stars, raised to 3 Stars. Stephanie (Between the Coverz)578 6

An entertaining and comical Christmas romance!

The Return of Kris Kringle is an entertaining well-written novella. I found myself giggling throughout the whole book. The author really knows how to create a story to keep your attention to the very end. It was easy to the different characters. It was easy to read and follow the story. There was never a dull moment!

Carly Robins did a fantastic job with the narration. She had a clear and crisp voice that was easy to follow. She definitely brought a pleasant listening experience.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book and can’t wait to read more by this author. This book is good to listen to or read when you have a few minutes to spare. If you enjoy books set around Christmas time then you need to read this book!
audiobook collections-series favorite-collections-series ...more Kristen Lewendon7,748 47

I find this book a little bit harder to pin down than the previous ones. Despite the implied affinity of our names, I didn’t much Kris. I know part of it is the shorter format of the story which doesn’t provide a lot of time to get to know the characters in depth, but she came across as critical, judgemental, and holier-than-thou. I also couldn’t get into her “health food or else” attitude. Kyle and Noelle are pretty sweet and wonderful. I’m not surprised they got along so well. I thought the ending was adorable, but Kyle’s solution to appeasing Kris’s pride was just too over the top for me.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Hidden Gems Books as part of the box set. Amparo TD1,113 13

Es una historia rápida y entretenida. Kris es la sobrina de Santa Claus y vuelve al Polo Norte después de cerrar su restaurante y romper con su novio. Kyle le pide trabajo a Santa cuando Noelle, que es la hija de Kris, le cuenta que se van al Polo Norte. A Kris no le hace mucha gracia volver a ver a Kyle y menos tenerlo como chef en su cocina. La verdad que cuando leí la historia no sabia que pertenecía a una saga. Así que voy a seguir con el 1º, ya que he descubierto que este es el 3º de la serie. Krystyna5,134 40

The Pride and the Fall

Another good read but it's my least d of all the ones that I have read. Okay the storyline was good up to a point but it really was just too predictable. She comes home with her adopted daughter after losing her business and rejecting the man she loves. He comes seeking Santa's help to win back the woman of his heart. Plus I really didn't the character of Kris. Maria Thomas2,131 38

Cute little second chance romance. Kris was a little over the top healthy food fanatic and might have made more progress by incremental steps instead of asking the elves to go from all sugar all the time to sea kelp smoothies or whatever it was. Ha ha. The book is very short so everything moves quickly. Almost too quickly. But it is a nice little fluff piece that is good for an afternoon or evening Christmas feel good read.

No sex, language or violenceaudio-book christmas clean ...more Debbi723 3

What an cute Christmas novella. I could just picture the North Pole and all the frantic activity. Then you mix in a sweet love story and you have a perfect story. I could see this being used as a base for a Christmas movie. Guy's Girl1,096

Sugary Sweet
I loved this sweet short story. The menu items cracked me up. Of course everyone loves fruit and dark chocolate but broccoli in brownies? The things people imagine. Carly does a fantastic job on all the voices. Inma119 1 follower

Es una historia entretenida. Me ha resultado muy fácil de leer. Una típica historia de navidad. Kris es la sobrina de Santa, y vuelve al Polo Norte huyendo de su amor. Lo que ella no sabe es que él no la va a dejar escapar tan fácilmente. Dystopian Mayhem 663

Warning ?? this book will make you hungry so you should read it on a full stomach. This one was better than the previous one, Mrs. Saint Nick , the chemistry here was better and Kris was less annoying than Holly. MK840 14

Cute story but felt rushed. the other books in this series, it's more interesting for the view of the North Pole in full Christmas mode rather than the romance.romance Stephanie102

Super cute, super short story. loveable characters and perfect for the holiday season. Jenn960 34

Not as good as the first 2 boo. christmas ebook 'veronica250 7

Libros cortos sencillo pero muy entretenidos. Ester Damon603 23

Es una historia de esas que se leen en un día o menos. Es una historia que me ha gustado. Se lee con facilidad. Con una narración sencilla y pausada. 

No tiene mucha acción. Pero no se hace pesada.  Anne - ReadingfortheWeekend744 12

Another cute Christmas novella by this author! Sussy_lwp859 20

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