
Sposami, per favore! de Caroline Mickelson

de Caroline Mickelson - Género: Italian
libro gratis Sposami, per favore!


Una volta lasciato il quartiere in cui era cresciuta, Ava McKenna aveva deciso che non si sarebbe più guardata indietro. E per dieci anni ci era riuscita, finché Mateo Ortega, il bel ragazzo della porta accanto, non si rifà vivo per chiederle un favore. Mateo ha bisogno di una finta fidanzata e pensa che Ava sia perfetta per recitare la parte.

Ava accetta perché deve un favore alla famiglia Ortega, ma guardando nei profondi occhi castani di Mateo si rende conto che ripagare quel vecchio debito potrebbe avere delle conseguenze sul suo cuore.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Un mensonge pour une bonne intention Mathieu et Eva se réussissaient afin de réaliser le reve d un grand père agonisant qui revait de mariage de son petit fils Mathiu, ce dernier demandait à Eva son ancienne amie de jouait le role de la mariée avec lui, elle acceptait et la belle histoire commençait ...

Une histoire d amour s est enflammée en douceur, le couple jouaient ses roles mais à la fin ils tombaient amoureux l un de l autre.

Les personnages dont très attachants et l histoire très touchante bien écrite avec une plume féminine romantique et plein de tendresse et de douceur, les évènements sont captivants et en succession plein de suspense.

Une belle lecture.attachant captivant6 s atomickitten765 118

2.5 rounded up to 3 stars

DNFed @ 65%

There should be a warning that the book has zero smut or sex or any of the goodness a reader might want in a romance fiction.

I would've continued but I don't think I was invested enough.
Plus, the disappointment after the first sex scene that was just mentioned in the book with zero details or steam was enough for me to dnf and move on to sth more to my liking.

The storyline was okay I guess and I kinda d the characters but the first half dragged too much for me and after the already mentioned zero-smut scene I just lost my interest.

So maybe that's just me and for that reason I'm rounding it up to 3 stars because the book itself is not bad. I just wanted sth entirely different.

But if u your books PG 13, go for it.

That's just ain't for me.

2022-reads audiobook fake-relationship-marriage ...more5 s Bioquímica da Leitura165 7


Esta história surgiu nas sugestões do Goodreads e veio a calhar pois eu encontrava-me com disposição para uma leitura leve e romântica, para me abster da situação do coronavirus.
A Ava mudou-se para outra cidade logo após a morte da mãe e não olhou mais para trás. Mas quando decide pôr a casa à venda, o seu caminho cruza-se novamente com o do seu antigo vizinho Mateo, que lhe pede um favor impensável.
A Ava sente que está em dívida por tudo o que a família do Mateo fez quando ela era jovem, pelo que considera seriamente em aceitar ajudar, mesmo que possa vir a sair prejudicada.
A Ava é uma mulher independente, focada no trabalho, que sabe o que pretende alcançar mas o facto de o Mateo reaparecer na sua vida, faz com que ela começe a questionar-se. O que ele lhe propõe, e o facto de ela estar aberta a essa possibilidade e adicionalmente alterar os termos do acordo, fá-la repensar no que realmente quer para si, para o seu futuro.
O Mateo é gentil, educado, encantador, exactamente como ela se lembrava, talvez mais ainda. A perda iminente do seu familiar deixa-o destroçado, exactamente como ela ficou tantos anos antes. Ela só quer abraçá-lo e estar perto dele, mesmo que isto lhe vá custar quando a vida retomar à normalidade.
Juntos fazem um par muito fofo, gostei de ler acerca da sua interacção, que após tanto tempo afastados, os antigos vizinhos criaram um vínculo com base no apoio, empatia e compreensão. A proposta foi surreal porém quando ambos embarcaram nessa aventura, descobriram um novo sentido e perceberam que algo estava em falta.
Adorei a família do Mateo, numerosa, barulhenta, calorosa! Fez-me pensar na minha família e nas saudades que tenho deles. Eu realmente não os vejo desde Janeiro.
Senti um carinho especial pelo senhor O. e fez-me lembrar da minha falecida avó paterna. Ela era muito especial, a matriarca que uniu gerações. Ela vivia com um tio mas todos diziamos que iamos a casa da avó e passavamos sempre lá na noite de Natal.
Eu adorava passar o tempo a ouvi-la contar histórias do passado e das traquinices dos filhos enquanto crianças. Depois que partiu, vários de nós deixamos de lá ir nessa época festiva pois não era o mesmo, perdeu-se o encanto. Julgo que "será escusado dizer" que acabei me emocionando bastante com este livro.2020-readings contemporary fiction ...more3 s Cyndi2,382 101

An absolutely adorable romance. Our hero and heroine meet up again after many years. They were good friends when they were younger and now they still feel a bit of a connection. Now his grandfather is quite ill and just wants our hero to be happily wed. Unfortunately our hero doesn't have the girlfriend anymore. Enter our heroine. She feels she owes the family a debt for their past kindness and agrees to pose as his girlfriend, then that quickly escalates. Lots of truly funny parts. It will tickle your funny bone and strum your heartstrings. (This book is multi-talented that way.)4 s Deborah348 21

This story was really good until the ending and I hate when books end abruptly.
Mateo and Ava were friends when they were younger and the Ortega Family (Mateo's Family) was there for her and her mother when her mother was stricken with cancer. After Ava's mother passed, she left to go to college and start a life for herself because the memories of her mother were too much for her to handle.
Mateo's grandfather is dying from cancer and all that his grandfather wants is to see Mateo happily married with a family. After not having seen each other for years, Mateo decides that he needs to get married before his grandfather dies and asks Ava if she could do him a favor and become his fake fiancee. After some hesitation, she agrees to not just be his fiancee but, become his wife because she loves his grandfather and doesn't feel right lying to him.

Mateo and Ava are attracted to one another and they soon discover that they also have feeling for each other.

This book made me smile and it also made me cry!. It also made me upset because the story ended so abruptly, this story really could have used a Epilogue or at least 10 more pages so we could see how their lives turn out. 4.5 stars3 s Cathy470 16

Free on kindle. The premise of the romance is improbable. Who would accept to marry in such a hurry a man you haven't seen for several years? As much as Ava felt indebted to the Ortega family, I don't understand how she didn't feel threatened by the way Mateo organized the request and the wedding. I also question this wish of Mateo's grandfather, who wants to see his grandson married before he dies. He's very sick - is that what he's focusing on?
I wasn't able to relate to the characters, and I don't understand how the characters fall in love in the book. Also, the Ortega family appears to be very intrusive. But what bothered me most was the light use of terminal illnesses and the death of characters to evolve the narrative.
A novel that could be more interesting if it had more depth and the author had invested more in the characters development.

Rating 1.5

contemporary-romance3 s Erica256 2

I loved this book! Ava grew up next door to Mateo's family, when Mateo learns his Grandpa has cancer and only weeks to live, he proposes to Ava so his Grandpa can see him marry. Ava does accept his proposal , and they get married, and hilarity ensues on Ava's way to the wedding, read the book, it's funny and heartwarming and sad all together but with an HEA.2 s Sassy Beta Reading & Review1,240 20

What a great little, sweet romance that was super entertaining. What a great story line, that was super sweet yet super emotional. Filled with awesome characters, engaging dialogue, and easy to visualize descriptions to detail.

Written as a 3rd person, multi pov with a HEA ending.

Would I recommend this book? Yes

Would I read more from this author? Yes

Sassy Beta Reading and Review

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Brenda Moser8,424 113

This is a sweet and touching love story between Ava and Mateo. The author does a beautiful job building their story and pulls you in with all the emotions both happy and sad and delivers a heartwarming read. It's well written,moves fluidly and I enjoyed reading.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own and freely given.1 Asaria874 70

Well, well, well. What have I dealt with today? Idiotic decision to marry quickly for the sake of dying grandfather? Guilt tripping childhood friend into a marriage deal? And the worst aspect - the whole relationship feels extremely rushed, even with believability issues put aside. Pity, because I both leads who seem quite normal, well-adjusted people.2022 literature-english-anglophone marriage-of-convenience ...more1 Yoryi205 6

2.5 ? de 5, aunque realmente no fue una mala lecturas. Realmente fue una historia corta que disfruté en la medida de sus posibilidades y con la que logré conecta con los personajes principales, pero en especial con el Señor O. Este último me aguó el ojo con su situación.

?El final me hubiera gustado menos conveniente y un poco más de desarrollo porque si me pareció una historia cute.leídos-20231 Moony Black514

Me gusto, es una historia de amor muy bonita aunque un poco rápida pero eso no le quita él encanto si bien hay cosas que no me parecen chidas para la historia, me entretuvo bastanteleídos-2018 reseñados1 Gabby68 1 follower

The perfect book to get back into reading
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