
Small Acts of Kindness de Caroline Day

de Caroline Day - Género: English
libro gratis Small Acts of Kindness


Caroline Day Publisher: Zaffre Publishing ISBN: 9781838778422,9781838778439

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It looks I’ve taken a short break from my usual dark psychological thrillers, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the heartwarming, uplifting books that I’ve been reading for some of the blog tours that I’m on. Today’s book – Small Acts of Kindess by Caroline Day – is another one that reminds us that we’ll never know how deep the impact of kindness can be on others. We can never assume what other people are going through, but by treating them kindly, even if only in passing, we can make a huge difference in their lives.

At first glance, it’s quite easy to wonder how on earth three such diverse characters could ever be drawn together?! Well that is the beauty of gorgeous writing! A wonderful author creates a tapestry, weaving the threads together until everything combines to make a perfectly understandable picture that’s beautiful to look at. That’s what Caroline Day has done with her three main characters, Kiki, Ned and Mrs Malley (oh, and we can’t forget Wordsworth, her dog!).

Kiki has come to England from New Zealand and quite honestly I had to question if she was brought up in another century and teleported to this one! Her beloved Yaya (Grandmother) has passed away, and she’s left home in pursuit of her dream – one that her grandmother always encouraged her in: she has always wanted to attend the Glastonbury Festival. But she clearly has no clue what that entails! She seems to think that when she spots anything with the word ‘festival’ in it, that might have something to do with it! She’s somewhat naive, to put it mildly!

Then there’s Ned, who admits that he had taken life very much for granted: things looking stuff up on Google, walking to the shops, answering a phone … being free! Because Ned has ‘locked-in syndrome’ he is literally locked into his own body with a fully active mind, but the inability to move at all, not even to blink!

Mrs Malley is a grouchy, cantankerous woman who doesn’t have a kind word or thought for anyone. She can barely scrape together a civil word for her dog, Wordsworth! But we discover that he’s not actually her dog. She inherited him from her closest friend and confidante, Harriet – the only person who really knew and understood her. Now that Harriet’s gone, she has nobody left, and she’s absolutely certainly that not a single soul will be able to care for her and what she’s been through, the way Harriet did.

Three very different people, each suffering excruciating pain and trying to get through it in their own way. This story is a reminder that we never know what others are going through – it’s not a visible scar that’s instantly recognizable. Pain can be so deep-seated, buried so deep down in our psyches that it becomes part of our makeup, and we all react to it in varying ways. But we don’t need to understand it in order to show people kindness. We just need to accept that they are carrying something with them and we might in some small way be able to help them share the load.

It’s a beautiful read (although have tissues handy!) that’s uplifting and hopeful.1 Jane Couttie48

Sometimes things happen and for that reason we meet people we might never have met.
Kiki is travelling and trying to find her history. It involves Glastonbury and finding a ticket. She finds herself working in a village where she meets Mrs M and they go on an unexpected journey. Through this Kiki meets Ned and Maxwell who are also on a journey after an unfortunate accident causes Ned a life changing injury.
The story takes us on their lives entwining.
It’s a good book, it took me a while to read so I wouldn’t say it’s one you can’t put down but I enjoyed it. I’ll look out for the authors books in future. Seve Rin24

ich hans gfühl, normalerwiis wär mier das amigs chli zu kitschig aber es isch so unglaublich schön gsi und hans eifach immer müsse wiiterlese Sarah Leighton20

Particularly poignant to me having spent so much of 2024 in hospital and having to adapt to a new life style. Heartwarming and able characters. Ruth95

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