
The Innocent Virgin de Carole Mortimer

de Carole Mortimer - Género: English
libro gratis The Innocent Virgin


Parting with danger... Abby Freeman is thrilled that, at last, she's landed herself a fantastic job as a TV chat-show host. But she needs to prove herself with a ratings-pulling interview. Who better to grill than thefamous, darkly handsome journalist Max Harding? He has an intriguing scandal in his past that has never been fully explained... Max is happy to let Abbyget close–but only in private; he, and his life, are not for public consumption. Now Abby has two dilemmas: she doesn't want to lose Max's story... but she's in danger of losing her innocence! Because, clearly, Max doesn't realise that the apparently worldly Abby is still a virgin...

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Abby Freeman landed a fantastic job as a TV chat-show host. But she needs to prove herself. What could be better than an interview with journalist Max Harding.
1 Dianna566 102

Abby has just scored her first serious TV job with her own interview-format show. She’s keen to get Max Harding – hot-shot war correspondent and sexy reporter guy, onto her show. Mostly because her nasty creeper boss has said she can’t do it.

Max once had his own interview-format show, and it was all serious and political and smart people stuff. Then, a politician guest who had been caught up in a scandal shot himself on the show and Max decided he was going back to war stuff and never participating in interviews again.

Abby shows up at Max’s flat, and there’s immediate Sexual Tension. He’s all growly and cranky and thinks she’s a flake, because girls never do serious TV stuff. He’s not quite ‘go giggle with some boy band and stop wasting time with the big boys’ rude to Abby, but I sensed it was there. I also sensed that Abby would also have thought giggling with some boy band wasn’t serious stuff, which it isn’t, but it’s a perfectly acceptable thing to do and nothing to get sniffy about.

The format of this book is interesting – Mortimer starts it just after Abby has flattened Max with a sucker punch on her show, and has come home to see her cat and sob into her bubble bath while she gets drunk and flashbacks on how Max broke her heart and ruined her life.

This is one of those mildly odd books where the hero and heroine seem to spend almost zero time together. In their few moments, Abby and Max start up what could be a relationship, but it leaves Abby very confused, especially when she starts thinking that sheÂ’s probably a beard for MaxÂ’s supposed secret relationship.

AbbyÂ’s a virgin, but I found her hymen completely superfluous to the conflict. She could have slept with many men and still been super sad about how she couldnÂ’t get it right with Max.

I d if for the unusual format, but had Major Issues with how AbbyÂ’s show was treated, and was all up a little sceptical about the chemistry between Max and Abby.
cat-owner champion-groveling1 J. KaheleAuthor 15 books439

A very good story

Abby is a talk show host and she wants to interview the infamous Max, a hard nosed journalist. So she sneaks up to his apartment and is meant a egotistical man in a towel. Yes only in a towel. She is surprised by how gorgeous and fit he is.

There is definitely an attraction to him. But is he attracted to her?

I loved the characters and the way the author made them grow throughout the story. Max was definitely the best written character. At first I hated him. He was arrogant, snobbish, annoying and uptight. But as the story continued, I became more fond of him. Abby was my second favorite, she was strong willed and determined with a good heart. I d this story very much and will definitely be reading more from this author.1 ????????? ????????Author 1 book24

????? ??????? #1322 (& ?' ?????? #1820)???????-?????1 Mrseiji Kun87

Historia entretenida con su cuota de celos (que me encantan), hombre oscuro (aunque no es de los que no quieren amar... este le va a dar para adelante) y chica enamorada pero muy independiente...
De forma distinta, comienza con el final y relatando unos hechos muy graciosos que recién hacia el final terminamos de comprender que pasó...
Abby tiene un programa de televisión y quiere entrevistar a Max, un famoso periodista, que admira y siente un poco más que eso... Max se niega totalmente a participar pero las famosas casualidades llevan a que se encuentren varias veces hasta que...
Lo que no me gustó es el clásico "es virgen..." (¡a los 27!????) tópico que determina que él confie en la palabra de ella (si no fuera virgen evidentemente se acostó con su enemigo... no?... ¿No existe otra manera para demostrar que no es así?) pero por el resto se deja devorar y disfrutar...
A por ello!

Parting with dangerÂ… Abby Freeman is thrilled that, at last, she's landed herself a fantastic job as a TV chat-show host. But she needs to prove herself with a ratings-pulling interview. Who better to grill than thefamous, darkly handsome journalist Max Harding? He has an intriguing scandal in his past that has never been fully explainedÂ… Max is happy to let Abbyget close?but only in private; he, and his life, are not for public consumption. Now Abby has two dilemmas: she doesn't want to lose Max's storyÂ… but she's in danger of losing her innocence! Because, clearly, Max doesn't realise that the apparently worldly Abby is still a virginÂ…actress-or-in-movie-business english-or-welsh-hero just-ok-no-reread ...more Crazyuga119 2

A nice story and a good Plot!!My first Carole book and definitely not the last one... Spinneretta2,470 13

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