
El Presoner del Cel de Carlos Ruiz Zafón

de Carlos Ruiz Zafón - Género: Intriga
libro gratis El Presoner del Cel


Barcelona, 1957. Daniel Sempere i el seu amic Fermí, els herois de L’Ombra del Vent, tornen de nou a l’aventura per afrontar el major desafiament de les seves vides. Just quan tot començava a somriure’ls, un inquietant personatge visita la llibreria de Sempere i amenaça amb revelar un terrible secret que porta enterrat dues dècades en la fosca memòria de la ciutat. En conèixer la veritat, Daniel comprendrà que el seu destí li arrossega inexorablement a enfrontar-se amb la major de les ombres: la que està creixent al seu interior.

Ple d’intriga i emoció, El Presoner del Cel és una novel·la magistral on els fils de L’Ombra del Vent i El Joc de l’Àngel convergeixen a través de l’embruix de la literatura i ens condueix cap a l’enigma que s’amaga en el cor del Cementiri dels Llibres Oblidats.

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This book is a perfect example of what is wrong with the publishing world. Zafon's first book, The Shadow of the Wind is one of my all time favorites. Ever. The second book The Angel's Game is well up there on my list, so when I saw The Prisoner of Heaven on display, I was ecstatic. Unfortunately, it is very clear that Zafon was under time pressure from the publisher on this book, enough so that the story was irreversibly ruined.

You see, Zafon is a master of prose, character, and theme. Indeed I would just say that Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a master storyteller in general, but he is also one that needs time to polish and work his product. The only problem is that because of the HUGE success of his other two books, the publisher (who's biggest concern is for money and not story) wanted a third book yesterday, not tomorrow, not next week, out with it! Some authors fight this or have a brilliant agent and publishing team behind them that believes in story rather than speed, not so with Zafon. Don't get me wrong, this book is still well written and at times brilliant, but in the end it is unfinished. This book is short, a mere 279 pages, compared to a solid 587 pages for The Shadow of the Wind and 531 pages in The Angels Game. What this tells me as a reader is that Zafon wasn't even close to done and it shows. Where this book ends feels the mid point of a longer book, it isn't really a conclusion, things aren't really tied together, but it was close enough to cut it off and call it "done".

I did enjoy The Prisoner of Heaven, but the rushed style, short story, and at times sloppy writing tells me that this once great author has been screwed by his publisher. Had this book had another year or even six months of work it would have been another shining example from one of the best writers of the 21st century. Instead we are left with a deep sense of betrayal at an incomplete story put out merely to make as much money as possible. Hopefully in the future Zafon is given the time necessary to produce books to his full potential and not merely for the quick cash. We will see I suppose.fiction547 s1 comment Nayra.Hassan1,259 5,960

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