
Manila Takes Manhattan de Carla de Guzman

de Carla de Guzman - Género: English
libro gratis Manila Takes Manhattan


Carla de Guzman Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises ULC, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781038912619

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DNF at 40%, though honestly I wasn't feeling it from the very first chapter.

This is SUPER instalove, within a few pages they meet and are hooking up. This was an immediate turnoff for many reasons: 1) instalove in general isn't my thing, 2) what sensible woman would see a random man sitting on the floor outside her apartment and invite him in for sex (he's wearing a mask so she can't even see his face, plus she's a famous actress and should be much more cautious about these kinds of things), 3) he's literally just been on a 15 hour flight and doesn't shower or freshen up or even WASH HIS HANDS before they hook up (omg I can't even tell you how much this grossed me out).

Beyond the instalove, there was just no tension or stakes and no real development beyond the initial attraction. There were also a ton of pandemic references (I prefer books where covid isn't mentioned and didn't realize it would be so prevalent here), and pop culture references in general that I think are going to date the book quickly. I also just didn't vibe with the writing style.

I will say though that I loved how centered the Filipino culture and experience was in the story! I was tempted to finish for that alone but I will definitely seek it out in other books.

Thank you Harlequin and Afterglow Books for the review copy.arc arc-egalley arc-physical ...more8 s Shealea469 1,255

… So this was really, really yucky. Nothing follows.5-not-recommended x-filipino-authors x-sexy-times4 s Jen (mrs-machino)584 46

4.5 stars, rounded up. This was really fun and fresh - Mon, a Filipino musician and music producer, gets a big break scoring a movie in New York City. Upon arrival he falls in love at first sight (complete with immediate steam) with his hotel neighbor.

However, he soon finds out that his new love Olivia is the famous actress starring in the movie he’s been hired to score. They try to stay away from each other while they’re working, but soon realize it’s futile, and have to navigate the realities of two successful but completely different celebrity careers if they want to be together.

This book grabbed me from the very beginning and I was really invested in Mon and Olivia’s relationship. The writing style was casual and stream of consciousness, but I thought it worked well in conveying the vibe of the scenes. I loved how supportive they were of each other’s careers, total competence porn.

If I had one criticism it was that there were a few too many pop culture references- I’m a fan of 90’s movies so they didn’t bother me too much, but it was distracting. Overall though, this was such a fun journey and I enjoyed every minute!

3 s Cydney168 7

Manila Takes Manhattan is a fresh rom-com, un anything I've read in this genre, simply because it was so completely unapologetically Filipino. Carla de Guzman wrote two dynamic, flawed characters, and I absolutely loved reading about Mon and Olivia and how they reaffirm their love and consideration for one another. Mon is an up-and-coming music producer and rapper, and Olivia is an actress acting in her first ~real~ movie musical who fought hard to have Mon produce the tracks for the film.

I loved how much de Guzman centered the Filipino immigrant experience in America from Mon and Olivia's similar but very different experiences. I also really, really enjoyed how inexperienced and not-at-all-macho Mon came across. His desire to freely access all his emotions made him (unsurprisingly) a much better communicator than men bogged down by hyper-masculinity and what it demands of men. Olivia was the more assertive, dominant force in their dynamic, but it worked for them.

I admit to feeling the beginning was a bit rushed to establish a connection between the main characters. Still, I enjoyed the parts of their situationship where they were getting to know each other, exploring each other's wants and needs safely. Sometimes, I felt I didn't quite understand or believe the closeness of their relationship. Most of those times, I felt it was okay that I didn't understand because it worked for them.

Overall, I enjoyed this. It was a quick read, it was well-written most of the time (other times I cringed, but I cringe a lot with romcoms, and Mon and Olivia are self-proclaimed cheeseballs), it was diverse, and made me crave lots of yummy Filipino food.

Thank you to Harlequin Romance, Afterglow, and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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