
The Lady's Last Mistake: A Bow Street Duchess Romance (Bow Street Duchess Mystery Series) de Cara Devlin

de Cara Devlin - Género: English
libro gratis The Lady's Last Mistake: A Bow Street Duchess Romance (Bow Street Duchess Mystery Series)


Cara Devlin Publisher: First Cup Press, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798987612552

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Happy Launch Day

Two broken people mending their pieces, together

Rounding to four stars because I love the series, but I had trouble connecting to this one and really feeling the romance.
This was the first romance and final book in the Bowstreet Duchess Mystery series; the long awaited story of Cassie and Thornton (who I didn’t realize was not his given name, more on that). Maybe it was too long awaited for me because, though the story was well written and had good pacing, I felt very disconnected from the couple and did not really feel any passion between them. Maybe I this author better for a mystery?

Cassie and Thornton had both been through a lot and rightfully were wary of giving in to love or attraction. Each kept the other at arms length and used prickly behaviour to avoid attachment. But then, when they were both forced to work together, they found hidden depth in each other. A worthy story and a heartwarming one. I wish I could have felt more but this lacked emotion and tension for me. I think I needed more time with them together, liking each other before they jumped into bed because they disd each other up to a half minute before they did. I dunno.

One other point, the historical elements were extremely loose and I had trouble not letting them bother me. Cassie, the unmarried daughter and sister to a Duke lived alone with only a maid and servants at 23 yrs old - so unly- especially since her brother kept trying to make a match for her. The author used this set up to make the plot work but I never convenient disregard for historical realities just for story.
Also I honestly thought Thornton’s first name was Thornton in previous books because he’s referred to as Lord Thornton, and is the fourth son of a Marquess therefore would not have any courtesy title. But his first name is, in fact, Grant. This bothered me to no end because HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO AS LORD GRANT! Anyone who’s read my knows that I am a stickler for getting titles right in historical romance. I don’t need perfect accuracy but the basics need to be covered.

So in actuality I’d give this book a low three star but because I the series, the writing and loved seeing glimpses of Hugh and Audrey, I’m rounding up.

Thanks to Booksirens and the author for an early copy of this book.


Yay! Got the ARC!
Excited for Thornton and Cassandra’s story.doctor historical70 s18 comments Merry 743 178

The story of Cassie and Grant was hinted at in previous books and is told in Book 8 of the Bow Street Mystery. I was surprised as I thought the series ended with book 7 but I understand that there was more to tell about this couple. This could be read as a stand-alone but it is such a good series that I recommend reading all of the previous books. The story starts off strong with each of the leads running charities that are kept secret. There is a mystery regarding one of the young women that lives at Hope House and I enjoyed that. There is a wall that Cassie has built due to being hurt before and Grant has lost his wife and also is resistant to love again. I thought this went on a bit too long and the mystery drifted a bit. This book has one steamy scene, and I loved the ending. 4.5* I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.abduction arc booksirens ...more71 s11 comments Jeannine741 71

What a treat to be back in the world of the Bow Street Duchess series to see Cassie and Grant finally come together! The beloved secondary characters were magnets flipped on the wrong side. We all knew they'd be great together if they could just get aligned properly. This book explored their past trauma, showed them advancing in their own ways beyond the other series, and let them come together in a beautiful, satisfying (and steamy) way.

Moving this book forward two years since the end of the Bow Street series let us see Cassie and Grant in a new way. She's established in her own household and started a home for unwed, pregnant women who need a safe place to live. Grant's free clinic was part of the other series, but his reliance on family money to keep it going wasn't as clear. Both are being pressured by their families to marry.

When a sick resident of Cassie's home requires care and Grant responds, the characters who have been mostly separated are put back together.

The use of some familiar tropes was interesting. We have two people with secret identities entering a fake betrothal scheme with a side of blackmail. Of course, this has them in constant contact and the relationship blooms. There are a few steamy scenes, including one open-door bedroom scene.

Everyone loves it when characters from past books make a cameo. The entire cast from the earlier books is here and we actually get more than a glace at them. There are several scenes with Audrey, Hugh, Sir, Michael, Genie, etc. I read with a smile on my face!

2024-06-june11 s2 comments eyes.2c2,810 83


We all intuited that when Lady Cassandra Sinclair and Lord Grant Thornton, a doctor and the Marquess of Lindstrom’s fourth son, finally came together it would be explosive. It was! Super charged, and so much more.
Cassie’s brother Michael, the Duke of Fournier, won’t give up his matchmaking efforts on Cassie’s part. Cassie wishes him to perdition in the nicest possible way. He has control of her fortune. She wants the money to fund her charity efforts, but definitely no marriage!
Cassie has a secret. Well a couple really. She helps to run a secret retreat for women suffering domestic violence, unmarried mothers, often pregnant servants, abused married women of the ton. It’s call Hope House. That information is well and truly hidden from her family.
Grant’s father has control of his fortune and wants him to marry and get an heir. The only problem is that Grant was married to a woman whom he truly loved. He doesn’t want to marry either.
And yes, Grant too has a secret. Unknown to all he operates a clinic in Whitehall under a pseudonym. He’d be cut off if his father ever got wind of it.
Grant learns of Cassie’s secret and due to his father’s machinations gives her three says to consider a proposal of marriage to him (the engagement later be ended by her). Cassie is furious, but eventually accepts.
A classic enemies to lovers story with volcanic sparks and danger laced throughout.
I just loved these two!

A Booksirens ARC
Many thanks to the author and publisher.booksirens regency-mysteries regency-romance7 s Tina Miles393 6

This is a companion novel to Devlin’s excellent Bow Street Duchess series (now completed). It is classic Devlin and I enjoyed it immensely.

It is the story of Cassie and Thornton who have been at odds throughout the series. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say they get their HEA but oh, the roller coaster ride to get there is delightful and frustrating all at the same time! So many twists and turns, family drama and secrets being revealed. All that plus a mystery to be solved.

I was thrilled to see quite a bit of Hugh, Audrey and Sir in the book. Seeing a bit of Catherine as a toddler plus a Basil cameo (in his nightshirt no less) was a delightful bonus.

The theme of women’s rights was a strong one throughout the book. In fact it’s been a theme throughout the series. Devlin didn’t hit us over the head with it in my opinion but it was noticeable in a good way. There are also references to inclusion, which is no surprise given Phillip’s proclivities mentioned in earlier books. I enjoyed the subtle nod to ‘Pride’ by the brothel owner’s rainbow party and gown.

I found this book a bit more steamy than the rest of the series which was a good thing I thought. The intimate scenes are well written, enjoyable and rather detailed. Devlin does an excellent job at creating that sexual tension and then showing how it is resolved.

You don’t need to read the series to make sense of this book but they are such terrific books, you’d be missing out if you didn’t.

The book is an easy read and thoroughly engaging. I devoured it in one sitting!

I am looking forward to Devlin’s new series coming in 2025.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.5 s5 comments Janet4,399 48

For years, Lady Cassandra Sinclair has harboured a scandalous secret and a painful loss. Unwilling to trust a man again, and determined to remain single, Cassie throws herself into running a private home for pregnant, unwed women. Hope House is now her sole purpose. Physician and fourth son of a marquis, Lord Grant Thornton is content with his reputation. No respectable lady wants to marry a rogue, and after the tragic death of his first wife, Grant has no intention of marrying again.
Grant & Cassie have locked horns several times over the years as his best friend Hugh has now married her sister in law Audrey. Their story had to be told as the series wouldn’t have been complete without it & what a lovely story it was. I’d grown to love both Grant & Cassie throughout the previous books & there was always an attraction between them, their banter is wicked & the air crackles when they are together. I loved their journey to a HEA which wasn’t easy but it was so very entertaining. The pace was very good, the characters had depth, there was some angst, some intrigue but most of all two broken people finding each other & becoming whole again – did I shed a tear ? Yes I did at Grant’s proposal & at the lovely epilogue
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own
3 s melveen32

When we were first introduced to Lord Grant Thornton and his friendship with Hugh Marsden in the Bow Street Duchess series, I either smiled, laughed or would nod my head in agreement to whatever was being said between the two. I thoroughly enjoyed their friendship and was so glad to continue to see him make an appearance as the series went on.

And when Cassie started showing signs of interest towards him and how it quickly turned to them arguing whenever they were in the same room, I had hoped they would get their own story. AND THEY DID!

I have been waiting for their story for a couple months and it did not disappoint. We gain more insight into Cassie and the trauma she has endured from a previous book. We also see why Grant is the way he is because IYKYK.

I laughed more than once because of their banter. I cried a few times because of these two broken souls trying to protect themselves. My eyes felt they couldn't read fast enough because the different pieces of the story literally left me on the edge of my bed, couch, and seat.

I'm sad this is officially the end of these characters. But it was such a satisfying end for everyone involved.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.2 s Sharyn2,700 14

Thanks to Book Whisperer for the EARC of this book, the concluding book in the series. We have watched Cassie and Grant interact throughout the series, and I am happy they finally have a happy ending, though it took a lot of twists and turns to get there.
Cassie is secretly funding a home for pregnant women, and Grant is secretly funding a medical clinic in the slums, both using assumed names. When they discover this, it is quite a shock to both.
I love when Hugh and Audrey arrive, with their 2 year old daughter and Sir in tow.
Though there is a small mystery, the story is actually about 2 wounded souls who find each other. I was quietly sobbing at the end.
If you have not read the series, I behoove you to start with book #1.2 s Bonnie771 10

Thanks to BookSirens for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion...

Cara Devlin... I love you and I hate you.

I love you for giving us a bit more of Audrey and Hugh, and a peek into their hard won happily ever after, especially since I did not want their story to end.

I love you for giving us Cassie and Grant's story, after giving us hints of them and their stories in the previous books, and it was satisfying... I am replete, after having that rich, and sumptuous dessert after a wonderful, satisfying meal at a favourite restaurant.

But I also hate you, because this feels an ending - I am sad that there will be no more of these rich, wonderfully drawn characters and their engrossing stories, and it feels I am in mourning.

I just look to the sign I have on one of my bookshelves, that I made for myself - I get too attached to fictional characters... and have remember it is too too too true. Time to let go and move on to the next book...

This is Cassie and Grant's story and it continues a few years after the last Bow Street Duchess story. Hugh and Audrey are living their life and happiness, and Cassie has gained some independence from her overbearing brother, Michael, the Duke of Fournier. He is still determined to protect her and have her live a conventional life and hopefully marry an acceptable beau. But Cassie remains emotionally traumatized by her past, and determined to provide help for women who may not have the support and resources she had at the time of her secret distress. To this end, she has formed a secret identity and uses her resources to form connections and form Hope House, a refuge for women needing a place to escape abusive relationships, and perhaps give birth, a safe place to heal, and a chance at a safer, secure future for themselves. If they choose, Cassie and her cohorts can either help them find new homes for their babes, or help them if they choose to keep the babes.

But this must be a close kept secret, to keep the women safe, but also any hint of Cassie's involvement with such a scandalous endeavour, would ruin her and taint her family terribly, in the eyes of Society, and she could lose her funds and the support of her brother.

Grant Thornton is the fourth son of the powerful and strict Marquess of Lindstrom . Generally he is ignored or reviled for daring to lower himself to work as a doctor, and living as a rake otherwise, as he drowns his heartbreak from the death of his beloved wife and stillborn child in meaningless liaisons and encounters. But Grant is dependent on his allowance from the Marquess to fund his lifestyle and his secret work running a free clinic for the poor. But the Marquess lays things on the line for Grant, demanding that he marry and provide a much needed male heir for the line, or be cut off by the new year.

In Society, Grant and Cara despise each other, only knowing their Society faces and reputations. But both their secret worlds collide one day when of the women under the care of Hope House needs the care of a doctor, and they call for the services of Dr. Brown, the alias of Lord Grant Thornton.

This is an enemies to lovers, fake relationship/betrothal story as Grant uses the secret of Cara to force her into a pretend courtship to stall his father's threats. But in the course of their forced courtship, they learn to see each other beyond their facades and presumptions about each other, and the banked attraction that started years before that they had been fighting flares, bright and hot.

Combine this with conflicting family relationships and drama, the risk of their secrets coming to light, past trauma on both their parts and the fear of further risks to both their hearts, and danger hanging over Cassie and Hope House. What this all adds up to is a richly drawn out dramatic historical romance with complex characters in an emotionally engrossing story.

Cara Devlin, I love you... but I also hate you a little bit as well.

But I am satisfied and replete. But that does not mean that I am not greedy for more!

(after all... Sir needs a happily ever after too...)

5 stars out of 51 Helen256

Lady Cassandra Sinclair, sister of the Duke of Fournier, is using her pin money from him to operate Hope House, a safe-house for pregnant women, unmarried or unable to keep the child. Grant Thornton, fourth son of the Marquess of Lindstrom, is a physician to the ton who runs a clinic for the poor in Whitechapel. Both face social ruin should their secret—and secret identity—become known.

When the marquess tells Grant that he will stop funding him if he doesn’t become betrothed by the first of the year, Grant uses his knowledge of Cassie’s enterprise to coerce her into a pretend engagement.

Neither counted on falling in love.

It’s an expertly developed enemies to lovers story with an underlying theme of the need for honesty in relationships—even when that honesty requires courage and may result in ostracism.

This is a standalone with characters from the Duchess of Bow Street series reprising their roles, but with Grant, Hugh Mardsen’s best friend, and Cassie, Audrey’s former sister-in-law, as main characters and Audrey and Hugh making essentially cameo appearances. That said, while readers of the mystery series will appreciate the nuances of the reactions of Cassie and Grant to each other in the beginning of the novel, the story is self-contained.

As one expects from Cara Devlin, the characters are fully formed, believable and true to the era in which they are presented. I will admit that The Lady’s Last Mistake is spicier than I anticipated, but the deviations from societal norms are acknowledged by the character as well as indicating the sanction for the violation.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.1 Stephanie Pâquet93 2

We met Grant and Cassie, two characters who suffered trauma, in previous books of the excellent Bow Street Duchess Mysteries. Grant, Hugh's friend, lost his wife and baby. Cassie, Audrey's sister in law from her marriage with the Duke, suffererd from the lies of a terrible man and had a pregnancy out of wedlock, We saw Grant and Cassie interacting throughout the series and we knew there was chemistry, even if it obviously was a love/hate relationship, both of them with wounds of the heart too deep to build anything. 

In this book, we are meeting them doing secret work quite unusual for the ton: Grant, a physician, runs a free clinic in the bad part of town, Cassie runs a house for unwed mothers who need help. Their world collides, and sparks fly.  Both running their clinic and house in secrecy, they come to an arrangement to fend marriage pressures from both of their family: they will fake courting... What comes next is pure delight for the readers. 

Two characters who are strong and stubborn: how will they let their walls down and see that together, they can be the best team?  The progression is realistic and touching because those two aren't perfect and they both admit it. Also, seeing a strong female character who recovers from trauma and finds love with someone who shares her sense of justice was compelling. Grant was hard to at first but we learn soon enough that he hides a good heart behind those walls he built around him.

There was less mystery than in the rest of the Bow Street Duchess series but there is an intrigue that kept me on the edge of my seat. The romance is beautiful without being kitch: it has depth and layers, and develops into something solid and safe. Personally, I that this story has a strong vibe of social justice and basic human rights. Those are topics that still resonate today. One of my favorite romance novel in 2024. 

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy for free and I'm leaving this review voluntarily 1 Elizabeth461 11

Delicious. This is a companion novel to the Bow Street Duchess Mystery Series, which I can't recommend highly enough. Cassandra and Lord Thornton finally get their HEA. He's a doctor and close friend of Hugh Marsden. He was devastated by his wife's death and felt he could never love another woman. That didn't stop him from becoming a libertine. Cassie was seduced and abandoned at the beginning of this series by a different rogue. She went to Sweden to deliver a child and has kept the secret ever since. Determined not to ever marry, she starts a home for pregnant, unwed women.

Under pressure from his father to marry and produce an heir, he forces Cassie into a sham engagement, hoping that his brother's wife will give birth to a boy. He threatens to expose her secret unless she agrees to the fake engagement. She is simultaneously resentful of, and attracted to, Grant.

An intriguing plot, two flawed and broken characters to root for, and a satisfying HEA. I loved this series, and I'm sad to see it end.
2024 historical-fiction regency-era ...more1 Deborah L. Sefton33 2

I loved this story! I thoroughly enjoyed the Bow Street Duchess series so I knew I'd this one. I pre-ordered the book but jumped at the chance to get an advanced copy and read it sooner. You don't need to read the series before this but I think it adds context and more of the back story than the author gives during this book.

Grant and Cassie, the two main characters were prominent in the series so the story of how and why they came together made complete sense. Then a good amount of love-hate, angst, sleuthing and a splash of danger make for a fun read. Other characters from the Bow Street make cameos but don't figure prominently. Part of me wanted a bit more of Hugh and Audrey, especially Audrey but I think I'm pretty happy with the focus on Grant and Cassie. I also love that the author wrapped up the whole story in one book. I can't wait to see more from this author.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.1 Yin Shan139 2

I’ve been impatient for Cassie and Grant’s own story throughout Bow Street Duchess 1-7 books. But for readers unacquainted with the main characters, Cassie and Grant are charismatic enough to pique anyone’s interest for their developing relationship.

My favorite thing about Cara Devlin is her smooth, fast paced writing. a good movie, each scene does not drag, and always advances the plot.

Un previous series, there is no murder to be solved. So without divided attention on collecting clues, I fully immerse myself in the romance blooming, the little moments that builds to love. And the attraction, trepidation, jealousy, desire and want…is all there, just everything I enjoy in a good romance.

The main leads both had sorrowful pasts and hurts that cut deep. I read about the effort they try to be more compassionate, they try to rebuild their lives around new purpose, try be strong to love again. This is the part that moved me the most.

So The Lady’s Last Mistake is what I expect and what I need for the finishing touch in Bow Street Duchess series. Love it.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.1 Katherine170 2

The Lady’s Last Mistake is book 8 in Cara Devlin’s A Bow Street Duchess Mystery series.

Un the other books in the series, the main character in this book is not the duchess, but her former sister-in-law, Lady Cassandra (Cassie) Sinclair. We have met her in previous books where she had some interactions with the hero of this story, Lord Grant Thornton.

I was so excited to read this book because the previous encounters between Cassie and Grant left me wanting to see more of them, and hoping they would get a story that put them together. Their attraction to each other in the previous books was undeniable, and I’m happy to say that their story did not disappoint.

Cassie and Grant’s story was such a touching one, there were moments that brought tears to my eyes. I was so happy to see the two of them share a happy ending. This is one book in the series that should not be missed.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
1 Ashley121 1 follower

Loved it!!

I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed this book. Not because of the author(LOVED the rest of the series). But because Cassie is not, and has not been, my favorite character. I her better after this book but I’m still not a fan. I absolutely hated the way she treated Grant (and in general acted a total brat) before now but she’s grown, and grown on me! I loved the story even minus the usual mystery and investigation. And I’m really sad that this is the end. Wonder if we could get a series of a grown up Sir now?!?!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.1 1 comment Kathy337

Oh Wow!! It was as good as I hoped for. I just love the characters in this series and knew I was going to love this final love story. It did not disappoint with the development of the relationship, the way they uncover one another’s secrets, the disapproving family and friends, and the fierceness of commitment. I have been hooked since book one because having strong protagonist women who defy the rules of society to follow their hearts speaks to me. The character development is wonderful and feels in line with real life. You get to know them, cheer and mourn with them. The author has her finger on the pulse of what readers want. Can’t wait for more. 1 Jaime Arkin1,441 1,370

I think I went in expecting to be absolutely in love with this story because of the build up of the dis between these two from book to book, but honestly Cassie drove me bonkers. Unfortunately that colored this story a bit for me and I feel this was a bit of a miss in the entire series that I absolutely loved.

The hate to love trope is one of my faves and while that was done well I just didn’t click with these two as much as I had hoped I would.

Devlin writes wonderful stories and this was plotted and written well which is why I bumped it from a mid 3 to a 4.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this early. 2024 galley-arc historical ...more1 Danielle456 108

Review originally posted on Overflowing Shelf

CW: pregnancy/childbirth; physicial abuse; assault; death in childbirth (mother & child); medical content; injury/illness; kidnapping; murder

"We’ve both been broken," he said. "But we don’t have to stay that way."
I’ve been DYING for Cassie and Grant’s story since we met them early on in the Bow Street Duchess Mystery series. And what a treat it is to be back in that world filled with all my favorite characters! While the previous books leaned more into the mystery with a romantic subplot, this book was pure historical romance – which is my JAM.

Now, this is not a light-hearted, fluffy historical romance, as there is a lot of heartache and pain in Cassie and Grant’s past (definitely check out the content warnings above). But it’s still a beautiful, emotional love story that sweeps you up on their journey toward healing and love.

The Lady’s Last Mistake takes place two years after Taken to the Grave , and Cassie has come into her own a bit. While she wasn’t able to convince her brother Michael to give her her entire inheritance, she was able to move outside his home to gain some independence. But Cassie has spark and spunk and isn’t going to simply fall into line with what her brother wants. So, little does he know that she’s also secretly running a home for pregnant, unwed mothers called Hope House in the poor parts of London.

Meanwhile, Lord Grant Thornton, a physician and fourth son of a marquess, is facing an ultimatum from his father, who is anxious for a grandson and heir: Marry by the end of the year, or you’re cut off. Despite having a bit of a reputation, Grant has no desire to ever marry again after the death of his wife years ago in childbirth. But being cut off could put his charity clinic in Whitechapel at risk – a clinic his father has no idea exists.

Cassie and Grant have circled each other for a long time, but not necessarily in a romantic way. It’s more of a prickly way, as they cannot help but butt heads every time they interact. And yet, it always seemed there was the potential for something more to happen between them. Even if they claim not to one another, they’re more similar than they think. Both are nursing broken hearts and funneling that hurt into helping others. Both have vowed never to marry. Both are at the financial whims of family members. They’re truly two sides of the same coin.

As I said, this isn’t a light-hearted, fluffy romance. I’m not going to lie – my heart ached for both of them so many times. But this book is so romantic and emotional. My god, was this a beautiful love story! I loved watching the walls they both put up around their hearts come crashing down as they fell for each other. The romance is truly stunning, and I was obsessed with the two of them. Cara Devlin weaves in many romantic tropes – fake courtship, snowed in, and a carriage bang, to name a few – but they work perfectly with the story and still feel fresh and new.

The chemistry between Grant and Cassie is amazing, and Devlin teased it out perfectly. It’s a bit of a slow burn, but I loved every second of it. Watching them go toe-to-toe was so much fun, but I also loved the more emotional, soul-baring moments between them. Neither judged the other for what is in their past—they see it as a strength and something that shaped them into the person they are today.

And fear not—this book is not closed door! The sexy scenes deliver, but I adored that they also enhance our understanding of Cassie and Grant as characters. Grant is a consent king and prioritizes her pleasure, while Cassie finally gets the opportunity to voice what she wants and put herself first.

As a Bow Street Duchess Mystery series fan, I adored seeing Hugh, Audrey, and the gang again. They fit perfectly into the story, and I loved seeing both their bafflement at Grant and Cassie getting together and their protectiveness over the two. I’m also in deep denial that this is the last book set in this world and with these characters, but it’s a beautiful send-off that ties up all the loose ends.

While this is a romance, there is a little mystery woven in involving one of the residences of Hope House, which I really d as it drove home both the risk towards Cassie for running that place, but also highlighted exactly why a place Hope House needs to exist. There is also the perfect amount of drama at the end that helped amp up the tension and emotions before the well-earned happily ever after for Cassie and Grant.

I absolutely adored everything about this book, from the characters to the romance and plot. It’s an incredible, beautiful, moving, and romantic story about heartache and healing that delivers on the emotions. Even if you haven’t read the other books in the Bow Street Duchess Mystery series, you can enjoy this as a standalone!

I love this book so much and could keep gushing about it forever! I will definitely be rereading Grant and Cassie’s story in the future – along with the rest of the Bow Street Duchess Mystery series – as it just hits all the right notes for me. Cara Devlin’s got a fan for life, and I cannot wait to read what she writes next!

Thank you to BookSirens for the ARC! All thoughts, ideas, and opinions expressed in this review are my own.reviewed Jennifer98 4

The Lady's Last Mistake is the last book in the Bow Street Duchess series and is a lovely, mildly steamy romance between Lady Cassandra Sinclair and Lord Grant Thornton, whose story has been hinted at in the last several books of the mystery series involving Hugh Marsden and Audrey Sinclair.

I should preface my review by admitting that I have always adored Grant Thornton, starting from when he shows up for Hugh twice in the first book of the Bow Street Duchess series, both as a physician who is pivotal in saving Audrey's life and later as he has Hugh's back (literally) when Hugh confronts the true killer in Murder at the Seven Dials. Since the beginning, Grant has been steadfast and unswervingly loyal to Hugh as his closest friend and yet we know that he suffered a terrible tragedy in his personal life that left him emotionally walled off for 8 long years. It seems only right that Lady Cassandra Sinclair, the younger sister of Audrey's first husband, Philip, should be the one to help Grant heal, given her own loss, which we learn about later in the series. Ironically, it is Cassie and Grant's shared devotion to helping those less fortunate than themselves that draws them together and forces them to see a different side and a hitherto unknown depth to their characters. Cassie has started a safe house, Hope House, for unwed and/or pregnant women hoping to have their children privately and in safety, and her path crosses Grant's when he is summoned from his free medical clinic in Whitechapel, where he treats the ailments of the poor and destitute, to Hope House to care for an ill, pregnant woman staying there.

What follows is the development of a smoldering attraction between them, as they form deep, abiding respect and admiration for each other. Cassie is remarkably stubborn, and Grant frequently is irate with her because he is concerned about her safety and reputation. This was one part of the story that I thought went on a bit too long - the arguing between Grant and Cassie - but once the pivot point occurs, the story and its pacing become tighter, more enjoyable and more intense. The run-up to the sweet, poignant end does not disappoint and left me feeling completely satisfied and happy for everyone in the Bow Street Duchess universe.

Overall, it is a beautifully written finish to the series, and what made it even more entertaining is that we are treated to the reappearance of Hugh and Audrey, with their young daughter Catherine who has both of her parents and Sir, now a lad of 15, wrapped snugly around her little fingers. We also see Genie and Michael, the Duke of Fournier and Cassie's bellowing older brother, reappear in addition to meeting Grant's family, including his ever cantankerous and short-sighted father, the Marquess Lindstrom. There's even mention of Mrs. Carrigan, Audrey's former lady's maid, Greer, who has married her driver, Eamon Carrigan and become the Marsdens' housekeeper.

There is a beautiful quote in the Epilogue, which sums up Cassie and Grant's journey to love: "Cassie had once questioned how their love could work when they were each so very broken. But they had taken their broken pieces and forged something stronger out of them."

The Lady's Last Mistake ends the series on a strong, heartfelt note, and I, for one, enjoyed it immensely.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5/1.5 flames

I received an advance review copy for free from BookSirens, and I am leaving my honest review voluntarily.arc enemies-to-lovers fake-engagement ...more2 s4 comments John 17

"The Lady's Last Mistake" by Cara Devlin is essentially a continuation of, or epilogue to, her recently completed Bow Street Duchess mystery series. It picks up the lives of two of the series most important supporting characters in December 1823, more than two years after the seventh book, "Taken to the Grave."

Lady Cassandra (Cassie) Sinclair is the sister of the current Duke of Fournier. She is the best friend of Lady Audrey Neatham, widow of the former duke and protaganist of the mystery series. Lord Grant Thornton is a physician, fourth son of the Marquess of Lindstom, and best friend of Audrey's current husband, Viscount Hugh Neatham, the male protagagist of the mysteries.

Cassie and Grant appeared frequently during the mysteries series and had a tumultuous relationship, often hostile but sometimes semi-romantic. They have not seen each other for almost two years. They have similar family-related problems and secrets.

Cassie has a large trust fund her brother controls. He limits her allowance and is pressuring her to marry, frequently introducing her to new suitors. Cassie secretly spends much of her limited allowance to finance a home for unwed mothers she co-founded and manages under a pseudonym.

Grant maintains a medical practice catering to the upper classes. It does not provide an income sufficient to maintain his lifestyle. He receives an allowance from his father who is threatening to cut him off because a gentleman should not be working and because he is not married and none of his siblings have produced a male heir to carry on the title. His father frequently calls him to dinner with marriageable women and has given him an ultimatum--two weeks to find a wife or be cut off. In addition to his regular medical practice he uses a pseaudonym to rent space and operate a clinic for the poor in a bad area--an activity that would cause his father to disown him.

When one of the residents of the home for unwed mothers becomes ill, a staff member looks for a doctor and brings Grant to the home for unwed mothers where nobody knows the real identity of either Cassie or Grant. They recognize each other, begin to discuss their common problems related to the need for secrecy and to fending off the marriage pressure. Grant proposes that they pretend to court. Then the fun begins.

Although I almost never read purely romantic novels, the connection to the excellent Bow Street Duchess series meant I couldn't pass the up. Entertaining and fun, it can be read as a standalone book, but I recommend reading all or at least some of the mysteries first.

I received an advance review copy through BookSirens for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.2024 booksirens review Charmaine Fernando170 3

Lady Cassandra Sinclair, the sister of Michael, the Duke of Fournier has been cheated in the past and a one-time encounter with a less than honourable member of the ton, becomes pregnant and, fortunately for her, Michael sends her to Sweden where she delivers her daughter in secret and gives her up for adoption. She returns home with no one the wiser as to what transpired except for two members of her immediate family.

Due to her situation, Cassie decides to fund a secret retreat for women suffering domestic violence, unmarried mothers, often pregnant servants, abused married women of the ton with Elyse called Hope House. None of her immediate family is aware of this clinic and Cassie uses all sorts of ways and means to keep it a secret for as long as possible.

Michael is determined that his sister should marry and have a family of her own so continues to introduce potential suitors for Cassie to consider, all of which she rejects.

Lord Grant Thornton is the fourth son of the Marquess of Lindstrom and a qualified doctor who operates a clinic in Whitehall under a pseudonym as well as assisting members of the ton in need of medical assistance.

His older brothers and sister are all married with families of their own, unfortunately not one of them has born a son to continue the line and the marquess is determined to keep the title and estates within his immediate family. He issues an ultimatum to Grant that he either marry within a few months or he will cut off the money he provides to Grant that is essential for his livelihood.

Both these people operate under pseudonyms to protect their identity and come in contact when one of the Hope House residents desperately needs the services of a doctor.

Their attraction is instantaneous and the story proceeds from there. There are characters from the bow street mysteries who make an appearance when they are trying to apprehend one a nasty character who has impregnated one of the residents of Hope House and in determined to drag her back.

All in a delightful story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially d how Cassie stood up to Grant bully of a father and told him off during her first meeting with the rest of the family. Loved her for it!

I received an ARC from BookSirens and am voluntarily submitting my review. Marion Löw247 2

Cassie and Grant

I really enjoyed this enemies to lovers, sham courtship story! The chemistry, tension and steam between Grant and Cassie was right from the start. The secret double life of the two, their secrets and the danger Cassie finds herself in because of her activity only added to the suspense and captivated me even more. The two main characters are wounded by their past and it was nice to see them finally come to terms with it and start a new life. I especially loved their growing mutual respect, compassion and protectiveness.

The book can certainly be read on its own, as there are many flashbacks to the earlier books, but I would still recommend reading the series in order to better understand both the previous interactions of the two protagonists as well as the supporting characters and their stories.

Lord Grant Thornton is a doctor for the Society, but secretly runs a free clinic for the poor and socially disadvantaged too. He is still mourning his deceased wife who died in childbed and has a reputation as a rake.

When his father gives him the ultimatum to remarry and produce a male heir or lose his financial support, he is enraged, but by chance discovers the solution to his problems in the form of Lady Cassandra Sinclair.

Cassie is the daughter and sister of a duke. A mistake in the past and the consequences that followed have led her to devote her life to a meaningful activity. She secretly runs a home for unmarried pregnant women and mothers. If the secret were to get out, she would be ruined socially.

When one of her protégés urgently needs a doctor, Grant suddenly appears before her, the man Cassie secretly adored some time ago, but who is now her greatest nemesis.

When Grant discovers Cassie’s secret double life, he coerces her into a fake courtship to deceive his father and Cassie has no choice but to play along...

If you love well written hate love romance novels full of secrets, emotions, drama, suspense and steam, you are sure to enjoy this book!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Jeriann Fisher671 1 follower

Physician Lord Grant Thornton & Lady Cassandra (Cassie) Sinclair from Cara Devlin's Bow Street Duchess series get their own fantastic romance in this companion story. This is a wonderful enemies to lovers, age-gap romance featuring two broken people who just need each other. I thoroughly enjoyed this companion romance to the Bow Street Success series and it should appeal to fans of Recency Romance and to fans of Audrey and Hugh from the Bow Street Success series.

You don't have to have read the Bow Street Duchess series but why deprive yourself of that experience? And all 7 are in Kindle Unlimited. There is an important backstory for Cassie in that series involving a secret pregnancy.

Cassie has been defying her oldest brother, Michael the duke, and secretly operating a home for unwed mothers in a poor section of London. If you've read the Bow Street Duchess series then you know that Lord Grant is operating a free clinic under the name of Doctor Brown. These worlds collide when the doctor is called to the house to care for a mother who has a high fever.

Grant is no saint. He's still embittered since the death of his beloved wife 8 years prior and he's something of a rake. He's also nearly ten years older than Cassie. A fourth son of a marquess is not a suitable match for the sister of a duke. Not by society. But both of these characters have a need to help other people and in that way they are perfectly matched despite the fact that they seem to be continually arguing.

Grant comes up with an idea for Cassie to pretend to be his fiance for a few weeks to get his father off his back about remarrying. Grant has no plans to remarry. At least he thinks he thinks he doesn't. And Cassie believes that she can't find her happiness based on the mistakes of her past. Something happens as they work together and maybe pretending turns real. Can these two find true happiness in each other?

This is a wonderful, emotional romance. There are a couple open door intimate scenes of moderate spice.

Thank you to the author for writing this terrific romance.bow-street-duchess enemies-to-lovers historical ...more1 Cathy Geha3,971 104

The Lady’s Last Mistake by Cara Devlin
Bow Street Duchess Mystery #8

Delightfully delicious historical romance I’ve waited for since meeting the main characters ~ Absolutely thrilled this couple found their happy ending!

What I d:
* Lady Cassandra Sinclair: sister of a duke, has a secret that impacts her future, believes she will never marry, started a refuge for abused and pregnant women, good friend, loves her family, doesn’t trust easily
* Lord Grant Thorton: fourth son of a marquess, physician, father feels he is a failure for more than one reason, runs a secret clinic for the poor, widow, rakish reputation, believes he will never marry again
* Catching up with characters from previous books
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* The tension between Cassie and Grant – and their open communication
* The handling of the enemies to lovers and fake engagement parts of the story
* That both characters seem perfect for one another…eventually
* The medical aspects of the story
* That both characters are people I would to call friends
* The way the two finally realized that they loved one another
* The epilogue
* Thinking about other characters in the story and wondering how they will fare in the future: Tobias, Sir, Catherine and perhaps others
* Everything except…

What I didn’t :
* Who and what I was meant not to
* Grant’s oppressive and verbally abusive father
* Thinking about the disparity between those with and without money and the way the ton treated/ignored/deplored rather than helped the poor

Did I this book? Yes
Would I read more books by this author? Yes
Do you need to read the previous books in this series? No, but they were really REALLY good :)

Thank you to the author and BookSirens for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
1 Deanne11

The first Bow Street Duchess book drew me into this wonderful series and the beautifully written characters of Audrey, Hugh, and this spinoff of a novel with Cassie and Grant taking centre stage as the final book was such a lovely fitting end! I loved it as much as the first book.

Highly recommend to read all prior books in the series to grasp the background story of Cassie and Grant but it is glossed and explained in brief so this can be read as a stand-alone but it doesn’t do it as a justice in the whole series.

I really loved that Cassie was led on to her altruistic and pioneering pathway due to personal struggles and trying to heal not just herself but other women. I love reading about the suffragettes and strong female characters, it was so enjoyable and at times comical with the dual POV seeing Grant come to see that there is more than meets the eye and Cassie is not an entitled spoiled posh lady.

4.5 stars, would have been 5 but it kind of irked me that Cassie is living in her own residence with staff as an unmarried women without even an elderly relation chaperone or male family member the ton just accept that? In that time period to be young, still in her 20s and unmarried living alone with male staff?

I get that it’s for the purposes of the plot in a way so that she has the freedom of movement for the events of the book to take place but this just seemed a gross historical error and I thought it good have been a cleverer way to better devise the way she could come and go undetected from her family (I.e she lives with the younger brother Tobias and he is oblivious compared to Michael or an elderly aunt that sleeps have the day)

I received an advance review copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Winnifred D.706 23

Tropes: enemies to lovers; pretend engagement; MC's have tragedy in their pasts
Steam level:3
Part of a series, fine as a standalone. (But I strongly recommend the previous books.)

3.5 stars not rounded up. I really, really went back and forth on the rating, but if I'd never reread a book I won't round it to 4 stars. That's the case here. Maybe the biggest problem is I was looking forward to this for such a long time; I'm a big fan of the previous Bow Street Duchess entries, loved the mystery-with-a-hint-of-paranormal elements, and the intriguing hints of a possible relationship between Cassie and Grant. But the ingredients that made those books clever and unique simply aren't present here. This is a basic HR, no more or less, complete with alpha-ish MMC, outspoken but irritatingly reckless MFC, and the usual host of slightly anachronistic behaviors (except for the first lovemaking scene, which felt it came out of nowhere and was definitely anachronistic, especially considering Cassie's emotionally painful past). It doesn't help that the set-up is unsavory; Grant literally blackmails Cassie to pretend that they're engaged, and this hangs over the couple through most of the proceedings.

Still and all, I might have rounded up, except the chemistry between Cassie and Grant is oddly flat. The spice is OK, but the emotional connection just doesn't take. This author did a nice job of building a slow-burn relationship between Audrey and Hugh, who (thankfully, along with Sir) make a reappearance in this book. But between the flat plot (why have a key person from Cassie's past reappear but do nothing with it?) and the frequent arguing between Cassie and Grant that was more angry than funny or sexy, I was pretty disappointed.

Still, the epilogue was sweet. LV33

I have been eagerly awaiting this story since the Bow Street Duchess Mysteries Series ended. The two characters have been portrayed as having clear antagonistic chemistry for each other, so I was really intrigued to see how Cara Devlin would tell their story. I was amazed as she surpassed even my high expectations, I sadly read it in one night, unable to put it down. However It is a perfect book to return to and reread.

The book takes place two years after the last adventure in this series, so you get to see and catch up with your favourite characters from the series. Cassie and Thornton are shown as being perfectly matched from quite early on in the narrative, however the barriers they ve resurrected to prevent themselves admiting their feelings are incredibly strong. Both have loved and lost, they mirror the fear of going through that again.

At times the story was incredibly moving and emotional, at others it was amusing and funny. The two characters are incredibly strong, especially Cassie and it's a joy to read those stubborn and fierce interactions. The passionate scenes were intense as expected. Overall I was surprised by the depth and intensity of the relationship and interactions the author was able to protray to the reader. There is also a adventure and mini mystery, added into the narrative.

I'm really sad to come to the finale of Bow Street, one could happily stay forever reading about these great characters. I look forward to find out what is next for the author.
Disclaimer I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Maria Rivas-mc261 6

It’s 1823 in Georgian era England, a period known for immense change and development in fashion, architecture, industry. Regrettably, it is also a period where people are still shackled to the mores of the past, particularly as they relate to women.

In “The Lady’s Last Mistake”, Cassandra Sinclair takes centre stage. Her family has done a tremendous job in safeguarding her and her secrets. They have not been as successful in helping her heal or easing her emotional pain. Even though women of her time tread a thin line, she is willing to dare all for her personal cause - helping pregnant, unwed women within the confines of Hope House.

It all begins to crumble when Lord Grant Thornton, Physician and fourth son of a marquess,learns about her secret life. Thornton, who is as emotionally broken as she is, admires her daring but sees it as an opportunity to ‘blackmail’ her into helping him with his own little issue regarding a demanding father.

The above forms the premise on which Cara Devlin has based the last in her Bow Street Duchess series. It is a quick read and has a different feel to it. This could be because both their back stories have been alluded to in previous books, and we’ve seen them in action otherwise.

Once again the author engages the reader in human rights issues - several of which remain with us to this day. Thankfully, Cassie and Grant overcome their obstacles to get their HEA ending: “Grant felt the last of their broken pieces shift and fall. They slid into place, side by side, where they became whole again.”

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Heide11 9

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