
The of Never 1-5 de Capes, Ashley

de Capes, Ashley - Género: English
libro gratis The of Never 1-5


Adventure? Check. Magic? Check. Sarcasm? You bet.??After years of running down dead-end clues, the rogue Never has nearly given up his quest for answers; his blood is cursed and his true name a mystery, yet no library, no healer and none who claim to know dark magics have ever been able to help.? ?Until he steals a map to the mysterious Amber Isle, which might just hold the answers he needs. ? ?But Never isn't the only one who wants the map – his enemy, Commander Harstas, also seeks it and Harstas craves revenge for the deaths of his men.? ?Forced to flee through a war zone, Never soon stumbles across a group of treasure-hunters hoping to discover the wonders of the Amber Isle for themselves. But the deeper they venture into the Isle, the more deadly it grows.? ?Trapped between the greed of the treasure hunters, cunning traps in the Isle itself, the threat of Harstas' fury and his own desperation to finally uncover answers, Never must find a way to unlock the Isle's ancient secrets and escape - or perish without ever learning the truth.??The Book of Never (1-5) brings together Never's complete adventures as he searches for the truth behind his mysterious heritage and the curse on his blood.

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3.5 stars

There were some flashes of brilliance and originality in this collection of stories about Never and his mysterious heritage (including his real name). It was an exciting blend of myth and adventure, with rapid pacing that fit the condensed form of each offering. Yet it was one of those books I felt was not quite there yet. The author has talent, presenting the reader with a good tale, but the components were just slightly off: the dialogue just that bit too slow, obvious, or prosaic; the comedy just missing the mark; the next plot point a little too clear. It reminded me of reading the early Jim Butcher books, where you can see the seeds of what makes great fantasy writing but is firmly in the growing stage. Ashley Capes has that same feeling, one to watch.

ARC via Netgalley.netgalley22 s Courtney560 30

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Despite not being my usual type of book, I was very pleased with this series. The first three were incredibly fast and action-packed reads filled with snappy dialogue and just enough of Never's story to keep you interested. The last two books delved more fully into the story of Never's heritage and his extraordinarily complex family history.

One thing that I really, really d about these stories was the way the author went about building the world. Never's story takes places in some other reality where things as we know them don't always exist. The world is in the middle of a hostile takeover and there are a lot of pieces that kind of go along with this. What I've found happens a lot of times with this is that there's a portion of the story that's heavy with exposition and forces you to try and remember all the major players and events that aren't yet relevant; that didn't happen at all here.

We were thrown directly into the story and important things kind of came up naturally. I found this fantastic for two reasons, really; 1. the front end of the book wasn't weighted down with history that you need to try and remember as you progress through the book, and 2. I found that I really wanted to know more about what was happening after getting little bits and pieces as I went. Each place Never and his various companions traveled had a story that was either delivered to the reader through small amounts of exposition that usually gave you a bit more of Never's history or through dialogue.

Overall, I found this to be a very well written and enjoyable read. If you're looking for a fun read with a clever hero, a unique story, and a loyal group of sidekicks, I would highly recommend this book. 4-star action-adventure fantasy ...more6 s Sharon M. Turner543 6


When I received this set of 5 books, I didn't quite know what to make of it as it isn't my usual "thing." But by the time I had read one chapter I was hooked into reading one of the best action books I've ever read. If you are ready for action, fantasy, wars and fighting this is something to read. If you are into quests, heroes, and a little romance, pick this up. The story line takes you an a great adventure and ends way to soon. I'm hoping that there will be many more of these books. All I can say is WOW!
I received this title as an ARC.6 s David StringerAuthor 1 book39

This is an enjoyable series of fantasy books about our main character, Never, who while on a quest for answers about himself etc. comes across various adventures and mis-adventures. And I did how, almost some fantasy games and I suppose D&D, the main character would get side tracked by a side mission or decide to help out a new character along the way into solving some mysteries he has about himself. Not a spoiler I believe, but Never has some interesting traits that he's discovering, struggling to control and hide which does make him a more fascinating character as both you and he, tantalisingly learn more as the stories unfold. Good work done here by the author!

The first book in the series, for me, was the best and had me gripped the most! As we meet Never, strange name I know, as a lone wolf type rogue of a character. Nothing original there, but it works fine. Although I'm going to lead on with a slight negative for me, in that as the series goes on...Never becomes less thief/rogue as his character seems to change into a more rounded nice guy. And for me this didn't really fit or feel character development, but almost as a new character, which was a shame.

The series concludes with book 5, Imperial Towers, where Never and his brother Snow (who is also an interesting character and arch enemy) come to a head.

So for fantasy fans, this is a good set of books to lose yourself in. I d it.  Four stars out of five.fantasy3 s Devann2,452 174

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

OVERVIEW: I've been reviewing the books individually as I go, so I'm going to post those here as well, but first I'll try to give kind of an overview. My separate ratings are 3 stars for books 1&2, 2 stars for books 3&4 and 1 star for book 5. As you can tell, I started out trying to give this series the benefit of the doubt. I thought 'well I'll just give it time to warm up', but it never did and I just kept getting increasingly frustrated. Basically the characters are 2-dimensional [except for maybe Never, but even he is such a high fantasy trope that I would be hesitant to call him a fully 3-dimensional character], most of the plot consists of them walking places interspersed with 'problems' that are solved with ridiculous ease or by complete coincidence, and the 'answers' you get in the final book are not really answers at all and definitely not worth the wait. Maybe if I had been able to space out my reading over several months, but reading them all together it was just so much more of the same thing.

BOOK ONE [3 stars]: This was a decent start to the series, but it didn't really pull me in. Also if you're planning on reading this series I would definitely recommend you read the short prequel story first. If I hadn't read that I imagine I would have been going 'wait? what?' a few times in this one. It's a decent little treasure hunting story although I honestly wish there had been more obstacles, or at least that Never didn't solve all the problems immediately. Everything just seemed too easy, he would just look at a puzzle for a few minutes and then figure it out. And the other characters didn't really seem to contribute that much, it would have been nice if there had been some puzzle Never couldn't figure out and one of the others did instead. Also I just feel there is no excuse anymore for not having any female characters in your novel [no I'm not counting that random girl that was there for 2 seconds in the beginning], but the stories are pretty short so I'm willing to give the next one a try.

BOOK TWO [3 stars]: I did find this book a little bit more enjoyable than the first one. We have exactly one (1) prominent female character now [sigh]. I felt the plot was a little bit better this time around, they had to work a little bit hard to overcome their obstacles instead of Never just amazingly figuring out 20 different puzzles immediately. These are decent books and they're very fast reads, but there is just nothing about them so far that sets them apart to me or really pulls me in. Everything is just very standard high fantasy and while there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that, it doesn't really do anything to make this series stand out from the 5 million other high fantasy series out there.

BOOK THREE [2 stars]: There are several reasons I rated this book 2 stars instead of the 3 I have been giving the rest of the series, but the biggest one is because I think it suffers from what I call 'middle book syndrome' A.K.A. NOTHING HAPPENS IN THIS BOOK. It's basically just a way to get Never from point A [where he ended book 2] to point B [where he needs to go for the next book] and in between there's just a whole lot of rowing and not much else.

Also "River God" ??? I mean I guess it's the giant fish he kind of meets once, but literally none of the 'plot' revolves around the river god so why is that the name of the book? I guess because "Lots of Rowing" is not a very enticing book title. I'm hoping the ending of the series makes this all worth it because I'm starting to feel I'm wasting my time and I probably wouldn't even continue if I didn't have an ARC of all five books. Also it's revealed that Never's mother died because she got raped and murdered, can't have a great high fantasy book without women getting raped and murdered, amirite? [loud sighing] Why can't she just have been murdered, why do you always have to bring rape into it?

BOOK FOUR [2 stars]: This series just ...has no substance really. Never's entire personality is a high-fantasy cliche and the secondary characters are all entirely two-dimensional. And the plot is just him walking from one place to the next and maybe getting captured a few times along the way, but he always gets out of the situations WAY too easily. I am never sitting here biting my nails going 'oh no what's going to happen next!' because you already know because it's the same exact thing that's happened in the last however-many books.

Also [SPOILERS] how is it that he's been searching his ENTIRE LIFE for answers about his past and found LITERALLY NOTHING but the absolute second he leaves the Amber Isle literally every person he meets is 'oh yeah you're Amouni I can totally tell let me give you all this information.' And of COURSE he gets captured by some woman he used to sleep with [who is now sleeping with his brother, are you KIDDING me?] so she helps him escape. Can't roll my eyes hard enough. And before he always had to use his blood to open doors but now apparently the rocks can just sense he is Amouni all the way through his shoes when he so much as steps on them? Seriously??? I said, everything is just way too easy and falls into place in a way that is completely unbelievable.

And the things that don't fall into place are just ENTIRELY not explained. I mean I'm still holding out hope that the last book is actually going to give me some answers, but so far their reaction to every weird puzzle just seems to be 'yeah, why not'. In all honesty I think the main reason I've been giving this series 3 and 2 stars [instead of 2 and 1] is because they're short so it's , they're not that good but also at least they don't take long to read.

BOOK 5 [1 star]: Standing on its own this would probably get bumped up to 2 stars, but at the end of a series that I just kept getting increasingly bored and frustrated with, it's a 1 star. I struggled with this. I kept trying to focus because hey we should finally be getting some answers, but my eyes just kept glazing over. And we didn't even really get the answers anyway. the only reason I continued w/ this series after the first book and got this ARC was because I wanted to know about Never's heritage and what we do find out is just a series of increasingly ridiculous things ending with 'Well maybe it's for the best that I don't know most of it! The ~journey~ was the important part!' Ugh. Sorry but this series just has no pay-off. The characters are all 2-dimensional and the plot fluctuates wildly between extremely boring and too far-fetched / unexplained to take seriously even in a fantasy environment.0-abandoned-series 2-0-star a-adult ...more2 s Lorellie512 19

I rated each of the Never books individually, as I read through this larger volume. I to collect my thoughts after each book in a series, plus it makes this great author look better.

That said, I want to emphasize that this volume is the way to go and definitely read the prequel first. You'll want to have all of Never's adventures easily accessible. Full of exciting lore and quick action, they start to fly by as soon as you open them.2 s MikeAuthor 44 books168

DNF, but got far enough through that I'm rating it.

It's just sloppy overall. I marked 95 issues in the roughly 80% of it that I read, which is a lot (see my Kindle notes in the collection of eight fantasy novels where I read it - starts at 30% and ends at 42%). I didn't even mark all of the places where semicolons should have been commas; almost all of the semicolons should have been commas, and a good few of the commas should have been semicolons, or should have been omitted (before main verbs, for example), or should have been inserted in places that they were missing (before terms of address, for example). There are homonym errors wretched/retched and knocked/nocked.

Worse, the names of two rivers get switched partway through; they are rowing (apparently facing the bow, which is not how you row) down river A on the way to river B, but by the time they reach the confluence they've been rowing down river B on the way to river A.

But I've enjoyed books with editing this bad before if the story rises above it. This didn't.

The main problem is that the main character, Never, is a classic Spoiled Protagonist. Everyone he meets trusts, s, and wants to help him, except the bad people, which is how you can tell they're bad people. He has Special Blood (literally - his blood is magical - but also figuratively, in that he's apparently descended from ancient god rulers who have somehow been largely forgotten, except by people who need to know about them so that they have a bit more of a reason to help him than just liking him on sight). And he keeps stumbling over things that are useful and solving the minimal challenges he's presented with, without a lot of effort on his part, and sometimes by convenient coincidence, Convenient Eavesdrop or Cavalry Rescue. We're told that there's a lot of peril and he's having a rough time, but it never seems to result in any real lihood that he might fail, and his plot armour extends to his associates.

I was reminded often of the YouTube comedian Ryan George's Pitch Meeting videos:
"I bet it'll be difficult for the heroes to get out of that!"
"Actually, it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience."

It shows some potential, but the author would need to work hard with a good copy editor and a good development editor to realize it. When I figured out that it wasn't going to rise above mediocrity (and read a couple of that let me know that the ending wasn't worth persevering for), I stopped reading.needs-editing spoiled-protagonist2 s Maria P Gates50

The Book of Never

I enjoyed all books as one. I would not he so happy if it ended here. I just hope I'll he able to find the next series when it comes out. I would recommend this series to anyone who s a good story, without all the exttreneous fairy tale fluff. This series is different, and refreshing. Thanks Ashley, and Go Studio Ghibli! Especially Miasaki.1 Bonnie Dale Keck4,681 54

The first one was free so maybe permafree, the others are NOT kindle unlimited. The prequel/0 starts with background to the following stories {see below for list to date} and the 5 'complete' set does NOT include the prequel though it can be gotten on amazon for free. I received the 5 set from the writer via LibraryThing, yes another of my here's a free book/set, we really would you to review it, we aren't paying anything but hey free book/s and not even on KU. THIS ONE ALSO LISTED AS THE COMPLETE BOOK OF NEVER as ebook

Adventures, magic, rogues and rakes and relics, blood curses, and a map to a sunken city, and sarcasm. That is just the start to the following fantasy books. Follow if you can....

Never {prequel]: The Ember Isle
The Amber Isle 1 - A Forest of Eyes 2 - River God 3
Book of Never: Volumes 1-3
The Peaks of Autumn 4 - Imperial Towers 5
Book of Never: Volumes 4-5 (Book of Never, #4-5)
The Book of Never: Volumes 1-5
Also available individually of course.

I got the 5 book set, which says complete but you can get the 0/prequel free from amazon. Spliler free book tidbits for each book below.
#0 .. follow if you can
#1 .. White Wing, and the boy doesn't swim well
#2.. chased to port can he make travel further, find more treasures and artifacts, whose luck?
#3..rolling the dice, runes, secret chambers, The Master, underground rooms, kings and princes
#4.Iron Pass, King's Road, Prince Tendov, Black Ember, stone wraiths, World Stair, brotherly love?
#5..the past, the present, the Bleak man, brothers forever, sisterly love?

It almost reminded me a bit of Harry Potter, and not in the magic part, in the way that each book got longer and longer and longer, and not sure to what point, and why hint at a sequel at the end of a 5 set called complete {and which doesn't mention the prequel/0}?1 Suki Rickey649 3

Well done ending

I enjoyed the entire of the Never series. There where a few errors but well done. The story finished with most questions being answered and a few new questions to be had. The characters grew and developed with each novella and I enjoyed all of the plots, twists, and challenges. I would to read Snows side of the story one day. Thanks 1 Jennifer Rinker19

Entertaining read

I enjoyed the books 1-5, but as is often the case with series nowadays, it left most questions unanswered and I don't know that I will buy the 6th book to find out if it answers them or not1 Ellen62


This is one of the best books I have read in a while. I had to finish it ASAP and couldn't put it down. Read this series you won't regret it. 1 Justin P Anderson1 review

Wish I could do 3.5

It's a good book, there are just some sloppy and plodding parts that were hard for me to get through. 1 ??? ????886 81

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I struggled to know how to rate this series. It’s a fast read, and I did enjoy it for the initial allure of Never, the main character, as a dry-witted rogue who can talk himself both into and out of trouble. I found the small amount of secondary characters able - generally a small group of Never’s travelling companions who he meets along the way. Although felt the slim cast of characters made the series lack breadth of narrative - it was a fairly straightforward quest with small side quests and an overarching war that is a little hard to understand due to slow explanation of races and political relationships.

The main thing I was disappointed by was that the series sets up lots of questions and fails to provide much in the way of answers even after 5 parts/books. The entire focus of the series is Never’s quest to discover who he is and about his heritage (the Amouni race). He discovers little tidbits along the way although it feels a little luck and stumbling in the dark, and yet a lot is left unexplained. I kept waiting for a big reveal right up until book 5. Then the final book Never and Snow find the knowledge seeds for all of the technology/developments the Amouni had invented and created over the years, which sounded far greater technological advancement than is available currently in the world (they were a superior race) and yet with that carrot dangled in front, a mere suggestion of who the race were and what they were capable of, the reader learns nothing more because most of it gets destroyed. We see a couple of glimpses which suggest the Amouni could heal mental illness, blindness, plague. Could the Amouni make solar powered airships some sort of Steampunk tech? And how? We aren’t told. How many Amouni were there based on the preparation chamber size?? I appreciate that Never turned down the lure of power and “right to rule” that Snow was proffering but to give the reader a hint that the Amouni actually have incredibly advanced magic/technology but not expand on it? It made the whole series seem pointless.
I enjoyed the read but just left me feeling I didn’t actually get answers after 5 books. Perhaps the other writings in this world provide some more clarity.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Olivia5

Incredible concept with a brand new world, races, languages, and creatures.

It was nice having all of the books in one, to be able to go straight from one to the next. But I'll admit I had on more than one occasion wishing it to end sooner than it did. I found myself dragging my way through it, rather than enjoying it. It was still good, but whether it was the writing style or my inability, it was hard to visual what was happening at times. The descriptions were so thorough yet so lacking in a way that you get just the sense at what he's trying to day and then you lose it.
It also seemed the important parts of the story whizzed by while the dull, story-building parts went on forever. Key moments and plots would happen within the span of a paragraph while meaningless travel would span pages, if not more.

I genuinely enjoyed the series, I really did and can't wait to read more. But for one reason or another its hard to give the series a full 5 stars. It comes close, it's got everything you could want in an action-packed, magical series. But it still could be improved.

4.5/5 honestly. Matthew15

Ok : story pace + able npc's + world
Great: Old lore in world
Fail: 1) main char is searching after his identity... riiiiiight. every SINGLE time he finds something important he shows ZERO interest in the discovery. loads of journeying to anti-climax non-stop. I mean srsly the char is supposed to be a thief and he has zero interest in a room packed with treasure??? Main char devolved from interesting to pls just die and continue the story with his brother Snow. Author describing the 2 brothers as alone in the world surviving together against constant hate and yet for some weak reason main char picks a fight with snow (brother) who has constantly watched out for him whole way through, snow who actually succeeds in his discoveries, Never who constantly fails at his and runs on to next. Author clearly does not have siblings, no way in hell brothers would fight against each other in her story. Burn the world 1000 times I still wld never betray my brothersThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Kevin Shilling21 5

A good, easy read with mostly able characters. It felt in places a fantasy version of James Bond, a lone wolf on a (self-imposed) mission infiltrating enemy/hostile locations to find the next clue, only to be captured, then to be left to use his wits to escape. Having said that, I the lead characters development and the slow revelations. I would prefer a little more of the history of the characters and their world. The only complaint I really have is that the first 2 or 3 stories felt parts of the same book, as the next picked up immediately where the last left off, i.e. end in a bar, start a few seconds later in the same bar and the same conversation. This is perhaps heightened by the fact that I got this as a collected offer on Kindle, so reading them naturally rolls them into each other. Overall, a satisfying series. Cairi47 3

Excellent series...

I can safely say I enjoyed every word of Never's adventures. What started out as a seemingly lighthearted romp of a fantasy adventure turned into a tale of friendship, brotherhood, family and a search for self that was at times deeply moving and interlaced with humor. Highly recommend this to any readers who are searching for a able hero and a tale filled with hope. If you enjoy Michael J. Sullivan's Riyria series, you'll enjoy this. Clare1 review

Mixed feelings.

At first I really enjoyed the series - Never was a great protagonist, his friends were sweet, his goals agreeable... But unfortunately I feel that the series took a turn for the worse in later volumes, particularly volume 5, where I feel that Never's personality leaned more towards the irritatingly self-righteous. A huge disappointment after such a promising beginning :( Jason90 1 followerRead

Worst name for a character (n)ever.
I kept having to reread sentences to work out what had just happened. 'Never moved to the river'. 'Always a bridesmaid, never a bride'. OK I made those up but it is VERY distracting.
Didn't the style of writing either. Not for me. I didn't give it much of a go - so DNF. Sarah (Snrez_Reads)33

I was very glad to be finished with this series, as in happy it was over. The character Never was able, but the plot was irritating. Capes pulls fantastical items/people/plot points from thin air without explanation. A slapped together adventure novel that didn't satisfy this refined readers taste. Dot BekkerAuthor 1 book3

Thoroughly enjoyable

I've not read much fantasy for a while and this was a delightful return. Well written, good pace, interesting a storyline. I enjoyed the series from start to finish. Sandra Rondeau61 1 follower

Very different!

I wasn't sure about this when I started the first book. It was confusing and I didn't think I'd it. I kept reading and Never finally got a hold on me and I had to see how he ended the wars and survived. SueAuthor 62 books63

This set of books caught my fancy so I settled down to read them. I found stories that grabbed my attention and kept me coming back for more. Different types of danger, intrigue, betrayal and quests are all within the pages. Definitely one to keep you entertained. I'm off to read the next three. brilliant Robin Hillman44

Picked up books 1 to 4 of this as part of a free kindle anthology. I found it a little simplistic but the premise was good,. I would have loved to have the adventure a little more fleshed out, for me it read more a middle grade story. kirsty mattox4


Absolutely amazing love these books o was hooked from start to finish... will be reading more of ashley capes books in the future x John129 6

Good series. Simple read for a light journey but still captivating. Characters are great, plot seems light but goes deep as the story progresses. TS2

It was fun. Definitely kept my interest Altheria Culpepper63 2

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