
Fire with Fire de Candice Fox

de Candice Fox - Género: English
libro gratis Fire with Fire


Candice Fox's Fire with Fire is a non-stop, gripping thriller from "a bright new star in crime fiction." (James Patterson)
A pair of desperate parents. A man on the run. A rookie cop.
Four people with everything on the line.
What will be left in the ashes of the next 24 hours?

Following their daughter's mysterious disappearance, Ryan and Elsie Delaney have taken the LAPD forensic lab hostage, and have given law enforcement an ultimatum: Find their daughter, Tilly, or they will destroy all the evidence they can find to other cold cases.
Detective Charlie Hoskins has been undercover in a deadly motorcycle gang for five years. With his cover blown, he has no choice but to find Tilly himself, or lose everything he's worked for as the lab burns.
Lynette Lamb was a police officer — until yesterday, when she was fired before her first beat. Figuring out what happened to Tilly is her one and only chance at rejoining the career she's prepared...

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4.5 rounded down

Writing: 5/5 | Plot: 4/5 | Ending: 4/5


A hostage situation + a missing person's case + an exposed undercover cop + a rookie fired on the first day determined to win her job back = Chaos!!!!!!


OOOOHWEEE Candice Fox back with another winner!!! I gave the three books in her Crimson Lake series 5-stars each (why haven't you read it yet?????) so naturally I was pumped to get into this. And while it wasn't a perfect 5, it was damn near close and I will still be harassing everyone and their mom to read this.

Now usually I'm not a fan of mafia/gang storylines because they're always chucked in halfway through the book to thicken the plot; but in this case the Death Machines are introduced from the outset so you know what you're getting yourself into and can bail early if you'd . Since I'm a fan of the wild ride Candice Fox takes me on, I bundled up my disbelief and yeeted it out the window.

This is such a bingeable read, which isn't something I say often. I dare you not to blitz through this in an afternoon. There's no way I could put this bad boy down. The pace is nonstop as we toggle between an active hostage situation (very unique as well!) and the unly partnership of Charles (exposed undercover copy) and Lamb (rookie who didn't make it past day 1) as they try to solve the missing child case. She definitely pulled a few ankle-breakers as well; had me convinced I knew who was doing what when I didn't have a clue in the end.

Crimson Lake, Candice does a great job developing unique and distinct characters. Saskia was the weakest of the main players tbh. But Charles and Lamb gave me Nick and Jess from New Girls vibes. Charles was a super fit, more bad ass Nick Miller and Lamb was Jess — more gentle and a tad naive, but still can hold her own and has a heart of gold. And Surge... oh Surge. If you're familiar with Amanda from Crimson Lake, Surge was an NBA-player sized male version. Love the colour he added to the story. I can't wait for more Hoss and Lamb adventures! Hopefully this series is more than three books.

The reason I rounded this down was because of some inconsistencies. I can't get into it without spoilers, but it was the type of inconsistencies that were conjured up to make sure the plot went in a specific direction. Also, I felt that the interspersed phone call transcripts felt... cheap in a way? I'm not sure why she chose this format other than the fact she didn't want to add to the page count by writing out the entire scene. It wasn't Cara Hunter's use of mixed media, which is more robust and intentional — this was just... the bare minimum to get a point across. Regardless, READ THIS BOOK!!!!


Pros: well-written, loved Hoss and Lamb's characters and dynamic (lowkey shipping them), fast-paced, interesting hostage situation, funny, entertaining, bingeable, great cliffhanger ending

Cons: the scenes involving the Death Machines were a lil OTT tbh — giving me male author but it's minor, phone transcripts were an odd choice, some inconsistencies


For some sick reason, do you want to hear more of my nonsense? Check out my podcast: Novels & Nonsense streaming everywhere. 116 s Marilyn (recuperating from hip replacement surgery949 341

Fire with Fire was the first book that I have read by Candice Fox. I was impressed with her writing, pace of the book and well defined plot. Fire With Fire drew me in immediately and kept me engaged throughout the book. There were elements of suspense and surprise woven through the plot. The ending was a complete surprise for me. I did not see it coming. The audiobook was well narrated by Jay Aaseng.

Fire With Fire alternated between two on-going situations. One was a hostage situation at a forensic lab run by the Los Angeles Police Department. Two years ago, Elsie and Ryan Delany’s daughter, Tilly, disappeared from a beach. It was ruled as an accidental drowning. Parents, Elsie and Ryan, never gave up hope that their daughter might still be alive somewhere. They did not buy the verdict of accidental drowning that the police had pronounced. To get the Los Angeles Police Department to reopen Tilly’s cold case, Elsie and Ryan secured themselves in a forensic lab that housed DNA samples from other cold cases. Along with them, they took several hostages. The Delany’s demanded that the LAPD find their daughter in the next twenty-four hours or they would start to destroy DNA evidence now in their possession. The Delany’s had captured the attention of not only the police and the FBI but of the whole country. Would their threats be enough to reopen their daughter’s case?

The other situation that was occurring at the same time and alternating with the first situation involved an undercover detective, Charlie Hoskins. Charlie’s cover had been blown in the case he had been working on for the past five years. He was on the run from the members of the motorcycle gang that had discovered his blown identity when Charlie learned about the demands of the Delany’s. Charlie had a vested interest in helping the Delany’s find their daughter. Many of the DNA samples that Charlie had gathered from working this case were housed in that lab. He could not afford to let them be destroyed. Charlie was offered no choice. He had to try and find Tilly or loose everything he had worked towards for the past five years. Charlie had planned to try and find Tilly by himself but he soon learned he had company. Lynette Lamb, a police officer whose position on the force was derailed before it even started, joined Charlie to figure out what had really happened to Tilly. Solving this case might be her only chance in saving her lifelong dream of becoming a police officer. Their desperate search for Tilly began. Will Charlie and Lynette be able to discover what happened to Tilly before it is too late to save the DNA samples Charlie gathered so painstakingly to bring justice to the criminals he had been investigating for the past five years? Could Lynette impress Charlie enough to have him help her get her job back?

Fire With Fire by Candice Fox was an edge of your seat, hold your breath type of mystery thriller. There were plenty of twists and turns as well. My only criticism was that some of the pieces of the plot were not completely resolved and tied up. Perhaps Candice Fox plans on writing a sequel. That would be a welcomed surprise. Although this was the first book I have read by Candice Fox I will definitely seek out future books by her. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to Fire With Fire by Candice Fox through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.marilyn-s-challenge46 s Mandy White (mandylovestoread)2,341 673

You know when you start a book, and you just know it is going to be amazing? Candice Fox books are always this for me. I have read and loved all of her books and I think Fire with Fire maybe a new favourite. What can I say, it was nonstop action from the beginning, and it never let up. Each chapter ending left me needing to carry on reading to find out what would happen next. At the same time, I didn't want it to end.

There was so much going on, I dare you to be bored reading this book. It is high drama, with a hostage situation, a police investigation, an undercover cop who has recently been exposed, a rookie cop who was fired on her first day and a missing child. What more could you need than that?

Charlie, the former undercover cop, teams up with Lynette Lamb, the rookie cop who was fired on her first day to solve a 2-year-old missing child case. The girl's parents have taken hostages and the LAPD forensics lab to ransom. They believe that the cops bungled the case back then, and they want justice. Until they get it, they are going to destroy critical DNA samples.

I loved the team of Charlie and Lamb. The career cop and the new kid. Maybe they could learn something from one another. Maybe.

Fire with Fire is another example of why Candice Fox is one of the most popular Australian crime writers. Her stories are complex but not confusing. Her characters have so much depth and get into your heart. I dropped everything to get stuck into it and I am not sorry. I cannot recommend this book more. It will easily be one of my favourites for 2023. Crime fiction at it's finest

A massive thank you to Tor Publishing Group, Forge Books and Netgalley , Penguin Books Australia for my advanced copy to read. You made this Aussie crime lover very very happy.australian-authors favorites net-galley ...more41 s Matt4,074 12.9k

First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Candice Fox, Tor Publishing Group, and Forge Books for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

Candice Fox has long been a strong crime writer and is proving herself once more with this latest novel. The story is strong, unique, and moves effectively, keeping the reader engaged until the final pages. There is something about her style that pushes me to want to read more and get deeper into the case at hand. Fox is able to use some of her Australian background and superimpose it on an American setting, providing something that stands out, and creating a stellar reading experience.

Ryan and Elsie Delaney are at the end of their rope. After their daughter, Tilly, disappeared two years ago, they received no help from the police and the forensics remained tied up in a pile of ever-growing cases that had not been processed. They have taken matters into their own hands, holding those in the lab hostage until Tilly is found. To add something to the mix, they will destroy one sample an hour until a resolution is found.

While the LAPD is scrambling to put it all together. Detective Charlie Hoskins decides to take on the case himself. Having been undercover for years before his cover was blown, Hoskins has something to prove and takes the Tilly Delaney case for himself, working with Lynette Lamb, a police officer for a day until something horrific happened, which she still says is not her fault.

As Hoskins and Lamb join forces, albeit awkwardly, they begin to see that there is more to the case than meets the eye. Who was watching Tilly the day of her disappearance at the beach? Why are stories not matching up and who could have been planning something from the start? While hostages are in danger and LAPD resources are spread thin, Hoskins and Lamb find their own path towards the truth, away from the chaos that is the forensics lab.

As tensions mount and time ticks on, Hoskins and Lamb cobble together a theory on this cold case. Their working together has its bumps, but both have
something to prove to themselves, to others, and to the LAPD. It will surely be something to behold and Tilly Delaney’s case deserves answers, even if the little girl will never make her way home. Candice Fox does a wonderful job putting this piece together and leaves fans itching for more in this explosive novel.

I have long enjoyed the writing of Candice Fox, who always seems to have something to say. Her stories are on point and she has an acerbic wit that keeps the reader from falling into anything too predictable. Strong narrative guidance provides the reader with direction and keeps them wanting to learn a little more, all while feeling as though they are part of the action. The characters emerge throughout with their own perspectives and keep things light when needed, while also digging deeper into the case at hand. The plot derives from well-founded ideas and moves on from there, offering twists and turns at just the right times. I can only wonder how things might have gone had Fox not been so adamant about advancing the many storylines as well as she did. I admire the hard work and dedication that went into the book and applaud Fox, who has shown a propensity for nailing a strong crime thriller both in her native Australia and using an American setting. she is also keenly aware of police procedures, bringing the reader in for a strong police procedural. It proved to be a wonderful reading experience and I hope others will take the time to acquaint themselves with one of the best in the genre! Only question remaining, is this the start to a series?

Kudos, Madam Fox, for another great piece of writing!

Love/hate the review? An ever-growing collection of others appears at:
http://pecheyponderings.wordpress.com/netgalley30 s Damo402 50

Fire With Fire is a highly unorthodox police thriller set in Los Angeles that immediately grabs your attention and then places layers of intrigue on top of full blooded action to create a compelling drama from start to finish.

When parents of a missing 5 year old girl are completely dissatisfied with the efforts of the LAPD in looking for their daughter they take over a forensics lab, holding 3 people hostage. The lab happens to be used by the LAPD to process DNA tests on evidence collected in important cases. The couple threaten to destroy one piece of evidence for every 2 hours their daughter remains missing. Effectively, they’re potentially holding every outstanding police case involving DNA evidence hostage.

Meanwhile, Detective Charlie Hoskins is in the process of recovering from working undercover after his cover was blown in spectacular style. He’s got evidence tied up in that lab and decides that he’s going to work the missing girl case himself - off the books, so to speak. In a very strange situation, the person he works the case with is the very person who inadvertently blew his cover, Lynette Lamb. Lamb had earlier suffered the ignominy of being fired from the LAPD on her first day on the job.

Together, Hoskins and Lamb form a fascinating partnership as they work through what appears to be a challenging cold case. Lamb displays a great flair for deductive reasoning, time and again proving that she has great powers of observation that translate into insightful conclusions. Hoskins is more your brute force type of detective who, with years of experience behind him, knows how to direct an investigation to make the greatest progress.

What works very well is the heightened tension created by the pressure of time constraints on two fronts. On one hand is the evidence being destroyed by the hostage takers in the lab at an increasingly rapid rate. On the other is a cold case investigation that feels as though is being performed in fast-forward. To make things even more interesting, the biker gang that Hoskins had infiltrated whilst undercover is on his trail, bent on retribution.

Where this really works for me is the depth given to each of the main characters. We’re given just enough of a background of each to help us understand their motives, their drives and their weaknesses without distracting or robbing the momentum from the plot.

There is great frenetic energy surrounding the entire story and Candice Fox works wonders in holding it all together. The static site of the hostage situation is a powder keg just waiting for a spark to set it off while the more dynamic investigation run by Lamb and Hoskins is a breathless race against time. By running both locations over the top of each other, switching from one to the other in alternate chapters the high pace is maintained throughout.

Some cold case investigations can be long drawn out slogs as old evidence is pawed over and rechecked carefully. This is a cold case investigation on steroids. Altogether, Fire With Fire is a fully entertaining ride that kept me completely engaged from first page to last. I strongly recommend this to anyone who loves a fast-paced, hectic thriller packed with numerous high points and boasting one of the more unusual pairings I've come across.

(I would fully expect to see more of Lamb and Hoskins in the future, I’d be disappointed if I don’t).

My thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC of this book for the opportunity to read, enjoy and review.
2023-release australian22 s1 comment Suzanne592 163

Thank you Penguin Australia for sending me a copy of this book to review.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It was an entertaining read that had moments of seriousness and then moments of where you would be smiling at the banter between Charlie and Lamb. It was jam packed full of action . I very much connected to Charlie and Lambs friendship especially how Charlie took her under his wing. I love a missing person case , cold cases and forensics and this had it all. I hope this might become a series with Charlie and Lamb. Thank you for writing such an entertaining book.already-purchased28 s Gloria (Ms. G's Bookshelf)724 167

??5 Stars??
I always know I’m going to be on a wild ride with Candice Fox so naturally her books always go to the top of my reading pile! Yes I am a huge fan of this Aussie crime writer.

Fire with Fire is non-stop action from start to finish with well thought out characters that feel authentic. I felt I was immersed in a high action movie with the vividly described writing! This one certainly delivers!!

Lynette Lamb a rookie cop is fired on her first day!

A swimmer saves a drowning man, he’s been tortured….

Desperate parents the Delaneys need closure. Their five year old daughter Tilly is missing, presumed drowned at Santa Monica beach two years earlier. The Delaneys believe that their case was not investigated competently by LAPD and written off as a drowning. They have instigated a deadly plan to take hostages in a forensic lab and destroy key pieces of crime evidence from major cases if their daughter is not found.

Detective Charlie Hoskins has survived living five years undercover with a dangerous bikie gang known as the Death Machines, his five years of work…..the DNA samples are in that lab!

Charlie and Lamb were an unly but dynamic duo and I loved their teamwork. If you want a pulse-pounding read grab yourself a copy!

Publication Date 04 April 2023
Publisher Imprint Bantam Australia

A massive thanks to Penguin Books Australia for the review copy the-bookshelf15 s Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews2,053 300


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