
One Night with the Texan de Canan, Lauren

de Canan, Lauren - Género: English
libro gratis One Night with the Texan


From one-night fling...to the real thing?

For wealthy real estate CEO Cole Masters, a weekend in New Orleans means meeting a beautiful woman and blowing off steam. No names, no strings. So months later when the same woman shows up on his doorstep, it's a shocker. Even worse, she's an archaeologist with a court order to access his property—and mess up his business plan. And yet he's still wild about her.

For Tallie Finley, this mission is both professional and personal, and Cole could prove too tempting a distraction. Will her efforts to uncover her family legacy be derailed...especially when she discovers she's expecting?

One Night with the Texan is part of the Masters of Texas series.

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DNF @ 25 %

This is just not working for me. Hero and heroine have a drunken one night stand. Heroine ends up pregnant. Three months later she is reunited with hero - but she was so drunk she doesn't remember him. No thank you. 1 Melody Cox1,499 164

I d the first part of the story. I was actually enthused with it. Then she goes a couple of months and still doesn't recognize the man who is the father to her child even after he sends her hints. She thinks he looks familiar but this man had a beard and her man didn't. Uh ma'am, he can grow one in a couple of months. Stupid!

First in the book in chapter three she was three months pregnant then afterwards she talks about she is anxious for her first trimester to end. (Not yet three months pregnant if we are going to go by months instead of weeks.) Then a ways later she is still three-months along. It jumps to five months pregnant...still not in maternity clothes and the only difference it she can't button/snap her pants. She is pregnant with twins and doesn't know it. The average woman appears full term at around five to six months along when they're pregnant with two and yet no one could visibly see that.

(I had two girlfriends who both delivered twins close together and they appeared full term at the end of their fourth month....no kidding.) I know everyone is different but it is ridiculous to think a woman could be carrying twins at the end of her fifth month and not be showing.

He then sees her naked at five months and still doesn't pick up on anything although he had made a couple of comments in his thoughts throughout that she looked more voluptuous.

There was practically zip between the two except when they were in bed and that seemed pretty tame compared to how his sexual prowess was mentioned often and all the multitudes of women he had bedded. I also didn't care for all of the facts of how women approached him several times a month when he was away on business, that there would be a group of women appointing one as the seductress and take him to bed with no resistance on his part of course. He tells this to the heroine. The man lacked a moral compass. Then all the sudden the lady would turn up trying to get money from him saying she was pregnant or trip on her way to his front door and sue him for the liability.

When I read a book about a couple who are just getting together I am troubled when I have to listen to his exploits with other women. How they would target then seduce him and he would know what they were doing and oblige them a romp in the sack, planning to never see them again. It makes me think less of heroes this that and I didn't much care for this man.

All the sudden they were in love with not much positive between then. He was underhanded and tried to run her off his property from the dig that was holding up the development of a retreat he was building. She had legal documents to pursue this dig on his land and still there were times he made it impossible for her to do so. It was a very important historical find.

When she finally tells him of her pregnancy everything she thought would happen did. He wanted to know what her scheme was. He didn't believe her and said she was all the others who tried to bed him then cry pregnancy and large settlements.

The thing is when he first entered her body that first night it says he pushed inside and the last remnant of her mind disappeared. Even though he went slowly, careful not to hurt her, she'd never been filled to such a degree. He then says take it easy hon, just let yourself relax. Seconds passed and the pressure turned to incessant need. When she pushed against him he began to move, Deeper. Harder. It send her spiraling and almost instantaneous, with a cry, she exploded. He held her close, encouraging, speaking words that made her climax go on and on. [Here's what comes next] She heard the foil packet being ripped open and seconds later he returned to her...YET later he talks of how he protected her. People, in case you do not know...YOU CAN GET PREGNANT even when a guy pulls out. There is always a little that leaks out and guess what...there is sperm in it, alive and swimmer looking to be fertilized. There is disease there also if the person is infected. Now if I am not mistaken he first went in bare, she exploded, he then rips open the condom wrapper and he returned to her. That is not safe sex folks and if this was his MO there are a lot of women showing up pregnant or the sharing diseases. MANY-MANY women. None of the love making episodes after she was at his home ever spoke of protection and in some instances I don't believe there could have been one used because of how the sex scene was set up and never a mention from either of them about protection. Of course she was preggers but he didn't know that. So again it was another hit that caused me to lose respect for him. She should have been worried and so should he.

He spoke horribly to her and if it had been me, he would have received a good kick where it counts. She stole away and he tried to find her for three months? Yes, three months.

This man was worth in the billions had everyone and everything at his disposal. Yet for three months he had had no luck in locating her. He called her boss. Why didn't he go to the museum where she worked and wait for her? It was a ridiculous excuse why he couldn't find her and not believable in the least. She had not gone very far from where he lived and yet a college girl who had aided her on the dig found her. She was in a hospital ill from the pregnancy we're told. He hops in his helicopter and flew to her.

Rushing to her side he says I love you. Marry me. And she says yes. After her long struggle to find any remnants of her grandmother's ancestors, when day after day she worked her fingers to the bone...our hero and two buddies located the first piece of proof that the ancestors did indeed live there some thousand of years ago. HE found it not HER. Doesn't that just figure?

I was upset the way this heroine was written. She put her dig before the health and safety of the baby she carried. She worked til she passed out from the heat. She should have weighed eighty pound for the small amount of food she held down. She continued to put her 'grandmother's' wishes before her own safety ergo the child's.

Then we have the hero's sister-in-law who just found out she is pregnant. The doctor already told her she would have to give up riding horses until after birth. They had known she was pregnant and against her husband's and doctor's wishes, yep, she went riding. What kind of heroines do you call women this. Both of them placed their selfish wants and desires before their developing babies? That is not a woman I can respect.

The first have I would have given it four stars but the book was ruined at 75% on to the end. For such a good beginning the ending fell so short and was so quick that it made you feel it didn't end.

I will end this by saying some of us readers appreciate it if there is clarification that a man used a condom to protect from diseases and pregnancy. I spent way too much time worrying about if he was ignorant enough to practice safe sex in this half-assed manor all the time and it literally made me queasy. If this was safe to him thank he needs to go back to sex-ed class. Natasha359 1 follower

Tallie had a one night stand with a stranger in new Orleans. Three months later she is pregnant and have no idea how to find the father.
Cole Masters is a wealthy billionaire rancher from the prominent Masters family. He received a court order stating that an archeologist has permission to dig on his land. Imagine his surprise when the archeologist turns out to be his hot one night stand. And what's more interesting is she doesn't have any idea who he is since she was drunk on the night of their one night stand.
I enjoy reading this story. Tallie is a strong heroine. Cole is a formidable businessman and hero. Together they make one helluva hot couple. The trope is a common one but that doesn't take anything away from the story. Very detailed and well written.
My only fault is she was five months pregnant and Cole did not even figure it out although they were having so much sex and he was seeing her naked body. I dont think any man is that stupid not to figure out a woman is 5 months pregnant. Apart from that, it was a good story. giveaways Belinda1,006 1 follower

Cole is a non trusting billionaire..While on a trip to New Orleans he dresses down to look not he normally does..and when he is this way he runs in Tallie in several places where they end up in a bar drinking and dancing..they eventually go back to his hotel where they enjoy a wonderful night..they do not know each others names or anything...Go forward a few months a pregnant Tallie comes to work on a ranch doing a dig to find stuff from a unknown tribe her grandmother told her about..Eventually she recognizes Cole and can't believe it..they butt heads over and over..but once she finally comes clean about being pregnant with his child he thinks she is in it for money..she leaves and thankfully someone calls to let him know about her being in the hospital..that is when he finds out he is the father of twin boys..A really nice read Svea389 1 follower

Just as some of the others have said, the first part of the story was definitely better than the last part. I d the banter and how they tried to sabotage each other. The ending was utter nonsense though. They have a big fight, then three months pass, they get together again at the hospital and reunite. They do not really discuss the fight or settle anything. I d not see this as a believeable start to their marriage.
Also, maybe they were editing mistakes but how can sometimes be 2 months pregnant when conception was 3 months ago? Sometimes she was over 5 months along, sometimes less... I find it hard to believe that she did not have any physical changes to her body when she was 5 months pregnant with twins! She must have had a bump, especially since she was described as slender. Overall, so many confusing fact mistakes and an unbelieveably fast ending.hq-mills-boon-romance Maddie butler149 16

Billionaire CEO Cole Masters and Tallie Finley has a drunken one night stand resulting in Tallie becoming pregnant. Tallie never thought she would ever see the mysterious man she has the one night stand with, until three months later she ends up on his property to perform a dig of of a long ago Tribe that once occupied the land. The only thing I had that kind of got me really is this man naïve is that in one part of the book Tallie is naked and by this time in the book she is five months pregnant almost six and Cole notices nothing, nothing is even mentioned in the book about her having a pregnant belly. I understand that all women’s pregnancies are different but at the end when she has twins! TWINS! How did she not show at almost six months?This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Harlequin Books17.1k 2,749 Read

Miniseries: The Masters of Texas2014-17 past_series-imprints Maura3,883 99

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