
Unbearable Girl de Camper, Julie

de Camper, Julie - Género: English
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Perfection is Dianna Faraday's family motto. Unfortunately, being the head cheerleader, on the honor roll and most popular girl in school isn't perfect enough to save Dianna from her from her father's belt, which is the only parenting tool he thinks he needs. With the start of 10th grade and his angry punishments increasing in frequency and intensity, she isn't sure she'll make it to 11th. That is, until she meets Laurie Burns. Laurie is the biggest nerd in school, wears ugly clothes and annoys everyone around her with her know-it-all attitude. She also has a warm, caring heart and opens up her life, and her family, to Dianna in a moment of crisis. Can this weird, unusual girl and her equally unusual family be the key to finally finding the love and security she needs?

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You know the feeling you get after reading a book you HAD to finish (because you're just curious and you keep hoping SOMETHING is going to make you love it) and then wishing you hadn't wasted hours of your life on it? That's what I'm feeling right now. I'm angry, and just plain frustrated.

Seriously, how much drama can one person bear? It's not enough that Dianna gets beaten by her father, she is also harassed by her coach, she is pregnant, she is the object of every piece of gossip at school AND she realises she's gay. Can you give the girl a break?
I have read some pretty heavy coming of age books that I loved, the difference is the execution was so good I just didn't care about all the imperfections of the story. Unbearable Girl just doesn't work. Too many imperfections I couldn't get past despite some potential, good writing and sweet characters.

For one thing, the pregnancy is absolutely unnecessary. Nothing is made of it, and in the end we don't even know what she decides to do. She's what? 16 max for christ's sake and it doesn't seem a big decision for her. Really, I was too busy cringing or mustering things "what the fuck?", or "no this did not just happen!" to feel sorry for the characters.

Secondly, to all the hopeless romance lovers out there? you can skip it too. There is hardly anything satisfactory in terms of romance in this book. The story is excruciatingly slow, and then "just that, they are a couple" (actual quote from the book). No explosive declarations, not even a real kiss. Hardly any build up. No sexual tension. I mean I know they are teenagers, but when you're 16 or 17 or 18, your hormones are RAGING! I can't stand reading books where characters seem almost asexual. Physical intimacy is essential to a love story. At some point I thought "well this book just must target a much younger audience" but then I thought "the girl gets PREGNANT, how young can the audience be?". Paradox...

Last but certainly not least, I am so tired of the stereotypically American settings in these books. I may be naive, I am after all from a country far far away called France where bullying is not even a thing and high school is actually a great time for everyone. But these stories... they depict such a horrible picture of the US, I can't stand to read them. It's hard for me to relate, and it's actually hard for me not to see these things as utterly unbelievable. Everything is so black and white, I felt I was reading a bad episode of Glee. The cheerleaders vs the nerds, the smearing, the gossip and insults in the halls, the dumb jock, the heartless bitch, etc.
I just need some more colors in my stories....

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review8 s Mika Buell16 2

I couldn't put this book down! "Unbearable Girl" by Julie Camper is more than a coming of age story dealing with current issues - it's an emotional roller coaster that makes you really evaluate your life and the people you influence daily.

Technology, bullying, abuse, pregnancy and same sex relationships are all incorporated into this moving book. I felt a personal connection with the main character on several levels. I've spent 29 years of my life trying to work through who my Father thought I should be and who I am. I grew up at Minister's daughter. Church every time the doors were open, often my Father in the pulpit preaching on me or my Mother and how we should be living our lives. I was not grounded my friends...my punishment was to attend church X-amount of days every week when I was in trouble. The final straw...my parents found out I was (still am) bisexual at age 20. My Mother looked at me with tear-filled eyes and said; "I wish you had been pregnant instead of this." I left home soon after and spent the rest of my 20's finding who I was without them.

Everyone has their own story and I'm sure there are people who will read this and disagree with what I've said but I can honestly tell you on a PERSONAL level this book hit home. I not only recommend "Unbearable Girl" to teens and young adults...I recommend it to parents, teachers and anyone struggling to find their own ground.

5 stars and 2 thumbs way up! 2 s Megan AndersonAuthor 8 books38

Can anyone say "Glee fanfic"? Because seriously, that's all I could think while I read this book. It plays out the first season of Glee if 1) Rachel had been on the academic team instead of a musician and 2) Quinn had been bi for Rachel. So if you're into that, this is the book for you. If you're looking for something totally original, you probably won't find it here.2015 formystudents my-kindle-library2 s Michelle M.71 1 follower

Dianna Faraday has more to handle that any normal high school girl her age. She has to live up to her father's expectations or suffer the consequences. Those consequences are unbearable though and involve her father's belt at an intensity level that no one should ever endure. Then Laurie Burns comes into Dianna's life in way that was never expected. Laurie and her family show Dianna what the true meaning of family and love really mean.

Good story that was intense and emotional. Unfortunately this very thing is happening out there to some of the young people in our world. I couldn't put the book down. The Local Spooky Hermit334 55

I think this is the book I read on Kindle a long time ago.about-healing abuse f-f ...more Nicholas11

Skip to bottom for the TL;DR people.

The Good:
1) Loveable lead characters and good supporting character.
Dianna has charm and underneath her tough girl exterior is actually very meek from her harsh upbringing. She has decent development over the course of the story. Ruby and Amy are acceptable support characters with quirky and mostly believable personalities. Laurie is an all around enjoyable character who is exceptionally caring which drew me into liking her. The rest of the cast were fairly limited in depth but they served their purpose. While they aren't deep they are generally diverse.

2) The story while a bit far fetched is very captivating.
It's a simple story really. Girl has problems. Confides in others and falls in love with one of those people.

3) Dianna doesn't get an abortion. This is coming from a misanthropist so I'm not exactly keen on more people, but it's heart warming to see that the fictional girl doesn't snuff the baby for her own mistake.

4) The romance while usually very subtle was also very enjoyable.
Dianna and her lover were such a good match and they were good people who I wanted to succeed. When they were together I was eager to observe their chemistry together as they played off each other well. Flying Spaghetti Monster bless their little papery heart.

The Somewhat Bad:
1) We never really learn much about the supporting cast. We don't know why Dianna's father is the way he is, nor her mother. They feel more plot levers than actual elements. The father is essentially a tension device so it feels as if when things get to slow, just have him beat Dianna. He's almost one dimensional. Perhaps 1.5 since he can pretend to be calm.

There is even one part where Dianna has a conversation with him about the abuse which was woefully omitted. It was generalized but a legitimate talk would have added much more depth. Would have at least been good to have a paragraph or two describing what he went through to become what he is.

The same about the mother. There is a nifty conversation between the two but not much is learned. She essentially stays a fly on the wall for 98% of the book and then is used as a plot device later. That lever would be a bit more powerful if I had developed some since of connection with the character. Could replace her with Baroness from 'G.I. Joe' (the cartoon not the lame movies), or Witchie Poo from 'H.R. PufnStuf' and I'd have felt more for her and the situation.

If anyone wonders why I docked a star from this book it's this. I was interested more in the world and felt slightly disheartened when I realized I couldn't dig any further.

2) Some of the adults are straight out insane. Coach Eames is extremely sociopathic, Dianna's mother is both catatonic and delusional as she is able to both ignore violent beatings and not read how people feel about situations. The principal too seems to have some dissociative disorder as she can't seem to detect the fear in Dianna's voice or understand that no means no. Don't want to sound too mean but really what the in the great name of the Noodle Lord himself is it with these people? Is just disturbing that the only decent adults in this town are Laurie's parents.

3) Dianna's reaction to Laurie's parents. Perhaps I missed it, but she didn't seem shocked at all. Granted it's cool that Laurie's house is that, but that'd at least calls for a '*gasp* aww cool', or an Edith Bunker style "O. Oooooooooooh".

4) The form of bullying called smearing was a little unbelievable. In the lunch room I'd understand but even though is explained in the book I was still c'mon, dumping spaghetti and meatballs in the hallway, not only is it outrageous but it's also sacrilegious.

The book was a very satisfying read. While not Passion of the Christ gruesome, the story does seem to involve some hard knocks. I'd recommend it to anyone who s an uplifting story that while is implausible is still enjoyable. K. Eller13 1 follower

Unbearable girl was truly brilliant work! Emotionally charged from the very start, it will plunge you right into a masterfully spun Story that weaves you through every twist and turn right alongside the young heroine, Dianna while keeping your emotions and curiosity at such a high peak that you just can’t stop turning the pages! I found Dianna to be inspiring, multi-faceted and believable. Trying to keep a strong exterior while facing so many obstacles laced with such deep inner turmoil makes emotionally gripping characters that leave you wanting more! The author has a style of writing that creates instant identification with the heroine, Dianna, I mean haven’t we all faced some or at least one of these challenges or known someone who has? She covers some controversial topics such as abuse, teen pregnancy and same sex relationships but, does it in such a heart-wrenching way because you can so easily feel what this character is feeling. It was truly a moving read for me and I did read it all in one sitting, it just draws you in so completely! I think a sequel would really be something to think about. I think it would be awesome to see the strength the character could go on to develop as she continues her journey. It could deeper explore her relationships and maybe her relationship with her mom even? I know a lot of us have had mom issues and that would be another facet worth exploration. Anyway, this was certainly a heartwarming and emotionally gripping read. I think the author knows this genre and will definitely be a force to reckon with. Sure to be a hit not only among young adults but, old adults as well! TWO Thumbs up!! Keep them coming! Suzanne StruthersAuthor 9 books2

I'm an avid reader. If I can't find anything nearby to read, even, say, during breakfast, I'll read the back of cereal boxes. And being a bookworm (and proud of it) I to consider myself a pretty good gauge of a good writer. Julie Camper is, unequivocally, a good writer. And this novel, "Unbearable Girl" an amazing journey into self-discovery and self-acceptance.

Dianna, the heroine, is haunting. At the beginning she is a mess, abused both physically and mentally, pushing herself too hard in order to please, a single step away from hitting a metaphorical wall which could crumble her completely. From there her bravery, strength of spirit and ultimately, her realization that love comes in many forms and sometimes from unexpected, but no less marvelous, places.

This is a story of a girl's journey from child to adult, from unloved to confident, from broken to strong. Each chapter more captivating than the last, this is one of those books you just can't put down until you've found yourself at the end in breathless amazement at the emotional journey you just traveled along with Dianna.

And excellent book, I can't recommend it enough to do it justice! Natsu178 24

Great read. The emotions were just flying off the page especially Dianna's

Growing up in a high-control and abusive household thinking that everything that happens there is normal and just. Dianna's pompous, almighty dad beats her while her mum simply chooses to turn a blind eye.

Things changed when rumors started to spread and the head cheerleader became a target of the popular kids' brand of humor.

Enter Laurie, school nerd and favourite target for ridicule and bullying. Along with her dads, Laurie offers to help Dianna and provide her the comfort, love and security that a family should to help her heal.

This story deals with bullying not just from teens but also from adults who should know better. It also shows how important support is for someone who is or has been in an abusive relationship (familial or otherwise).ff it-happened-at-the-uni two-oh-one-four-reads ...more Ian202 32

I never thought a book could manage to be filled with angst and at the same time super sweet. This one is though. It is a book about appearances, about high school and parents and pressure and bullying and I think everyone would get something out of reading this one - whether one's the Queen Bee / Alfa Male or one from the bullied Nerd Herd - it can open your eyes to that maybe, just maybe what you see is not what you get.

Also, although I would think this one one be targeted mostly at teens, I think us "oldies" get a lot out of reading it too - high school is far behind, but it is good to be reminded of what a hell it can be, and more importantly "Unbearable Girl" gives excellent examples of how parents should vs _absolutely should not_ handle the privilege of being parents.fiction-dark fiction-lgbtia Sylvia144

???Unbearable Girl??? is an enduring story that goes beyond teenager angst and into abuse, same-sex relationships and teen pregnancy. I found Dianne to be an exceptionally strong heroine against harsh odds. How she was able to maintain a ???perfect??? exterior while enduring so much pain was both moving and inspirational. With her friendship to Laurie, who is in every way her opposite at first, she is able to cope and break free of the unfair oppression in her life and experience the true meaning of what it is to be loved and have a family.

This is a book that will keep you emotionally hooked from beginning to end, and it is one to enjoy reading again in the future.
blog Lcdk114 1 follower

The book starts out really wild and brings you in very fast to an emotion packed environment. The writing is put together really well and it wasn't long before I felt a strong connection to the main characters and felt I could really understand their emotions. I had liking to some characters and a hatred to others, I think that defines a unique book and makes for a really refreshing read that will have an impact on your own feelings.

If you're looking for a roller coaster ride packed with wide range of raw and real emotions then I suggest you try out this book. You're going to feel sad at some points and overjoyed in others, it's a very intense experience. Arianne17

The story felt exciting and real at the start but then it gets all random. And the pregnancy and how everyone is bout it is just... Argh. The pregnancy of Diana and how Dustin acts about it is most of the time unreal for me to imagine. Also, the love story was shoved too much and not given proper attention. There was hardly any romantic build up and the pregnancy is just so out of the way. The pregnancy is a total story breaker and it doesn't even get a closure. This book just disappointed me so much.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review moxieBK1,708 4

This was a very nice, quick read. The characters were tightly written, and while there was some angst in it, the relationship between Dianna and Laurie seemed pretty real. I enjoyed the journey that Dianna took to come to terms with her identity and the support she got from Laurie and her dads. I think this is a good book for YA, and I recommend it, as long as your aware that this is a coming out story.

Incidentally, I am not a TV viewer, AT ALL, so I don't give a rip if this story is a take-off/fan-fic/whatever on a show that I will never watch.lgbtq BrandonAuthor 28 books8

Rating: 10.0/10.0

Review: Author Julie Camper has the ability to turn hot topics homosexuality, child abuse, bullying, etc and turn it into a masterpiece of writing. The way she was able to define each character with their flaws and their unique perspectives was absolutely phenomenal. The book is a journey of ups and downs, with retrospect to all the topics listed above. Really well done and written. Congrats on a really good book Julie!

Reviewed by IABookReviews.com Ruth216 2

Oddly matched girls become friends and then something more. Cute story. I enjoyed how their burgeoning feelings were always there but they just never recognized them. That's always a fave. Bog-standard teen queer fiction. lgbt queer-romance ya Stella366 79

Enjoyed parts of this and it promised so much at the beginning but then somehow all the characters, gay and otherwise, turned into absolute cliches.2014 fiction James Jameson37

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