
La gàbia d’or de Camilla Läckberg

de Camilla Läckberg - Género: Intriga
libro gratis La gàbia d’or


La Faye, decidida i intel·ligent, va renunciar als seus somnis per ajudar en Jack a triomfar en els negocis. Ara ho té tot, en aparença: un marit atractiu, una filla que s’estima de cor i un apartament luxós al barri més exclusiu d’Estocolm. Però en aquesta nova vida se sent presonera dins d’una gàbia d’or i mataria qui fos per mantenir ocults els secrets inconfessables de joventut. La traïció d’en Jack ensorrarà definitivament el seu fràgil equilibri. La Faye haurà de renéixer amb les armes del seu passat. Farà saber al món de què és capaç i planificarà la manera més cruel possible de venjar-se del seu marit.

Per primera vegada, Camilla Läckberg fa un parèntesi en la sèrie d’èxit dels crims de Fjällbacka per explorar la mentida i la perversitat en l’alta societat. Un thriller absorbent sobre l’èxit i l’engany que ens demostrarà que l’ambició de la protagonista no té límits quan agafa les regnes del seu propi destí.

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Whaaaatttt theee heccckk! This is frenzy! This is so much wilder crazy train ride! Lies, schemes, betrayal, abuse, dirty little secrets, scumbag characters, manipulation, revenge: yes this is definition of her at throbbing, fast pacing, unforeseeable, whirlwind, stunning, earth shattering, soul crushing cocktail. And you never get satisfied with only one sip.

YouÂ’re clenching your fists, youÂ’re chanting as soon as the revelations slap you against your face and shake you to the core. YouÂ’re dazzled, numb but also entertained, surprised with the evil genius mind of the author. So you gotta do only thing to celebrate this fantastic writing: Just clap and enjoy this feast!

So here we go: Let’s meet with Faye: she worked so hard to build her secure world, supporting her husband, even taking a leave from university where they’ve met and gave him the main idea about his telemarketing company which would turn into a big empire and earned him millions. She always sacrificed and stood behind the shadows as he got all the compliments and congratulated for his visionary projects. He promised her, what was his was also hers but naïve Faye signed prenuptial before the wedding. She had to think before she acted. She was so blindly in love and passionate and she was so adamant to make a fresh start, escaping from her past demons. ( Surprise! Surprise! Her real name is not Faye)

But as you may see her scumbag husbandÂ’s mental, psychical abuse and humiliation are getting worse at each day till sheÂ’s replaced with a younger model. Oh no! See Faye, even you can be replaceable. Nobody is perfect!
So whatÂ’s she going to do. As a kind hearted, loyal and decent view, will she forgive her husband for their childÂ’s sake or will she taste the bitter dish which is best served in cold. Ding! Ding! Ding! You heard the revenge bells! So let the games begin!

This is one of the reads you wish it never ends. You want to put your phone in silent mode and cancel your whole schedule, call fake sick and hide yourself under the blanket to keep reading this intriguing, action packed, smart, head spinning story without any interruption.
Here comes my schematic, angsty, sexy, extremely twisty, thrilling, dazzling and wickedly entertaining five gazillion stars!

I highly recommend this book and I already start to order the authorÂ’s previous works and spend my grocery budget to more books as usual. ( ThatÂ’s okay, we have enough booze!)


Special thanks to NetGalley and Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group for sharing this incredible ARC in exchange my honest review.

twitter406 s David PutnamAuthor 18 books1,776

Wow, did I enjoy this book. This is the first one by this author and I loved it, (LOVED IT). I will definitely be picking up more. This book is a slow burn with many, many micro conflicts keeping pressure on the text pulling me along while the main plot line developed. At the same time the author continually layered in motivation after motivation. This book does not shy away from sex or vulgar language, but it is not gratuitous, so it works very well. Amazing character building.
I highly recommend for readers of psychological thrillers.
David Putnam author of The Bruno Johnson Series218 s Margaret512 59

Very readable book. Not at all boring. But what an impossible heroine! Idiot, ungrateful, immoral,cruel, creepy, she made me despise her, more than I despised her moron , reprobate, perverted husband! And after finishing the book, I was under the impression that everyone in Sweden is a billionaire before his thirties, and if one is a little bit late it is possible to start making billions by walking dogs in the park. And -it is not a spoiler since it happens early in the story- the one and only normal decent man the heroine meets in her life, she decides to murder in cold blood and only God knows why! Ha ha hilarious!180 s Michelle 971 1,644

I was expecting a feminist revenge story but that's not really what this is and the reason for that is because in a tale this you have to be able to empathize or at the very least sympathize with the abused but I couldn't because she is just so awful.

Faye is a very intelligent young woman that meets Jack and they hit it off. He is trying to start up a company and does so with a lot of help from Faye. You know the kind of help I mean: all of her ideas and money. Faye gives up her school and any career ambitions she has to cater to the needs of Jack. Jack is, well, a jackass. He's physically and emotionally abusive and spends most of his time letting his penis make his decisions and will sleep with any woman that has a pulse.

Faye doesn't believe the love of her life would ever cheat on her even if he is the biggest prick in the world because they are soulmates?
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