
Els vigilants del far de Camilla Läckberg

de Camilla Läckberg - Género: Intriga
libro gratis Els vigilants del far


Gråskär és l’illa del far, però a Fjällbacka tothom la coneix com l’illot de les Ombres, perquè la llegenda diu que qui hi mor, mai no abandona l’illa. L’Annie hi vivia de petita, i ara, anys més tard, s’hi ha establert de nou. Per això, quan la seva parella de joventut apareix assassinada en estranyes circumstàncies, totes les mirades apunten al far. Un cas ple d’intriga i secrets amagats que intentarà resoldre la intrèpida parella formada per Patrick Hedström i Erica Falck. Totes les ombres de l’illa seran sospitoses.

«Els seus pares temien que s’avorrís a l’illa tota sola, ja que era filla única. Però no calia que s’amoïnessin. A ella li agradava molt, viure allà. I no estava sola.»

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3.5 Another series I have read from the beginning, so it feels catching up with old friends. Patrik and Eric a are somewhat back on firm ground, Patrik after a health crisis and Erika after a terrible accident. Others close to the have not fared as well. Mats, the town finance officer is found shot to death and this death will cast a wide shadow over the rest of the story.

Mothers and their children is the unifying theme of this multi thread novel. A ghost island and the inhabitants, some of which are no longer living, provide a mystical tone to this otherwise meandering crime novel. Drugs, abused wives, a money scam and a young woman with nowhere left to run.

Definitely worth reading for fans of this series, but I feel that the author tried to include too much, tackle to much in this one. Bits and pieces broke up the storyline and made it difficult to stay engaged. Still, I love the characters in this series and will read the next just to catch up on their lives.

ARC from netgalley.74 s Paula K 437 413

Oh for goodness sake! I'm always on the lookout for Scandinavian-Nordic thrillers. I picked up a Book Page (or Pages, whatever) brochure from the library and they chose this as a good read. So I thought I'd try it now that Steig Larsson is gone. Way too simple. No, I am not in the sixth grade, thank you very much. Can I have a little plot, some character development? Please.

Do not recommend. Too many other goods books out there.

2 out of 5 stars.mystery published-2016 read-in-2016 ...more63 s Labijose1,040 553

Tras su tramposa conclusión en “La sombra de la sirena”, volvemos a retomar las vicisitudes de la vida de Patrick y Erica. Aquel tras su amago de infarto, y esta tras su accidente, en el que la peor parada fue su hermana, que ha vuelto a quedar en estado de shock.

También tenemos, como en novelas anteriores, dos pasajes de tiempo: El presente, y una historia fechada entre 1870 y 1875 en la isla de Gråskär (La isla de los espíritus). Esta parte está quizás poco desarrollada, pues la historia daba para más, y nos deja con incertidumbres sobre el origen de la leyenda de la isla.

Desde luego que la imagen que la autora nos sigue dejando de la sociedad sueca dista mucho de ser idílico. En esta novela carga más la tinta en el tema de la violencia doméstica, pero tampoco deja de lado el mundo de las drogas y el de los grupos violentos.

En mi opinión, la autora se redime un poco en esta entrega con respecto a la anterior (La sombra de la sirena). Ofrece una lectura interesante, pero lejos de las primeras entregas, que son las que realmente me hicieron aficionarme a Camilla Läckberg. Y ¡por favor, que jubile ya al inspector jefe Mellberg, que se me está haciendo insoportable!
31 s Erin73 2

Really,Camilla Lackberg? Ghosts?! Ugh. While I am usually just annoyed by the overly simplistic, unbelievable saccharin nature of the protagonists' personal life, in this case even the mystery let me down. This book was lazy and disappointing. While Lackberg often uses the parallel story device effectively, here it is so bad (read: obvious what is going on) that it is laughable. And normally I enjoy the slow unravelling of the (detailed) plot, but in this book my attention wasn't captured because the red herring was so lame that I never thought it a viable explanation for the crime. There was no "aha" as things came together; rather it was a "phew" because it was done. 24 s Anna593 118

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Continuação da saga de Patrik Hedstrom

Camilla Lackberg volta a Fjällbacka uma sétima vez e com ela chega mais um acontecimento trágico na pequena localidade. Como qualquer série, segue os passos das obras que a precederam e, na sequência, quase tudo o que anteriormente era válido, continua a sê-lo.

A autora não se distancia muito da sua fórmula de sucesso: passado, presente e vida quotidiana, e mantém o formato tipo das narrativas originais que desaguaram em "Os Diários Secretos" - esse sim, marcadamente diferente.

O seu ponto forte continua a ser a mestria como dirige as personagens no "tabuleiro" da vida quotidiana. Claramente dando-lhes uma humanidade que as torna substancialmente mais próximas do leitor.

Cumpre com distinção, novamente, não descurando a interessante finalização do mistério que nos propõe desde a primeira página.

Nota breve para o desenlace que resultou do cliffhanger presente no título anterior ("A Sombra da Sereia"): não que desejasse que algo ainda mais trágico acontecesse, mas parece-me que o impacto foi diluído na passagem para esta sequela.

Comecei o ano literário como gostaria: na companhia de amigos habituais. Os amigos Patrik, Erica, Maja..... Dificilmente poderia ter pedido melhor.

"Uma enorme serenidade apoderou-se [dela](...). Confiava neles. Eles envolviam-nos de amor. Então instaram-na a virar-se e continuar em direcção ao horizonte sem fim. Às cegas, (...) obedeceu aqueles que haviam sido os seus únicos amigos (...). (...) dirigiu-se com esforço para onde sabia que as correntes eram mais fortes e o fundo do mar se inclinava abruptamente."

PS - mantive a estrutura da resenha anterior, adaptando-a à realidade da nova obra; desta forma garanto a congruência entre os vários livros da série.

Nota: 4.0/5.0romance thriller22 s Skorofido Skorofido275 190

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http://skorofido.blogspot.gr/2017/07/...18 s Thomas832 190

This is a dark tale of murder, mixed up with cocaine use, wife beating and police searching for answers to two murders. The plot moves along very slowly, as Patrik Hedstrom and his crew of police detectives try to piece together how the two murders are connected. There are a couple of subplots, a million dollar renovation of a coastal resort with a manipulative woman in charge of finances and a historical tale of unexplained deaths linked to present day ghost stories. While the ending did resolve all the plots, it took a long time to get there. There is more than one suspect, so the suspense holds throughout most of the book.
Some quotes: "Because it's said that those who die there never leave the island."
Police bureaucratic speak: "That's not something that we can confirm or deny."
I rate it 3 out of 5 stars.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free ebook in return for an honest review.netgalley scandanavian-crime17 s Manon4

Babies, babies... coffee, coffee,... Anne is a victim again and again... babies, babies... kissing, kissing... babies, babies,... everybody has a baby... a baby is a selfralisation of a woman, of a young man, of an old single police chief, finding a "lesbian" solution, of a couple with fertility issues, finding an adoptive way. Come on! It's frustrating... maybe it's written for mums-to-be on a pregnancy leave. I'm hoping for the 8th and 9th not to feel kindergarden-. 18 s CL646 31

Two murders and no direct link to connect them. Patrick Hedstrom and his crew are trying to link them. Drugs, abuse and murder. Slow moving story but a good read. I would to thank the publisher and Net Galley for the chance to read this ARC.18 s Razvan Banciu1,330 97

Ghosts, drugs, abused women, unpleasant characters, political correctness, too many pages, that's the resume, in quite a few words.
Not to mention the TOTAL LACK OF RESPECT of having tons of characters, many of them with similar names (Anne, Annia, Annicka, or Matte and Mette...) and not a character list...

PS: One star is for the children and the dogs.16 s ????????? 417 16

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Mais um livro de Camilla, ao estilo de... Camilla, obviamente! Com isto quero dizer que tudo o que os seus livros têm de bom, este também teve, apesar de haver histórias paralelas perfeitamente descartáveis neste enredo. Mas aquilo que me tem vindo a desagradar, mais uma vez manteve-se. O facto de Gosta, em todos os livros, perturbar sempre a investigação de uma forma não intencional começa a ser demasiado repetitivo. E este é apenas um exemplo... No entanto, continua a ser um livro de ávida leitura: uma vez iniciado, não conseguimos parar de ler!15 s ????? ????????????Author 5 books95

?? ??? ?????????? ??????????, ???? ?????????????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????????? ??! 13 s Miss M67 187

Another series that's turning into a bit of a disappointment...Ms Lackberg chooses to turn her police protagonists into bumbling Keystone Kops in order to score a few plot developments: forgetting to check the victim's laptop, cell phone, AND a key piece of evidence literally pocketed by one of the investigators and forgotten about? Please. Un some of the other reviewers, I did enjoy the historic sub-plot, maybe because it distracted from all of the misery facing both Hedstrom's and the murder victim's families. Definitely at least one too many red herrings, though the twist at the end was quite good.books-i-own crime_murder-in-church crime_procedural ...more13 s Leyre20 1 follower

Take a shot for every time that Erica makes some physical effort and ends up sweaty and out of breath.
Take a shot for every time that it's mentioned how lovely and angelical the twins are. At the same time, take a shot for every time that Erica remembers what a hard time she had with Maja.
Take a shot for every time that Sam is mentioned to be asleep.
Take a shot for every time they have a cup of coffee.
crime-fiction read-in-english13 s Susan340 28

Hmmm, I raced through "The Lost Boy." It picked right up from where the previous book in the series ended so right away you find out how the cliffhanger ending is resolved. I still love the characters in this series, but the stories are just getting weaker (in my opinion.) This one mixed old ghosts with drug dealers and a battered women's shelter. And everyone was mostly sad in this novel. There was also the building of a new hotel and a bother/sister con artist team. Lots going on, I still can't figure what the tie-in is for hotel and the embezzlement scheme. It was a whole random plot line thrown into the middle of the story for no reason. I have no idea what happened to Lackberg as she was writing this. Maybe her editor went on vacation? It's just a big messy mess.

This series is all translated from the Swedish - so I think I'm caught up with the translations as "The Lost Boy" was published in 2009 and the translated version just came out in English last month. I think I'm happy to be released from Lackberg's grip for a while. I read the seven of these Patrik Hedstrom novels that have been translated in one long binge. You really do have to read these in order. I've thoroughly enjoyed the entire series (even this mess, just because I care about all these people who people Fjallbacka) and will look forward to the next one that's published in English. But for now, I'm happy to move on to reading something different.12 s Athena164 45

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