
Unruly Magic de Camilla Chafer

de Camilla Chafer - Género: English
libro gratis Unruly Magic


The sequel to Illicit Magic...

A witch on the run.

A quiet little town where everything is far from normal.

A fractured witch council threatening to tear the supernatural world apart.

Life hasn't been easy for novice witch Stella but small town life seems to be agreeing with her. When a seemingly innocent girl begs for her protection, Stella is pulled into a dangerous game of unruly magic.

With bewitching friends and two super-sexy mysterious men by her side, Stella is plunged into a mystery where she must uncover dangerous secrets before she ends up paying the ultimate price.

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I wrote it! :-)4 s Megan3,283 41

Loving this series, its so easy to read. Not as good as the previous book but still an enjoyable read.a-2017-reads ebook fantasy ...more2 s Jennifer935


I enjoy Camilla's writing. This was another great read. You could probably read book two without reading one. There were so many repeated sections from book one to inform a reader. I skipped many of them. Hence a 4 instead of a 5 star. There were too many for me.
Stella is alone is an quiet little town when a teen witch appears asking for help. Things escalate and friends and foes both appear with their own agendas.1 J Guzman64

UGH! Another love triangle. Why oh why? That is my biggest complaint.

Stella does seem to be standing up for herself a bit more, but is still a bit of a doormat.

Long story short, this book was just good enough for me to read #3.1 Celeste862 59

Stupid people annoy me. Stella annoys me. It happened in the first book, and it happened here.
She’d made the irrational decision of running away from her friends because she was butt hurt they didn’t come back for her fast enough. She didn’t bother to stick around to find out if the “love of her life” was still alive, she just decided to “disappear”, right to her parents old house. Because that makes her soooooo hard to find. Actually luckily for her the people looking for her also seemed to have gotten dumber here and it did take them a long time to find her. Rolling my eyes so hard right now.
I don’t even know what to say about the story line tbh. You meet a random person who is acting erratically, this person also happens to be a witch, you see someone dying in a vision when you touch this person and you never wonder or figure out that hey, this person either has multiple personalities the first few times you meet them or something else is up and because this is supernaturally related, is possessed I mean seriously, I knew!
On top of that her ‘friends’ never seem to feel the need to explain shit to her. I’m not sure why they feel the need to be so secretive, they don’t have to and it adds nothing to the storyline. Evan honestly seems a jerk when compared to Gage, in either case I can’t say any character appealed to me.
The typos and errors seem to have gotten worse. So has the fact that everything Stella says has to be repeated over and over again. Even when she’s telling Evan she need to learn how to take care of herself, that paragraph is the most garbled pointless thing ever. What’s wrong with, Hey Evan I need to learn how to recognize the different supernaturals and be able to use my magic defensively so I can take care of myself. Can you help teach me, because I hate reading books and trying to help myself at all.
No. Just No.
annoying annoying-insta-love annoying-main-character ...more1 Evelyn Amaro114 26

Full Review on Paromantasy

Unruly Magic has amped up everything we loved from Illicit Magic. More action, more romance, more suspense, more danger, more supernaturals, and more fun as Stella once again finds herself in the middle of a supernatural war.

Unruly Magic picks up a few months after Illicit Magic. On the run, Stella finely settles in to life under the magical world radar. The tragedy, friends, and the love she left behind is always on her mind, but she must move forward. Her neighbors help her along and she soon has a few new friends and a new blooming romance with her neighbors brother. But when a young girl appears in her living room begging for help, Stella finds herself being pushed back into the Supernatural world. As if that wasn't enough, the people from her past comes back to greet her and they are not just visiting - they are on a mission and the young girl is on their agenda. What do you do when the people you thought you could trust keep secrets; a young girl you don't know asks for your help; the person you love comes back as you start a new relationship; and your own people, along with a group of witch hunters are trying to kill you, and you are in the middle of it all? Stella is about to find out as loyalties, love, and friendships are tested with her life and those around her hanging in the balance.

This book is an amazing installment to an incredible series that just keeps getting better. If you are an HP Mallory fan, then this book is definitely for you. It is dangerous, humorous, adventurous, suspenseful, and full of romance!

This book is rated 5 fangs!!
1 Alexandra 10

A worthy successor to the first volume, I found myself warming to Stella more as she became more rounded now that we've got past the initial revelations. She's actually quite stubborn, which you've got to love. New character Gage, who has his own secret to reveal, is a worthy contender for her affections (I'm actually rooting for him; to resort to Charlaine Harris reference, though I always preferred Bill I'm kinda hoping for an Eric takeover here).

Camilla writes very deftly - it's not so much that you can't see the plot twists coming as that you really want to know how and when Stella will put two and two together. And then there are very genuine unexpected moments, which is great.

able, smart and sweet. Next one, please!1 Ann112

Honestly, it kinda annoys me that badly written, mediocre stuff this gets hundreds of rave , while brilliantly written, captivating stuff gets a far smaller amount. What is it about this genre that brings out the squeeing fan girls in there droves?

Sigh. Need my fav authors to write more books so I don't have to fill in the interim with this kinda thing. :(

By the end of the book I was ready to slap the main character. And thought both the dudes 'fighting' over her were kinda douches.1 Kim70

Stella Mayweather is new to the idea of being a witch. When chaos erupted (in the previous book) Stella saw her opportunity to go into hiding. A year later, her friends find her and see where her life has taken her, She has made some good friends, has learned to drive and is an independent woman. Just when everything seems so right, chaos erupts again. Its a very enjoyable book - a continuation in a series. An easy read that is well worth reading.1 Stephanie (Reading is Better With Cupcakes)674 242

This story had a pretty rocky start. It was awkward and roughly done. It seemed a bit the author didn't really know how to handle the beginning of a sequel.

There were also a few grammatical errors. These irked me to no end.

However, eventually, the story did pick up and it was fun. It was obvious where some of this story was going, and I was starting to get a Sookie Stackhouse feel with some of the goings on, but it was still enjoyable.fiction paranormal read-2013 ...more1 Deirdre448 12

This is 1.5 stars. Good story idea. Poorly written. Poorly executed. Main character annihilation, taking her from a fairly strong woman in Illicit Magic to a near complete moron with no self esteem but stronger magic than any of her peers. Don't even start me on her romantic entanglements. I won't be reading the third in this series.1 K Huski?1,498 18

Loved this continuation of the series. All the favourite characters are back, as well as some new people in Stella’s life. You get to see how Stella is adjusting to her new life and her powers. An enjoyable read! Bent Letters929 6

2.5Stars Mandy Menasco468 21

Good read Caryl Moulder549 2

Leaves you thirsty for the next adventure Heather Book Savvy Babe496 135

*Note: I always try to not write spoilers, but as book 2 there may be slight spoilers from book 1*

In the first book of this series, Stella Mayweather learns that she is a witch. She was moved from England to America to protect her life from witch hunters, she began training in her magic abilities, and she met and possibly lost new friends. At the close of book 1 Stella is in hiding from the witch council, she is confused and alone, and unsure of what to do next. At her new house, she befriends her neighbors, one of whom is the very sexy Gage who seems to be interested in her. Just as Stella is getting comfortable in her new life, her past catches up with her, and a young witch in trouble is asking for help. Stella is once again drawn into trouble with the council and left to question who is a friend and who is an enemy.

I really enjoy the Stella Mayweather series. Stella is an easy-going, every day type of heroine. She is a powerful witch, but she is new to her power and very humble. She can be socially awkward and unsure, but she is easy to and relate to. In Unruly Magic, Stella is on her own for a good portion of the book, all of her friends from book 1 are unaccounted for, and Stella felt the separation. She developed a friendship with her neighbors, and began to be interested romantically in Gage. I love Gage, he's confident, sweet, loyal, and determined (and extremely good looking). All of a sudden, Stella's old group of friends show up and turn her newly settled life upside-down. Stella's friends don't ever really seem to think about Stella's feelings and her situation in all their witchy drama. With the return of the friends comes more romantic entanglements and confusion for Stella. I really did not Evan much in this book, he is moody and possessive, and not in a good way. I hope that as the series continues, Stella begins to stand up for herself more and not tolerate the slights shown to her by her friends and romantic interests.

There was not quite as much magic in this book as there was in book 1. There was more focused story line and character building though. The magic that was in Unruly Magic was fun, and Stella continues to grow in her power and abilities. The paranormal community broadens in Unruly Magic, and Gage plays a larger role in that community.

With a well-written and developed story, engaging characters, and provoking romantic entanglements Unruly Magic is a very good read. I highly recommend this series to paranormal and urban fantasy fans. This is not a very dark series, but the paranormal and urban fantasy elements make for a great story and highly enjoyable reading. I would recommend reading this series in order.

I received this book for review from author.paranormal-romance review-on-blog urban-fantasy Karen1,178 42

This had a lot more going for it and so I give it 4.5 stars for advancing the story. I think the characters have been fleshed out so much more giving a bit more life making them feel a lot more real and accessible. Making the move to a small town makes things more cozy and gives a chance to get more of the story without distractions. The language is clearer and gives a feeling of understanding the characters and who they are as individuals. The story grabs you and pulls you in slowly introducing new people and a new situation for Stella to deal with. I did appreciate the reminders that she is originally from England since she does not always speak she is.

Stella left the safe house after no one had returned for her after 3 days and headed for her parents house in Wilding while covering her tracks. She did too good of job with that because when they started looking for her took them 6 months to locate her. Stella has made a life for herself there with new friends which is quiet and magic free. Her new neighbors, Annalise and Gage, have included her and made her welcome. Then a young witch shows up in her living room asking for her help and things get extremely complicated for her magic wise. Not to mention that though she had been looking for Evan she has gone out with Gage and has gotten close to him too.

She is reunited with her friends as they all converge on Wilding, including the man she thinks she loves, Evan, though they also come with a mission. They are there to locate the witch who came to Stella as well as to find her. For someone who is not happy with magic all the time she has managed to get herself into the middle of a possible fight for power that she may not be ready for. Not to mention that the town of Wilding is not all it appears to be, now she has two men fighting over her and it does not make her happy.

I enjoyed this a lot more than I did the first book. That is ly because I got a chance to get to know the main character a lot better. This was totally different from the first with more action and more sex and some really good magic. Our Stella is coming into her own and I want to see what else she does and how her love triangle plays out.fantasy paranormal-all romance Roxanne619 12

Étoile sniggered. “You had a premature magiculation.”

3.5 Stars

Stella is finally living a quite, trouble free life in a little town called Wilding, it's been 6 months since she ran away from the safe house since no one came for her. She's trying to come to terms with the fact that Evan is most probably dead, it's hard but she's getting there. It also helps to have two great neighbors, Annalise and her sexy brother Gage who is determined to be more than friends. But everything changes when a teenager named Chyler turns up in the middle of her living room asking for help.

There were things I loved about this book and some things I hated. I loved Gage, once he finally came out of his shell he's funny, sly and flirts with Stella crazy, it definitely caused some great tension between her and Evan. Things I didn't so much...Stella's friends, it annoyed me that Stella gets told nothing but when a fight starts she is expected to sacrifice herself, they also insisted on wrapping her in bubble wrap with most issues then get all high and mighty when she keeps the secret about Chyler to herself. Same goes with Evan, I loved him in book one but this one he acted so immature towards Stella and didn't contact her for days "because he was mad" Pshhhhh, but what makes it worse is that Stella fumes about it for days and intends to say something to him when she sees him...then she finally does and just falls into his arms nothing was wrong. I really hope Stella gets a back bone in book 3 and stands up for herself a bit more.

The ending was...OK. I was expecting more of a fight but I think this book is more about the build-up to a witch war that's coming. So overall I'm happy with this book, just left a little annoyed at some of the characters choices. I'll definitely be reading book three when it comes out. Runningrabbit1,385 95

I did enjoy this book although I seem to find with this author that the first half of the novel really lacks in the way of story structure and sophistication, which improves in the second half of the novel and this is the principle reason I gave it 3 stars instead of 4.

Now, I’m going to have a whinge. Let me raise the issue of really annoying sentence structure. Here we go:

Étoile sighed and sat back, her back warming against the fire.

Now, why wouldn’t you simply substitute the additional ‘back’ with something, anything, else. For instance:

Étoile sighed and sat back, warming herself against the fire.


Étoile sighed, her back warming against the fire.

I’m no genius (surprised?), but surely this is an improvement which eases the immediate wince factor? Bet her English teacher is turning in her muddy grave.

Then there’s the simple plot line that seems to happen with all these series. They introduce a ‘love interest’, then further on a second ‘love interest’.

Now, we all know the story is going to find some reason where one gets ditched to be replaced with the other. At this point there would appear to be only one option, which means Evan must die. I’m sure he’ll return to life later, this is another foregone conclusion. Ta da! Enter Love Interest 2. So we know again, just to keep up the reader’s interest(?), they will at some later stage find a reason to reintroduce Love Interest 1.

Question: why do authors do this when a good tale shouldn’t need this formulaic mediocrity? I’m guessing here (enter my mad genius factor again), but what are the chances this will all happen in vivid technicolour?

So the other chance is, I’ll ditch this series in the next book or two. Of course, I could be wrong…
contemporary daemons mystery Naj250 34

Unruly Magic and everything about it is even better than the first book. I was glad I received a copy of the second book while I was reading the first one for a review. I was so excited and when I finished the first book. I just couldn't wait to read more from Camilla.

The story continues where Illicit Magic leaves us. As Stella regains her footing and goes back a few paces in reality by being alone again but at least with a few cheerful neighbors. Her magic grows stronger and she starts doing things without even trying one bit. Which is totally awesome. I love Stella even though her hints indecisiveness when it comes to men sometimes don't really appeal to me.

I literally was caught in these virtual pages (I was reading the e-book version). I just couldn't stop reading and only realized that I finished the book when well... when there was nothing left to read. And time really flew out the window while I read this. The story continues and the plot gets better and better and the characters get a little confusing and troublesome but thats all part of the book. This is one of those few paranormal series that manages to pull you into the story and takes you for an even more exciting ride with each book you read.

Overall, Camilla Chafer has created an amazing series that I'm looking forward to reading all the way to the end and this is by far the first e-book series I've read and continued to read with the second book and so on. Simply Unputdownable!read-in-2011 Barbara1,186 55

I d the story and even though it was the second book in a series, there was plenty of back story to fill me in. A novice witch, Stella Mayweather, after going through some terrifying events, goes to live in the house her parents left her in a small town called Wilding. Not knowing where her friends have gone and thinking her boyfriend has possibly died, she is trying to lay low and recover from her experiences. She makes friends with her neighbors and is building a new life for herself when her old friends show up, along with her boyfriend, and then a young witch who seems to be in trouble asks for her help. There is quite a bit of excitement as Stella learns more about her magical powers, confronts some nasty witches, and makes decisions about what she wants to do with her life in the immediate future. J.M. Jeffries JeffriesAuthor 49 books67

Everything about Unruly Magic by Camilla Chafer is absolutely terrific. I loved reading about Stella Mayweather, witch in training.

Stella Mayweather has had a difficult life after her parents die when she's five. Shifted from one foster home to the next where she earns reputation for being clumsy. Odd accidents happen around her that she has no explanation for. Now she's an adult having been found by the Witches Council (Illicit Magic) and partially trained. But trouble comes looking for her in the person of a teenage witch who's in deep trouble and needs Stella's help.

I love the depth of character Ms. Chafer brings to her story. Stella is well-rounded and possessed of an unusual wisdom. I love learning about her powers as she learns.

This is a terrific read.

Courtney67 3

This book was more edited than the first one but still had annoying little editorial distractions. I grew to Stella more in this book as she finds herself and realizes she can be happy.
I enjoyed the storyline again but some of it was remarkably predictable and seems to pop up in most magic/fantasy genre.
I look forward to following Stella's life as she navigates her way more into the magical world she lives.
I do wonder when I'm going to find out why she's such a powerful witch. No one that I can remember mentions her parents being extraordinarily powerful or that Stella should be this powerful. Jillian Holloway53 2

I feel similar in this book as I did in the last and the third. I everyone and I the plot, I just don't Evan. Or more so, his relationship with Stella. ... It's boring, and also I just don't care. It's not benefitting her?? All they do is have sex and argue. There's 2 scenes in the first book where they get to enjoy each other, and I'm supposed to be hooked from then on. All we see after that is arguing and Evan being a possessive jerk. Besides that it's a fun concept and I the other characters, I'm glad there's so little romance in it. I just wish there was less aha. pam laporte279 2

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

The magic and deceit continues as a young witch asks for help but who is she really? Stella misses Evan and fears he is dead. She takes up residence in her parents house only to discover her neighbors harbor a secret of their own. She is attracted to her make neighbor and he is more than attracted to her. Things escalate and she finds herself back with old friends and a few enemies. It is hard to tell who to trust or believe. Well on to the third book. Can't put them down. Kerry25 3

After leaving behind her magical friends and new boyfriend, Evan, Stella returns to the small town where her parents once lived. There, she settles into small town life with new friends, including Gage, her hunky new neighbor, and no magic. That is, until a young witch suddenly appears needing Stella's help. Soon after, her friends arrive on her doorstep with troubling news. Stella must learn to trust her instincts and harness her magic before the supernatural world is torn apart. Beckie Treble272 2

Wow wow wow wow wow.
Book 2 was even better than book one!!!!
Okay, so there were werewolves in this one, but only very slightly and right at the end so it's all good :).

I'm glad we see the return of all the others from book one. And that Evan is still alive :)hmmmm, HAWT!

But anyway, loved it, and this is one of the best "witch-y" series I've ever read :D Nicole H5

I started reading this one while I'm (still) waiting for book 1. I feel there are quite a few things that I missed because I'm reading them out of order. I the premise of the story and I was ok with the way the author explained the characters, but I still feel these should be read in order. Despite the typos and up and down story line, it was a quick and fun ready. Arlene444 1 follower

very Mixed.feelings.. While book one caught my attention and tab, the set up.of book two actually annoyed me. Character building seemed tho drop her intelligence and instead of mid twenties it felt I was reading.a late ten book with High School. tines. Poor Girl... Wil see about book three Lydia674 9

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