
A Journey for Amelia de Callaway, Willow

de Callaway, Willow - Género: English
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Callaway, Willow Year: 2023

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She had to trust him....

....but trust is hard after so much loss.
Amelia is desperately trying to get to her only living relative, but whilst the vast landscape she needs to cross can be beautiful, it can also be harsh and undeniably cruel. However, Jack never fails to keep her safe, he helps others as much as possible whilst making Amelia his priority. He may have a questionable past, but the man he is today more than proves himself as a man worthy of her trust and her heart.
A trying and heartbreaking journey that demonstrates the trials and dangers that faced travelers who were looking for a fresh start or a better life. Whilst there is sadness, this also manages to be a sweet romance, I read this on Kindle Unlimited.1 Kathy Heare Watts6,287 175


Each story in The Reluctant Wagon Train Bride series will have a young, marriageable age female forced to marry to be able to journey to Oregon. The marriage is one of convenience and offers an annulment at the end. But, what happens along the trail may change the outcome. Each story will read as a stand-alone.

“The West is too wild for an unwed woman. If you want to ride on my wagon train and make it to Oregon, you’ll need to find yourself a husband.”

Amelia Wright has lost the last of her family in the area and decides she needs to travel West to Oregon and find her last family member, her brother. But, she has one minor problem—they won’t allow single women on the journey. She must find a man to be a temporary husband.

Jack Doyle is a man on the run. He got mixed up with the wrong men, but he had a change of heart when he got his head on straight. What a shock to see a young woman in the saloon—and then she offers him a deal to marry long enough to travel to Oregon and find her brother. It solves a problem for him on leaving the area.

The story’s plot will have Amelia and Jack marrying for convenience to travel together along the Oregon Trail. Amelia needs to get to her brother, Thomas, and Jack needs to begin his life in a new area. But, these two won’t have it easy. While they show respect for one another, they are virtual strangers. Jack proves to be smart and protective of Amelia—but there will be many encounters along the way that they face danger. When several members of the wagon train start getting sick and dying, it leaves Amelia feeling helpless. Losing almost everything they own puts them at the mercy of others. But when a friend’s life is lost, Amelia will sink into guilt and depression.

Amelia: I’m scared. About the river. The rest of the journey. You and me. Just—everything.
Jack: We’ll get through this. Together.
Amelia: the storm. How do you know for sure?
Jack: Nothing in this life is certain, Amelia, except for God and this wild land. We live, we love, we die.
Amelia: If you’re trying to make me feel better, it isn’t working.
Jack: The realities of life aren’t made for comfort. But what I can promise you is that I won’t live your side.

The journey is full of danger, and moments of life and death, and they must remain vigilant and keep their faith to get through the trials.

“By God’s grace, we survived, Amelia. Now we must honor that second chance the Lord gave us. Honor those we’ve lost by living our lives to the fullest. Mary would want you to keep going.”

I enjoyed the story, the characters, and their interactions. I loved the faith that is evident in the story. Good, bad, and ugly happen in life, but it is how you handle each situation that stands out. Jack and Amelia have his principles and God uses them for the good. While this story has moments of sadness, it also has joy. I look forward to more in this series. clean-read historical-fiction historical-nineteenth-century ...more Phyllis Rundell998 9

This is Book #2 in the Reluctant Wagon Train Brides series and is a sweet and heartwarming story yet one full of action and adventure. This is Amelia and Jack's story, and the character development is excellent. After the death of her parents, Amelia decides to head West via wagon train to try to locate her long lost brother. There is one problem however: she has to have a husband. Along comes Jack, who is trying to evade a gang of outlaws and after meeting him, Amelia hires him to be her husband via a marriage of convenience until the end of the trip. But as they travel together and endure the adventure, hardships and the day to day interaction, real feelings begin to develop between them. That was not supposed to happen!!! As they near the end of the trip, how will the couple handle these feelings? Will there be a HEA in their future or will each of them go their separate way? Be sure and read this excellent story to find out! I know you will enjoy it as much as I did. Terri380 1 follower


Kinda stupid, but fun. Too many unbelievable things happen, or I'd give it more stars.
I d the characters, the setting, but she's going to Oregon to find a brother she's lost contact with, doesn't have any other location for, than Oregon!
A band of outlaws has followed them because one member of the group left theirs years before...Right, outlaws, on their own without wagons of supplies, on a trek that kills half the people in the wagon train. But, they make it just to get even with someone who's only offense was leaving them.
Sounds less than 3 stars, and that's not even all the unly stuff. MaryEllen2,194 17

This is my voluntary review of a copy I received from the author.

Lots of action and surprises in this story from a new-to-me author. I d the writing style—the way the action was portrayed and the flow of the story.

The characters were a bit gruff and holding back their emotions from each other, but they were likable. They did face more tragedies than we usually read about in one of these short stories, but they seemed realistic to the era and endeavor.

I really enjoyed this story. H J Palmer71 1 follower

'A Journey For Amelia' is an enjoyable novella. It seems to be an early work; the tone is underdeveloped and does not match the setting, and all of the relationships are lacking. If this had been expanded into a full novel, there would have been much more room to show the relationships rather than jumping between the large events in the journey.
The novella is clean and Christian, though I am highly sceptical of the premise of the whole series being two Christians entering a sham marriage and its impled doctrine.
Overall, Callaway writes an enjoyable novel, and her work shows promise. Logan KeysAuthor 56 books273

I could not put this one down. The characters are so rich and the romance is gritty and sweet. Willow has such a way with words "The land is just an anchor to the sky. " one of the more gorgeous lines I've ever read!

I won't spoil it for you, but there is action and adventure enough for people looking for that too. Memorable and gripping, you won't be disappointed reading this amazing trail tale, ten stars! Margie3,561 24

Well, I thought knowing my husband less than a month before we married was risky, Amelia beat me. Even most mail order brides had at least a letter or recommendation (possibly false) to start with. Willow Callaway gave a very realistic look at what that first year of marriage looked/felt even over a difference of 100 years. We are given courtship, romance, humor, danger, conflict and a few twists. I really enjoyed this book. Amanda Wallace50 2

I was given a copy of this book through voracious readers in lieu of an honest review. I’m glad it’s one I chose. There’s a lot adventure mixed with a bit of romance and intrigue. I feel the author explored both Amelia’s and Jack’s feelings well throughout the entire novel. The quickly married, each for their own selfish reasons, but love found them both and guided them through the long, tough journey that was the Oregon Trail. Viola622 3

enjoyable read

This is an enjoyable read written by Willow Callaway. It is written very well, about the Oregon Trail and how love can blossom from just taken a chance. Amelia took a chance on a man when she asked him to marry her. Just to get on the wagon train. Jack took a chance with Amelia by saying yes. Enjoyable read. Veronica Russell95

I read it all in one sitting this afternoon, I just couldn't put it down.

I do love stories of those brave men and women who faced an unforgiving new frontier and this did not disappoint.

A few moments had my heart in my mouth, but the final chapter tied it all together very nicely and had me breathe a sigh of relief! Cindy2,089 61

Sweet Historical Romance

I finished this earlier today when I was at the doctor's office, so I apologize if I don't recall all the details. I've since listened to another story, but I know I loved it. Although the same premise for each story in the series, each book is different!

The gun fight at the end was scary. Not knowing how it would turn out, but it's a happy ever after ending! Earlene Click2,303 11

Jack and Amelia

This is an exciting wagon train tale of two that made an arranged marriage and a payment deal to be paid at the end of the trail. They are oil and water but they work together as best they can. They encounter all kinds of obstacles on their trip. You will enjoy reading of their adventures and their budding love. S.J. FowlerAuthor 3 books8

Love Against All Odds

This was such a wonderful read. Amelia and Jack start out as unly companions who both need to head out west to start fresh. Their grueling journey across the Oregon trail forces them closer together and therefore both overcome their haunting pasts.

It was a delight to watch these two work together as they faced a difficult journey and see them realize that maybe their marriage wasn't just a convenience. MelissaAuthor 10 books13

While this is not a genre I normally read, I found myself unable to put this book down once I started. The prose was beautiful and descriptive where it needed to be, with sweet romance, twists, and danger sprinkled throughout. The pie was the sweetest touch! I'll be reading more from this author! Rach3l772 8

This was a good read. Even though it was short, the author packed a lot into it. The story drew you in and kept you entertained. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Side note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review Donna484 1 follower

good book

This was a good book. I this author. I recommend this book and author. I cannot wait to read the next book soon by this author. Laura Di Martino44 2

A sweet, old fashioned romance set against the backdrop of a fight for survivial on the Oregan Trail in 1867. Amelia propositions Jack, a man she has just met at a bar. She requires him to enter into a fake marriage contract so that she can join the wagon train about to set off, in the hope that she can rejoin her brother out west, now that he is her only surviving relative. Jack has his own reasons for wanting to flee Missouri in a hurry, and having a good looking woman offer him money to boot, seems the perfect deal.

I received an ARC of this novel and found it a very satisfying read. The two prinicpal characters have depth, sincerity and are a good contrast for eachother. I very much enjoyed the writer's ability to let us see into their thoughts. As a reader, you are quickly drawn into their dilemmas and are moved by their experiences. The plot is fast-paced and offers plenty of surprise elements to keep you turning the pages. The work is well-edited and the writing clear, with natural dialogue.

Overall, a short but pleasingly forthright read. Sandra Bagwell531 3

good story

Second chances can be very important. We speak about forgiveness but how many of us seek revenge instead of giving forgiveness? A good historic novel that gives readers much to think about later. Márcia Vida163 2

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