
Home at Last de Caitlyn O’Leary

de Caitlyn O’Leary - Género: English
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Caitlyn OÂ’Leary

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I have enjoyed the stories in the Long Road Home series where a woman by the name of Blessings seems to do some of her magic with the various individuals she meets in the Atlanta USO lounge.
This time the story takes us to Jasper Creek where former resident and after 20 years, recently retired Marine Ranger Roan Thatcher has returned.
Whom he never expected to meet was Lisa Reynolds. A woman that intrigues him and whose past is filled with trauma and hurt.
Will Roan be able to find the person that is harassing Lisa? Will Lisa allow herself to take a chance on life and love?
This was a story filled with heart and wonderful characters. Another engaging addition to the series written by talented authors.
I was entrusted a copy of this book. The opinions expressed are solely my own.1 Elinda Moody408 8

This is a book from the Long Road Home series. I didn't want to put it down, once I started reading. Roan and Lisa definitely don't have an easy time of things. Roan gets home to Jasper Creek to find nothing is as he thought it would be. Roan and Lisa did not get off on the right foot...at all. Roan is confused and disillusioned, and Lisa is convinced that he is going to be a thorn in her side. After talking to his brother, Roan decided he might have been hasty and a bit judgemental. He convinced Lisa to go to lunch with him and things blossomed from there. The road to their HEA is fraught with danger, suspense, laughter and tears. A definite must read! Sorry, no spoilers. I received this ARC and here is my honest review.1 Evita649 1 follower

Roan, now out of the military is heading homeÂ…finally. But there are some big changes when he arrives home. His dad is no longer running the family business, itÂ’s Lisa. And oh boy is he attracted to her.

His protector side comes out when he finds out someone is stalking Lisa. Cue the drama and suspense and some heat between them as they get to know each other. Great story with characters that come to life before you eyes.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book. 1 CarolKat2,222 25

After an interesting experience at the airport as he's flying home, Roan Thatcher finally gets to his destination. His first stop is Pearl's to pick up dinner. He knows what he's going to have, and he'll eat then bring a meal to his dad when he's done. As expected, Pearl's was exactly the way he remembered, that may be the last thing that is.

As he pulls up to the house, he notices the front door is red. His dad wouldn't paint the door red. Then he can't use his key, the locks on his childhood home have been replaced by a keypad and it doesn't appear that his father is at home. He immediately calls his father and finds out the house is now an Airbnb; the Avery sisters manage it for him and he's living in Florida. His dad is heading out fishing but would come up next Friday, in the meantime his dad tells him to relax and enjoy some downtime.

Lisa Reynolds, the manager of Thatcher's Renovations and Repairs,gets quite the surprise as she leaves for work. The air has been let out of all her tires. She calls the shop first to see who can come with a portable air compressor, getting a hard time from Gene Hollister who's in charge of restorations, but eventually gets through to him about who to send. Then she calls the deputy, getting his voicemail and having to leave a message. This is the fourth incident since she moved in, and she wants to keep it with the same person. The first was all the flowers she planted died within a week of putting them in, second was a flood caused by someone turning on the spigot in the yard which in turn caused a lake effect in her yard and messing up her septic system as well and the third was having her groceries stolen off her porch, and now this.

When Roan stops by the shop, he's pleased to see some changes for the better, but no one seems to be around. As he approaches the break room he hears voices and listens in as Lisa is going over what needs to be done. He doesn't what he's hearing but eavesdropping isn't his thing so he moves to the door and leans against it.

He's impressed with Lisa, and also surprised that she would put a long-term employee on probation. He also wants to know more about her possibly buying into the business, so he asks her to lunch to get to know her a bit.

What started out good, with both of them opening up about themselves, shortly turns sour as Roan tells her he s her but doesn't trust her.

After he talks to a few people he realizes how wrong he actually was and knows he has to grovel. He does it well, and Lisa ends up agreeing to accompany him to dinner at the * and then a dinner date later in the week.

Let me say here, that nothing has been discovered about the incidents at Lisa's home, and the worst is yet to come.

I loved the way the relationship between Lisa and Roan works it's way to sizzle. He's protective of her and she's so independent they balance each other.

The resolution of the other problems had me on the edge of my seat, and turning the pages as fast as I could.

Don't miss this book! Kelly Looney44 1 follower

‘Home at Last’ by Caitlyn O’Leary is part of a multi-author loosely connected series ‘The Long Road Home’ that follows several military men who are trying find their place in the world after they leave the service. This story is about Roan and Lisa who don’t exactly hit if off when they first meet. I have to admit I was pretty annoyed with Roan for the first few chapters, but he more than makes up for it after that. Roan retires from the Marine Raiders and returns to his hometown of Jasper Creek, with plans to work in his family auto repair business and spend time with the family. He finds that things are not at all what he expected; his father has moved to Florida and Lisa is running the family business.
Lisa is a strong capable woman in a typically male dominated field who fights the frequent doubts and undercutting from several men. Based on initial behavior, she assumes Roan is just one more jerk who doesnÂ’t believe she can do the job. Making her life even more complicated, Lisa is the victim of some odd harassing behaviors that the local police are not taking seriously. As Roan and Lisa overcome their initial challenges and begin to grow close, we also learn that Lisa has some deep seated issues of abandonment from childhood and tends not to stay in one place very long. Roan has to tread carefully and has to deal with what is beginning to look an escalating stalker. There is considerable steam between these two and they make a great couple.
As is often the case, there are many characters from previous books that make appearances, most notably Simon, Trenda and Bella (from ‘His Wounded Heart’). There are many wonderful characters from Jasper Creek (I so want to live there) and from both Roan’s and Lisa’s families. The lingering threat and Roan’s future career are resolved late in the book and are both very satisfying conclusions.
This book had good pacing and provided wonderful romance and exciting action. While I love all the other books by this author, the newer ones set in Jasper Creek are among my very favorite and I am looking forward to more books set here. We get a little tease on Renzo and MillieÂ’s book which is slated to come out next year.
I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it or anything by this author. I got this book as ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Jane A283 2

Love the Long Road Home series and this time it intersected beautifully with Caitlyn O'Leary's wonderful Jasper Creek series. Recently retired Marine Raider Roan Thatcher is returning home to Jasper Creek ready to settle down after nearly 20 years in the military, having had little contact with his family in the last year or so. Roan expects to move into the family business to work alongside his father and brothers but arrives home, not having told them he's retiring to find that his family seem to have moved on with their lives without him. His Dad has retired to Florida and left the business in the hands of smart, funny, independent wanderer Lisa Reynolds. Lisa has spend most of grown-up life moving from place to place, experiencing life and working what ever job pops up but she feels an affinity for Jasper Creek, it feels home and she loves her job managing the garage and is extremely good at it even handling some deeply misogynistic employees. Thrown that the home and future he envisioned has changed so much, Roan is instantly intrigued and attracted to Lisa whilst not quite trusting her whilst Lisa finds him annoyingly judgemental and attractive. As their relationship starts to blossom Roan learns Lisa is the victim of a number of odd occurrences or pranks that no one seems to be taking seriously. Roan sets about using his former skills to find out who is preying on Lisa especially when things start to escalate. As events come to ahead will Lisa learn to trust that Roan will be there for her and will Roan have a chance to realise Blessing was right and Lisa is the home he never realised he wanted.
Plenty of wonderful characters of course, lots of old friends turning up to help out, action and suspense and a fair few bumps in the road in this excellent story - love it and highly recommend. Nikki Brooks3,130 50

The Long Road Home series is written by various authors and all deal with various tropes but all involved a military veteran returning home after a deployment/retirement and having a meeting with the intuitive and possible psychic Blessing!

Roan didn't warn anyone he was retiring from the Marines and returning to Jasper Creek and seems to think that everyone will just be there where he left them. However, life goes on and he soon founds out his dad has moved, his childhood house is an Air B&B and the family business is being run by a new resident.

Lisa is a complete nomad. She's had more jobs than me and never sticks in any one place too long.
But she s Jasper Creek and really feels that she belongs. Running the automotive business owned by Roan's dad is something she got her teeth into and really enjoys. But misogyny is rife and it appears that someone really doesn't her and they're making her life a misery. To top it off she now has Roan digging into her business and being all...annoyingly attractive!

Lots of old and new friends to be found in Jasper Creek. I loved learning more about Lisa. Her bond with her dad and grandad is amazingly strong - they really raised an independent woman. LisaÂ’s dealt with a lot and just keeps ticking on. Roan is strong, protective MMC with mad cooking and baking skills! He's equally at home on the range or in the kitchen and had no qualms in letting Lisa know how he felt about her.

There are some great action scenes as the stalking storyline develops and I loved the way the "gang" just drops everything to help out Roan and Lisa.

Can't wait for the next story!contemporary-romance forced-proximity general-romance ...more Melanie Marnell3,693 29

The last book of the third season of The Long Road Home is the perfect season finale Caitlin O'Leary spins a romance that will capture you heart and your imagination. Home At Last is the perfect example of how "life happens when you're making other plans." She takes us to small town Jasper Creek where your business is everybody's business. She also incorporates player from some of her other series that's putting a cherry on top of an already fabulous cake.

Roan Thatcher had a long term life plan for his post service retirement. What he didnÂ’t take into account was his family moving on with their lives while he was serving his country and often out of touch. He especially didn't count on butting heads with a feisty, no nonsense woman who is more than capably running his father's business. Lisa Reynolds has been a wanderer and a Jill of all trades since she was eighteen. Moving to Jasper Creek and finding a job she's not only good at but loves has her putting down roots. After a rocky start she and Roan settle into a flirty fun relationship where there's lots of sizzle. He's at loose ends after realizing that his long term plans are no longer what he really wants. He just may have found a new calling courtesy of omeone threatening Lisa and the situation is escalating. Keeping her safe and close by his side is paramount. Convincing her that he's going to bethere for the long hall may take some doing. She's been disappointed before.1 Debbie Caswell6,340 24

I love it when we get a cross over between two series and it is even better when they are both series that I love So this is the fifteenth book in The Long Road Home series where men retiring from the military usually special ops are held up at Atlanta airport and end up in the USO where they come across Blessing and her timely advice about building a life after the military and she is definitely got some WooWoo skills. In this latest offering we get the story of Roan Thatcher he originally joined the marines intending to do his four years them go to University and return to work at the family business in Jasper Creek. Twenty years later he is retiring as a Marine Raider still intending to work in the family business only thing is there is a woman running the business his brothers have their own lives and his father has retired to Florida. Soon he realises that maybe he isn't cut out to work a nine to five job in a garage a job that Lisa Reynolds is doing very well. But he can protect Lisa from the stalker that is making her life hell This is where we reconnect with Simon and Tendra and the Protectors f Jasper Creek the second series found in this book. Soon it will take all of Simon and Roan's skills to keep her safe and get to the bottom of who and why she is been stalked by be prepared for an adventure ride that will keep you engaged until the last page Kat871 32

Jasper Creek is a small town but it seems to be a place where you find love and make a home... But it might be a bit dangerous!

Lisa's been a rolling stone since she was 18, when she ended up in Jasper Creek, she found she d the town and her job, managing the local garage.
Well other than the odd unexplained occurrences happening. Nothing she could put her finger on to why or who was wanting to annoy her, but it was the only cloud over her life.

When the owner of the garage, Roan retires from military service, he has plans to settle back in Jasper Creek and help his dad, he has a shock waiting for him... His childhood this an Airbnb and there's a cute little blonde running his dad's business!
Roan first impression of Lisa's not a favorable one, but it's not long before the attraction both have for each other smoothes out those details.
As the relationship start's to blossom, those little annoying pranks start to escalate and before long Roan is using his past skills to work out whos stalking Lisa.
I really enjoyed reading this book, watching Roan and Lisas relationship blossom and watch Lisa learning to trust people more.
And of course ms O'Leary doesn't disappoint with some action and suspense in the mix.
Most of all this story is about taking a chance and not letting your past stop you from finding love.
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