
Hell's Viper de C.A. Rene

de C.A. Rene - Género: English
libro gratis Hell's Viper


C.A. Rene Series: Hell's March MC 01 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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“But destiny waits for no one.”

This was an okay story, but as big of a Cambria fan that I am, I really didn’t enjoy this story much.

The characters in this were okay, but I didn’t love them this time. Why Heven thought inviting Kimber to stay with her when they were barely speaking was a good idea I don’t know. And why she told Sam she’d still love him, even if he became a mass-murderer, I don’t know.

“You could get out of this car right now and kill everyone in the parking lot, Sam. When you were done I’d drive your getaway car.”

Kimber was also irritating. Because of course people who only wear jeans and boots can’t possibly be attractive.

“You better tell me right now you are not in love with that… that… fallen angel.” She wailed. “I mean seriously, Cole. I’ve never seen her in anything but jeans and boots.”

The storyline in this had problems for me. How can you possibly tell your child that their birthdate is two weeks earlier than their actual birthdate? As soon as you went to the doctors, or dentists, or anything that (and Heven has obviously been to the hospital), they would ask your date of birth! I just don’t get how this would work.
Heven setting things on fire started to get old, and I couldn’t believe how darn irresponsible she was setting Kimber’s car on fire! She could have killed her!

“I watched from the roof as she walked around her VW bug and climbed into the driver’s seat. She smirked at me through the windshield and gave a snotty little wave.
So I lit her car on fire.”

I mean really?

I didn’t really feel the romance in this one, and Kimber being so possessive over Cole just annoyed me as well.

The ending was okay I suppose, but I had really lost interest by that point, and I can barely remember what happened. Not the best end to this series for me.
6 out of 10
bought-2013 clean death ...more9 s Abbie1,975 677

This was a decent end to the series.

I've d Heven and Sam from the start, and that didn't change in this installment. They're so cute together!
Kimber has annoyed me in the last few books, and she got worse in this one. I really couldn't stand her.

I didn't this one quite as much as book two and three, but it was still an enjoyable read, which ended the series nicely.

I'll defiantly be reading some of Cambria's other books. kindle-unlimited5 s Skyye Breeze345

Have you ever read a book/series that you've been away from for so long but you once you get back into you feel your home? That's how I feel about Heven & Hell! I've been with with these characters for a while and their really close to my heart! I was really sad when it was announced that Renegade would be the last book of the series but bittersweet at the same time becaue it'll never be over! With all this being said I would to give you my review of this book.. so here we go! What an emotional ride it was right from the start I was already in tears and gasping for air I've never had a character's journey affect me so hard as theirs have done! There was a lot of crying, fist pumping & cheering on the characters and there was moments when I really wanted to strangle the snot out of some of them but in the end it turned out to be the best book we could have ever hoped for to end this amazing series! What a ride!! I stayed up late last night reading because I was afraid to put it down worried that I would miss a really critical moment and too afraid to tear myself away what if the characters needed me(ok yeah i know i couldn't really help them but i had an emotional attachment.. it felt i could help in some way) when I finally did have to put it down (stupid sleep got in my way.. it won the battle) i couldn't wait to pick the book back up again this morning! In this book you will see these characters really grow up and come into their own they become stronger then they thought they ever could be! You will be BLOWN AWAY!! so you ask how i love this book? let my review speak for itself!! I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! 4 s Noelle112

So sad to see this series end. Loved Sam and Heven!

Favorite quotes:

"What does it say about me that my boyfriend hauls a fire extinguisher everywhere we go?" I asked.

"That you're really hot?" he said. I swear there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Proud of you," Sam mouthed and I actually blushed under his pride. Apparently I could be a total badass but still fall prey to girlish tendencies when my boyfriend paid me a compliment.

His voice floated through my mind. My heart's been yours from the day I first say you.
love sweet-paranormal-series2 s Mlpmom (Book Reviewer)3,065 391

Oh how I have missed Sam and Heven. Truly I have come to think of them as friends. I care about them, their happiness, the outcome for them both and it is so hard saying goodbye to them after feeling they have become a part of me, which is why, I am ashamed to admit, it has taken me so very long to pick up this last book.

Their last book.

How will I ever be able to say goodbye?

I kept thinking if I put it off long enough I wouldn't have to admit that it was almost all over. But then I realized that was just silly. I was only torturing myself because I really needed to know how it all ended and I was hoping and praying that it would end well. What if they didn't end up together? What if more people died? I didn't want to have to hate Cambria, after all I love Heven and Sam almost as much as I have come to love and appreciate Cambria. I didn't want our friendship to be ruined. Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic because, come one, I would still love Cambria no matter what, but it wouldn’t stop me from being mad at her for a little while if Sam and Heven didn't get their happily ever after. I really didn't want to be mad at Cambria, not even a little bit.

I am so sorry I even doubted you for a minute Cambria. I know how much you love Heven and Sam too and I should have known you wanted them to be happy, even if that journey was a really rough and bumpy one to get there.

I really have enjoyed the journey with them. To see Heven grow as much as she has, to become a strong and independent person, one willing and able to stand up for herself and those she loves. She is no longer a shy and meek girl restrained by her appearance and weaknesses. I love how kick butt she became over the course of the series.

In fact, each character, Sam, Riley, Kimber, Gemma, Cole, Heven, they have all grown in some way and I think I love that most of all about this series. It is full of growth and change.

I really couldn't have asked for a better ending, one filled with joy and sorrow, much the other books in the series. I have loved every minute and Sam and Heven's journey and Hebert once again proved why she is an excellent story teller. I so look forward to seeing what she comes out with next.kindle-books kindle-lending tbr-challenge-20141 Danielle Smiley290 12

Holy cow!!! The very best of Heven & Hell was saved for last. Wow. Wow. Wow. It's totally the perfect balance of humor, suspense, drama and romance!!! You've got to love this book!

So what did I love? Well first: the characters. I love the complexity and variety of characters of the Heven & Hell world. I knew Gran had a secret!!! Also, you'd think the character growth (which I love about YA literature) would be complete so many books into a series, but Heven and Sam continue to surprise. Both continue to grow and develop .... happy sigh. And then there's Riley, oh Riley. I heart me some Riley. I also love the peaceful and sweet Ana. In complete contrast, Kimber is such a great character as well; you are thoroughly disgusted with her, but then you feel for her, then you admire her "true to character" actions. She leaves you saying, "Huh. Great, very real, flawed human, witch, whatever." Even the non-human characters had style: I love the Dragon!

Besides the characters, the action was fan-tab-bul-lous!!!! So much happens and it's near impossible to put this book down! I try never to spoil, so I've got to avoid specifics, but suffice it to say, you won't believe the craziness that occurs. All in this crazy-creative world that Hebert creates!!!

Then there's the romance .... more happy sighing! Heven & Sam have this amazing relationship and Cambria Hebert so beautifully writes this romance. Then Riley falls in love .... it's just sooooo well done (but I can' tell you with who). There's much, much more, but I'll let you read for yourself just how amazing the romance is in Renegade.

The ending was the best series ending, maybe EVER! Sooooooo much happens throughout the series, but Hebert manages to bring just the right amount of closure, that all you feel is complete and utterly satisfied ... kind of having just enough chocolate cake to satisfy a craving without hating yourself. Things aren't so perfectly tied up that it's unrealistic, but there's plenty of happy ending to make this gal a happy camper. Yay!2013-reads my-e-books ya-fantasy1 Stephanie GarzaAuthor 9 books41

This is my favorite out of the whole series. I was reading it steady until I hit about halfway through & I couldn't put it down. My eyes were glued to my kindle- I couldn't read fast enough.

I love how Sam and Riley describes how the change and shift come over them. Made me want to shake off imaginary fur.

The loyalty of Gran to her family and the secrets she harbors are eye opening and gives insight to Heven's mom and dad.

The romance? Gosh, it made my face flush with excitement and shyness. Sam is a fictional boyfriend I'd want!

The 3 POVS, Riley-Sam-Heven, was easy to comprehend and it kept the story interesting and fast paced. It gave great insight into each character and how they goes through the emotional pulls and pushes.

I loved the imagery. It was a movie reel steadily going through my head as I was reading. Word for word - a movie was going.

Some images were gruesome but not distasteful. Beautifully written.

To say I cried at the end is putting it mildly. I cried hard. Everything that happens, the passion, drama, death, action, romance, comedy, it was everything + the kitchen sink. It overwhelmed me as only certain books could do.

I hope Riley finds his HEA, hint hint... Kimber too. She fell threw at the end.

Can't tell you how much more awesome this book is until you get it and love it as much as me.

The growth of romance and friendship is alive. THIS BOOK DID NOT DISAPPOINT. LOVED. THIS. BOOK.

Hell hounds are the new werewolves. I wish this series could be a movie!!!1 Shambhawi P.Author 1 book64

There is going to be a spinoff series for Riley, right? He's gonna be totally badass and grow wings for his hound and fly away to heaven and kick all those angel bastards' asses, right?

I am not at all ready to be finished with this series and these amazing characters. :'( God help me.

What can I say? This book rocks. Best book in the series so far. And if you've read the first three books - prepare to be mindfucked completely.

Everything you believed about this series was a lie. Damn, but that smarted.

Sam was still a hellhound though.

5 Riley Stars I need more of his snark and sweet.


I know this review makes no fucking sense whatsoever but whaddya expect? I just had my brain melted from too much awesomeness. face-battling-and-snarky-words forbidden-love heroes-to-die-for ...more1 Tiffany272 54 Want to read

I'm going to let Robert Downey Jr. express my thoughts about this book. :D

[image error]own signed-books1 FeliciaAuthor 15 books280

I was upset when Cambria announced that this would be the last book in the series, but she did a great job tying it all together. I would be perfectly ok if decided to write a spin off with Riley as the MC.. hint, hint! Don't miss this one!!!1 Heidi1,395 161

Heven watches her fellow students jostling in the crowded hallways. She wishes that she could go back to the days when things were normal and simple, but then she wouldn't have Sam. Her life would be incomplete without Sam! Things are chaotic and as dangerous as ever for Heven. She knows that she must return to Hell and free all the souls trapped there, including her mother. She must also confront Beelzebub once and for all before he hurts someone else. No matter what, she has her friends and of course Sam..... Can Heven somehow accept her destiny and free the souls?
What I d:
*It isn't often that I get to complete a series. Too many books and commitments get in the way. The Heven and Hell Series is one series that I have been with since the beginning and read through until the end. There is something completely satisfying about the final book in a series, even if it is bittersweet. Fans of this series won't be disappointed as Ms. Hebert once again works her magic and brings a story fraught with danger and surprises. At the heart of the story is the pure and strengthening love between Heven and Sam as well as some tried and true friendships. Everything draws to a dramatic close, and I was left satisfied.
*I love that this series has such great secondary characters. This time, Riley and Kimber play bigger roles and the two of them add some snark and fun to the story. You never know what either Riley or Kimber will say or do, and quite honestly I think the duo almost stole the show. I that they are both dangerous and rebellious and some of their one liners definitely made me laugh. I loved how much Riley grew and changed by the end of the story. He really comes a long way way. Kimber doesn't quite make it as far, but I still have hope for her.
Gemma and Cole are back and I admired their strength and commitment and was happy the way things worked out, even though it was not quite what I was expecting.
*The world building in this one is well done. Heven and the gang spend a great deal of time traversing the dangerous plains of Hell. I enjoyed the terrain and I d Ms. Hebert's vision of Hell.
*The Devil also makes an appearance in this one and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed his character. He is evil and all that, but he also has another side and some surprising depth. Sometimes you can make a deal with the devil.
*Finally, I loved the way both Heven and Sam transformed, especially Heven throughout the series. In the beginning, Heven is weak and hiding, but by this book she has come into her own. She is strength and power and able to stand on her own. Sam, too, has grown, and I loved the way he steps back and allows Heven to shine. I appreciated the way he learned to set aside his jealousy when it comes to Riley and I d watching the two work together. The love Sam and Heven have for one another is what sustains them and they are stronger together. I d that this book steered away from love triangles and stuck with a straightforward romance.
And The Not So Much:
*For me, the middle of the book lost a tiny bit of focus. Heven spends some time avoiding her mission in Hell and during this time things get a little weird. There are numerous attacks on the gang by Beelzebub that involve possession, green fog, werebats and zombies. While all this was fun, I thought it detracted a bit from the main story line.
*Kimber is all kinds of bad in this one. She reverts back to her spoiled, selfish self, and I have to say, I was sad. I was really hoping that she would redeem herself. Granted she makes some strides, but at the end she does something and her fate is left in the air. I am wondering if there might be a spinoff or something because it really bothered me not knowing what happened to her. I know she was supposed to be the villainess, but I really d her and wanted good things for her.
*Riley's storyline is also left a bit unfinished. I was surprised at how much I loved his character. I want him to find his happiness, and I can't help wonder if we might be seeing more from Riley and Kimber in a future book? I think we all want to know how things work out for them.
*A few storylines were left dangling, and I was wondering why. For instance, Sam was haunted by the murder of a teenage girl from the first book. He was determined to see that her body was recovered and that her family found closure. There is a scene where the body is discovered, but it was never revealed if he found his peace with the situation and if the family got closure. I also wanted to know what the deal was with Heven's mom and Beelzebub. Why did Heven find those photos of her mother dressed as a biker chick? Most importantly, I want to know Riley and Kimber's fates.
*Gran was a character that I adored from the beginning. I always knew that she was hiding something, and this time she reveals some of her secrets, but I was a bit disappointed because after the first chapters she once again vanishes and is a non factor. I was hoping that she would step up and play a larger role. This is not a big deal, just a personal preference.

Renegade does not disappoint! The dramatic conclusion to The Heven and Hell Series is jam packed with danger and action as Heven, Sam and the rest of the gang fight to rid themselves of the demons and terrors that plague them. There is romance, death, and not everyone gets a happily ever after, but in the end, it is a satisfying finale to a terrific series. Well done, Ms. Hebert. Thanks for the incredible ride!

Favorite Quotations:
"Walmart's a place you go to buy everything you can think of. It's crowded, it smells, and the people there are weird."
"But in truth, she's the one who saved me. She's the one who loved a boy that no one else would."
"She's the one who gave me her heart even though I didn't deserve it, and she's the one who made me feel I was worth something more than nothing." Without her I'd be a man with two halves. It's her that binds both parts of me together."
"There's nothing you could say to me right now that would ever change the way I feel about you. I loved you yesterday. I love you today and every single tomorrow we get."
"You loved me when I couldn't love myself. You carried me when I couldn't walk. You offered to die so I could live. You, Sam, are the very definition of strength. If I am strong it's because you shielded me."
I knew I would see him again, because in the end, people always come home. Even if it was only because they were hungry."

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review.
Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.


So it ends

This series was amazing. I thought I had read all the Cambria Hebert books available on KU, so I was so surprised when I found these. The story is quick paced and action packed. But it is the dialogue that pulls you into the characters and gives you their personality.
This book series is definitely YA and suitable for an early to mid-teen with no worry about mature content. Autumn Breier1,986

5 out of 5 Stars

Renegade is book 4 in the Heven and Hell Series. I really enjoyed Renegade. I love Heven and Sam. october-2019 Kasey1,010

Good read Maghon Thomas1,494 1 follower

Oh, where to start. I mean, Cam, if I had your number, I would have called you with death threats I think. You tore apart my heart just a few times. You made me laugh. You made me cry. You also made me completely shocked… I NEVER would have thought that for Riley, but I think I underestimated him. I have become so utterly proud of Heven, she found herself. I am so happy for Sam, that when he let go, Heven could float by herself. I will start by saying I am really happy most got their happy endings. I’m impressed. You worked everything out in a way I never would have guessed. May you be as happy as me with your ending

Heven is the best of herself. She has finally found what she is meant to do, and now she will stop at nothing to do just that. I actually felt really bad for her here. Just when you think things are going ok, BOOM, something ridiculous happens. She has grown into someone so lovely, both inside and out. Dude, she went up against the strong big guys in Hell. She’s straight up bad ass! I can’t believe she’s less damaged I am so proud of her.

Sam is unbelievable. I have always Sam is the perfect boyfriend, for Heven. I doubt he’d be that awesome with me He’s also grown, and even though he gets some major curve balls thrown at him, he survived. That in itself is just awesome. Riley has grown exponentially here. I know he thinks he’s a bad guy, but I know he isn’t. And now, I think even he can’t try to use that excuse. I would have totally high fived him, and then kisses him as he’s still the resident HAWT bad boy I think he may have been the one to have the most character growth over all. Way to keep the bad boy bad, but put a little good in there too and make it real. I refuse to say a word about Cole. It’s not happening. But well played. I literally sighed with tears with his ending

Kimber is freaking the Bermuda Triangle. Hot damn. You have made the perfect character to be the frenemy! She really does have some character growth, and though most will hate her, I seemed to maybe be leaning there after everything, I can’t help but think of that last thing she did. Or those times she helped. And then I think of that one big one, and I cringe. Extremely well played into the plot twist. I happen to maybe think Kimber has the most complexity of all the characters. And Gemma, is just still the coolest. My heart broke for her, throughout this whole series. I am so happy it maybe isn’t so broken anymore

This is the best writing I have seen from Cambria. She has taken my world on a fantastic roller coaster, made it completely addicting, and then still makes you smile when you know it’s over. I couldn’t have thought of a cooler way to end my series with a BANG! This is definitely some of the best writing from Ms Hebert. The action in this one, is beyond any of the others. I was enamored by how well the action scenes went. I feel I got a work out LOL You know it’s art when you can lose yourself completely, and I sure did. You would have had to cut off my fingers to stop me from page turning for me to stop… And my secret, is I still wouldn’t, as I don’t need my fingers to turn the pages of my kindle I will forever be beautifully haunted by this series, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. There will never be another Heven and Hell for me, as I’ve already found mine Heven’s treasure map led me right there into a world of awe inspiring beauty, full of magnificent characters, and a wonderful tale of good finally winning over evil. To my friends in the Heven and Hell world, I will see you again one day To Cam, congratulations you wonderful, crazy, fantastic writer! You deserve so much more with this one, but my very rare 6 ANGELICALLY BRILLIANT, ALL ENCOMPASSING, INCREDIBLY MAGNIFICENT PAWS will hopefully be enough! fantasy paranormal review-4-author ...more Amelie Blake122 48

100000000000000000000000 STARS
And this is how one writes a MASTERPIECE

That was my reaction once I knew it was released :D

I cannot even....I....I am at loos of words


I reached up, pushing away what was tickling me, and it disappeared. “Careful,” Sam warned softly so I opened my eyes all the way to see a perfectly shaped red rose in his hand.

This time when I reached for it he handed it over, directing my fingers between the thorns.
“Happy Birthday,” he said as I brought the rose to my nose and inhaled its floral scent. “It’s beautiful,” I told him, pulling it back to study it once more, but I barely got the chance to look at its silky red petals because he pushed it and my hand aside and lowered himself closer until it lay forgotten on the pillow beside us and he was kissing me in a way that made me forget my name, let alone my brand new age.

they have shared love

They've been through hell

But they always ended up together


NOW, to the book.
Honestly, The Heven and Hell Series is my favorite book of all time <3

I fell in love with it from the first chapter and cherished every moment I spent reading the amazing adventures of Heven and Sam.
Now, I am not so thrilled about the cover, this is NOT how I pictured Heven and Sam. But it's still good :)

However, the book did not disappoint. As ever, Cambria Hebert just blew me away with her style. You are probably wondering why I love this book thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat MUCH. Well, here you go:

1. Heven is no pathetic weak heroine who waits for the guy to save her. That girl has been through hell (literally) and she is just getting stronger each single day.

2. Sam is just PERFECTION. I usually don't fall for the good guys but Sam, ah Sam, is just what every girl needs.

3. Riley...!! May I just say, Definition of the bad boy :D

4. The suspense and adventure, always keeping me on my toes.

.....Look, honestly, there are hundreds of other reasons but I cannot just go into them, you'll have to see for yourself. I cannot imagine that anyone won't love these books and I am really sorry that the series is finished. I also hope Cambria Hebert could shed some light on what happened to Riley and Kimber in a short story.
favorites Kendall {Book Crazy}1,406

I am so overjoyed that I took a chance on this series way back in 2011! It has completely blown my mind and it has continued to do so over and over again! I have loved this series since it started and I have loved every book to the series more and more! It continues to throw twist after twist until it comes to the ultimate conclusion in Renegade! This book was phenomenal and definitely my favourite of the series! The synopsis for this book is enough to draw anyone in! It is so beautiful and it also sums up this entire series! I read Renegade in two sittings because I couldn't put it down! Once I started it I was pulled right back into Heven and Sam's world and I didn't want to leave! The plot of Renegade was amazing! It was explosive and had so many twists and turn in it! I was completely engrossed in it! There was so much action in the book as well! The plot wasn't what I was expecting it to be but I didn't really have any ideas about what was going to happen in it apart from the what I could guess from the ending of Tirade! I enjoyed being surprised though! The characters were again amazing! I can't believe how much Heven has grown since I met her in Masquerade! She has blown me away with her strength, her determination and her passion! She really is an amazing heroine and I have loved taking her journey with her! In Renegade Heven is put to the ultimate test and it was amazing watching her battle against evil for the final time! Sam has grown so much as well! I loved his changes! I adored how far he was willing to go to protect Heven and his feelings for her were so genuine! You could tell that he truly loved her! The rest of the characters in this book and in this series have all truly been amazing! They have all brought so much to the story and I have loved all of them! I loved that Renegade was written from Heven, Sam and Riley's point of view Tirade was as it was amazing to go into all of their heads and experience how they feel about certain situations and to see their emotions! I am very sad that this is the last book in this series as this series has been one of my favourites and I fell in love with the uniqueness of the plot and I fell in love with the characters! I do think that the ending was absolutely perfect though! The cover is beyond stunning! I love the other covers in this series and the cover for Renegade suits the rest perfectly! Big thank you to Cambria for an ARC of Renegade and also to Amber for having me on the Blog Tour! arc blog-tours Shy The WidowMaker472 178

I have to say that I have been with this series since the beginning and so sad to see if end but boy does the author end it so well. I don't think there could have been another way to finish this series and tie up all the loose ends and still make the readers happy. The author really brings it in this final book and left me satisfied with the ending and ok with the series coming to an end. This book will take you on such a ride and on a serious emotional rollercoaster. There were some parts of this book that shocked the heck out of me and had me in tears. I so didn't see some of the things that happened being played out the way they did.

Ok this book picks up where the last one ends and we see Heven gearing up to complete the final battle and to try to locate the Souls. She along they way learns some important facts about herself and why she was being targeted. It all leads up to some really life changing events. I have to say I once again was in love with Sam. I swear the boy can not catch a break and is always getting a raw deal. I loved that through it all he still focused on his love for Heven. These two have been through so much to be together and I loved that they got that happily every after in if the author tortured be in some parts and had me wanting to freak out. I will warn you readers that there are really some parts that will keep you reading because you just know that what you think is about to happen can't possibly be happening. We also get to see what all the other characters Riley,Kimber,Cole and Gemma are up too. This book also has some parts that will appeal to the Riley lovers out there as you really get to see more of him and see him grow as a person. We also get to see what all Kimber can do as a witch and just how powerful she may be. We get more Cole and Gemma and their struggle to be together too.

Overall I think this was the perfect ending of this series and I really am so sad to see it go but I think the author ended it well. This book will keep you engaged and wanting to keep reading to see what will happen next. You will laugh and cry and then get to a happy place once you see where the author is going with the story. I am tipping my hat to the author and telling her a job well done on this book and this truly amazing series. If you haven't read any of these books you are really missing out on an amazing series and you need to drop everything and pick it up now.
Angie2,352 255

Renegade is a slightly better sequel, but still a disappointing ending. Heven, Sam, and Company are back to school, but evil is still underfoot. They’ve also filled in Heven’s grandmother about what’s going on, because some events are essentially happening in her own backyard. Then she tells them what she knows, and everything makes much more sense. But simply knowing what’s really going on, isn’t going to help them defeat Beezlebub and his minions.

Renegade has quite a bit going on. Of course, there’s Heven versus Hell and her romance with Sam. They’re still super sweet and lovey dovey. But there’s two more romances that get quite a bit of page time, but didn’t really need to. There was Cole and Gemma, whom we knew about from last time, but I still think that came out of freaking nowhere. Then there’s Riley and Ana, who I did . They’d have a super interesting story if they had gotten their own book rather than a few pages here and there.

On top of all that, there’s Kimber. Kimber is the absolute worst and I was so sick of her just doing something because she feels betrayed then screwing up and being all “I didn’t know! I didn’t mean to do that!” Well she would have known if she’d listen when people try to talk to her! I’m so glad that Heven had a “I’m so over this bitch” moment. Although I do have to wonder what happened to her in the end. Hopefully she’s roasting in Hell.

The big finale was underwhelming. Renegade was building up to this big showdown with Beezlebub and it all kind of fizzled out for me. I mean, Satan helped them. He came out of nowhere and was “Hey, I’m a cool dude, I’ll help. I’m not totally evil.” Um…yeah, okay. Then everyone lived happily ever after, as expected. Well, almost everyone because of death. But being a paranormal series means that death isn’t always a bad thing.

Read more of my at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.read-2015 reviewed young-adult Nicole (Reading Books With Coffee)1,399 35

I've really enjoyed the other books in this series, and Renegade was no exception! I think I d it about the same as Tirade, maybe a little more.

I definitely got pulled back into this world, which I really . It's different than a lot of other paranormal books I've read, and it was nice to jump back into Heven's life.

Everyone got the ending they deserved, and I'm glad things worked out for so many characters. There were some unexpected happenings, but even then, I wasn't too surprised they happened (even if I didn't want things to go that way).

Still, the one person I wanted to know more about was Kimber! She's definitely her selfish, jealous self in this one, and her story is the one that felt the most unresolved to me. I'm really curious about what happened to her more than anyone else because of that. And there is something about it that leaves me hoping (at least a little) that there's at least one book set in this world about her. It's the same with Riley, at least in terms of slightly unfinished story lines.

While things are (mostly) resolved, there are I few things I'm slightly curious about because there weren't a lot of details. , the girl that China killed in the first book...did the family ever get closure with what happened to her? And did Sam ever find his peace with what happened?

Also: the real reason why Heven's mom thought she was marked for hell. We get more of that backstory, but not enough to make me happy! And I wish Gran had more of a role in the series, but particularly this book, with some of the things that Gran's been hiding. She's such an awesome character, and her few appearances makes me wish we saw more of her.

My Rating: 3 stars. I thought it was a really good conclusion to the series, and I'm sad that it's over (but at least there are novellas to read!) but there was something about this book that was slightly repetitive. Still, I d it!2015 children-young-adult paranormal AmBear ShelleaAuthor 22 books109

What did I think? Well, that is an easy question. I LOVED IT! Of course. :)

I have read the entire series, and have been turned from Sam to Riley who is my Fav character and has been since Tirade. There is just something about a hotass babdboy with a quick wit and smart mouth!

Renegade was an awesome read. This book was all the things you love in a good book: humor, sarcasm, sadness, loss and love. I went through every emotion I possess as I devoured the pages. There were times I cried, Riley always made me laugh, and of course, there was that one thing that made me want to hurl my phone right at the wall! (and no, I am not saying what that one thing is)

The characters this time around, even though I have gotten to know them, still surprised me in one way or another. Some ways were good, some ways...not so much!

This whole thing with Gemma and Cole...WOW! (Insert Curve Ball here)

Renegade was awesome, and I have to say, my favorite book in this series. I gave 5 stars because it kept me turning pages, laughing out loud enough people asked questions and had twists and turns I didn't see coming. I am a roller coaster junkie, and Heven Hell Series is one helluva ride!

If you haven't read this series, I really can't fathom what you are waiting on. As with all things, Start at the beginning!

To Cambria Hebert, Thank you for such a great adventure and getting me hooked. I so enjoy a good book addiction :)

AmBear :) Julie Kirby918 13

Well well well........

What a fantastic series.

I totally enjoyed this book, thankfully not as dark as Tirade, but equally as fascinating.

Sam and Hever, the odds were stacked against them from the start, but the path of true love although never runs smoothly, it does build the bond between the two of them. Hever was a lovely strong determined person, although her past was not a straight one you just knew she was going to get her job done. Sam never ceased to surprise me, what a beautiful boy he was, so glad they made it.

Oh my god, when Kimber killed Cole I wasn't ugly crying, but did have a huge lump in my throat. with the tears threatening, I so dis Kimber. She ended up where she belonged!

Poor Gemma, was she ever going to get a break, she had been through so much, but I was sitting here reading the part where you find out they were to become the new island keepers with the hugest smile on my face. So pleased Cole and Gemmas were finally able to get their happy ever after, forever.

Riley!!!! Didn't he do well, I had high hopes for him, and loved that he was able to find love, such a shame it was forbidden, he really came through, as I hoped he would, really glad that he and Sam became friends.

I loved that Heven, got to see how happy Logan was, and that she got to make peace with her mom.

thanks Cambria, I'm really glad I read this series. Christina M497 19

Oh My God!!! The BEST is saved once again for last! And this one sure doesn't disappoint! Cambria Hebert has done it again!

I absolutely REFUSE to say anything about this book because I do not wish to spoil the story for those who haven't had a chance to read it yet.

What I will say is that the Characters are once again BRILLIANT! I love books where their is growth and this series does not miss that very important factor. I love the intricacies of this series. The ups and downs of life.

And the ending... nope not telling but WOWZERS!!! hmmm is that a word or just something the Fonz said? Well whatever I actually used it so it must be a word! I will say that you are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!

All in all, I give this entire series 5 brilliant stars. I was lucky I read all the books one after the other so I was able to literally submerge myself in the characters and the story. Needless to say my nose was stuck in my kindle late into the night!

I must compliment Cambria Hebert for this series, and I can't wait to see more from this very talented author!

Note* This series is a one in which I don't recommend to the younger crowd, Older teens and Mom's you will LOVE this series!
Details/Disclaimer: Review copy was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. The free book held no determination on my personal review. Amy Erstad16 7

I have read all the books in the Heaven & Hell series, and in my opinion, this is the best yet. Poor Sam and Heaven never seem to get a break and are still going through all those trials and tribulations, but still manage to keep it together. Add in Cole’s problems, not only the continuing problems with Gemma, but also with Kimber, and Riley’s power lust and his own problems and you have a winning book. I especially loved Heaven and Kimbers interaction; I could totally see it happening if it was possible in our world.

There was a lot of cool action and the book was so intense that I really didn’t want to put it down. This book had me laughing at some points, and I wanted to cry at other points, but that just made me love the book even more. If it weren’t for having to charge my nook, I would have read this book in one sitting, because I didn’t want to stop reading. Cambria you gave us an awesome book with some interesting twists and did an awesome job in writing it. This book definitely deserves five + stars from me. Thank you for letting me read and enjoy this series and especially this book.
Tricia KristufekAuthor 29 books78

At least he didn't try to tell me it would be okay. We would have both known he was lying.

Sam and Heven are picking up the pieces, and trying to come to terms with all they've lost. Now everything is at risk as Beelzebub brings his war home. Can Sam and Heven win this war, or will they lose too much in the end?

Sam and Heven, along with the rest of the characters from the series, join a few more in an effort to save the world from Beelzebub's lofty plans. The characters continue to drive this story (series) onward, and the growth of Heven and Sam shines in this book. There were a few places where the action dropped or got diverted, and a few things that might have been tied up more completely. But all in all, the characters and the world were well done, vivid, and complex -- even the side characters introduced throughout the series had their say and were fleshed out.

The final book in the Heven and Hell series wraps almost everything up into a nice package. The story lines all have satisfying endings, if not the ones readers saw coming. The twists, deceptions, and triumphs keep readers turning the page, eager for more. Tammy Hall401 22

I wondered what I would say once I came to this point, the series finally at an end and me left wishing some how I could make it all a reality. Cambria Herbert did an amazing job with the final book in the Heven and Hell series. Renegade is gripping and intense with just the right amount of drama, romance, suspense, and humor all rolled into this wonderful book.
I will miss Sam, Gemma, Cole, Kimber, Riley, and all the other characters in this series I have grown to love They have grown and developed into some of the best written characters I have read. These characters have taken me on journeys I've only dreamed of and introduced me to things unimaginable and yet they may just be a reality. I have found a love of dragons that will only grow from here on in. I have read of secrets told and the blossom of new love. I have read haunting tales and of worlds ripped apart. Renegade brought all of this to an end with such a compelling all questions answered (or were they) ending that it leaves you feeling as though you have gotten away with some top government secret. I will read this series again! I hope you will too! Crystal255 5

Cambria , Cambria, Cambria just when I thought The Heven and Hell Series couldn't get any better, you go and add Renegade to the mix with a finale that left me speechless.

I promise not to give any details away in this review. Strictly my thoughts =) And so here goes nothing.

Completely not expected the ways things went down. I admit that I teared up on more than one occasion; I am a girl after all (LOL) So full of vivid details (as always) and emotion, it's kinda hard not to get swept up in this final installment. One minute I'm shaking my head no because I don't want to believe what I'm reading and the next I'm giving myself a high five and nodding in agreement over the way a scene went down.

I always believed in the saying "Go big or go home", and you, my dear Cambria, pulled out all of the stops to make a lasting impression for this fan of The Heven and Hell Series.

My wish for you is that you continue creating beautiful stories full of amazing characters and lands so vivid that I wish to retire there one day.

And so there is my thought only review for Renegade. I hope you enjoyed it =)
2013-favorites omg-love-it My Bookbag by Karen347 61

Renegade is full of emotion without all the angst (which I truly appreciate). For me though, there is a little bit too much lag in places, a little too much ‘filler’ while waiting for the ‘real’ action to start. There are quite a few twists in the telling of this story. It just feels as though the story would be told just as well without the extraneous happenings, ie… green fog..

I must admit that I didn’t really see Riley’s nor Ana’s paths ending where they did. I can say that for most of the ancillary characters. What I did expect, and am so happy to see, is the strength Heven develops throughout the series. Hebert tells the story of Heven brilliantly. Hebert lovingly weaves Heven from a broken shell into the warrior with a heart that she was always meant to be.

I am torn on my rating for Renegade. There is a lot of action (necessary and unnecessary). There is a little too much filler, but the parts of the story necessary for the journey are really good. Because the rating actually falls between 31/2 and 4, I am giving this book 4 stars. I do recommend to those who have already read the rest of the series.action-adventure emotional paranormal ...more Melissa Stickney328 4

The Heven and Hell series is without a doubt one of my personal favorites. I fell in love with all of the characters that Cambria created in this series. It's really hard to accept that there will be no more tales of Heven and Sam, but Cambria did an amazing job with the conclusion to their story.

In the final book Heven and everybody in her life are tested more than they ever have been before. Time is running out and Beezlebub needs to be stopped before he wreaks even more havoc than he already has. Heven is determined to make things right. With the help of Sam, Cole, and hopefully Riley she sets out to right the wrongs that have been made, bring peace to all of the stolen souls, and hopefully make it so that her and Sam can finally start their life together.

There is so much that I want to discuss, but I am not a fan of spoilers. The epic conclusion to the Heven and Hell series is a definite must read. Thank you so much Cambria for bringing these characters into the world. Misty301 74

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