
Threads of Fate de C.A. Blooming

de C.A. Blooming - Género: English
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C.A. Blooming Publisher: Pink Office Publishing LLC, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798861444538,9798861646093

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I was a beta reader & proofreader for this book, so I got to read it early. I absolutely LOVED this book.

A garden door leads to the joining of two people from different worlds. Orah, a mortal from Earth, and Roan, a Governing God from Comas, are forced to figure out the powers at play when their worlds collide, leading to a series of events that will alter both of their lives forever. Fair warning, the ending of this book will WRECK you. I am still not over it.

This debut novel is the first of a series and I highly recommend it if you love the fantasy genre. Threads of Fate is a slow burn romance set in a magical setting, and has mental health rep & LGBTQIA+ rep. The author did a great job of world building in a way that was not overwhelming or confusing. I enjoyed every moment of it.

There are some potentially triggering topics, so please check the content warnings page if you have topics you wish to avoid.7 s Alyssa47 3

What just happened? Jaw Drop.

I just finished reading and I am not okay.

This is a masterfully written novel and to know it's just the beginning is A M A Z I N G!

Firstly, the story arc is so good. There is a HUGE surprise at the end which you don't see coming. It is a complete shock and awe moment. The development of the world takes it time, not in an agonizing way, but with just the right amount of building at the right moment for the main character.

The FMC, Orah, goes through a journey from France to the world behind the door in the garden. She has many complex emotions which many relate to facing her past to find her truth. Orah learns she has power. Power to make choices. Power to move forward. Power from the Gods. She has only just begun to explore all that she is and will be. I am most excited for her continued growth!
The MMC, Roan, is everything. He has his own baggage to work through, but, oh my goodness. His world quite literally and figuratively collides with Orah's...and it is so worth the wait.
The secondary characters are also so meaningful and important to the development of the story and the other characters. They really drive the conflict and make a BANG in the end. Also, huge kudos to the reader for having LGBTQIA+ representation in main secondary characters. It is so wonderful to see relationships of all kinds play out in the book.

Anyway, back to the ending....YOU WILL NEVER SEE IT COMING. That is all.

I can't wait for book 2 later this year. There are so many ways this story could end up and I am here for all of them. You need this book!

If you have triggers, please read the trigger warnings as there are some scenes which some might want to be forewarned about.arcs5 s Caitee3 3

After being thrown into the Land of Gods, getting back to Earth seems impossible for Orah, especially when she finds friendship, magic and love in this beautiful realm. The slow burn had me on the edge of my seat with every look Orah and Roan (who will totally be your new book boyfriend) shared. I really felt I knew every person, even the side characters, and I admired that LGBTQ+ characters were not just included but highlighted in a way that wasn’t forced. I cried as I felt seen in Orah’s depression. Our heroine has real emotions and I loved reading her encounters with letting herself feel and overcome personal darkness. This book will have you feeling all of things- joy, sadness, intrigue, anger, lust. Where many new fantasy worlds can be overwhelming to imagine, this one was not. The settings were consistent which helped solidify them in my mind. The characters felt real and I was not ready to say goodbye to them at the end of the book. I am so glad it’s a series so it’s not goodbye forever. I loved this book and will be reading it again soon because I know the reread is going to be even better than the first.

Threads of Fate would be great read for new and seasoned fantasy readers a. If you love slow build tension (that pays off for the wait, trust me) then you will definitely be a fan. Seriously, add this to your TBR - you won’t be disappointed!

Thank you to the author C.A. Blooming for an early eARC copy of Threads of Fate. I truly love this amazing world and people you have created.

10/10 Recommend!4 s Bevin158 6

CW: trauma, death of family, spice, some violence, some others.

A massive thank you to the author for allowing me to be a part of the ARC team! “Threads of Fate” releases June 1, 2024!

Prepare to start this book and then just not move until you’ve finished it because, trust me, it’s that good.

When Orah decides to purchase a French chateau to start her life over, the last thing she expects is to find a locked gate in her new garden. Even less expected is that the gate leads to another world, full of gods and mythical creatures, and that the very first thing she’d do is run headlong into one of those gods. Specifically, the God of Nyte. It is his garden, after all. But…how’s she going to get home?

Do y’all know how long it’s been since I found a book that made me intentionally want to read it slower because I wanted to savor every line? A really, really long time. I’ve read some amazing stories that I just couldn’t walk away from, but this book is the kind that you dread finishing because you know you’re immediately going to miss it. It makes you want to throw yourself headlong at the fictional world screaming, “wait I wasn’t done, let me back in!”

I could start anywhere with this book and have an incredible amount of things to say, but since everything has to start somewhere, I’ll start with the characters. The story is told in the 3rd person, but with two focal characters: Orah, our FMC, and Roan, our MMC. The bulk of the book focuses on Orah, so we’ll start with her. This FMC is incredible. She’s got tons of baggage and her story is going to break your heart, but she’s so incredibly strong because of everything. Fierce and funny, Orah wields her wit and determination sledgehammers. Despite that, she never comes off as cruel, or callous, or mean. She’s got boundaries, and you’re going to respect them no matter who you are, but it’s not abrasive. Roan, our MMC, is every bit as humorous and clever as Orah. He’s kind and gentle, but he never gives ‘doormat’ vibes. He feels safe, and it radiates off the page. Their dynamic is immaculate; the banter is delightful and the mutual respect?! Love it. Let’s not forget our side characters though— the secondary cast is jam-packed with people you’re going to adore (or maybe loathe, depending on who we’re referencing). The relationships there all come together to make something that feels strangely home.

The plot and the world building combine to make something amazing, but I’ll start with the world building. While the story starts off in modern-day France, the setting quickly shifts to the land of Comas. The Land of the Gods, this realm is the perfect blend of fantasy and real world, in my humble opinion. It’s got magical modern amenities while retaining that fantasy charm so many of us know and love. Every little detail just adds to how much this realm comes to life, and I don’t think I’ve fallen in love with a fantasy world quite so hard in ages. It’s beautiful, it’s vibrant, and it’s comforting. Every little piece of it joins with those characters I was talking about to make this world feel so solid and real. the people inhabiting it, the world feels home.

At long last, this just leaves the story itself to discuss. I don’t actually know where to begin, because I want to start everywhere, all at once. This book rides the line perfectly of plot-driven versus character-driven, and it makes for an incredibly engaging story. I absolutely could not bring myself to put it down until my contacts dried out completely and forced me to stop, and even then it was a close call. Somehow, though, the closer I got to the end, the slower I wanted to read. I wasn’t ready for it to be over (and I was even less ready after that ending). While a large portion of the story focuses on the dynamic between our two MCs, I never found myself losing focus or interest. I frequently found myself chuckling quietly when one or the other said something snarky, and I think at one point I actually stomped my feet up and down on my chair (I’ll let you read to determine if this was because of rage or the giggles; both are viable options). I know for a fact that I cried at least once. It’s not often that a book can produce such a wide range of emotions for me without leaving me totally exhausted at the end, but this one made it look easy.

In case it wasn’t clear, I loved this book. It’s a beautiful, intriguing story, full of people and places that welcome you in they were waiting for you. The magic and the storyline combine to make this one of my top reads of the year, and I don’t usually rank my reads that. If you love tales of other worlds, romance, rage, magic, and stories that soothe your soul while making your heart race, then this is one you need to check out as soon as possible.3 s Kylan Stone3

This book was amazing! The world building was not overwhelming and it kept me interested the entire time. This book is very fast paced and I read it in a day. The ending was jaw dropping. I cannot wait for book 2 at the end of this year! 3 s LuvFantasy1 review

An absolute, cannot overstate this enough, must read!

I’m not even sure what to compare this with because the emotional journey is un anything out there that I’ve come across. You think you know where it’s going, you’re rooting for Orah to get home after she gets trapped in this beautiful but dangerous world of the gods, then you don’t want her to go home, but what happens… What happens… I can’t give any spoilers!!!! The twists! How does a book not officially even published yet instantly rank among my all time favorite books? The fantasy book industry is not ready for this author. Out of the gate with her debut novel and I rank it top read of the year. Very top.

These comparisons don’t even do it justice but think Throne of Glass meets Chronicles of Narnia or 10th Kingdom meets Outlander might be more apt, but the world, the world just sucks you in and makes you need to live there! Where can I find this garden door? I’ll pack my bags. I mean it. Right now. You just can’t put this book down, and it will have you worrying, then cheering which will turn to screaming, then uncontrolled crying, then curling your toes, then back to cheering again, before devastating you, and WHY is the 2nd book not out already? Why?

This is an ARC so this 1st book won’t even hit shelves until June 2024…. I need the next book. The author has announced book 2 for end of year so that’s good. I need a time machine because now I won’t be able to stop thinking about this book all summer. Make your year, make this author’s year and put Threads of Fate at the top of your TBR. I just can’t with this book. I can’t. It’s THAT GOOD!

Make sure you’re alright with adult content and being devastated before you start this book or you’ll never forgive yourself. Also, budget for book two now before you start. I’m telling you. You’ll have to buy the next one. It won’t even be a question. Just an expense groceries, or rent, or heart medication… UGH. YES. Just YES. I laughed, and cheered, and cried so many times, but I NEED MORE.

For anyone who has struggled with depression since childhood and used books for escape at darker points in life, it’s rare to feel the heroine in your book is feeling how you’ve felt, and had to claw her way back from “the grey” into feeling and living again when life just keeps trying to break her, it has tried to break you in your own life. I was not prepared for how real and relatable Orah is. A masterpiece in realism wrapped in fantasy. To C.A. Blooming. Thank you for being courageous enough to represent us that struggle daily with mental health and seek adventure as our way to cope.

Even being devastated by the end of your book, you still left me feeling hope for what future books may hold for the characters and how they will overcome. I’m not sure how you did that while simultaneously ripping out my heart, but I needed that hope. I think we all do. I’d also to say you represented several communities beautifully that don’t generally get much page time in mainstream fantasy. Courageous in so many ways and fearless in your willingness to represent. Thank you for that too. You’re changing lives. Please don’t stop.

And book two cannot be here soon enough!!!! 3 s Reanna Lozynski25 2

This book is so good!!! It had me laughing, and crying throughout the whole thing. I loved Orah as a character. She’s going through so much mentally and watching her work through her very difficult past is heartbreaking but also so empowering. It’s a great story about how anyone can overcome trauma. I’m going to need book two ASAP!!! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s Alex Kant33 3 Read

ARC Review
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