
Elpida de C. Kennedy

de C. Kennedy - Género: English
libro gratis Elpida


Elpida: Book Three

Michael and Christy attended prom, graduated high school, and Michael leads the USATF tryouts. With Oxford University on the horizon, his future looks bright, and he believes life has returned to normal after Christy’s rescue. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Christy has been free from a life of slavery for more than a year and has made remarkable progress due in no small part to the love he found with Michael. But the recent prosecution of a past abuser has shattered the life he so painstakingly built out of nothing but a mountain of horror. He now faces the daunting task of building a new life—yet again.
Twelve-year-old Thimi has been missing since Christy left Greece and, unbeknownst to everyone, has hidden out in a vacant mansion in Glyfada. Learning of Christy’s survival is the only thing that brings him out of hiding. People, open spaces, even the most common of sounds frighten him beyond reason. A mere ghost of a boy, Thimi arrives in the US with no knowledge of the outside world—the only constant in his life a purple marble.
Lost, shattered, and afraid, only hope gives them the strength and courage they need to begin anew.

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I read Elpída, by C. Kennedy, in one sitting. It was…riveting…so much so I could not stop and just had to get to the end. Fans of this series will remember Christy and Michael from Omorphi and Tharros. They will also recall the discovery of Thimi, a boy Christy watched out for and cared for during their nightmare of abuse at the hands of the animals who held them captive. Thimi had survived for months, living in ductwork, all the while thinking Christy was dead. Now, Thimi would come to Wellington—the place of healing that had helped Christy over the past year, and would be cared for there with Christy leading the team. But Thimi is so very damaged—even worse than Christy was with every movement, touch, noise and decision sending him into a spiral of absolute terror. Unfortunately, Christy himself is also trying desperately to recover from the trial of his main captor and abuser that has set him back in terms of healing progress. Michael stands by his side, also somewhat lost, as old enemies rear their heads and threaten him and his family. All in all, it is a nightmare that everyone wants desperately to wake from, and it is only with great determination and hope that all of them will survive.

This is a story that picks up directly from its predecessor, Tharros, and continues on with break-neck speed, unending action, and some truly heartbreaking moments. Perhaps the real thrust of this novel is the realization of two truths, one being if you have met an abused person, their journey will not be any others’—each victim’s experience is uniquely their own. The second truth that is clearly demonstrated through the characters of Christy and Thimi is the scars an abuse victim bear are not only physical but seared into their very souls which have been left tainted and damaged—their psyche battles it every moment, and it is absolutely all consuming.

With infinite care, author Cody Kennedy exposes the heart and minds of those who have been unalterably changed at the hands of their abusers. He draws back the curtain and shows the reader what it takes for an abuse victim to cope with the aftermath of the hell they had been made to endure, and reminds us that the survivors of abuse are perhaps the most fragile and yet strongest individuals we will ever meet. Mr. Kennedy does so by putting to paper another riveting story that includes everything from threats to the lives of his heroes to moments of utter joy such as when a twelve year old boy experiences a ride on a carousel for the very first time. He continues to expand the love Michael, now a college bound student, has for Christy, and allows that relationship to sometimes bend under the weight of the pressure these two experience as Christy grapples with Michael finding out a horrifying secret Christy had hoped he would never have to share.

If your heart does not stutter and mourn as Christy and Thimi struggle to find any self-worth, any sense of value in themselves, then I would venture to say it must be made of steel, for theirs is a story that is both horrific and desperately sad. But the author allows for hope—he banks on it, thrusts it into the darkness that is the world of an abused child, and refuses to let the strength of it diminish. We watch these young men crawl back from the ashes yet again, and marvel at how resilient they are and how much it takes for them to move through each day, determined to live a life that is free of fear.

Elpída is a glorious conclusion to a stunning series that dares to expose the abuse that goes on every moment of every day in our world. This novel stands firm in its resolve to remind those who have been forced to live a life of abuse that they deserve to have a future that is bright and shining and full of love and, yes, full of hope. I highly recommend Elpída to you. It is an outstanding novel.

Reviewed by Sammy for The Novel Approachabuse-recovery contemporary teen-fiction5 s AnnaLund271 54

Elpída. Hope.
Because without hope, we are all lost.
Because without hope, we have nothing.
The final installment of this trilogy leaves me shattered and sad, and full of anger towards the men who perpetrate this kind of abuse on children. But most of all, it leaves me with hope, exhilarated and happy, which, in this context, is nothing short of magic on the author’s part.
To take this extremely important and difficult subject matter, and lovingly show it without condescension or sensationalism, and give so many young people hope? Magic, indeed.
There is such powerful truth in this series. There is such compassionate giving of hope. It is horrid and beautiful at the same time, and it has a way of sending a spiraling sense of meaning out to young people who are hurting, telling them there is a future, there is a life, there is a way. Telling them that there are good people out there, who will love them.
Hope. Truly the most powerful of all human feelings.
We started with beauty in book one. And horror. And friendship. And love.
Omorphi. Beauty.
We continued with courage in book two. Lots and lots of courage. And love.
Thárros . Courage.
We finish with hope in this third book, as we run, and hide, and make mistakes, and fix them again. And love.
Elpída. Hope.
Thimi is a young boy who lived through the same horrors as Christy in Greece, and Christy finally gets to see his old friend again as he arrives in the US as a scared little waif of a boy. Thimi slowly opens up through the story, and as he starts to understand the sunshine that can exist in a normal life we get to see more about what happens inside a child after abuse.
When you read a YA book, not often does it also work as a manual of how to do things to help a former victim of abuse. It is not often that, in soft tones and sweet turns of phrase, you will understand and learn how to act around people who have been through the unthinkable. Who have been through the unspeakable.
This is a little bit a beautifully crafted Technical Manual of Care and Maintenance for those who work with our collective youth, especially if they work with children or young adults who have had a hard time.
And the end result? The telling of a great, great love story — with true friendship shining through, the kind of love that inspires both happy endings and good laughs.
There are other new fascinating characters entering the scene, too, and especially Zero is someone I would love to see more of in a future book... I can truly say that I hope this trilogy gets a fourth and fifth instalment, because there are still things I’d to know, (and history is full of excellent trilogies in five parts). (Just sayin???).
Beauty and Courage and Hope.
Because Elpida means hope.
And, as we said in the beginning, without hope, we are all lost.
I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher, Harmony Ink Press.
A positive review wasn’t promised in return. I also beta-read an early version of the manuscript. I have also bought my own copy of it from Amazon.
 abuse adolescence adventure ...more9 s Mel148 41

Omorphi brought us lessons of strength. Tharros showed us the qualities of courage and perseverance. And Elpida brings us the message of hope. Always hope.

Of the three books in this series, Elpida is my favorite. I loved Ómorphi and Thárros, but Elpída was a remarkable gelling of all the story elements: the characters, their backgrounds and experiences and how they came to be the people they are, who did what to whom, and why. It also brings home the lasting effects of the evil that abusers perpetrate on their victims and the daily struggle victims go through to hold on to their new life and their ever-fragile hope. Cody Kennedy gives us a never-before-seen glimpse inside the complex psyche of the abused child and the four lives they must construct in order to survive: the secret you, the “normal” you, the real you, and the you created and shown to your abusers.

With the arrival of Timotheos at Wellington, we get an in-depth look into what Christy’s life was before he was rescued. Having Thimi with him is, in many ways, a double-edged sword for Christy. He is so very thankful and relieved to find his “little brother” alive, yet seeing Thimi struggle in his new life and surroundings brings back all the memories Christy has tried so hard to master. It is very humbling and heartbreaking to see how a happy event being reunited with a loved one can trigger nightmares and terrors anew—to see Christy breaking all over again—the terror more horrifying than ever before. Also how small everyday things we take for granted roasting marshmallows can be a trigger… the innocent childhood pleasures of life, forever tainted by evil monsters who steal the very soul of a child.

Throughout the story, Christy struggles with worry and concern over Thimi adapting to his new environment as well as questioning how Michael could possibly love someone as damaged as he. He also worries that spending so much time with Thimi, away from Michael, will adversely affect his and Michael’s relationship. After such horrific abuse, he has a hard time wrapping his mind around how someone Michael could cross his path, bringing “love and kindness and safety.” And a hard time hanging on to the new life he has built for himself. The memories that Thimi’s arrival triggers threaten to pull him under once again. And the ultimate heartbreaking moment is seeing Christy utterly shatter in the chilling confrontation with Michael.

In Thárros, we saw a crack in Michael’s perfect veneer as he experiences trouble controlling his rage at what Christy has endured—a normal reaction for caring people to experience when they discover that such evil exists in the world. In Elpída, Michael struggles to be Christy’s rock while denying and stuffing down his own terror at almost losing Christy. He also struggles with other very human emotions—jealousy and self-recrimination for being jealous of the time Christy spends with Thimi. His jealousy leads him to a very dark place, nearly causing him the loss of the most precious piece of his heart. His only saving grace being his parents, Bobbie and Mac, who provide him with stern, albeit unsolicited, guidance, advice, and constant reminders of who he really is; as well as, Jake, his steadfast friend who is never shy about setting Michael straight when the situation calls for it.

Did I mention there’s also a mystery? Yes, there is, and it is folded neatly throughout the book and keeps the story moving at a nice pace. Get this book… get this series. It’s a wonderful story with heartrending depth of emotion, life-affirming courage and hope, and the best-developed cast of characters I have ever had the pleasure to experience. Within these pages, you will find laughter, you will find tears, you will despair and rage at the evil that exists, but above all else, at the end of the journey, you will find hope—elpída. This series has a permanent place on my OMG shelf.favorites m-m-romance mel-lpr ...more5 s Sara Ella26 6

Elpida by Cody Kennedy
Book three in the Elpida Series
Published by Harmony Ink Press

To establish the series, I am going to start with the titles:
Omorphi - Greek for beautiful
Tharros - Greek for courage
Elpida - Greek for hope

Hope is the theme written into each story in this series with care. Elpida is the full spectrum of what it means to have hope and what it can mean when you lose that hope as Cody continues the adventures of Christy and Michael with their friends and families. For those who have read the first two, this is a hugely anticipated reunion and if not, the story carries well on its own. I can only say that I have been looking forward to reading Elpida since the first reading of Tharros!

Be prepared to jump right in the action from the very beginning. Christy and Michael recovering from a brutal court trial are ready to get on with their lives. This is tested, however, when twelve-year-old Thimi is brought to Wellington, the group home where Christy lives; and with his arrival, everyone's life is turned upside-down. All their friends and family come to help when the past comes back to cause havoc. As in the others, Christy brings humor in his interpretation of American slang and Jake is always looking out for his best friend, but be prepared for your heart to be tested.

Cody Kennedy's writing reaches all readers-young and old. Elpida is an adventure full of action, genuine relationships and heart-warming moments. This story, the other two, is written so well that you will find yourself lost in the pages as the story unfolds-there are no distracting issues. But there is a message. Elpida. and the entire series, brings the awareness of child abuse and trafficking as real issues. They are realities that Cody expertly describes but in a fashion that is not graphic and does not detract from the story. At the end of Elpida, as well as in Omorphi and Tharros, readers will find contact information regarding the issues that stem from child abuse. In Elpida, Christy shines as a survivor and a mentor to those around him. His resilience, courage and hope set the example.

I highly recommend this beautiful series. It is a fun adventure, a thoughtful story that, at the end, one can look at life with a new perspective - a good one.

Cody, could we have one more please? :D4 s Claire Potterton298 5

Being a Michael and Christy addict, I have waited impatiently for this book, particularly knowing that we were going to get Thimi in this story too; and it was definitely worth the wait. As the third and final book in the series, along with the heart-wrenching Thimi storyline, and one or two surprises, this installment was about the tying up of loose ends, justice being served, ghosts being laid to rest. The writing is superb, flowing beautifully to keep you engaged, wonderfully descriptive, with great dialogue, particularly between the young people; some lovely, lighthearted conversations that lifted the mood a little, whilst still fitting with the story....a reminder that these characters are to all intents and purposes, teenagers, dealing with things that no kid should ever have to go through.
As with the first two books, parts of this story are not easy to read. Although this is a work of fiction, knowing that the situations faced by these young people are based on real events is heartbreaking. But, these are hopeful stories too, showing that with determination, care, support, good friends and the right people to love, those who have suffered at the hands of abusers can heal, can take back control of their own lives and build something new for themselves.
This book doesn't have a solid happy ever after ending....I'm not sure it realistically could, but you know that Michael and Christy and their friends and family are all going to be giving it their best shot; hope for a better future is what drives all of us after all.
This is an absolute must for anyone who has read the first two books in the series, and for anyone who hasn't.....read them now!!

Reviewed for divinemagazine.biz2 s Teresa1,035 10

Title: Elpida
Author: Cody Kennedy
Publisher: Harmony Ink
ISBN: 978-1-63533-374-9
Buy Link: https://www.harmonyinkpress.com/books...
Reviewer: Teresa Fallen Angel
Elpida 3
Michael and Christy attended prom, graduated high school, and Michael leads the USATF tryouts. With Oxford University on the horizon, his future looks bright, and he believes life has returned to normal after Christy’s rescue. He couldn’t be more wrong.  
Christy has been free from a life of slavery for more than a year and has made remarkable progress due in no small part to the love he found with Michael. But the recent prosecution of a past abuser has shattered the life he so painstakingly built out of nothing but a mountain of horror. He now faces the daunting task of building a new life—yet again. 
Twelve-year-old Thimi has been missing since Christy left Greece and, unbeknownst to everyone, has hidden out in a vacant mansion in Glyfada. Learning of Christy’s survival is the only thing that brings him out of hiding. People, open spaces, even the most common of sounds frighten him beyond reason. A mere ghost of a boy, Thimi arrives in the US with no knowledge of the outside world—the only constant in his life a purple marble. 
Lost, shattered, and afraid, only hope gives them the strength and courage they need to begin anew.

Total Score: 5/5 and a Recommended Read

This book held me spellbound from the first sentence. What Christy and Thimi endured was shocking, but somehow they survived and found the courage to trust again. Christy and Michael's lives seemed to be finally settling down and after everything they had overcome they deserved it. When Christy learned that Thimi is alive he was willing to do what he had to so Thimi could join him. Michael's love for Christy is beyond measure, but it is about to be put to the test. Their lives and everyone that they love is still in danger as their enemies relentlessly work to destroy all they they have built. Christy is determined to be their for Thimi, but can one person on their own overcome the trauma of their past?

This book is a testament of two individuals who in spite of their traumatic pasts are determined to believe in hope and the future. Christy was lucky enough to find the love and support he needed and it is my hope that other people in the same situation will be as lucky. The use of the Greek word Elpida meaning trust or in the archaic form “A feeling of trust” sums up the series perfectly defining the hope that both Christy and Thimi felt. Each book was better than the last and it is my hope that their story has just begun.1 Jampa1 review

Elpida is the third book in an incredible series that began with Omorphi and then Tharros, all excellent reads in a pioneering, truly new kind of writing, that being the telling of the stories of boys, children, who suffer horrific abuse and of the people in their lives who either continue the hell or help them to a peaceful and fully alive, heavenly place on earth.

The depth of Kennedy's writing will prove the absolute validity and utterly clear details of the world created in these books. The emotional, psychological and frank, necessarily graphic details of the lives of the abused, especially one of the most amazing literary heroes, Christy, makes this book (and the preceding two) a fabulously compelling read. Not only is there a feast of international cultural and musical information in the books, the characters are all superbly drawn and not from any stock figures. Each one is distinct: the heroes Christy and Michael are fully formed and totally believable while the "bad guys" have explainable if not somewhat redeeming flaws that flesh them out as real as they can be. One can cheer and boo as if they are right in front of you.

Of all the characters, Christy (he whose portrait graces the first two books) may be singular in literature. He is at once as fragile as crystal, strong as titanium, sharp as a blue diamond, and is written with a depth that allows the reader to really experience what his life is . Having met Michael in the first book the reader now sees how their relationship has grown and how complex yet pure their feelings are for each other. From an LGBT standpoint, he is so refreshingly unique it is hard to put into words.

Elpida is sometimes described as the concluding book in a trilogy but this reader fervently, reverently hopes it continues. We have seen how one can go from absolute horrors to true love and peace and it would be amazing to see Christy and Michael grow into wonderful lives together. It is one of the highest compliments that I can pay when I have finished a book, that I truly wish there to be more!1 Monica164 1 follower

I love the series as a whole. I'm slightly disappointed with how the series ended. I wanted more closure bc I've been on this ride with Michael and Christy. This book is more about Thimi and it felt more a jumping point for a series starring him. We didn't get a whole lot of Michael and Christy but we did get answers to questions from book 2. I absolutely love Christy and admire the strength of character he has. I've made the comment previously that things are bit farfetched but I loose myself in the story and that's due to the author's way of drawing you in and keeping you there. For the series I would give 5? but for this book alone I can only do 4. I would recommend the series but know it's definitely YA.athletes guilty-pleasure mm-or-mmm ...more1 Jodi1,231

This story nearly brought me to tears a few times. It hurt my heart. Michael and Christy's story was incredible. I wanted to give Michael a well deserved tap to get his attention because he can be clueless. I cheered for Christy, who was so much stronger and braver than he gave himself credit for. Thimi and Zero. What can I say about the horrible life these two young boys have dealt with? I am hoping that at some point there will be more of Thimi and Zero, Michael and Christy, Jake and Sophia. I am hoping the future will be kind to all of them. You must read all three books. Incredible. Exceptional. 1 Alexu61

I loved this book (and the entire series)! A story about friendship, love and, most importantly, hope. We get to meet Thimi and a little bit of Zero (would love to read about them some more), get to see how amazing Christy is in the role of protector and mentor, even if Michael struggles a bit with all his emotions surfacing all at once.
A wonderful love story that touches the reality of child abuse and trafficking, making you more aware of this sad truth.
Bravo, Cody Kennedy!1 Sandy79 2

When I sit down to read a book by C. Kennedy I know one thing for sure. The story will not disappoint. But there was something else I knew when I sat down to read Elpída, the third and final book in the Elpída series by C. Kennedy, as with all the books in this series I knew I was going to be taken on an emotional rollercoaster.

As in books one and two of the series (Omorphi and Tharros), this third book follows Christy, a young man who has been horrifically abused, and his boyfriend Michael. Don’t get me wrong, there are a host of other characters who are integral to the story, but for now, I’m going to focus on Christy and Michael.

I can’t imagine what it would be to go through what Christy has gone through. Yet I know in my head, and statistics support it, that thousands of children are physically and sexually abused daily. In this series Mr. Kennedy brings us Christy, who is living in the aftermath of such abuse. It’s important to note that while the abuse is discussed in part, there is no actual abuse written on the page. That is huge. Thank you, Mr. Kennedy, for not sensationalizing the horrors these kids go through.

We read on as Christy works hard to work through what’s been done to him while he fights to build a new life for himself. It is a struggle of epic proportions that will leave you in awe of Christy’s spirit and fortitude. I won’t lie, it hurts. It hurts to know that people can be so horrific to one another. Mr. Kennedy does not sugar-coat the strength of will it takes Christy to work at being happy. And there is happy. This book is full of happy spots that will make you smile and laugh.

Then we have Michael, who loves Christy with his whole heart. Michael is so kind and so patient. Before reading this series I never gave much thought to those that love, care for, advocate for, and help counsel abused kids. But I have to say, as I read this book I gained insight and respect for those who work to help these kids rebuild themselves. Michael is not perfect, which is part of what makes him so endearing. He’s your everyday high school graduate, with a heart of gold and who is a fierce protector of those he loves.

There are a host of other fantastic characters that are just as important to the story as Christy and Michael and if you’ve read books one and two, you are familiar with many. If you’ve only read this book in the series you are also familiar with most of them. (If I wrote about each of them this review would go on forever! The characters are all that amazing!)

I will briefly touch upon two other characters. In Elpída we finally get to meet Thimi, whom Christy has known forever and who was abused along with Christy. We also meet Zero. Both of these new boys reside at the Wellington Ranch. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I will tell you that more than once, Thimi broke my heart and I literally cried over what had happened to him, but that little guy is a fighter and I have great hope for his future.

That one word.

Hope. ElpÍda.

Is what leads me to the conclusion of this review.

Hope. Elpída.

This series was written by the author for the boys he advocates for. This book shows that hope is alive. Sometimes all we have is hope. Isn’t that what we all want? Hope? Hope for a life filled with happiness. Hope for a life far away from pain and fear? This book, no THIS SERIES, supplies that hope in spades. A profound thank you to C. Kennedy for this series of books--We can all use that hope in our lives.

“Always remember that abuse does not define you. Never judge yourself by what others have done to you.” ~Cody Kennedy, Author of the Elpída Series.

“While there is life, there is hope, little brother. Christy.”
~Cody Kennedy, Author of the Elpída Series1 Joanne Mountford317 21

A life without hope would be sad indeed. A life without people Michael Sattler would be the saddest of all.

This is the final instalment of the Elpida Series and is about Christy Castle and his battle to live a normal life after suffering incomprehensible abuse, but through this journey that I have taken with every beat of my heart, Michael has stole my breath away many times.

Author Cody Kennedy has a deep empathy for his characters that reaches me on every emotional level, the fear, the tears, the love, I feel it all while reading his words. I believe this to be the greatest gift that a writer could ever achieve. This whole series has had me gripped from the start and I am pleased to say that this book was just what I needed to lay this story to rest.

I think everyone had hoped especially Michael that after Christy’s rescue from the monstrous Yosef, honestly monstrous just doesn’t even cover this despicable excuse for a human, life would be back on track for them, but unfortunately it was far from over.

If you have read the previous two books in this series, Omorphi book one and Tharros book two you will know of a young boy called Thimi. Christy believed that Thimi was dead, since finding out that he is still alive, he wishes to look after Thimi. This is a huge ask for anyone, these are not normal circumstances. We aren’t talking just about feeding and clothing this young boy, he has suffered the worst abuse imaginable, in fact it’s unthinkable. The support he will need will use all of what Christy has and could potentially affect his own recovery.

Michael is feeling lonely since Thimi has shown up. Christy is completely worn out, and considering everything Michael has endured himself since starting a relationship with Christy certainly hasn’t been easy for him either. Michael is my hero, he is the best kind of person.. I hope that anyone finding themselves in bad situation has a Michael just waiting to be their rock.

Hope such a small word, but with so much meaning to someone Christy. I hope that anyone suffering any form abuse seeks help. Not every person is evil, find that good person and tell them what is happening to you. No one should ever have to suffer at the hands of another.

Author Cody Kennedy you are one in a million. Thank you for sharing the Elpida Series. It will be one of the most memorable series to date.2 s Grammy 1806 17

Review by Gloria Lakritz Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Book: Elpida
Series: Elpida Book#3
Author: Cody Kennedy
Publisher:Harmony Ink Press
Pages: 352
Release date: May 30, 2017
Rated: Mature
Genre: Ya teen abuse

Cody Kennedy, your series is a sometime a really tough read. It is certainly a difficult learning experience as well. We, who believe that the world is a nice place are thrust into what terrible, heinous things man can do to children who cannot fight back. When I think some of these things could possibly happen I am reminded I am cloaked in a bubble and my heart weeps for them.

In this third book in the series, Michael and Christy try and begin to have a normal life….They graduate High School, go to prom,,,,Normal things…..But the black cloud descends again; the trial begins and Christy has to appear . The horror of the appearance and the horrible words…..Can he break free of the filth he feels about himself?

Now adding to his pain, Christy has brought Thimi to America. He is 12, has been a slave since birth and is certainly as we find him, in worse shape than when we met Christy.

Christy is broken from the trial, suicidal, and his champion Michael again jumps in to save him. His trying to help the young boy and also dealing with his own pain is wearing him down. He sees Michael less, his days and nights are backward trying to be everything to Thimi. My heart hurt for him. He just soldiered on.

Michael and Jake hang together, bombs and attacks are still coming at them and their families, from home and abroad. Then the unthinkable happens and Christy and Michael are challenged anew. I can only hope our author is not finished with their story…..This story gives me hope, but I want to see Christy and Michael able to thrive; there is so much more I want to see……Another book is needed…lol

But everything this story and author taught me, most of all ……WE must unite and help those who are in real need now…..our author has put out names of places who can help victims of abuse. I donated……you will want to as well.

Elisa RolleAuthor 61 books234

2017 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention: C. Kennedy Elpída
1) I enjoyed this story and would have no trouble recommending it to others to read.
2) This is a well written book, and part of the series involving Christy, a sexual abuse survivor and victim of sex trafficking. The characters are well developed, complex, and realistic. I would highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to understand what abuse does to a LGBT character and how survivors can still find hope and love.
3) This book kept me captivated chapter after chapter. The boys, Jake and Michael's behavior was par with their age (all over the place), although sometimes I thought their behavior was more childish than it needed to be (again, age). The story is quite heart wrenching, reading what Thimi and Christy went through and knowing there are so many young ones out there going through the same. C. Kennedy has done an extensive research to get this book written with accuracy and I don't envy him, I know it would've been too difficult for me to have done the same and in the end, come out emotionally intact.  I wish there was a fourth book for I didn't care much for how it ended; too open and I would've loved to see how/what punishment the evil families would've gotten. All in all, a very emotional story. Well done!
4) Hands down, this is one of the most powerful books I've ever read. Steven Fritchie11

Elpida (Hope) is the final book in the Omorphi trilogy. The main characters, Michael and Christy, must endure more dangers, both physically and emotionally. Both their family and friends are there to help and encourage them during their tribulations. A new character,Thimi, a former sex slave and friend of Christy's is brought into the couple's life which causes Michael to become envious of Thimi because he does not get to spend enough time with Christy.
The Greek gangsters,although brought to trial, still have some outside influence. They are still able to bring trouble to Michael and his friends and family which is the main source of the action in the book. Hope is the only thing that Michael can hold on to when faced with danger. He also clings to the hope that Christy will not quit loving him.
At first I thought that Thimi should have been given more space in the book, but Mr. Kennedy presented Thimi in such a way that I saw Thimi more as a younger version of Christy and felt that Thimi would eventually be healed. At least one can hope. This was a very satisfying ending to a story of trust and love which stands against evil. Ay 1,112 32


...um, the ending doesn't necessarily resolve anything about the baddies. Just sayin'.

...also the defence lawyer wouldn't do that. It would not help his case.

...also doctors do not treat their spouses or children.

Also by the end of the story the two MCs (and their families) are still messed up from the bad things that happened at the end of book 2, and then more bad things happen.

...and it wasn't explained how thimmi survived, ie where he got food from.

In other words this book was an overwrought mess, with 10 000 plot holes.

It also felt Christi and thimmi were objectified torture porn feminised victims.

And there weren't really any resolved story arcs, but some questions about the past were answered.

All in all, this book sucked me in enough to keep reading, while noticing all the flaws and feeling uncomfortable at the objectification.

I totally agree that abuse and abuse survival/support/healing should be written about. This is not the way to go about it. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review ZeoanneAuthor 2 books26

This book kept me captivated chapter after chapter. The boys, Jake and Michael's behavior was par with their age (all over the place), although sometimes I thought their behavior was more childish than it needed to be (again, age). The story is quite heart wrenching, reading what Thimi and Christy went through and knowing there are so many young ones out there going through the same. C. Kennedy has done an extensive research to get this book written with accuracy and I don't envy him, I know it would've been too difficult for me to have done the same and in the end, come out emotionally intact. I wish there was a fourth book for I didn't care much for how it ended; too open and I would've loved to see how/what punishment the evil families would've gotten. All in all, a very emotional story. Well done!
Seiran429 18

Elipida is the last installment of this wonderful, beautiful, heartbreaking series. I have loved this series from the start which sounds odd because of the subject matter involved. But it was beautifully written even in it's harshness of truth.

It's powerful in it's ability to show how hope lives and breathes through the brutality one has faced. That in the smallest of gestures of kindness, compassion and love, can help start the healing of those that have lived in hell.

Beautiful conclusion to a wonderful series, I really wish there were more to come as new character's were introduced in this installment that I would love to read and learn about.

Highly recommend this book and series. This series should be read in order to truly grasp the story arc.abused-hurt angst contemporary ...more Sylvia1,434 12


I just loved Christy's and Michael's story but ..
The ending was left quite open
which I hate so much!
What will happen to Yosef how long is his sentence going to be ?
When will the trial start in Greece?
I need the other stories yesterday and please give me a HEA after all these kids been trough .
I really hope that there's gonna be a next book in the Elpida series Florence910 10

J'ai trouvé ce tome assez redondant avec les 2 autres et du coup, je me suis un peu ennuyée. J'en attendais autre chose. Je trouve la psychologie des personnages moins approfondis, certaines choses pas assez développées et d'autres n'ayant pas grand intérêt pour l'histoire. Quant à la fin, j'espère qu'il y aura un autre tome car pour moi, c'est loin d'être fini. Jase G.7

I love this book! There is a lot to say but until I can get my brain working and write a "real" review, this will have to do for now. I will say that you won't regret reading this book or this series!2 s Deeze1,628 288

I wish I could find the words that would really do these stories justice. They are much more than just fiction. The Omorphi series brought me excitement, heartbreak, laughter and feelings galore but over all it gave me the most amazing love story

Christy and Micheal have taken me on such a wonderful and heartbreaking journey but have left me smiling at the thought of all they have to come.

Christy will always be in my heart. He shows the world just how strong a person can be. His story is one that far too many kids live and I pray that they can all find the strength that Christy shows.

Micheal is almost too good to be true, but this book shows he is all to fallible. Sadly I forgot just how young he is and found myself wanting to shake him. I'm sorry Micheal, but please don't do that again.

Meeting Thimi brought back so many emotions. I'm just so glad he has Christy. I also feel Zero is going to be very important in his life. I really hope one day we get to go on their journey too.

Jake is still the voice of reason. I love him for his loyalty and wisdom.

Some books you love and some you hate, some you forget almost as soon as you finish and others live on in your heart for ever. This is one of the latter.
favorites laugh-out-loud more-story-than-sex ...more2 s Tammi De Lima128 1 follower

This is the final book in the series and just as great as its predecessors. This story is about the love of Michael and Christy while Christy is recovering from the severe abuse he has suffered his whole life. And since Michael and he have been together, he has been kidnapped and raped and severely abused yet again. It is never easy to read about and keep the kleenix handy because you'll need them multiple times. But this book is also about Thimi, a young boy who Christy knew in captivity and who suffered the same abuse he did. I almost resented Thimi at times because he took up so much of Christy's time and it seemed he didn't have enough left over for Michael. Of course they are still in love but their relationship is becoming strained. It does all work itself out but its a quite precarious at one point.I am not ready to let go of this wonderful group of people who have suffered so much and who deserve all the happiness that life can hold for them going forward. I would gladly read another book about Michael and Christy after highschool and starting their adult lives. As well,the mysterious boy who befriends Thimi named Zero, is a story that is practically begging to be written. This series is unforgettable and will be reread again many times.best-m-m-books femmes tearjerker ...more LoveMeHard20 5

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