
The Murder of Andrew Johnson de Burt Solomon

de Burt Solomon - Género: English
libro gratis The Murder of Andrew Johnson


The next John Hay historical thriller from award-winning political journalist Burt Solomon, this time focused on one of America's most controversial presidents: Andrew Johnson.
Andrew Johnson was called The Great Commoner, appealing to the masses, loathing the establishment and anyone he deemed elitist. Once Johnson made an enemy, you became his enemy for life. He saw insults where none were intended and personal loyalty meant everything...and his devoted fans would follow him into the depths of Hell. He was also the first U.S. president to be impeached.
Time however waits for no man and even the Famous (or Infamous) must leave this world eventually. But when a man has as many enemies as the Devil, what death could really be a natural one? From political opponents to most of his own family, the suspects are endless, and the truth not really wanted. John Hay, lawyer, sometimes governmental bureaucrat, and now journeyman investigative reporter, is set on finding that...

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Andrew Johnson was arguably a horrible man, though he tried to appeal to the masses, and he loathed the establishment and anyone he deemed elitist (despite being elite). He set the US back years during his presidency. He had more enemies than anyone could count. Could someone so hated really die a natural death? That is what John Hay, a lawyer and part time bureaucrat sets off to determine. Will he be able to get to the bottom of Johnson’s death before winding up dead himself?

This was an entertaining book and I 100% wish that history would have played out the way this book described. Alas, it was fiction, but the author’s note was great in laying out the true story. I always love when author’s notes dive into some history, or how the book was developed. It’s been a few years since I took history class, and I didn’t pay attention then, so I enlisted my friend @histernerd to explain to me why Andrew Johnson was a bad guy. Can I just say wow? It’s hard for me to wrap my head around how we ever treated people so poorly. The book did a good job of weaving real history into the lavish and outlandish plot the author has concocted. I did struggle a little with this book, but I really think it was a me issue. The plot was well paced and that did help hold my attention. I also appreciated that it wasn’t long and drawn out some historical fiction.

If you are looking for an interesting historical thriller, then check this one out.

Thank you so much to Forge Books, @Forgereads, Tor Publishing Group, and Netgalley, @Netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

Additional links will be added once posted.2023 netgalley netgalley-20231 Dannie Lynn FountainAuthor 6 books42

DNF @ 31%. The concept of this book was FASCINATING and I wanted to get into it so badly, but every time I put it down I dreaded picking it back up, because the story dragged on. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advance copy.1 Susan5,848 60

Abraham Lincoln's former secretary John Hay, now married to a robber baron's daughter, is almost ready to quit his job as a newspaperman when he gets an assignment he doesn't want to refuse--to cover the funeral of Lincoln's successor, the much reviled Andrew Johnson. Various factors make him suspect that it wasn't natural causes that felled the Great Commoner, and he is pointed at ill feelings that linger from Johnson's unsuccessful impeachment. Hay heads off to Washington City, where he finds the city cleaner than it was during the War, but politics just as dirty as he finds old friends and old enemies, until he realizes that the roots of Johnson's death may be years back, in Lincoln's death. Hay's voice is modern in many ways, although he is a man of his times, and modern readers will be amused by the similarity of politicians of that time to more contemporary figures.historical-mystery mystery-tennessee mystery-washington-d-c1 Mark22

It seamlessly weaves historical figures through a time period piece. Enjoyable. Maryjo Mcandrew102 2

So interesting. Helen463 12

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