
Home (Mirror Book 3) de Burt, Janessa

de Burt, Janessa - Género: English
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Burt, Janessa Year: 2016

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Sad, happy, thrilled, annoyed.
I feel all of these now that this story is coming to an end. 2 s Mandy1,025 50

4.5 stars A nice conclusion to a fun trilogy that blends time travel, suspense, romance, and Regency fiction into one exciting story. Miles by far remained my favorite character in this series. The ending really sold me on the books; the banter and way Miles remembers was really cute. It did feel a lot at times with Chris and his sudden need for Grace to love him. I wanted to see Grace be more proactive in those moments, but overall, I did how she ultimately sets things on the right course and again, I loved the last few chapters with Miles particularly.
A creative story. If there ends up being a book four, I will be reading it.
This is a clean read. Marilee 1,092 144

What a perfect ending to a fantastic series! I literally could not put the book down. The plot twists were crazy and the villain is one I love to hate. I did not want the series to end yet I was so happy with how it did. This is a book I will read again and again! Melissa320 1 follower

This series was really fun to read but I didn't love the final book. It got a little confusing and Grace's relationship with Chris was odd and annoying. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewread-in-2018 Kalls1 review

AMAZING! Such a good book with an excellent twist! Amber36 1 follower

Such a fun series! I love that we got three love stories between Grace and Miles. The love story in this book is my favorite. A good ending to wrap up the series. Kate104

First, I have to say I loved and flew through all three books. (I would suggest reading all three one after the other so you can keep characters and events straight.) But this third one was a bit harder for me.
The first 30% (maybe more) had me feeling disappointed. I was not a fan of Chris and Grace and how he wanted her to be his. I understand Grace was experiencing a lot of self doubt and had been through a lot, but I got tired of the back and forth between her and Chris and the violence and threats. There was a lot of crying on Grace's part, and I felt too much time was spent on all of this.
That being said, once I got through that part, the book got better and it was back to the story and characters I love. I enjoyed all the twists and how subtle little things in the first two books resurfaced and were explained in the third book. Everything connected for me (though the time travel and different lives is still difficult to wrap my head around).
I cried more during this book over the push/pull between Miles and Grace, and I could understand their trepidation, anger, and passion. I loved the end!
This book gets 4 stars because I struggled through all of the stuff with Chris. I understand he needed to be there, but I felt so much of it was repetitive and it got boring. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Rebekah Wilton5

5++++ stars!
This. Was. Amazing!!

I had so many questions after Time ended, and now after finishing Home I feel everything was answered and everything just......fit.

The story took a turn I totally didn't see coming. The whole storyline with Chris was unexpected, and I LOOOOOOVED IT! I loved that Chris changed, and I also really enjoyed that the author explored Chris's story more. I reading stories where you learn why the bad guy is bad, and at times in the story I was rooting for Chris. Not for Grace to him, definitely no. I'm Miles fangirling 100%. But I was cheering for him to actually be good. He wasn't. And by the end I hated him, but at times I was kind of hoping he'd change.

The end of the book we got back to the Regency roots that I fell in love with so much in Mirror. Grace and Miles in those last few chapters were the best. I love their relationship, their arguments, their teasing, and their connection. And that ending?? I felt so stupid because I was smiling so big. I maybe even screamed.

Even though the book ended well, and it wrapped up the trilogy perfectly, I'm really sad it's over. I'm hoping the author keeps going with the mirror (as she hinted at at the end). Or she keeps writing other books because I love her writing style, and the characters she creates are amazing, even the bad guys are intriguing!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Bethany Robertson207 4

Re-read 2023: I still found that the first part of the book drags on too long. The ending, though? Still amazing. I could have used an epilogue, though.

This one started a little slow for me. I got tired of Chris trying to convince Grace over and over that she loved him. ....take the hint dude, true love matters most. The time travel explanations were confusing, but you expect time travel to be confusing. Did I cry my eyes out? Maybe. Did I love the ending? Absolutely.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Whittney301

Super fun series to read and enjoy. I devoured them thanks to long drives through WY. I felt their were parts of book two and three that were muddy and confusing or not necessary and with a little editing it would probably be a little more clear. But I enjoyed the story and was sad to reach the end. Ginny367 3

Has this book ruined my life? I don't know- but it sure has affected it. If I wasn't as obsessed about my husband as I am, I would want to get myself a Miles.
This book is totally worth making myself endure book 2. Even though Grace bugged me in places, and I thought the book needed two or three more pages because I felt it was too abrupt of an ending, I loved it. 2016 loved own-on-kindle ...more Lindsey391 20

Loved this book! I thought it was the perfect ending to a three book series. I hate to see the end of this series though because I loved it so much. Erin171 7

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