
Quilt City Panic in Paducah de Bruce Leonard

de Bruce Leonard - Género: English
libro gratis Quilt City Panic in Paducah


After performing a daring rescue of a fellow quilter during a robbery at a Walmart in Paducah, Kentucky, also known as Quilt City, journalist and mayoral candidate Hadley Carroll vows to bring the perpetrators to justice after the heist turns tragic.

Then, a seemingly unrelated murder and two ominous messages cause Hadley to ask the staff at Paducah Pulse, her weekly newspaper, to find answers. Amid the turmoil, Hadley and Detective Brandon Green finally enjoy their first date at Barbecue on the River, the city's largest annual event, only for mayhem to disrupt the festivities.

Now, employing the diligence and perceptiveness that helped her solve the Quilt City Murders, Hadley investigates the killings that follow, connecting the invisible dots. As Paducah panics, the Pulse staff sheds light on a wide-ranging conspiracy. Hadley tangles with her nemesis and mayoral opponent, Nick Stoddard, and endures various threats. But she's determined to...

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As the fabric of Paducah, Kentucky, begins to unravel again with a string of crimes and murders, veteran investigative journalist Hadley Carroll and her new love interest Brandon Green begin to iron out the town’s problems and restore order. Author Bruce Leonard cuts on the bias, doesn't miss a stitch, and delivers this fast-paced who-done-it with smooth prose, wit, and just the right amount of sarcastic color. Grab some cookies and hot chocolate, wrap yourself in a warm quilt, and enjoy this cozy mystery; you’ll be happy you did.

I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of this book.2 s Miriam1,919 58

Book two in the Quilt City Murder series features a mass shooting in downtown Paducah, a theft of quilts from the National Quilt Museum, a kidnapping, and so much more.

Intrepid Hadley Carroll takes her newspaper editorship and research seriously, inserting herself into the investigation of the crimes and getting herself into trouble.

Bruce Leonard takes a charming beginning, shopping for quilt stuff, and builds it into a crime spree and intense investigation. The story will suck you in as the mystery twists and turns a drunkards’ path. There’s plenty about quilts for quilters and more about the city of Paducah.

Can’t wait for #3.

Thanks to the National Quilt Museum in Paducah for stocking Bruce Leonard’s mysteries.about-crafts fiction mysteries ...more Gay Ann509 1 follower

This Hadley Carrol mystery takes us to Paducah and the arts and quilting city with a quilting museum.
Besides Hadley, who runs a free weekly paper with website updated daily for this small community by the river and her eager newspaper staff and small quilt group, the characters are varied with a few criminals scattered here and there. The museum is robbed of 26 quilts made by people of color and the insurance has lapsed for thieft. The robbers want money for these rare quilts, the plot thickens, as citizens are threatened. Add a splash of romance between a detective on the police force for Hadley and the FBI coming to town. Some humor and a spenceful mystery make for a quick read. Peggy Baker265

Great read with well developed characters. They are very three dementional with well developed personalities. I enjoyed the intrigue of the story and loved the developing romance between Hadley and Officer Green. It's a nice clean romance and has developed over quite some time. The quilting is always interesting to me as I'm an avid quilter myself.I really enjoyed watching Hadley become such a strong, pretty well rounded character. She has made quite a few advancements in herself since the loss of her fiancé. She's come to believe in herself and to stand on her own two feet. You go Hadley. She stood up for herself and came out better off.great-read Gail504 27

There is so much happening in Paducah! Seemingly unrelated deaths/murders within one week. What ties an elderly wheelchair bound woman, college student, struggling family man, and alcoholic together? Newspaper reporters and police are working to piece together leads. Quilts are being burned! Add in a blooming romance and a run for Mayor. I enjoyed this and look forward to the third book in the series. Have to check out the Quilt City Cookbook also. DAVID CROWDER1 review

Back to Paducah

Thanks for taking me back to Paducah. My husband ani I lived there between 1975 - 1985. It's a great place to live and raise children.

I d the way you start the mystery in the beginning and progress with Hadley picking up pieces and fitting them together as the story moves through to the solution and end.

I enjoyed reading the first two stories and look forward to more. Lauren1 review

Quilters must read

I just finished books 1 and 2 and cannot wait for book 3. Bruce Leonard’s characters are articulate and funny. A must read for all quilters whether you have been to Paducah, KY or not. I feel I have been there, as I referred to a Google map at every mention of a street or landmark. I know you will enjoy these mysteries, as I have. Who doesn’t love quilting and eating. And, I now know where Hancock (a large fabric store) is located in Paducah. Karen McSparren11

Great read!

I began reading this book and was drawn right in. I had a hard time putting it down to sleep at night. Well written and kept me interested. Hadley Carroll is a very interesting character. Looking forward to the next book. Laurie17 2

My hometown!

As I read about Hadley and Brandon and friends, I am seeing my hometown. I see the scenery described through memories as they travel around Paducah and Western Ky. Thank you, Sir for bringing me back home until I can get back there Terry Fedosky470 4

I enjoyed this book, even more than the first. It incorporated familiar places with current social problems. It was written with a lot of humor, as well.

I am looking forward to the next installment!2022-release fiction kentucky Judith Diaz1 review1 follower

Quilt City mysteries- Very enjoyable reads

Love the building of the character Hadley Carroll and the background character of Paducah. Makes me want to go to Paducah. Excellent, thank you, Bruce Leonard! Catherine Hoidal34

want the next novel

I want to see Big Nick go down in flames how long do I have to wait. Please understand that I am a quilter with quilts to make but most importantly I am 81 so before I go I want the next novel. Please and thank you. Catherine Kathryn832 35

It was wonderful to spend a few hours with Hadley again. I tried to slow down just to stretch out the pleasure but I could not stop turning the pages. The first chapter, set in a WalMart, is one of the most exquisite mixtures of hilarity and horror I have ever read.mysteries-thrillers Sally Mittelstadt4 1 follower

Couldn't put it down!!

An engaging murder mystery that captivates you in the first chapter. The main characters are well developed and the story twists and turns in an unanticipated manner. A good read even if you aren't a quilter! kathy hutchison4

Great Book

This book combined one of my favorite towns Paducah Ky and my love of quilts. It was the type of book that you were excited to read because it held your attention and left you wanting to know more about the main character. Donna L. Cost9

Love Hadley and Brandon

Perfect secquel to Quilt City Murders. Hadley Carroll understands quilting which is a p!us. Hope this series continues. Could follow Ash or Dakota. teresa ingram1 review

Great book

Love the characters in this book. I live close to Paducah and all the references to places I know and love. Can't wait for the next one! Malinda A Stonecipher3 1 followerRead

Very enjoyable. Judy Miller21

Quick read

Enjoyed the main character getting over loss of her fiance & finding a loving growing relationship. The quilting aspect could have been a little stronger. Gloria1,489 1 follower

This had all the elements of a cozy mystery but I just couldn't get into it. Julie61

good read, many threads to tie together

Great plot. Took a while to tie it all together. Good plot, love the Ky references. Thanks, will read the 3rd one! Kathy12 1 follower

It was good, but tended to drag at times. I had no trouble sitting it down and coming back to it later. Justaunna Sperry20 1 follower

Good second book in the series. I have ordered the third book and look forward to finishing the series Pat4

Great second book for this series I think it was a little better than the first! Debbie1 review


I have loved the first 2 books and can’t wait to get into the 3rd!!!!
I don’t buy a lot of cookbooks but will be getting the one that goes with this group! Kristin Brown27

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