
Cat on the Scent de Brown, Rita Mae

de Brown, Rita Mae - Género: English
libro gratis Cat on the Scent


It takes a cat to write the purr-fect mystery.

Things have been pretty exciting lately in Crozet, Virginia--a little too exciting if you ask resident feline investigator Mrs. Murphy. Just as the town starts to buzz over its Civil War reenactment, a popular local man disappears. No one's seen Tommy Van Allen's single-engine plane, either--except for Mrs. Murphy, who spotted it during a foggy evening's mousing.

Even Mrs. Murphy's favorite human, postmistress Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen, can sense that something is amiss. But things really take an ugly turn when the town reenacts the battle of Oak Ridge--and a participant ends up with three very real bullets in his back. While the clever tiger cat and her friends sift through clues that just don't fit together, more than a few locals fear that the scandal will force well-hidden town secrets into the harsh light of day. And when Mrs. Murphy's relentless tracking places loved ones in danger, it takes more than a canny...

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This volume in the Mrs. Murphy series is about a reenactment event, somebody getting shot, somebody being drugged and killed and several murderous attacks.

Unfortunately I found this book quite boring and very much discriminating.

I read a whole bunch of the Mrs. Murphy series in the past and I used to the books much more than this volume. So either my taste has changed considerably or this one is not up to the other volumes qualitywise.public-bookshelf21 s Randee877 34

Another great story with the gang of three: Mrs. Murphy, Tucker and Pewter. In the seventh book in the series, the identity of the murderer does not interest me as much as the 3 animals interactions with each other. They never fail to amuse me. I have 3 cats and I could tell you which of my cats most mirrors in personality the 2 cats and a dog that help their human and the citizen of their town. I have # 8 sitting on my coffee table and still feel the enthusiasm and momentum of making my way through the entire series!2018-wom-challenge mystery6 s Christine (KizzieReads)1,441 100

This one was different. The animals seemed meaner for the first half of the book, as well as some of the characters. It was a bit of a darker cozy mystery, rather than the usual light ones I've read. The ending was a big change from the norm as well, and hopefully more will be done in later books, but the reality is, some things happen this in real life. There was also a totally over the top incident close to the end of the book that was cute, but so very impossibly unrealistic.2020-52-books-challenge 2020-reads 2020-rrrc ...more5 s Courtnie670 68

See, always trust Grandma. I should know this by now.

I am very close to my paternal Grandmother, she's always been my rock and my sunshine -she's laughed and cried with me through my whole life. We exchange books regularly. I will admit that she sends more my way than I send her - often times when I find something I want to share, she's already read it. That happens when you're 84 and a lifelong reader. When I visit there's always a tote bag by the door with books that she's selected for me to try. One such bag had two Sneaky Pie Brown paperbacks - perfectly worn in with the spine creased just right for supple handling. Honestly, I don't think there are many things that illustrate my relationship with my Grandma more perfectly than an old, comfortable paperback. Anyway, once I inspected the blurb on these I immediately thought that a cozy mystery from the point of view of a cat sounded a bit too cheesy. I have since left them to the stacks.

When Halloween bingo was announced and the art for the Cozy Mystery square was a graceful feline, I felt it was my sign to rescue Sneaky Pie from the crushing weight of the mountain.

My experience was pretty uncomplicated - it's no feat of great literature but it was a deliciously easy read for a relaxing Labor Day.

Cat on the Scent is the seventh book in the series and I don't think a whole lot was lost by not reading them in order. The story is told in third person so you never really had to wade through long bits of cat inner-monologueing, thank goodness (we know cats could probably out-monologue Shakespeare). It's decidedly not cheesy and has an edge for a Southern set cozy. It's not all sweet tea and honey darlings this and that, it's small town Virginia politics and old Southern bloodlines. I think that's why it works. We're not lost in the cuteness of talking animals, and in many ways, the animals are in a better position to solve the mystery. They are wiser and less emotional and inquisitive. I think my Grandma threw these in the tote because she knew I'd appreciate the questions about human nature and what silly creatures we are sometimes especially from the point of view of a cat. (Maybe I should note here that the animals only talk to each other- there's not supernatural element that allow the humans to talk to the animals, or anything of the )

I feel the motivations are a little less typical of a cozy with some honest to goodness darkness to its villains. It worked with the more serious nature of the animals and their pragmatic owner, Harry. I thought I had the who-dun-it solved, only to be half right in the end.
And if you your ending tied up with grand justice served, you'll be disappointed.

All in all, I'll be reading the additional paperback from the series that I have lying around and perhaps will start from the beginning at some point too.

2017 cozy mystery ...more3 s Christyn587 22

Cat on the Scent is not my favorite Mrs. Murphy book. I just felt that this book wasn't quite as - focused or interesting as some of the others in the series. I figured out parts of the mystery but it wasn't difficult - what really irritated me is that the villainous parties just got away scot-free. I mean, I realize this happens in real life but if we're talking about reality - what about the animals ability to not only understand but be able to drive a stick shift? I really wanted to see them get what was coming to them - to think that they just get to go on in their perfect little world, after taking other's lives (not to mention destroying their reputations) for such insipid reasons is enough to piss me off.

On the other hand we did get a look into some of Harry's own family history and how it unexpectedly intertwines with Mim's. I wouldn't have minded unravelling that mystery instead of it being a simple side plot. Overall it was okay. There isn't any particular growth with any of the characters in this book (or much in any of the preceding books) but that doesn't bother me too much, the animals usually make up for it - though Blair who rarely makes much of an impression, both impressed me in some ways and fell on my -meter. But I was left feeling disappointed, I mean the villains are clearly destined for each other - they are both master manipulators with a complete disregard for anyone but themselves, still I'm disappointed they didn't get thrown in jail or at least suffer some horrible fate. 2.5 stars.cats dogs mystery ...more3 s Ayten144 17

I really messed up the order of the books I got, I read 8 before 7, but it's not much of a deal. I loved 8, but this one was not it. Pretty boring, not much happened, but I just love the world Brown has created, so I'll give it one more star than I normally would. Still excited to read more from this line!
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