
Remember Me de Brien Feathers

de Brien Feathers - Género: English
libro gratis Remember Me


Brien Feathers Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2023

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I am not sure how she does it, but just when I think I know where one on Brien Feathers' stories is going, she pulls an unexpected twist that captivates me even more.

Remember Me starts as forbidden romance but evolves into a epic fantasy.

A tale within a tale... we end up following Ayame, a storm spirit banished to the human realm, as she is trying to make it to the end of her punishment so she can go back to the safety of her home. Unforseen circumstances lead her to being captured and forced into a clan who seems hell bent on war.

Ayame is quiet, but fierce. Determined, but uneducated in the way things are. Best of intentions type, that tries, but doesn’t always get it right. This made her very likable to me. Brien is talented with creating imperfect characters, in my opinion, that make sense.

A marade of interesting characters surround Ayame. Including Puff, a fox spirit who is constantly joking at Ayame's expense.

"Puff trotted along with her... He was a fox spirit and was visible to mortals only when he wished to be. Today, he’d chosen not to be. Ayame turned heads for being peculiar as she appeared to be arguing with herself..."

Miserable Lady Momo who is happy to abuse and manipulate Ayame.

"Ayame could whiff out Lady Momo’s schemes from a mile away. She expected the men to die and Ayame to be captured..."

Her opposition, intimidating Lord Kyuzo who soon is in control of her fate.

"He wore a red war mask, and his helmet shadowed his eyes. With the tall gold antlers that exaggerated the movement of his head, he looked a demon spirit."

Among others that are given the same care to mark their significance in the story.

That is only the beginning. Brien is very descriptive as she writes. It is no challenge exploring Nara through Ayame's perspective. Not only with location, but the culture, and intentions.

Remember Me was a very enjoyable read. Dark and gritty, but full of hope. I think that is why I d it so much.

Plenty revealed, but seeds left for book 2.

Full disclosure: I received an ARC from the author through BookSirens. Even though I read a free copy, I chose what I read, and what I review. My review is my own and of my opinion.

2 s Kyla Sixkiller443 10

This is such a great story about gods, immortals and mortal love. What happens when you outsmart the shinigami? Eternities are created- that maybe shouldn't exist- but have created something beautiful and lonely in it's wake. I hope there's more to this story- but if there isn't I'll alway be wondering what happened to Ayame and the rest of the Iishi clan that traveled out towards the end. The story is intense and beautiful and really well written. I felt what they were feeling and I was always on edge wondering what was going to happen next. There were quite a few witty moments and heartfelt moments and I really enjoyed how well rounded this story was.2 s Shakella "The Singing Bibliophile" Gordon105

I enjoyed the way the author was so descriptive, I could see the shops and the garb worn by the characters, the decorations being hung for the various celebrations. I that as the story went on, I lost the fact that it was being told from a different POV (trying not to give any spoilers), I was completely pulled in. As an added bonus, THERE WAS SOME SPICE!! I struggled with the names a bit which made the reading a bit tense for me, but that's a ME problem not a problem for the writer. The ending was actually a shocker to me, I expected a completely different outcome. There was a point that I wish the writer had gone more in-depth on a couple of the characters and explained what happened to them it would have closed the story nicer. With that being said, I know that there is a second book coming and I am thinking or hoping that the parts that I am missing in this first book, are captured in book 2. I am looking forward to the second installment in this trilogy!

Thank you Booksirens and Brien Feathers, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.1 Sam KP5

4.5/5 stars - I was hooked from the moment I started reading, simply couldn’t put it down.

This whirlwind story of adventure, betrayal, steamy romance, mystery and fantasy had me gripping the edges of my (virtual) book and coercing all of the appropriate (and sometimes inappropriate) reactions out of me.

In a world that is quickly becoming dominated by fae stories, Brien has delivered something that brings a whole new world to life. This book was absolutely captivating and filled up my fantasy cup with the magic and wonder of fairytales and a twist of ancient history.

Whilst the cliffhanger is softened - it’s still a cliffhanger, and I cannot wait to devour the next book in this trilogy.1 JB2,121 7

Fabulous! I was sucked into the story and tried to read it slowly so I could savor the story and the experience. The characters are well rounded and interesting. I cannot wait to read the rest of the story and am now chomping at the bit to continue with book 2 of 3. Enjoy!1 TaniaRina1,589 99

Never decline to hear a love story
I simply ADORE embedded narrative (story-within-a-story)! The bookends fit in well and the latter leaves readers wanting more. No spoilers, but the ending “ties the bow” for this book and definitely sets up the next in series.

I have read every single book by this author and this one is my fave. Each of her series has a different flavor, showcasing her varied writing skills. She did amazingly well switching from modern-day urban fantasy to Russian historical fiction to a vampire post-apoc world and now a folksy Japanese tale.

Fave line:
‘Not everything has an upfront cost, but everything has a price.’

'Find Me' to be released soon - reading now!1-amazon-problem zz-fantdark-read zz-folkmyth-read ...more1 Knight39 35

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

actual star rating: 3.75

tbh i didn't really know what i was going into when i picked this book as an arc. i d the cover and the description intrigued me enough to read it. i devoured the book in, , three days so that was pretty neat.

anyway, the positives first. i d the characters and how messy they were. i d the setting and the storytelling the feathers weaves into the book. my heart did break a little when kyuzo died but mostly because of ayame and her feelings towards him. then he came back to life and at the end became immortal so i guess it was fine? i do how we got to know some of the characters through ayame's eyes and her own strengths and weaknesses. i also d how it was a story within a story. it made it feel someone was sitting me down and was telling me a tale that i shan't forget.

now the negatives. not a lot, but there are some things i need to nitpick. while i did enjoy how fleshed out some of the characters were, i'm not a huge fan of how ayame suddenly fell for kyuzo. there was some chemistry, but it didn't really feel that natural. at least to me. i also didn't how dense ayame was to yohei and his betrayal. i don't know if it's because her mind was clouded with grief from kyuzo but ... the signs were right there! sora gave you the biggest hint and you didn't take it?! why didn't that click until naomi and yohei were right in front of you?!

but otherwise, it was a good read and i'm curious as to what will happen next in the book. Raelyn Heslop13 1 follower

Business first: I was given this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. Now on to pleasure: I picked this book up after being in a literary slump after a hangover from the past long awaited sequel I binged. I picked up book after book, and put all of them down because of this slump. That all changed when I started reading Remember Me. I read this book so fast! Every moment I was able to stand still, waiting in the long holiday lines of Costco, I would pull out my phone and read. While the story takes place in a fictional land, the descriptions are so vivid and very well done that I could completely see the setting taking place in feudal Japan and in the time of the samurai. Ayame is a strong character, who is just trying to make the best of what situations she has found herself thrown in. I have to admit that I knew from the get there would be a love interest for her, but the author did a great job of presenting many options until the MMC and MFC finally get together. The villain in this story made me actually emote and feel anger, which tells you how well he is written! I was initially confused with the story within a story, but by the conclusion of the book it was all wrapped up very nicely, and the rest all became clearer. I am excited for the next installment! Ruth Miranda284 57

This read one of my favourite C Dramas, down to the plot twists and the unfolding of the tale. It kept me glued to the narrative with not only a story full of intrigue and peppered with worldbuilding that sucked me right into Nara, but also with the characters - and some of them were a massive delight, Goodnight. I loved Wraith and Sora as well and hope to see more of them in the coming sequels, as well as more of Ayame and Lord Kyuzo's tale, which was so well-woven and unexpected. Ayame is kind of a plain girl (in spite of everything) and Kyuzo is not your regular out-of-this-world gorgeous male counterpart that is so common in romantasy, these days. They are both rich and interesting characters in their simplicity, and their story becomes all the more interesting for it. But what I loved the most was Nara and its customs, traditions, the worldbuilding put into this fictional world but that at the same time is so reminiscent of the very things I am fascinated with: East Asian cultures. A special mention to Puff, because how can one not love a fox spirit? Off to get started on book 2, now, because I just can't wait! Sky RobertAuthor 9 books119

Omg!! I'm hooked on this story and I can't wait for book two!
Worth every penny. I was invested in the characters and the story was so vivid for me that there was a moment I actually dreamed about it and thought I had watched the book for a movie and just didn't finish watching it, only to fully wake and immediately pick up the book to finish. I was about to strangle the author mid way thinking she totally messed with me on a plot twist, only to then read on and thank her for the drama. So good. Must read for anyone who loves action, romance, myth and legend, Japanese influence vibes, historical vibes, and a story that will have you eager to read book two!
Sure, there's a cliffhanger, but it was so well wrapped up that I'm not mad at it.
What are you waiting for? This is one of those stories worth reading and not simply sitting in your TBR.myth-legend Shannon28 1 follower

Wow - I really enjoyed this story and didn’t want it to end! The beautiful cover art caught my eye and the story had me hooked.

The story telling is so creative. I loved the story within a story! Brien’s writing is beautiful and descriptive - it was easy to fall into the world and picture everything.

Lots of interesting characters - my favourite being Puff (of course - ha!) Ayame was an interesting narrator and I found her very able.

The story starts off a little slow but don’t let that deter you. It will all come around and tie together by the end! It really was a rollercoaster of emotions with all the twists and turns in the story. I can’t wait to read book 2 :)

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Siu Lum233 4

This is a lovely start to a series.

Reiko is the immortal spirit of the storm and she feels compelled to visit a place during the Soul Festival. She meets a guide named Yuki that wants to tell her a love story.

The tale she weaves talks about betrayal, love, power and how you can cheat death when it comes to saving a loved one.

There is some spice in the story but I really enjoyed the plot and Yuki leaves both the reader and Reiko with a cliff hanger regarding the fate of lovers in her story.

Thank you BookSirens for the e-ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I also did purchase a published copy of the book from Kobo. T.85

A good start and compelling read of this trilogy. I love the world this takes place in, and all the silly nicknames for the bujin’s. Goodnight is my favourite character.

The fmc is a little immature, naive, has a temper, and doesn’t always listen, so it’s no wonder she was punished and sent to the mortal world. I didn’t always understand her behaviour and thoughts, but I guess it does suit the Storm Spirit.

The culprit was not that hard to spot, but there were other surprises and shocking moments in this book.
Melony22 1 follower

This incredible story of gods, immortals, and mortal love is a masterpiece. It evokes powerful emotions and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The story captivates and transports you to a new world. It's a refreshing change from the dominance of fae stories. This captivating book fills your fantasy cup with magic, wonder, and a dose of ancient history. I'm excited for the next book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Shelby Mize33 2

I adore this book! Wow, what an amazing, emotional rollercoaster ride it gave me. I seriously couldn't stop reading and was so upset when the book ended, it had me in tears!

I loved every second of it, and will be impatiently waiting for book #2.

The author does an amazing job at being descriptive, and really bringing the characters to life. I will be looking forward to reading other books by Brien Feathers. 2023-books The Page Ladies808 33

Remember Me Is an intense story about forbidden romance, adventure & plenty of twists to keep you guessing! The book is beautifully written & the descriptions are truly wonderful! There are so many interesting characters! I loved Puff the fox spirits sense of humor! I really hope there's a second book I would love to see what happens next with Ayame & the clan! Thank you Rockstar Book Tours & Brien Feathers for sharing this wonderful book with me!
2024 my- Spring Violet 41

Brien Feathers's "Where Two Live On" is a sequel full of heart, charm, and extensive world-building. Despite its extensive world-building and somewhat lengthy chapters and descriptions, it is enjoyable enough to where you may read it in one sitting as I did. The only thing I would recommend is that you read the first book or you may be confused I was because I need the second book first and then the first one Joan Smith488 14

Thank you, Brien Feathers and BookSirens

I have only read the second and third books in this trilogy. The second book was really engaging with strong female characters. This book is good. It answers some of the unanswered questions brought up throughout the alternative world. It starts so much differently than the second I am hopeful that the story begins to get more interesting and speeds up.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Jackie59 2

Brien Feathers work is truly riveting. I couldn't put this book down. The unique and enchanting storytelling takes the reader on a fascinating journey that is beautifully adapted to Japanese culture. Even though the world is fictional, it's delightfully believable. I am so looking forward to reading Book 2 when it's published.1 Noura Navali458 3

Wow! This is such a great story. Sorry for not binging it earlier. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but I did. I know the writing style comes off as stiff sometimes, but I think it was the perfect one for a story this.

Honestly, I was confused at first, but then, as I kept reading, I understood what was happening. I am glad that I didn't DNF this one.

I want book 2 right now.1 Ruth Bookish Angel109 9

Remember Me is a beautiful and captivating story of magical intrigue.

As with all of Brien's stories, it is diverse and creative, well thought-out with an intelligent atmosphere and a superb overall level of world-building that will draw the reader into the fantasy with ease.

Beautiful character development and plotline. I loved this book and can not wait for the next.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Donna607 10

Remember Me(Royal Diviner Trilogy #1) by Brien Feathers is an enjoyable start of the series. This is a slow burn dark fantasy. Reiko is the immortal spirit of the storm that seeks to unravel a recurring dream in the mortal realm during the Soul Festival. She finds no answers until a peculiar girl indulges her with a tale of a disgraced deity and a mortal warlord. Sam45

I thought the plot was really well written. Gave it only 4 stars because there were some inconsistencies in continuity and fleshing out plot lines.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Hanna Belle1,448 66

What a wonderful story! Great characters with amazing development and world-building.

I received a copy of this book via BookSirens and am voluntarily leaving a review. Alexandrine53

lots of unexpected twists and turns!! great characters and such beautiful writing
favorites kobo Clarice23

ARC Review
4/5 Stars

Trigger Warning: Suicide and Assault

This is a beautifully written book! It’s a slower paced book, so if you’re looking for the more “traditional” action packed romantacy book, then this may not be quite right for you. But if you enjoy complex storylines that have many moving pieces, this is the book for you! One of my favorite aspects of this book is that it is oriental lore made up by the author, and it is done well. This book is so cozy, I was sad to leave it. But I eagerly await the next book in the series!

The book opens with a woman on a journey to visit a town during a festival. While touring a museum, she meets a woman who begins to tell her a story about ancient rulers, and leads her to a part of the museum that is off limits due to damages in that area to show her a picture. The majority of the book is the telling of the story of the painting. The intricacies of the different elements of the story are artfully woven together in a way that allows to you be fully drawn in to the story and the world in which it takes place.

While this book is book 1 in a series, the ending is well done. The author did a fantastic job of pulling you in so you simply want more of the story without a huge cliffhanger.

My only issue was the jump between the present day to the story. I had to go back and reread a couple times thinking I was missing something before I realized what was going on. Laure2,392 6

Reiko is having a reoccurring dream. As the immortal of the spirit of the storm she receives permission to visit the mortal realm during the Soul Festival and travels to Sunlit City, hoping to find the reason for the dreams. While touring the beautiful historic district she meets a strange girl who will tell her the story of Ayame, and immortal who was sent to the mortal world for ten years as punishment for her bad temperament. Unfortunately, during the time Ayame is on the mortal realm Nara is in an eras long war, yet she will fall in love with a powerful warlord. But a killer and an ambitious concubine will make her survival questionable.

Wow, exciting read with bloody battles, a vicious killer, magic and unexpected twists make it hard to put this book down. Wonderfully well written, and utterly fascinating characters that are riveting and believable. Definitely a must-read. I'm already looking forward to the next book.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. Miranda37

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